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Dear Michael,


You mail like to read the article done by me on David Letterman's life. Had

done a few more that I will share later.





David Letterman - The legend of Late Night Shows


He is known all across United States as the late night show

hero. It is his mental capabilities and mirth creating

power that has made him a creative living icon on the



Birth Chart


DOB - 12th April, 1947


POB - Indianapolis, Indiana, USA


Birth Chart


Scorpio Ascendant - Jupiter ® & Ketu (South Node)

Sagittarius - Moon

Aquarius - Venus

Pisces - Mercury, Mars & Sun

Taurus - Rahu (North Node)

Cancer - Saturn


Navamansa Chart


Cancer Ascendant - Jupiter ® & Mercury

Virgo - Mars & Saturn

Libra - Ketu (South Node)

Scorpio - Moon

Pisces - Sun

Aries - Rahu (North Node), Venus


Combinations that make him David Letterman


It is said by the great Mahadeva in his astro-commentary

Jataka Tattva that a native is fond of humour and lover of

merriment if ascendant is in the sign of Mercury. Though

he has not specified about the ascendant lord in particular

but it is true if the ascendant lord occupies mercurial

navamansa then the native is fond of laughter. We see that

Mars occupies Virgo Navamansa in David Letterman's



There are two more commentaries which seem to be right in

his case. It is further said that Mars and Mercury in

Saturnine house also make the native create mirth. But

here the association is in the 5th house in Pisces. Partly

this commentary also applies and it is not the end yet.


In one more verse the great seer says that Mercury in

ascendant and Jupiter in 7th indicates such mirth creating

capabilities. This planetary position is not seen in the

natal chart but in Navamansa chart. The association of

Mercury with exalted Jupiter gives us fine clues about the

sheer abilities of David Letterman. Jupiter's combination

with Mercury or Venus is an important one since these

planets are natural benefics and create abundance in a



The combination of Mars and Mercury also makes the native

amuse the learned if related to the 5th house.


Powerful Combinations


Maharaja Yoga


Atmakaraka (soul significator) and putrakaraka

(significator of son) if together in Karakamsha lagna or

5th from there (atmakaraka & then putrakaraka) then this

very strong yoga is caused. In David's case Sun (the

atmakaraka) occupies the Pisces karakamsa lagna together with

Mars (the putrakaraka) and both has

benefic Jupiter's aspect to make it stronger. In such a

scenario, Sun, Mars and Jupiter all become benefic

despite their significations. This makes the native famous

and powerful.


Besides the above David has got powerful Akhanda Samrajya

yoga, Parvat Yoga, Bharati Yoga & Chandrika yoga besides

other raja yogas. All these are very powerful yogas that

not only give one financial muscle but also fame and highly

intellectual capabilities.




Both Moon and Sun occupy Jupiter signs indicating that both

his parents were quite religious.


Mother: 4th lord Saturn (indicating happiness and mother)

is well positioned in 9th house with Jupiter's exalted

aspect giving long life to his mother. 4th house is

occupied 4th lord's friendly planet Venus. The 8th house

from 4th has Saturn's aspect therefore long life to mother.

Mercury the lord of 11th house (8th from 4th house) has

attained strong Neechabhanga Rajayoga as well adding years

to his mother's life. From 4th house the 10th house has

got retrograde Jupiter and Ketu in Scorpio. Scorpio is an

occult sign and Jupiter in that indicates career relating

to religion while Jupiter & Ketu indicate a place where one

can attain renunciation. Strong exchange between Jupiter

and Mars (both relating to dharma houses) also indicates a

job where religion was core activity. She worked as a

Church Secretary.


Longevity is bestowed upon her since both Moon (4th house

significator) and 4th lord Saturn have occupied good houses

in the chart. 8th from 4th house (11th house) has got

aspects of Saturn as also exalted aspect from Mercury.

