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Relevance of Jyotish

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I could use help re-grasping the desire to program Jyotish.


At some point in my personal evolution over the last few years I stopped

thinking that Vishnu was my all in all, and I stopped seeing myself as

aligned solely with Vaisnava beliefs, and also stopped blindly accepting

that my work in Jyotish was automatically sanctified simply because it was



My own pain was great, in depression, and Jyotish knowledge had nothing to

do with ending that, to me, in MY depression, and so I strayed far from

appreciating Jyotish, and it fell away, and ever since I haven¹t gotten the

desire to associate with it back.


There are times when it pops up into my mind and doesn¹t bother me, and this

is mainly when looking at a person¹s overall nature to explain their

behavior. In other words, it helps explain away funny behaviors in an

anecdotal way. This is easy, and not harmful or weird feeling.


But trying to undo the future which is destined feels very weird, and yet

that is what it feels like to me when people try to meddle with their karma.

I prefer not to look at the inevitable future because I am soft, and feel

very sad when I see the suffering of myself and loved ones.


To gamble using Jyotish seems very odd, since your income is fixed already,

and so it could only be an exercise in Jyotish for itself, nothing gained.


That goes for every other kind of meddling for gain using Jyotish. It¹s

either ordained already or isn¹t. So the meddling is also ordained or not,

and so it just ³is², and is neither causing or stopping anything.


Thus there is a great stillness, actually nothing is happening, nothing is

³eventing², everything is just flowing. And I see this. It makes it hard to

be in illusion, and be enthusiastic about the mundane, which nearly

everything is.


There is a great flow. That is the eternity of being, which is in the now,

and experiencing itself in millions of beings from millions of angles of

vision simultaneously in the constant flow of now. There is nothing else. A

great flow, a great witness, with a million eyes, this is Virat Rupa, and we

are parts of it.


I digress. My problem is I don¹t have enthusiasm to program Jyotish

anymore. I used to do it because ³it¹s Vedic therefore it¹s true, and it

will have major impact in the world because it¹s true, awesome, and Vedic².

That was it. It¹s not that I in particular loved it, as witnessed by the

fact that I¹ve never read charts for a living, or as an option, at all, but

I was impressed, and thought I could achieve fame, get a wife, make a

living, and serve Vishnu all at once. Wow.


The make a living part worked out.


The ongoing way people think Jyotish is going to help them...as in...²Help

me please²...then they state their problem...I mean... I ask...what possibly

could Jyotish do for them?


If somehow I could believe the answers you give me, I could get programming



Somehow my desire for Jyotish is low.


It may be though that it became so due to depression, and in my case,

depression came because of losing girlfriend, and all friends, at about the

same time, and that after a long period of thinking I was a somebody

building something great and that I¹d always have lots of friends. As time

went on with none, it became apparent that my ego had duped me.


And so that continues today, and has for years. I have almost no friends.

I¹m alone at home all the time. No desire to do anything. So, something has

broken, has been broken, for a very long time. I¹m transiting from Saturn

dasha to Mercury right now. We¹ll see.


I¹ve asked this before, but I¹ll ask again, as I have been above:


What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I programming, what REAL

import does this work have? Reincarnation is fairly obvious. Karma is a

subject that can be understood different ways due to the ³all predetermined²

verse ³some free will² understandings vary, but we can say that karmic type

ideas are contained in both. Inevitability of death is not worth looking at-

for a good life, it seems one must ignore ruminating endlessly on death and

instead just live, until they die. So same with all karmic comings...why

bother looking, live till they come!


So again, what then is the use of looking foreward, or ³fore knowledge².

What is the use?


And so too I can see people pretty clearly by their faces and words and

actions, enough to fully function, or avoid them, or love them... So why do

I need Jyotish to tell me their personality structure?


I do really need to start programming or get some other life. I do need to

get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This is very serious for me.

I mean it. I¹m really asking for non-trite answers. If you¹re into it.


Peace out,





















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Dear Rick,


When I started astrology it was your programme that I used, so I'd like to

help if it's possible. Consider this


There are three types of action, or to what action is dedicated:


Action for yourself - the results are harmful to you and to others.

Whatever is good is short lived or very limited.

Action for some others - the results are a mixture of good and bad for you

and for others

Action for all others - the results are good for you and for others


Karma comes from all three.


