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Some yogas for mental illness and suffering

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Hare Rama Krishna! Namaste, List Members,




I have taken these directly from the following sources:


Charak Dr. K. S. Essentials of Medical Astrology. Delhi: Systems

Vision, 2002.


Charak Dr. K. S. Subtleties of Medical Astrology. Delhi: Systems

Vision, 2002.


Charak Dr. K. S. Yogas in Astrology. Delhi: Uma Publications, 1999.


Frawley, Dr. David. The Astrology of the Seers. Delhi: Shri

Jainendra Press, 1996.


Raman, B.V. Three Hundred Important Combinations. Delhi: Shri

Jainendra Press, 1994.


Wilhelm, Ernst. Core Yogas Kala Occult Publishers, 2002.




The classical Indian astrological texts describe certain

combinations for mental illness. Note that certain factors can

mitigate harmful indications. For example, a well-placed, strong,

and temporally benefic Jupiter and/or Venus will all go a long way

toward undoing difficulties in the chart.


In addition, Gejakesari Yoga or a Chandraadhi Yoga will mitigate

difficulties in that they strengthen the Moon (mind).


According to Mahadeva's _Jataka Tatva_, there are several yogas for

mental imbalance in the birth chart, which must be interpreted

carefully with synthesis and understanding:


1. Jupiter in the First House and Mars in the Seventh House, or vice


2. Saturn in the First House and Mars in either the Fifth, Seventh

or Ninth House.

3. Saturn in the Twelfth House associated with a waning Moon.

4. Saturn in the First House, the Sun in the Twelfth, and Mars

and/or the Moon in a trikonal house.

5. Association with Saturn and the Second Lord with the Sun and/or


6. Birth in the hora of Saturn or Mars, Sun and Moon conjunct in the

First/Fifth or Ninth House, and Jupiter in a Kendra.

7. Mandi (Gulika) in the Fifth or Seventh House afflicted by a

malefic graha.

8. Rahu conjoined the Moon in the First House and malefics in

trikonal houses (Pishacha Grashta Yoga=overtaken by spirits—

signifies phobias). The classical texts say that the Moon's

conjunction with Saturn or Rahu is always undesirable as it makes

the native mentally unsound. (However, this is not always the case

that I have found...especially when there is Shakti Yoga present).


Other yogas to consider that may or may not be indicative of mental

suffering or imbalance are:


1. Sasa Yoga in which Saturn is exalted or swakshetra in an angle

from the Lagna, which may sometimes suggest a cold, hard-hearted

influence, especially if afflicted by malefics, occurring in a

Dusthana house from the Sun or Moon, or if Saturn is ruling malefic

houses 3, 6, 10 or 11 (Aries Rising; Taurus Rising; Leo Rising;

Virgo Rising; Scorpio Rising; Sagittarius Rising; and Pisces Rising).


2. Nabhasa-Akriti "Hala" (Plough) Yoga in which all planets

are in

the Second, Sixth, Tenth; OR the Third, Seventh and Eleventh; OR

Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth, "will be miserable, subject to grief,

agitated, and indigent." This combination gives suffering and an


of-touch quality to the life. Hitler had this in houses 3, 7, and

11, along with a combust Mercury, affliction of the Moon by Rahu and

Ketu, planetary war between his chart lord Venus and Mars, and Mars

in the Seventh in a Ruchaka Yoga in a tight aspect with Saturn.


3. Sarpa Yoga (a Dala Yoga) in which all malefics are in three

kendras and there are no benefics in kendras. One born with this

yoga is "scheming, wicked, miserable, destitute, and dependent on

others for his subsistence." Some texts say that the Moon should


be included in this yoga.


4. Chandra Mangala Yoga in which the Moon and Mars are associated

(conjunct-the closer the stronger). This can bring enormous wealth

but perhaps through illegal means unless Jupiter is aspecting or

associated with the yoga. A mutual aspect or Parivatana Yoga may

give similar results. "One born with this yoga deals with drinks,

crude instruments and women. He is disobedient to his mother."