Mercury also attains neechabhanga in the chart since it is

aspected by Jupiter (debilitation lord). Though Mars and

Sun's aspect may have caused some blood pressure related

problems to David's mother.


Father: Based on the occupation of David's father it seems

that the house pertaining to one's father is 10th house.

Venus indicates the profession of a florist; Taurus happens

to be 10th lord from Leo so to say. Longevity is also

curtailed in his case since the significator of father

occupies 8th house from there with debilitated Mercury.

Mars together with Sun occupies the 5th house (8th from

10th), both enemies of longevity significator Saturn.


Sun (significator of father) is in Pisces in his chart and

is 8th from Leo. He died of heart-attack in 1973 during

Mars-Sun sub-period. Both happen to be in Pisces whose

lord is capable of giving heart problems.




David completed his high school in 1965 during Moon-Venus

sub-period. Both the planets have 3-11 relationship and

associated with one's education. While Moon in his chart

indicates elementary education Venus indicates higher

education while the 5th & 9th house deal with graduation or

further education.


He graduated from Ball State University in

telecommunications in 1969 with Radio/TV as major. Mars

together with Mercury in 5th house had to give something

with technical as well as non-technical aspects. Mercury

(the communicator) is very strong in his 5th house together

with Mars and Sun. Sun is weak at 29 degrees + while Mars

creates the yoga for amusing the learned. Jupiter aspects

the said planets and being the 2nd lord indicates speech

(2nd house signification) being a major part of his degree

or career (aspect on Sun). In fact Mercury also happens to

be the 10th lord from Moon which has exalted aspect from

Mercury in 5th house. This indicates communications as

epicentre of one's career. He got the degree during the

Mars-Jupiter sub-period.




Sun being 8th from its natal 10th house indicates that the

native will not be in job for long. In this respect we

should see that 7th house is much stronger by presence of

powerful Rahu whose house-lord Venus occupies an angular

position influencing the 10th house by its direct aspect.

Vedic seers praise Venus in 4th house (if powerfully

disposed) which gives abundance with respect to vehicles,

property and mother's affection. The said Venus that rules

artistic fervours in a nativity is influencing the 10th

house with its direct aspect.


Weak Sun indicates unstable job but having powerful 7th

house indicates that it will be some sort of business or

contractual work. Though he earns more than many top-class

CEOs yet it is the contractual job. Mercury being the 10th

lord from Moon with Saturnine aspect indicates something to

do with speech (Saturn is 2nd lord from Moon). From Sun

Jupiter is 10th lord which is occupied by Moon. This

indicates usage of speech in the job as also constant usage

of one's mental facculties. Speech is indicated by two

factors i.e. Saturn being 2nd lord from Moon aspecting the

10th house from Moon. Jupiter being 2nd lord also happens

to be 10th lord from Sun. Based on the principles given by

Mahadeva the role fits the bill. Mercury also indicates

communication or media while Venus aspect keeps the acting

in focus.


The native is fond of writing if Moon occupies the 5th

house from Navamansa ascendant or Atmakaraka planet. He

keeps writing his own scripts for his shows and wrote for

some other shows as well. There was one more legendary

writer born during the same day in United States (any

guesses on some similarities).


David's career did not go very well during Mars major

period since it happens to behave like a neutral planet.

In any case it occupies 12th house counting from 6th house

of job. He did many things during the Mars major.


The major of Rahu started helping him only when

Rahu-Jupiter started in 1976 onwards when he got fortunate

chances. See, Rahu is aspected by Jupiter though in Venus

house, he started seeing good things coming in his life.


But again Rahu-Saturn did not give that good result during

1979 to 1982. It was only during Rahu-Mercury that he got

the famous late night show that has now become legend in US



After the break in the late night show in February'82 he

had not looked back. He has become a household name now.

The second phase of Rahu and whole of Jupiter is working

very well for him.


Jupiter signifies fat in the body or helps one gain weight.