Every human being can choose any of these. If he chooses one of the three

then he must consume/eat/reap/enjoy the results in due season. Your success

and your difficulties have come from choices made some time ago. The great

success with astrology came from desire for certain things - maybe to let

everyone have access to this vast science. If it was tinged with personal


then problems came as well. It was just karma playing. If you're going to

continue with Jyotish then it will be in your chart already. Your ability to

read charts is exceptional, just look into your chart. Or ask any competent

astrologer to do it if you don't want to.


But there is also a fourth possibility - that no action is done, even though

the world keeps on going. If you come to the fourth possibility you can

undo or change the whole pattern you've already set up, because you can see it

all and decide what you want. This is rare though. Most people come to this

only through extreme experiences, when they have no answer left. And

because there is no action there it is easily forgotten in the rush of daily



The Sun is the indicator of this fourth possibility. He does not crave

love, he just gives it all of the time - in the form of light - as much as his

energy will allow. Saturn opposes this of course, to exist he needs to

suffer. I have not looked at your chart, but from meeting you once you appear


have a dominant Saturn. That must have given you the discipline to write the

programme, but it also causes depression. They go hand in hand, but if you

just give then Saturn has no answer to it.


I hope that helps









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To begin: , (reading #3744-Edgar Cayce)


Q: Is it proper to study the effects of planets in our lives, in order to


our tendencies and inclinations better, as they are influenced by the planets?


A:" When studied right (it is) very, very, very much worth while.Then how

studied aright? By studying the influence (of the planets) in the light of

knowledge already obtained by mortal man. Give out more of that knowledge-

giving the understanding that the will must ever be the guiding factor to lead

man on, ever upward."

more later, david



valist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:


> I could use help re-grasping the desire to program Jyotish.


> At some point in my personal evolution over the last few years I stopped

> thinking that Vishnu was my all in all, and I stopped seeing myself as

> aligned solely with Vaisnava beliefs, and also stopped blindly accepting

> that my work in Jyotish was automatically sanctified simply because it was

> Vedic.


> My own pain was great, in depression, and Jyotish knowledge had nothing


> do with ending that, to me, in MY depression, and so I strayed far from

> appreciating Jyotish, and it fell away, and ever since I haven1t gotten the

> desire to associate with it back.


> There are times when it pops up into my mind and doesn1t bother me, and


> is mainly when looking at a person1s overall nature to explain their

> behavior. In other words, it helps explain away funny behaviors in an

> anecdotal way. This is easy, and not harmful or weird feeling.


> But trying to undo the future which is destined feels very weird, and yet

> that is what it feels like to me when people try to meddle with their karma.

> I prefer not to look at the inevitable future because I am soft, and feel

> very sad when I see the suffering of myself and loved ones.


> To gamble using Jyotish seems very odd, since your income is fixed


> and so it could only be an exercise in Jyotish for itself, nothing gained.


> That goes for every other kind of meddling for gain using Jyotish. It1s

> either ordained already or isn1t. So the meddling is also ordained or not,

> and so it just 3is2, and is neither causing or stopping anything.


> Thus there is a great stillness, actually nothing is happening, nothing is

> 3eventing2, everything is just flowing. And I see this. It makes it hard to

> be in illusion, and be enthusiastic about the mundane, which nearly

> everything is.


> There is a great flow. That is the eternity of being, which is in the now,

> and experiencing itself in millions of beings from millions of angles of

> vision simultaneously in the constant flow of now. There is nothing else. A

> great flow, a great witness, with a million eyes, this is Virat Rupa, and we

> are parts of it.


> I digress. My problem is I don1t have enthusiasm to program Jyotish

> anymore. I used to do it because 3it1s Vedic therefore it1s true, and it

> will have major impact in the world because it1s true, awesome, and


> That was it. It1s not that I in particular loved it, as witnessed by the

> fact that I1ve never read charts for a living, or as an option, at all, but

> I was impressed, and thought I could achieve fame, get a wife, make a

> living, and serve Vishnu all at once. Wow.


> The make a living part worked out.


> The ongoing way people think Jyotish is going to help them...as in...2Help

> me please2...then they state their problem...I mean... I ask...what possibly

> could Jyotish do for them?


> If somehow I could believe the answers you give me, I could get


> again.


> Somehow my desire for Jyotish is low.


