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To Haresh, Manoj, Sunita and All List

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Dear Das and all,


I believe that it is very easy to be religious, to be

orthodox. People tend to choose the easiest way around. All one has to do is to

believe whatever the scriptures say with eyes and logical thinking closed.


But, on the other hand, it is not easy to question the dogmas, the

beliefs, the rituals being blindly propogated in all cults and cultures.


In ancient world, a King was considered divine and next to God. There

were poets who eulogised their kings' life events and, more often than not,

overhyped their feats and abilities.


A king whose life was not penned down in form of verses, was naturally

lost from public memory. Ram owes his fame to Valmiki and Tulsidas. Krishna, to

Ved Vyas, Surdas and some other medieval age poets.


They were like heroes of modern age novels or movies. Their fame

depended on interesting and likeable compositions of the poetic works.


Both Ram and Krishna were mere humans, just like you and me. Today, GWB

has more powers than Krishna. He has nuclear age weapons, space travel,

technology at his disposal. Would anyone dare to call him a God? No! But if he

were to be immortalised in some epic which is read by people five hundred years

after his death, there are full chances that he will be worshipped somewhere by

some people.


Then, one would argue that Ram and Krishna were noble souls and always

did what was best for the people.


Sorry, I do not agree with that. Ram was an aryan warrior sent to the

southern India to protect the aryan missionaries who were spreading their own

culture there. A well developed culture, which was called Asura(not sur)

culture or rakshasa culture was already prevalent there. These missionaries or

sages like Agastya did just what the christian missionaries have been doing all

over the world.


Just imagine the situation if Raavan had won the war with Ram and had

killed him. Raavan was an able administrator and under his rule Lanka had

prospered. He was the sole challenge to the missionary advent from the north.

His death was the final blow which ended the native culture of south India.


Krishna was the most mischievious person of his times. Just think what

was the result of his noble acts. All able warriors of that era were killed in

the war of Mahabharat. Even his own dynasty and kingdom was destroyed. If he

were really a God or a noble soul, he would have acted to protect the world,

not to destroy it, directly or indirectly.


If Bhagvat Gita were not added to the original Mahabharat, the readers

would have had a different opinion about Krishna.


History has always been distorted by the victorious. The vanquished have

never had a say.


One should think logically and should not go blindly by whatever is

preached. The sooner one realizes the truth, the more peacefull one will be.









Das Goravani


Sunday, 30 April, 2006 07:11

To Haresh, Manoj, Sunita and All List

Just to clarify a few points: I have been to India 4 times, back in the late

seventies and early 80's. I was a Hare Krishna devotee. I had a semi-blind

Hare Krishna marriage, 2 kids, and now a grandchild. I have read the

Bhagavatam, Gita, Mahabharat and Ramayana and some other Upanishads. All of

these I've read extensively, or repeatedly. I lived the strict Vaisnava

lifestyle of the Gaudiya Math/Hare Krishna temples for many years and served in

them.I have been doing Jyotish for 13 years, and during that time, I have

discoursed extensively with hundreds or thousands of souls, many of whom are

Indian. Very often the discussion covered married life, marriage, sex,

children, all those kinds of things. So when I say that Indians have to deal

with meddling from relatives, I know what I'm talking about. I've heard it

over and over and over. I didn't make that up. Also, Haresh, when you "remind

me" that "Krishna is God", well, thank you. Please realize, I bowed to Krishna

every day for many years. I have installed and worshipped his Vigraha/Murti

many times and in many places. I have extensive experience as a devotee of

Krishna, and the whole Krishna/Vaisnava religion with all it's pieces and

parts. Nobody needs to tell me who is Ram, who is Krishna, the Pandavas,

etc.But what I ask you is: Where is the archaeological evidence for any of

that? Where are the golden helmets and chariot wheels on the field of

Kurukshetra? You know, in Europe they find burial mounds that are 3 to 4

thousand years old, containing gold slippers, gold helmets, and all such things

belonging to the early kings of the various cultures there. Are these things

found in India also and thus confirm the scriptural statements. I am familiar

with Mujundaro, but that tells us little- the text there does not match

Sanskrit, which throws a wrench in the works does it not. I am open to being

enlightened here.Such fantastic statements are made in Mahabharat and

Bhagavatam, but there is no proof. I am well aware of the Vaisnava philosophy

surrounding Krishna and Radha etc etc., but I do not any longer go in for it

personally, just as I do not believe the fantastical claims of the ancient

Irish books either, which are similar. In one Roman history book, it tells of

Unicorns living in Germany, but this turned out to be a myth. Note: We have

an easy time writing off Western Ancient Religion as Myth. However, in India,

there are many many many people, and I was one of them, who fully totally

literally believed in the fantastical Hindu "scriptures" as totally true

history. I really believed this until a few years ago. Now I am being open

and honest about it.My depression was caused by the collapse of my Vaisnava

faith, happening at the same time as losing all my previous friends (because

they were ALL vaisnavas). The mother of my children won't even talk to me

because of this. Her and her friends, her husband, all Vaisnavas, consider me

to be dirt because I "lost faith".Mind you, I don't believe any longer in ANY

GOD or ANY RELIGION. It's not just Hinduism. I have become just a scientist,

and a believer in the great divine, which we don't know. Krishna is a very

fully developed metaphor in my mind. A very extensively and fully and craftily

developed metaphor, which we would expect from a India, a large, ancient, nearly

unmeddled with ancient culture on it's own huge land. I honor and respect that

as a metaphor for the divine. In this way, I've become more one with Indias

impersonalists, who do not believe in Krishna as a real person, but as a

metaphor. That's my way of seeing things now.Before this change, I was a

gung-ho all guns blaring go for it Hare Krishna Vaisnava kind of guy, and the

writings I made at those times can still be found all over the web, making me

sound like a really devoted Vaisnava. But those are all old now.I feel I have

matured, grown up. Others may see me as a heretic or blasphemer, but this is

all opinion based solely on faith.When you say "Krishna is God", you are

expressing "Faith" only, because you have not met him, have not seen him,

cannot introduce me and him to each other, etc. You are just believing the

stories in old books, and there is no archaeological evidence to back up your

beliefs. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that man evolved from a

