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Bhagwat Thumping

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> The connection is there. It all depends upon how one perceives it. One has

> to see the connections through the eyes of the Vedas (Knowledge) because our

> material senses are imperfect.


> Just like the Sun is there always. It may come before your vision or not -

> the sun is there and open to everyone. But if you are fortunate you come

> before the Sun.



The above by Amar is straight forward Bengali Vaisnava rhetoric, sounding

extremely like what I used to say when I was in Hare Krishna movement.


This is Hindu version of Bible thumping only. Bhagavatam Thumping. "Only

listen to Bhagavatam" over and over and over.


Be sure that this is classified as Fundamentalism from India, and most

Indians are not thinking this way. This is a small percentage of strict

Vaisnavas who follow Sri Caitanya who speak in this way. It's one of India's

minorities which appears as a majority because it happens to be very vocal

and very much into preaching, proselatizing, etc.


The above is the foundation of the Hare Krishna cult (other statements would

work as well, but this is a classic example. It is a cult, a sub group,

following a special leader- the term cult applies, they even use it



India's majority believes in a way that may sound similar, but it's

different, and in general nobody but these few are this fanatical about the

Bhagavat. Other groups have other books, like about Shiva and Durga.


This has been written for the information of those who do not know India as

well as I. I am not intending to offend Amar Puri. Honestly I am not. But

this is a subject I know well, so I want to share it. I to

openness and honesty, and do not to giving religions the benefit

of the hush or the benefit of not being exposed, just because they claim to

"Be Holy". I'm not afraid of the supposed results of such "offenses". I

don't believe they or their Gods have that power, myself. I'm not going to

give up thinking because I read the Hindu scriptures (which told me to give

up thinking, never say anything against them, and never speak against their

conclusions, etc., so basically, once you read them you're stuck for life,

unless you have the guts and brains to question, and read on, as I've

finally achieved.





Das Goravani, Pres.














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Is it not true that you are one of the initiated devotee of the Lord Shri



Therefore,you are in the parampara regardless how you feel, think, act and

believe or disbelive, accept or reject out of your free WILL.


Hari BOL.


With my best regards and wishes........AMAR PURI.




>Das Goravani <>


>"valist" <valist>

>Bhagwat Thumping

>Wed, 09 Mar 2005 10:20:23 -0800




> > The connection is there. It all depends upon how one perceives it. One


> > to see the connections through the eyes of the Vedas (Knowledge) because


> > material senses are imperfect.

> >

> > Just like the Sun is there always. It may come before your vision or

>not -

> > the sun is there and open to everyone. But if you are fortunate you


> > before the Sun.



>The above by Amar is straight forward Bengali Vaisnava rhetoric, sounding

>extremely like what I used to say when I was in Hare Krishna movement.


>This is Hindu version of Bible thumping only. Bhagavatam Thumping. "Only

>listen to Bhagavatam" over and over and over.


>Be sure that this is classified as Fundamentalism from India, and most

>Indians are not thinking this way. This is a small percentage of strict

>Vaisnavas who follow Sri Caitanya who speak in this way. It's one of


>minorities which appears as a majority because it happens to be very vocal

>and very much into preaching, proselatizing, etc.


>The above is the foundation of the Hare Krishna cult (other statements


>work as well, but this is a classic example. It is a cult, a sub group,

>following a special leader- the term cult applies, they even use it



>India's majority believes in a way that may sound similar, but it's

>different, and in general nobody but these few are this fanatical about the

>Bhagavat. Other groups have other books, like about Shiva and Durga.


>This has been written for the information of those who do not know India as

>well as I. I am not intending to offend Amar Puri. Honestly I am not. But

>this is a subject I know well, so I want to share it. I to

>openness and honesty, and do not to giving religions the benefit

>of the hush or the benefit of not being exposed, just because they claim to

>"Be Holy". I'm not afraid of the supposed results of such "offenses". I

>don't believe they or their Gods have that power, myself. I'm not going to

>give up thinking because I read the Hindu scriptures (which told me to give

>up thinking, never say anything against them, and never speak against their

>conclusions, etc., so basically, once you read them you're stuck for life,

>unless you have the guts and brains to question, and read on, as I've

>finally achieved.





>Das Goravani, Pres.





















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> Is it not true that you are one of the initiated devotee of the Lord Shri

> Krishna? Therefore,you are in the parampara regardless how you feel, think,

>act and believe or disbelive, accept or reject out of your free WILL.


You sound just like my mother, who used to tell me that since I'm baptized I

am Catholic, and Jesus owns me, and I'll be back, no matter what. "YOU'RE A

CATHOLIC" she used to yell, when I talked about Krishna. Now you're telling

me "You're a Vaisnava, no matter what!"


So, for those who are watching this, this is about a Vaisnava or Hindu

Orthodox Disciplic Succession principle that says that you are eternally

owned by your Guru and the Succession (Parampara) he is in. So, I am now

"permanently a Vaisnava under Sridhar Maharaj, even in the afterlife".


This is very similar to some other religions. This is a very mechanistic,

personalistic, view, similar to Catholics, Mormons, and many others.


It's almost to the point of burying people with their cars and servants for

the trip, like ancient China, Egypt, and so on. These Vaisnavas venerate

little chips of cloth from past Gurus, like Catholics venerate even the body

parts of past Saints.