> It may be though that it became so due to depression, and in my case,

> depression came because of losing girlfriend, and all friends, at about the

> same time, and that after a long period of thinking I was a somebody

> building something great and that I1d always have lots of friends. As time

> went on with none, it became apparent that my ego had duped me.


> And so that continues today, and has for years. I have almost no friends.

> I1m alone at home all the time. No desire to do anything. So, something has

> broken, has been broken, for a very long time. I1m transiting from Saturn

> dasha to Mercury right now. We1ll see.


> I1ve asked this before, but I1ll ask again, as I have been above:


> What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I programming, what


> import does this work have? Reincarnation is fairly obvious. Karma is a

> subject that can be understood different ways due to the 3all


> verse 3some free will2 understandings vary, but we can say that karmic type

> ideas are contained in both. Inevitability of death is not worth looking at-

> for a good life, it seems one must ignore ruminating endlessly on death and

> instead just live, until they die. So same with all karmic comings...why

> bother looking, live till they come!


> So again, what then is the use of looking foreward, or 3fore knowledge2.

> What is the use?


> And so too I can see people pretty clearly by their faces and words and

> actions, enough to fully function, or avoid them, or love them... So why do

> I need Jyotish to tell me their personality structure?


> I do really need to start programming or get some other life. I do need to

> get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This is very serious for me.

> I mean it. I1m really asking for non-trite answers. If you1re into it.


> Peace out,









> das@g...












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If you step back for a moment and think of Art instead

of Jyotish, you'll see that there is no "One" reason

or meaning for Art. For the people who make

paintbrushes or welding torches or other tools to

create, it is a living and far from the beauty side of

Art. But their contribution is vital to the Artist,

the Critic, the Gallery Owner, the Art Patron, the

Publisher (who puts art in books), and the Child who

is drawn into the wonder of reading (and every other

fascinating mode of communication) from the wondrous

pictures in children's books.


Everyone in the overall process of creating Art

contributes something and probably never sees the

ultimate extent of the effect of the final product.


I speak only for myself: Jyotish is the ultimate

language of the universe. However you choose to deify

the universe (and we'll not know who is right in this

plane of existence), the magnificence of the planets

and all of space is undeniable. Even if you feel it

has no "Godly" drive underlying it, the universe is

magnificent. And it works in patterns. That these

patterns can tell us about human nature and the

obstacles or benefits in a tiny human life (that's

smaller than a speck of dust to these planetary

bodies) is humbling.


There is a language there.


So, you've lost the belief as to who is speaking that

language. Well no one outside yourself is going to be

able to give you Belief just by variations of the

statement "God is great". So your search for God is

your own search. I don't think words will help you.


But the purpose or benefit of Jyotish is another



It is a language. Spoken across cultural lines and all

human languages. The Celts used Astrology as did the

Sumarians, thousands of years ago. And it hasn't died

out. It is a universal language. And you are a

translator. That is a skill you, Rick Mackay, possess.

Yes, others have this skill, too. But you make your

skill unique by fusing it with your love of Beauty.

And beauty gives joy to the ordinary.


So you merge Art and the Language of the Universe into

a form readable by the average man. And the Above

Average Man (the greater of the Astrologers who use

your Artistic Translation) are inspired by that beauty

into putting more into what they do. You will never

know the full extent of the effect of your work.

You'll never know the Joy, or the Realization, or the

Ease of Pain experienced by a client of a user of your

program. But that doesn't mean it isn't GREAT.


It is my belief that the root to all peace (between

humans) is Self Acceptance. I think we judge and hate

others because we judge and hate parts of ourselves.

Jyotish can lead to self acceptance and ultimately

(okay, not in our lifetime) to true human peace.


Yes, some use Jyotish to predict the future for

financial gain or in an attempt to alter the

inevitable. But we learn from falling down. No child

walks or runs on their first try.


So let humans try to use Jyotish for all the wrong

purposes - until (in their own good time) they learn

that it's not possible. THAT DAY they will move closer

to self acceptance. So Jyotish will have done it's job

although not in the manner you thought was "the right



So are my thought regarding Jyotish.


Regarding not enjoying anything and not doing



"A body at rest will remain at rest. A body in motion

will remain in motion."


Isn't that a law of physics?


I think the brain works the same way. It's telling you

that there is no use in doing anything because that's

how it's going to keep you from doing anything. Your

mind and body and conspiring with each other.