5. Mahapaataka Yoga in which the Moon is conjoined Rahu and aspected

by Jupiter which is itself under malefic association—"a heinous



6. Ruchakha Yoga in which Mars in exalted or swakshetra in an angle,

confers valor, adventure and dominance, with possible consequent

proneness to suffering or injury. This may reflect a militaristic

outlook and a strategic, discriminating mind. For this to be

positive for the native, it is best in the First or Fourth House,

unafflicted, and strong in the Vargas, particularly the Navamsa. If

in the Seventh House, the native may attract militaristic associates

(like Hitler did, having it in the Seventh).


7. Gola Yoga (one of the seven Sankhya Yogas) in which all planets

are confined to one house only—"destitute, illiterate, wicked,

miserable, ever wandering." This is a very rare combination that

usually involves some combust planets and which causes severe

imbalances in the chart. Predictions for the native will have to be

made from Varga charts instead of the Rasi.


8. Yuga Yoga (one of the seven Sankhya Yogas) in which all the

planets are restricted to two houses—"poor, heretic, shameless,

socially rejected, bereft of logic, devoid of parents and of



9. Shoola Yoga (one of the seven Sankhya Yogas) in which all planets

are restricted to three houses—"native is lazy, cruel, socially

rejected, injured, scarred, a fighter, like a thorn in the flesh of



10. Koota Yoga in which planets continuously occupy houses 4-10—

"untruthful, cruel, ignorant of right and wrong, and indulging

in `koota' or deceptive pursuits."


11. Daridra Yoga in which the lord of the Eleventh is in the Sixth,

Eighth or Twelfth—"native will contract huge debts, be very


will be mean and commit sinful and criminal deeds." If the Lagna


strong and the Eleventh lord is in the Sixth (an Upachaya), the

results are nominal and will not bring poverty.


12. Asatyavadi Yoga in which the lord of the Second House occupies a

house of Saturn or Mars (Capricorn, Aquarius, Aries or Scorpio) and

if malefics are in the kendras and trikonas—"the native will be


liar." Also occurs if the lord of the Navamsa of the Rasi Second

House lord happens to be either Mars or Saturn or happens to stay in

the sign of one of these two planets.


13. Nishturabhashi Yoga in which the Moon conjoins Saturn and is not

aspected by Jupiter. Though this combination does not necessarily

indicate mental imbalance, it can reflect some emotional agitation

via harsh, direct and impolite speech. This would be the case

especially, if the planets are located in the second house or are

aspecting its lord. To have Saturn conjoining the Moon might also

simply cause one to feel emotionally or mentally overburdened or

depressed at times. These issues will have to be faced especially

during the corresponding planetary periods or transits of Saturn and

during Sade Sati. This all depends on various other factors in the

chart, like the Lagna, the Lagna lord, aspects, and so forth.


Finally, it is imperative to examine the Dasa sequence to see if the

karmic indications of the natal chart will be able to come to

fruition or not. For example, if an individual has a cruel form of

Sasa Yoga in his or her chart, its tendencies may not ever fully

ripen if the individual is born into the Jupiter Mahadasa and never

grows old enough to experience Saturn's Mahadasa.


As another example, if one is born with a severely afflicted and

weakened Moon in one of the Moon's Nakshatras (Rohini, Hasta or

Shravana), then the afflictions of the Moon will be felt early on,

as they will condition or imprint the mind through great suffering

related to the relationship with the mother, possibly a lack of

nurturing or even abuse. This imprinting will set the stage for the

rest of the life. In such an instance of being born with an

afflicted Moon, it would be much better to be born into a different

Mahadasa, say for example Mars, in which case the native would

probably never even live to experience the Moon's Mahadasa and

thus will not experience the full thrust of the affliction. As

another example, Saturn afflictions are much easier to take if the

Saturn Mahadasa comes in mid-life than early on.


Best regards,


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