Interesting Stuff. Us humans trying to figure out where we are, what we

are, and so on, and get saved, saved from future suffering, saved from not

understanding, saved from being lower than we think is acceptable, and so





Das Goravani, Pres.














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My dear Das Prabhu and the list,


Well, as I said elsewhere in my previous post quoted as saying;





So, let us continue to share with people who needs it.


Hari BOL.


With my best wishes and regards...........AMAR PURI.


>Das Goravani <>


>"valist" <valist>

>Re: Bhagwat Thumping

>Wed, 09 Mar 2005 12:59:56 -0800




> > Is it not true that you are one of the initiated devotee of the Lord


> > Krishna? Therefore,you are in the parampara regardless how you feel,


> >act and believe or disbelive, accept or reject out of your free WILL.


>You sound just like my mother, who used to tell me that since I'm baptized


>am Catholic, and Jesus owns me, and I'll be back, no matter what. "YOU'RE A

>CATHOLIC" she used to yell, when I talked about Krishna. Now you're telling

>me "You're a Vaisnava, no matter what!"


>So, for those who are watching this, this is about a Vaisnava or Hindu

>Orthodox Disciplic Succession principle that says that you are eternally

>owned by your Guru and the Succession (Parampara) he is in. So, I am now

>"permanently a Vaisnava under Sridhar Maharaj, even in the afterlife".


>This is very similar to some other religions. This is a very mechanistic,

>personalistic, view, similar to Catholics, Mormons, and many others.


>It's almost to the point of burying people with their cars and servants for

>the trip, like ancient China, Egypt, and so on. These Vaisnavas venerate

>little chips of cloth from past Gurus, like Catholics venerate even the


>parts of past Saints.


>Interesting Stuff. Us humans trying to figure out where we are, what we

>are, and so on, and get saved, saved from future suffering, saved from not

>understanding, saved from being lower than we think is acceptable, and so





>Das Goravani, Pres.





















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Yes Shabnam,


Archetypes is probably a more useful way perhaps. A good way to see

the same vein running through what the mind percieves mentally as

being a quite diferent religion.


The mind is very good at creating differences between religions and

missing how they are integrated, how they are one.






valist, "Bioacoustics" <bioacoustics@b...>


> Dear Rick,


> I dislike dogma & cults but I wont throw the baby out with the bath


> in a manner of speaking.


> We can take what we want or need & let the rest be.


> As for Christ/krishna, Ultimately they are both representations of

> Universal Consciousness.... & us, being made of material ( Devi


> Mother mary ) stuff, we are irrevocably tied to the laws of physics

one of

> which is the Law of cause & effect or Karma if you will.

> Simplistically put, if I stick my finger in the fire, it will

burn..... or

> looking at it another way, If I keep drawing from the bank without


> any money in, sooner or later I will have to face my consequential

debit and

> if I die before they can put me in the debtors prison, then my


> would be held responsible until they clear my debts.

> On a brighter note, they would also inherit any investments I might


> behind.


> Its probably futile, hating / blaming mother ( by birth or adoption


> representation )for reminding one.


> As I see it, resistance, lack of acceptance, value judgements etc:

these are

> some of the stuff pain is made of. On my best days, I experience

taking full

> personal responsibility, as pure freedom.


> I`m lovingly sharing some of my conclusions from personal

experiences. Hope

> they do not offend.


> In one of your posts you have talked about the difficulties of


> mythological figures from different cultures. I was wondering if it


> make this easier if we matched Archetypes rather than names & myths

as these

> can be adjusted to accomodate socio-geographic circumstances. For


> Demeter / Parvati or Kronos / Shani....just contemplating......


> Hari Om.


> Shabnam


-----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----

> Von: Das Goravani [das@g...]

> Gesendet: Mittwoch, 9. Marz 2005 22:00

> An: valist

> Betreff: Re: Bhagwat Thumping





> > Is it not true that you are one of the initiated devotee of the

Lord Shri

> > Krishna? Therefore,you are in the parampara regardless how you


> think,

> >act and believe or disbelive, accept or reject out of your free



> You sound just like my mother, who used to tell me that since I'm

baptized I

> am Catholic, and Jesus owns me, and I'll be back, no matter

what. "YOU'RE A

> CATHOLIC" she used to yell, when I talked about Krishna. Now you're


> me "You're a Vaisnava, no matter what!"


> So, for those who are watching this, this is about a Vaisnava or


> Orthodox Disciplic Succession principle that says that you are


> owned by your Guru and the Succession (Parampara) he is in. So, I

am now

> "permanently a Vaisnava under Sridhar Maharaj, even in the



> This is very similar to some other religions. This is a very


> personalistic, view, similar to Catholics, Mormons, and many others.


> It's almost to the point of burying people with their cars and

servants for

> the trip, like ancient China, Egypt, and so on. These Vaisnavas


> little chips of cloth from past Gurus, like Catholics venerate even

the body

> parts of past Saints.


> Interesting Stuff. Us humans trying to figure out where we are,

what we

> are, and so on, and get saved, saved from future suffering, saved

from not

> understanding, saved from being lower than we think is acceptable,

and so

> on.




> Das Goravani, Pres.





> Service@D...






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