We must practice everything to get good at it. That

includes having fun or enjoying something. You have to

just do it. Desire and enjoyment come with the "body

in motion". They are natural partners.


So how do you start? Only you know what makes you

passionate. And don't say "nothing". That's untrue.

You just no longer recognize the signs of what

interests you.


You've said occasionally, even during your "no longer

inspired by Jyotish" period, that it is beautiful. Why

not sit down with your program, really look at it, and

see what you DO like about it. Focus on that. JUST

THAT. Just to get started.


Or you may find you need to take your Artistic

Translater skills and apply it to something else. I'm

just currently unable to think of anything grander

than the timeless language of the Universe.




--- Das Goravani <> wrote:



> I could use help re-grasping the desire to program

> Jyotish.


> What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I

> programming, what REAL

> import does this work have?


> So again, what then is the use of looking foreward,

> or ³fore knowledge².

> What is the use?


> I do really need to start programming or get some

> other life. I do need to

> get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This

> is very serious for me.

> I mean it. I¹m really asking for non-trite answers.

> If you¹re into it.


> Peace out,








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|| oM gURAVE Namah ||


Dear Friends and Rick,


I cannot say that I have answers to your questions exactly, I

consider you to be more experienced than me and respect all your

experiences. Since question is put forward. Let me just give my few

understandings, which maybe bookish compared to your real experiences.

Please ignore if this does not fit.


There are two kinds of philosophy or approach to life. One is followed

by people who believe that there is something beyond the manifest

world and Secondly there are people who would not like to assume what

is not concretely deduced and assume nothing beyond.


The beyond is called 'Para', literally means 'beyond' in sanskrit. All

that is Not beyond is called 'a-para' meaning non-beyond or 'this

manifest world'. So there is two types of knowledge 'Para' and 'Apara'.


To find the relevance of Jyotish we need to maybe understand where it



The answer you seek maybe related to 'Para' or something beyond, Which

is not easily answerable. This is not easily given in any books or

easily describable by words. The Upanishads clearly states that Not

even Vedas and the six vedangas which includes Jyotish can give you

realization of 'Para' or Beyond.


Veda and All six vedangas all give 'Apara' or non-beyond or 'wordly

knowledge'. They all give quite wordly knowledge. But, The Only

difference between texts like Vedas and Vedanga and Other material

Science is the assumption in 'Para' or beyond.


Without Assumption or atleast some sense of the higher facts, Vedas

and Vedangas cannot be understood. Whereas in Science, no such

assumption is needed. This is told in all jyotish texts where its

mandatory for the student to assume and have faith in beyond. Where

as, Normal Science needs no such assumption.


So the difference between Science and Vedanga is the assumption in

'Beyond'. But the similarity is that both are 'Apara' Vidya/Knowledge.

Vedanga like Jyotish, cannot lead to Realization of 'God' or Beyond.

But, Assumption or faith of it is necessarry to understand Vedanga

Jyotish. But, both Normal Science and Jyotish boil down to normal

worldly matters.


Sometimes when we doubt the beyond, even Jyotish becomes lusterless

and pointless. So these times are better left to understand the

beyond. Jyotish is an inbetween, for those who somewhat understand the

beyond but still do the normal worldy tasks to help others as Duty or

as a liking etc. But to continue in Jyotish one has to have to be

constantly reaffirmed of the beyond by many experiences, prayer,

mantra, puja, visit holy places, etc.


Maybe you just need to make trip to such places, Visit ancient sites

built with faith in Europe, Egypt, India etc. Whereever you maybe

culturally drawn.


Warm Regards

Sanjay P


Hari Om Tat Sat.



valist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:


> I could use help re-grasping the desire to program Jyotish.


> At some point in my personal evolution over the last few years I stopped

> thinking that Vishnu was my all in all, and I stopped seeing myself as

> aligned solely with Vaisnava beliefs, and also stopped blindly accepting

> that my work in Jyotish was automatically sanctified simply because

it was

> Vedic.


> My own pain was great, in depression, and Jyotish knowledge had

nothing to

> do with ending that, to me, in MY depression, and so I strayed far from

> appreciating Jyotish, and it fell away, and ever since I haven�t

gotten the

> desire to associate with it back.


> There are times when it pops up into my mind and doesn�t bother me,

and this

> is mainly when looking at a person�s overall nature to explain their

> behavior. In other words, it helps explain away funny behaviors in an

> anecdotal way. This is easy, and not harmful or weird feeling.


