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June Vedic Horoscope

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Here's my latest stab at sign-based readings. As always, disregard the sun sign

ingress dates if you know your ascendant sign.





http://modernVedic Astrology.com




June 2005 Monthly Vedic Horoscope




Jupiter turns direct after its station on June 4th at 15 Taurus. This should

help out natives with Jupiter periods running and of course all those with

Sagittarius or Pisces rising or otherwise prominent. Matters governed by Jupiter

such as religion, judicial affairs and morality may also be less subject to

distortions and intrigue as well.


On the 14th Uranus turns retrograde at 16 Aquarius. Since this station will be

very close to a quincunx with a near-stationary Jupiter, natives with prominent

Uranus in their charts may be a little luckier than usual.




ARIES (Apr 13 - May 13) Mars moves into your 12th house and Pisces early this

month, so you may find yourself drawn to people or things that are hidden or

foreign. This is a good month to actively pursue the answers to spiritual

questions. Once Mars enters Uttara Bhadra on the 8th, money may be harder to

come by, especially pertaining to the home. This trend will reverse by the last

week of June as Jupiter's aspect gives you a boost. Your profile at work will

rise on the 26th.


TAURUS (May 14 - Jun 14) Venus is in your 2nd house so you may be spending more

time and money on the finer things such as expensive dinners and evenings at the

opera. As Venus transits Ardra from the 4th to the 15th, your cash flow is likey

to improve noticeably. This may also be a good time to undertake activities that

involve heavy labour. On the 19th, you may feel a little bit on edge and behave

in unusual ways. Venus enters Punarvasu from the 16th to the 25th, so your

interests may incline more towards the philosophical at that time. Look for

career progress around the 26th.


GEMINI (Jun 15 - Jul 15) An odd start to the month perhaps as you live in dark,

shadowy places of pleasure. Once Mercury enters Gemini on the 8th however,

expect things to pick up. And as Mercury transits Mrigashira from the 1st to the

11th, you will get noticed for your work, especially if it pertains to

creativity and the arts. Expect tensions to rise sharply on the 10th. On the

16th, don't waste a great opportunity to innnovate. The second half of the month

will see women figuring more prominently. These female influences may well have

a more spiritual turn. Some money problems are more likely towards the end of

the month.


CANCER (Jul 16 - Aug 15) Some brightening is possible this month after Jupiter

turns direct on the 4th. Although Jupiter's long stay in Hasta has provided

protection for you, it may have have been too weak to deliver much in the way of

concrete favours in the past few months. Watch for a significant gain of foreign

origin to come your way on the 12th or 13th. A message from an unexpected source

arrives on the 16th. With Saturn now back in Cancer, the taskmaster with a bad

rep is knocking on your door again. But this isn't a time to succumb to fear and

avoidance. Answer the door with a plan of action in hand and Saturn will help

you get things accomplished.


LEO (Aug 16 - Sep 15) As the Sun transits through Taurus and into Gemini this

month, some rewards are possible especially before the 7th while the Sun is

still in Rohini. As it enters Mrigashira, however, there may be a shift in focus

towards the unconventional. Gains may still come, but they are likely to be

sudden. There is also a risk of acting too fast and having to pay the price.

Expenses are more likely at the end of month after Sun enters Ardra with the

highest vulnerability being on the 26th. However, this time may be favourable

for spouses and romantic affairs.


VIRGO (Sep 16 - Oct 16) As Mercury transits your 10th house after the 7th, the

workplace will likely be a positive place for you for most of the month, with

matters generally turning out well. Mercury's passage through Mrigashira and

Ardra from the end of May to the 17th may see you dealing with relationship

issues more than usual. Some of these are likely to be sexual in nature. Towards

the end of the month, you may receive more recognition for your efforts,

especially around the 26th.


LIBRA (Oct 17 - Nov 15) With Venus in Gemini most of June, you may find yourself

attracted to foreign writers and philosophy. This is a good time for travelling

too and for providing service to religious and educational institutions. After

the 14th, some of your efforts may not be rewarded and you may even be passed

over completely. This is partially due to Venus' transit through Punarvasu which

lasts until the 26th. At that time, matters may come to the head.


SCORPIO (Nov 16 - Dec 14) As Mars transits your 5th house Pisces, June will be a

good time to expend any excess energy on sports and other recreational

activities. Speculations and investments may also be more lucrative than usual.

Children and your extended family may also play a significant role in the

month's events, especially after Mars enters Uttarabhadra on the 7th. Once Mars

enters Revati, the speed of life will feel faster. You may also undertake some

travelling at this time.


SAGITTARIUS (Dec 15 - Jan 13) Once Jupiter turns direct on the 4th, you find

life runs a bit smoother, at least in terms of results. You may find yourself

spending more time thinking about work this month as well, and this is likely to

grow as Mars' aspect tightens towards the end of the month. This influence may

introduce more stress but needn't be a bad thing. It may just shake you from

your occasional lapses into Sagittarian idealism. As Venus and then Mercury move

into Punarvasu in the middle the month, look for real improvement on the love

and relationship fronts. Partners may be more available for you at this time,

and they will prosper in their affairs as well.


CAPRICORN (Jan 14 - Feb 12) Saturn concludes its stay in Punarvasu this month

and moves into Pushya on the 22nd. Before then, travel is more likely as is a

more reflective approach to higher knowledge such as religion and philosophy.

You will exude confidence and energy too as Mars transits through Uttarabhadra.

This is great time to start new projects. After the 22nd, look for relationship

matters to move to the fore as your 7th house gets emphasized with the ingress

of Mercury and Venus in Cancer. Watch for favourable news involving career

around the 26th.


AQUARIUS (Feb 13 - March 13) Now that Saturn has moved back into your 6th house

Cancer, you may will enjoy a greater capacity to focus on the work in front of

you. The decks are now cleared to get down to business. To this end, watch for a

significant career development around the 5th that helps you towards your goals.

Family harmony may be tested this month as well, as Mars and Rahu introduce

strange and intense energies to your 2nd house. Some unscripted excitement may

be more likely near the 26th, when many crosscurrents turning up at your front



PISCES (March 14 - Apr 12) The Jupiter station on the 4th is cause for a

celebration for all brothers and sisters of the Fish. Efforts gone previously

unrewarded may well manifest more directly now. Look for the the middle of the

month to really get things moving in the right direction once Venus and Mercury

move into Punarvasu. Career and relationship matters are likely to get a boost

at this time, and home life may be more harmonious as well. Some turbulence

around the 26th is possible, however, but any obstacles you find will be quickly























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