Guest guest Posted May 27, 2005 Report Share Posted May 27, 2005 Dear John, Your horoscope shows that you have good aesthetic sense. A career in interior decoration and builing designing will flourish once the mercury dasha begins. Dreams can also reveal some underlying physical ailments also. My mother saw herself surrounded with freshwater snake (non posionous) the night before she died of a massive heart attack. Whenever any gemstone is prescribed to an individual, if the need for testing its effects is felt, dream analysis is also done during the testing period. Last year, in month of May, I decided to test a blue sapphire (Neelam), the stone for saturn on myself. This particular gemstone had been returned by four people who reported negative effects in the testing period. But, they had responded well when some other blue sapphire was given. I tied it in a blue cloth and on my right bicep on saturday morning. The whole day passed by smoothly. I received three yearly contracts for consultations that day. My affection towards my wife was on a high. An increase in libido could be felt. Then at around 11pm I went to sleep after keeping the gemstone under my pillow. At around 3am I saw a dream. I am returning on foot to my home after purchasing some grocery and milk. Just outside the main gate of my colony, besides the wall, lay a big sheep, as big as a cow. it was being mauled by three wolves. As the beasts of prey do, two were chewing on its hind limb and belly and one was atempting to open its throat with its canines. But, there seemed to be a lump or tumour in the sheep's throat which was very hard and was delaying the wolf's goal to kill the sheep. The sheep could not cry out while it was being eaten alive by the other two wolves. I woke up and peered into the semi-darkness to ascertain that I was awake and assured myself that it was only a dream. I touched all around the bed, feeling things. But, the fear that had made my brain numb refused to go. I tried hard to fight it with logic and reasoning telling myself again and again that it was simply a dream but to no avail. It was as if I was under some intoxication.I could feel someone standing by my bed when I closed my eyes. But, I knew that it was not true. I got up, went to relieve myself , had a glass of water and went to sleep again after removing the sapphire from under my pillow. The tension eased but I was still unable to sleep. Then, deciding to counter saturn's effect with sun's, I put a ruby under my pillow. Within ten minutes, I was asleep with no more nightmares in the rest of the night. The next day I dropped that sapphire in a canal with running water near my home. It is believed that the gemstones have their own personalities. I have tested many stones on myself, but that particular blue sapphire really proved its negativity. Ashutosh. - John <jr_esq <valist> Saturday, May 28, 2005 00:26 Re: Dreamworks (for Ashutosh, Sanjay et al..) Namaste, Ashutosh I appeciate your analysis about dreams and some aspects of my chart. In particular, you are very perceptive in noticing the Rahu/Moon conjunction in my chart. In addition to what you said, this conjunction was not very good for my mother who had bad health most of her life and died many years ago (1989). Your dream about the "reign of the serpent" is highly unusual. It's like a novel with a cliff hanger in the end which needs a sequel for more. I'll have to look at your chart and apply Sanjay's theory to interpret this dream. I'll get back to this tomorrow when I have more time. After applying Sanjay's method of dream interpretation to my personal chart, I'm beginning to believe that these dreams are induced by the planets in our charts. It appears that the the dasha period and the planetary transits have a way of manifesting in our dreams. As such, it is understandable that an event, which is played out in the dream, will happen which is related to the dasha period and transit period in question. The challenge for astrologers and dream interpreters is to determine the significance of the dream and how they are related to the planetary configuration of a person's chart. By doing so, one can have a better way of predicting a person's future. Regards, John R. valist, "Astrologer Ashutosh" <astrologerashutosh> wrote: > Dear John, > For cancer ascendent born individuals, a full moon in > scorpio can induce dreams and thoughts which seem prophetic. Scorpio is > again a mystical sign. But, moon is debiliated in this sign and it is your > lagna lord too. The placement of moon with rahu in your eigth house in natal > chart makes you very intuitive but highly susceptible to illusive thoughts > also. Rahu itself is a planet for illusions. So, one should also keep this > in mind while interpreting your dreams. > Most of the vivid dreams which I have had occured either due to > climatic conditions or my physical conditions. Whenever I dream of water > bodies or rains, it is usually just before sunrise when the temperature is > low and I have a full bladder which demands release. Other elements like > sounds, conversations, music or televison noise around your room may also > influence the dreams. > But, sometimes the dreams do come true. I have experienced my dreams > taking reality between a gap of a day to six months to fifteen years. One > such dream which had a meaning and really shook me occurred on 3rd april > 1998. > > It was not before sunrise, but after sunrise around 8 am. In my > dream I was walking to my home on a cloudy evening (as I usually see myself > doing in most of my morning dreams) with a light drizzle falling. I passed > by some dead mongoose on my way and thought about who had killed them. As I > reached the main road which lead to my home, some tractors with their > trolleys laden with vegetables rushed past me. One of them ran off the road > into a ditch and others stopped and then started helping out the driver. > They were shouting, "Hurry up, the rule of the serpent is about to begin". I > asked one of them about it and he pointed at the sky. There a big pink cloud > in the shape of a snake was twirling. > > With that I woke up. My father was leaving to see one of his friends > on his motorbike. I went about doing my daily chores thinking about the > dream. The day before i.e 2nd april was my mother's 17th death anniversary. > Could it have induced this dream? The sky was cloudy outside. Then, around 5 > pm I got a telephone call that my father had met with an accident. We rushed > to the hospital and found him with minor bruises but with a badly damaged > motorbike. He had a cut on his uper lip which was stitched after > administering a local anaesthia. Everything was OK but I was still keeping > caution with that dream in my mind. > As he came out of doctor's chamber and was tying his shoe laces, he > fell down and his body started convulsing. He was taken into ICU and put on > oxygen. After 2 hours he stabilised and came out of his unconciousness. The > reason for his fits was his hypertension which does not allow LA above neck. > He was shifted to military hospital as he was a serving air force officer. > There after seven days of hospitalization he came back home. > He joked that my mother was cremated on 4th april 1981. If he had > died he would have been cremated on the same date at same crematorium. > > Mongoose are famous for their ability to kill snakes and eat them. > Their dead bodies are rarely seen. 'Dead mongooses and rule of the serpent > about to begin'- this has still remained beyond my understanding. In the > same month saturn entered aries, my tenth house. > > My birth data is 19-10-1971, 00.10 hrs, Jodhpur, India. 26N18 73E08. > > > > Regards, > ___________________________ Découvrez le nouveau Mail : 1 Go d'espace de stockage pour vos mails, photos et vidéos ! Créez votre Mail sur http://fr.mail. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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