> But trying to undo the future which is destined feels very weird,

and yet

> that is what it feels like to me when people try to meddle with

their karma.

> I prefer not to look at the inevitable future because I am soft, and


> very sad when I see the suffering of myself and loved ones.


> To gamble using Jyotish seems very odd, since your income is fixed


> and so it could only be an exercise in Jyotish for itself, nothing



> That goes for every other kind of meddling for gain using Jyotish. It�s

> either ordained already or isn�t. So the meddling is also ordained

or not,

> and so it just �is�, and is neither causing or stopping anything.


> Thus there is a great stillness, actually nothing is happening,

nothing is

> �eventing�, everything is just flowing. And I see this. It makes it

hard to

> be in illusion, and be enthusiastic about the mundane, which nearly

> everything is.


> There is a great flow. That is the eternity of being, which is in

the now,

> and experiencing itself in millions of beings from millions of angles of

> vision simultaneously in the constant flow of now. There is nothing

else. A

> great flow, a great witness, with a million eyes, this is Virat

Rupa, and we

> are parts of it.


> I digress. My problem is I don�t have enthusiasm to program Jyotish

> anymore. I used to do it because �it�s Vedic therefore it�s true, and it

> will have major impact in the world because it�s true, awesome, and


> That was it. It�s not that I in particular loved it, as witnessed

by the

> fact that I�ve never read charts for a living, or as an option, at

all, but

> I was impressed, and thought I could achieve fame, get a wife, make a

> living, and serve Vishnu all at once. Wow.


> The make a living part worked out.


> The ongoing way people think Jyotish is going to help them...as


> me please�...then they state their problem...I mean... I ask...what


> could Jyotish do for them?


> If somehow I could believe the answers you give me, I could get


> again.


> Somehow my desire for Jyotish is low.


> It may be though that it became so due to depression, and in my case,

> depression came because of losing girlfriend, and all friends, at

about the

> same time, and that after a long period of thinking I was a somebody

> building something great and that I�d always have lots of friends.

As time

> went on with none, it became apparent that my ego had duped me.


> And so that continues today, and has for years. I have almost no


> I�m alone at home all the time. No desire to do anything. So,

something has

> broken, has been broken, for a very long time. I�m transiting from


> dasha to Mercury right now. We�ll see.


> I�ve asked this before, but I�ll ask again, as I have been above:


> What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I programming, what


> import does this work have? Reincarnation is fairly obvious. Karma is a

> subject that can be understood different ways due to the �all


> verse �some free will� understandings vary, but we can say that

karmic type

> ideas are contained in both. Inevitability of death is not worth

looking at-

> for a good life, it seems one must ignore ruminating endlessly on

death and

> instead just live, until they die. So same with all karmic comings...why

> bother looking, live till they come!


> So again, what then is the use of looking foreward, or �fore knowledge�.

> What is the use?


> And so too I can see people pretty clearly by their faces and words and

> actions, enough to fully function, or avoid them, or love them...

So why do

> I need Jyotish to tell me their personality structure?


> I do really need to start programming or get some other life. I do

need to

> get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This is very serious

for me.

> I mean it. I�m really asking for non-trite answers. If you�re into it.


> Peace out,









> das@g...







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Jyotish is roadmap. It can't tell you what road to take but it can show you

which roads are bumpy, long, dangerous, or short, smooth and easy. You still

choose. Only now you can make a more informed choice. True you might have made

the same choice anyhow, with or without jyotish input, but now with conscious

awareness of what's ahead you have the option to make a better informed choice.

Or not.

I believe we all were given different tool boxes at birth (aka birth

charts). Yet we were all set here on Earth to basically fulfill the same job (my

belief system), to evolve, grow and strive to become whole and reach

enlightenment, all the while trying to survive and thrive on the earthplane

while so doing. Some of our tool boxes have better tools for getting the job

done than others. Infact some folks were given state of the art tools and may

even reach this goal in this lifetime. Others, sadly, no matter how hard they

try they will have a hard time getting the job done with the mediocre tools they

were given. Yet, many of these will try hard against all odds and still advance

greatly. Then there are those tool boxes whose tools are so rudimentary that it

will be impossible to even try at all. Knowing this alone helps us cultivate

compassion for ourselves and our fellow human beings.