This fat together with calcium helps in blocking the blood

arteries to the heart and therefore one has to go through

surgery if the situation is critical. David had to go for

Bypass Surgery during Jupiter-Venus-Venus.


The great seers say that many benefic planets in watery

signs both in natal chart and Navamansa chart indicate

sound health of the native. One can see such planetary

positions in David Letterman's chart and thus one can see

that he never missed his late night shows ever for more

than 18 years and it was only during his surgery (January

2000) that he had to miss a few.


He also won Indy 500 in 2004 during Jupiter-Mars with

co-owner Bobby Rahal and winner Buddy Rice. Mars happens

to be his 6th lord of competitions as well that is aspected

by Jupiter in his natal chart.


Also his show and his writing capabilities received 19 Emmy

nominations in a row till 2003. There can not be anything

better than this for his sheer talent.




David married with Michele Cook in 1969 when Jupiter

together with Ketu was transiting through 11th house Virgo

with aspect on 7th house signifying marital cords. It was

sub period of Mars-Jupiter that brought them both together

and during the end of Mars-Jupiter they both got married.


The marriage only lasted for 8 years. In 1977 while

Jupiter was transiting through Taurus (7th house) it gave

the results of Mars. Rahu was aspecting the said Jupiter

in transit. Jupiter happens to be the lord of 2nd house

that rules the longevity of first marriage. It was 6th

from its sign that certainly helped them part ways.


He was running Rahu-Jupiter sub-period during that time

that created such a situation. Rahu is in Venus house and

Venus worked as a malefic in his case since he has to go

through surgery during Jupiter-Venus sub-period.




When weak Sun in Pisces occupies the 5th house; it has the

ability to abandon the native with respect to children.

Coupled with debilitated Mercury whose enemy Mars is bit

powerful had almost denied David with respect to progeny.

The reason of Sun's denial to progeny is because it

occupies 8th house from its own sign. Yet the benefic

significator of progeny Jupiter has own house aspect over

it. Jupiter will certainly protect the house. From Moon

the significator of children is Mars that occupies 12th

from house. 5th from 5th is occupied by Saturn that

indicates delay. Saturn also happens to be 5th from Sun so

it indicates late children. Further it aspects the 5th

house from Moon in debilitation therefore the children

aspect seems to be difficult one. Yet, Jupiter being a

benefic planet has the capability to protect the house

indications. It was only during Jupiter-Moon sub-period

that he became a father at the age of 56 on 3rd

November'03. Moon occupies Jupiter's house and is also 5th

lord from 5th house. Jupiter is indicator of children in

his chart. In transit Saturn was retrograde in Gemini but

it was influencing both the Sagittarius and Pisces with its

direct aspect. Even though by being weak (in 8th house

from ascendant) it ensured birth of a child. See that

Saturn is aspected by Jupiter in exaltation in the natal

chart and therefore Saturn has turned into a benevolent



Saturn happens to be the putrakaraka in David's case.

Saturn as per its tendency delays the results in one's

life. He got son late in life indicated by Saturn's





Till 2008 he will be in best of the phase on the television

then he may chose to get into another public domain i.e.

politics to serve his country to say the least before he retires.



"Michael Mahesh Taft" <michaeltaft



Sun, 29 May 2005 15:38:45 -0000



> Good morning, Group -

> I live in Hollywood and do Vedic Astrology readings for actors all the

> time. Some of them are quite famous (people you see as the stars of TV

> shows, etc.).


> What I'm curious about is astrological indicators for dramatic

> ability. The only two I know about are major planets in Leo, as well

> as in Mrgashira. Yet many of these highly-successful actors I'm seeing

> don't have either of these factors. Anyone care to shed some light on

> other astrological indicators for dramatic ability?


> (BTW, when I get enough charts of these types of clients, I'll run

> them through Das' chart-crunching module and see what other factors

> there may be. That should be interesting.)


> Thanks,

> M.


> Links













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