It comes to me that self knowledge is a very important key to becoming whole.

And as we all strive for self knowledge any tools that can offer us insights

into this are valuable. How we use those tools will be different for all of us.

Knowing whats in your tool box is a good start for self knowledge and a gauge to

what you might be able to accomplish in this lifetime. Knowing your personal

strengths and weaknesses helps one to make informed choices in life. While we

can often garner this same information through self inquiry and a variety of

other sources, with jyotish we also have the possibility of getting to know

other peoples potentials and how they might interact with our own. Or how to

build on our strengths versus our weaknessness, as well as helping and guiding

others too.

For while you may be able to see people clearly and see whether they are good

or bad or whether to avoid them or love them, do you always follow that

discernment? My guess, is not always. Infact I remember you telling me that when

you saw one particular girlfriends chart for the first time, your first thought

was that you should run as fast as you could the other way. Yet you did not. For

you did not use the information (tools) wisely that you were given. The choice

was always there, you could of chosen to run and yet you didn't. Still when you

made the choice to proceed some part of you knew you were making a choice that

was not for your highest good. Yet, you still jumped. Life is full of lessons,

some we get the first time around, some we have to repeat over and over. In the

end what's important is what we learn from it all. And if we want to reap the

benefits of wise choices, then we have to make wise decisions. We reap the karma

we sow. In making wise choices it's best to

have as much information as possible. You knew the outcome of getting involved

with that particular girlfriend would not be good, yet you foolheartedly plunged

forward. Why?

I can only guess that other things get in the way of always making good

decisions. A key too knowing those other things would be in our charts too (

greed, lust, fear, ect.). Or simp;ly that ones karma is not ripe for ease and

harmony. The school of hard knocks is often the one that propels us further

ahead in our process of evolvement. As often the best teacher is a petty tyrant

whose teachings often frustrate and infuriate us, but eventually upset us so

that we learn the lesson we were given to learn from them. There is merit in

everything both good and bad. As humans most of us crave ease and harmony in

theory, yet choose dis-ease and disharmony in our personal choices. Still in my

book having a roadmap helps me get back on track when I veer on those bumpy

curvy side streets and find myself in unknown territory as the result of bad


Also, some days you might be overly cautious while another day in the same

circumstance very impulsive. Had you of known what planetary influences were

going on for you on that particular day you might factor that into the choices

you made, or at least have a new awareness at your disposale. Again more


The more knowledge I have the better the possibilty for making better choices.

Or not.

Asking us to convince you that it is worthwhile for you to program jyotish

tells me that you believe that some influence outside of yourself might know

something you don't. Infact you seem to be hoping we know something you don't,

somthing to put wind in your sails. Yet following your theory of everything

being predestined, why should you care. Either you will program or you won't.

For me one of the best reasons for you to continue programing is the one you

mentioned and probably the one forcing you towards that end anyhow. To make a

living. It worked for you for that and you did it well, not something to be

underestimated. It allowed you to work at home, for yourself, to make a decent

living and to acquire some degree of fame (though I know not enough to satisfy

that unsatiable ego of yours), but you did make your mark in the field none the

less. And since you've stopped you've been unable to find anything else that

motivates you and has the potential to provide a living

as well as jyotish does. Depression has a way of making the most exciting

things seem flat. So I suggest you do art for your hobby to fill you spirt and

jyotish your pocketbook. And keep open to ever new oportunities that move you.

Shanti Om, Elena





Das Goravani <> wrote:


I could use help re-grasping the desire to program Jyotish.


At some point in my personal evolution over the last few years I stopped

thinking that Vishnu was my all in all, and I stopped seeing myself as

aligned solely with Vaisnava beliefs, and also stopped blindly accepting

that my work in Jyotish was automatically sanctified simply because it was



My own pain was great, in depression, and Jyotish knowledge had nothing to

do with ending that, to me, in MY depression, and so I strayed far from

appreciating Jyotish, and it fell away, and ever since I haven¹t gotten the

desire to associate with it back.


There are times when it pops up into my mind and doesn¹t bother me, and this

is mainly when looking at a person¹s overall nature to explain their

behavior. In other words, it helps explain away funny behaviors in an

anecdotal way. This is easy, and not harmful or weird feeling.


But trying to undo the future which is destined feels very weird, and yet

that is what it feels like to me when people try to meddle with their karma.

I prefer not to look at the inevitable future because I am soft, and feel

very sad when I see the suffering of myself and loved ones.


To gamble using Jyotish seems very odd, since your income is fixed already,

and so it could only be an exercise in Jyotish for itself, nothing gained.


That goes for every other kind of meddling for gain using Jyotish. It¹s

either ordained already or isn¹t. So the meddling is also ordained or not,

and so it just ³is², and is neither causing or stopping anything.


Thus there is a great stillness, actually nothing is happening, nothing is

³eventing², everything is just flowing. And I see this. It makes it hard to

be in illusion, and be enthusiastic about the mundane, which nearly

everything is.


There is a great flow. That is the eternity of being, which is in the now,

and experiencing itself in millions of beings from millions of angles of

vision simultaneously in the constant flow of now. There is nothing else. A

great flow, a great witness, with a million eyes, this is Virat Rupa, and we

are parts of it.


I digress. My problem is I don¹t have enthusiasm to program Jyotish

anymore. I used to do it because ³it¹s Vedic therefore it¹s true, and it

will have major impact in the world because it¹s true, awesome, and Vedic².

That was it. It¹s not that I in particular loved it, as witnessed by the

fact that I¹ve never read charts for a living, or as an option, at all, but

I was impressed, and thought I could achieve fame, get a wife, make a

living, and serve Vishnu all at once. Wow.


The make a living part worked out.


The ongoing way people think Jyotish is going to help them...as in...²Help

me please²...then they state their problem...I mean... I ask...what possibly

could Jyotish do for them?


If somehow I could believe the answers you give me, I could get programming



Somehow my desire for Jyotish is low.


It may be though that it became so due to depression, and in my case,

depression came because of losing girlfriend, and all friends, at about the

same time, and that after a long period of thinking I was a somebody

building something great and that I¹d always have lots of friends. As time

went on with none, it became apparent that my ego had duped me.


And so that continues today, and has for years. I have almost no friends.

I¹m alone at home all the time. No desire to do anything. So, something has

broken, has been broken, for a very long time. I¹m transiting from Saturn

dasha to Mercury right now. We¹ll see.


I¹ve asked this before, but I¹ll ask again, as I have been above:


What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I programming, what REAL

import does this work have? Reincarnation is fairly obvious. Karma is a

subject that can be understood different ways due to the ³all predetermined²

verse ³some free will² understandings vary, but we can say that karmic type

ideas are contained in both. Inevitability of death is not worth looking at-

for a good life, it seems one must ignore ruminating endlessly on death and

instead just live, until they die. So same with all karmic comings...why

bother looking, live till they come!


So again, what then is the use of looking foreward, or ³fore knowledge².

What is the use?


And so too I can see people pretty clearly by their faces and words and

actions, enough to fully function, or avoid them, or love them... So why do

I need Jyotish to tell me their personality structure?


I do really need to start programming or get some other life. I do need to

get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This is very serious for me.

I mean it. I¹m really asking for non-trite answers. If you¹re into it.


Peace out,






































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Dear Rick,


I understand your ambivalence towards Jyotish. I go through my ups and



What made me buy your program and not another was the layout. I found

the artistic bits and pieces you put into it, such as pretty frames or

art charts s.o. very appealing. And because I am not a mathematician

and approach a chart first of all as an image I was attracted by your

work. So, I would hope, that you put even more art into your next



About the use of Jyotish. There have been times when I wished I had

never encountered it. It makes you see the inevitable and that is not

always pleasant as we all know here. I asked an indian pundit once

about the use of jyotish. He said, that its purpose is to make people

understand that the Divine exists in some way and it serves to draw

people into the spiritual life. In India this happens when people

faithfully start to chant the prescribed mantra for their afflicted

planet, which can then act a catalyst.


In this sense Jyotish is a service that you are doing. Just as art is a

service for the community ultimately. And you, Rick, have the great and

rare gift to combine the two. Please keep on working.






Hey Rick, you requested a pic from me and after that you never

answered. Did my face send you into a cataleptic shock? LOL



> valist, Das Goravani <das@g...> wrote:


>> I could use help re-grasping the desire to program Jyotish.


>> At some point in my personal evolution over the last few years I

>> stopped

>> thinking that Vishnu was my all in all, and I stopped seeing myself as

>> aligned solely with Vaisnava beliefs, and also stopped blindly

>> accepting

>> that my work in Jyotish was automatically sanctified simply because

> it was

>> Vedic.


>> My own pain was great, in depression, and Jyotish knowledge had

> nothing to

>> do with ending that, to me, in MY depression, and so I strayed far

>> from

>> appreciating Jyotish, and it fell away, and ever since I haven�t

> gotten the

>> desire to associate with it back.


>> There are times when it pops up into my mind and doesn�t bother me,

> and this

>> is mainly when looking at a person�s overall nature to explain their

>> behavior. In other words, it helps explain away funny behaviors in an

>> anecdotal way. This is easy, and not harmful or weird feeling.


>> But trying to undo the future which is destined feels very weird,

> and yet

>> that is what it feels like to me when people try to meddle with

> their karma.

>> I prefer not to look at the inevitable future because I am soft, and

> feel

>> very sad when I see the suffering of myself and loved ones.


>> To gamble using Jyotish seems very odd, since your income is fixed

> already,

>> and so it could only be an exercise in Jyotish for itself, nothing

> gained.


>> That goes for every other kind of meddling for gain using Jyotish.

>> It�s

>> either ordained already or isn�t. So the meddling is also ordained

> or not,

>> and so it just �is�, and is neither causing or stopping anything.


>> Thus there is a great stillness, actually nothing is happening,

> nothing is

>> �eventing�, everything is just flowing. And I see this. It makes

>> it

> hard to

>> be in illusion, and be enthusiastic about the mundane, which nearly

>> everything is.


>> There is a great flow. That is the eternity of being, which is in

> the now,

>> and experiencing itself in millions of beings from millions of angles

>> of

>> vision simultaneously in the constant flow of now. There is nothing

> else. A

>> great flow, a great witness, with a million eyes, this is Virat

> Rupa, and we

>> are parts of it.


>> I digress. My problem is I don�t have enthusiasm to program Jyotish

>> anymore. I used to do it because �it�s Vedic therefore it�s

>> true, and it

>> will have major impact in the world because it�s true, awesome, and

> Vedic�.

>> That was it. It�s not that I in particular loved it, as witnessed

> by the

>> fact that I�ve never read charts for a living, or as an option, at

> all, but

>> I was impressed, and thought I could achieve fame, get a wife, make a

>> living, and serve Vishnu all at once. Wow.


>> The make a living part worked out.


>> The ongoing way people think Jyotish is going to help them...as

> in...�Help

>> me please�...then they state their problem...I mean... I ask...what

> possibly

>> could Jyotish do for them?


>> If somehow I could believe the answers you give me, I could get

> programming

>> again.


>> Somehow my desire for Jyotish is low.


>> It may be though that it became so due to depression, and in my case,

>> depression came because of losing girlfriend, and all friends, at

> about the

>> same time, and that after a long period of thinking I was a somebody

>> building something great and that I�d always have lots of friends.

> As time

>> went on with none, it became apparent that my ego had duped me.


>> And so that continues today, and has for years. I have almost no

> friends.

>> I�m alone at home all the time. No desire to do anything. So,

> something has

>> broken, has been broken, for a very long time. I�m transiting from

> Saturn

>> dasha to Mercury right now. We�ll see.


>> I�ve asked this before, but I�ll ask again, as I have been above:


>> What or why should I/we do Jyotish? For what am I programming, what


>> import does this work have? Reincarnation is fairly obvious. Karma

>> is a

>> subject that can be understood different ways due to the �all

> predetermined�

>> verse �some free will� understandings vary, but we can say that

> karmic type

>> ideas are contained in both. Inevitability of death is not worth

> looking at-

>> for a good life, it seems one must ignore ruminating endlessly on

> death and

>> instead just live, until they die. So same with all karmic

>> comings...why

>> bother looking, live till they come!


>> So again, what then is the use of looking foreward, or �fore

>> knowledge�.

>> What is the use?


>> And so too I can see people pretty clearly by their faces and words

>> and

>> actions, enough to fully function, or avoid them, or love them...

> So why do

>> I need Jyotish to tell me their personality structure?


>> I do really need to start programming or get some other life. I do

> need to

>> get motivated about Jyotish or something else. This is very serious

> for me.

>> I mean it. I�m really asking for non-trite answers. If you�re

>> into it.


>> Peace out,









>> das@g...













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