hunter gather ape like creature into a more advanced creature. There is ample

evidence of little hunter-gatherer villages from India to Canada. There are

also dynosaurs. There are evidences of ancient small cultures, that became new

cultures. Many great cities have underneath them the ruins of older cities, and

archaeologists are finding more and more all the time.I believe those things,

because they are obvious true. An arrowhead in the hand, is worth more than

faith. It's proof.Funny, in all my study of archaeology, I have never heard

much about India. Why is that? I am really asking. Are there any finds that

prove any of theclaims of Mahabharat? I expect grand cities, grand amounts of

gold, weapons, something...and if you say "Krishna took it all with him", I

find that a little too convenient to believe.So I am open to being enlightened

here.As for woman, I have had around 50 intimite relationships, most very

short, some longer, one marriage, one ten year relationship with a married

woman who I was waiting and waiting and waiting for. Now, many of you are

shocked. This is normal for many people in the bigger cities of America. I am

not special. I have never had a venerial disease. I have never had an unwanted

child, nor been party to an abortion. Just my good luck in all these cases.But

love, real love, is hard to find. Where both partners love each other

similarly, is for me, hard to find, perhaps because I expect all of good looks,

brains, ambition, experience, worldliness, etc. Many have said I'm too

picky.But for all I've done, and how famous I am, I thought it would have come

by now, but it hasn't. Some say I should find happiness within. It sounds

nice, but my brain keeps feeling what it feels. I try many things to change

and improve myself, but I still wish I had a wife.I do not mean to say bad

things about India or it's culture, but I have been a devotee of it, and I have

lived in the heart of it I feel...in that I stayed in a strict

Temple/Math/Ashram in Navadwip West Bengal for quite some time, and served in

His (Sridhar Maharaja's) temples in San Jose and London, and was a key person

in both. Both were strictly following him. Then there was many years in

ISKCON temples, including being a president of one, for years again. My wife

and I followed strict Hindu dharma for our marriage for a number of years

before our white natures came back- but for some years we were the ideal little

white Indian couple following all the rules, running temples, giving the

classes, running the deities, paying for the temple completely, making new

devotees or bhaktas for Krishna, etc.So I do know what I'm talking about, when

it comes to Hinduism, and woman, and relationships, and sex, and children, and

business, and Jyotish.I am frustrated because I am. That's all. I am

frustrated because I do not want to be single. That's all. I want a wife. I

am lonely. I could try to bury these feelings and not mention them, but it's

my nature and nearly an occupation, nearly a profession, of mine, to make

myself public property. I've been doing it on this list for years and I don't

see a reason to stop. I have already decided that if my path brings me

ridicule or even death, then I have to welcome it, because it has brought me to

great heights that few enjoy in their human lives. I have much to be thankful

for. So I voice my feelings, rightly or wrongly, and many thank me for that.I

find in doing so, that many share their lives back with me in private, and I

have found that I am actually just like everybody else in that we all have

pain, we all have sorrows, and many have the same pains and sorrows, like

wanting a spouse, is a VERY common sorrow or desire.Many Indians have expressed

their utter frustration with their parents meddling in their marital plans, and

many have told me how unhappy they are with their arranged marriages, and

remember, I kindof had one of my own, so I understand. I have much more respect

for Hinduism than Christianity, by the way. Just to set the record straight on

that one, as per my feelings, for what they are worth to anybody.My personal

beliefs are that there is definitely something Divine, but that we don't know

what it is. There are many things we know about life, from inference mostly,

and that scriptures are reflections of what we think might be the truth or

explanation, as well as being places where great thinkers record their

realizations, which really are valueable to us all, especially at certain times

when we are hungry and needy for that kind of knowledge.Right now my personal

path is not at that point, or that's what I think. I'm at a point of working

on my own strengths. I am overcoming addictions, personal problems, facing

personal issues. It's not a time when I want to read about great persons

flying in flower airplanes to Indraloka or something like that.... Do you get

my meaning? If I'm angry, I don't want to do japa, I want to figure out what is

making me angry. So, there are different paths and needs at different times in

life perhaps. This is my supposition and I'm following it.I'm not sure I

always want to be "fixed" either. Just as a yogi might WANT to undergo

austerities for some purpose all his own, similarly, I may WANT to remain in an

uncomfortable state for some reason of my own. I may be having a battle with

part of myself. I want to do my life my way at this time. I wrote my letter

because Haresh's letter to me seemed very strange- basically recommending

marriage as a fix for my problems.I was like YEAH DUH I mean, that

IS what I want. The problem is NO WOMAN. NOT that I'm against marriage.Then

Manoj said "Hope his letter helped". I'm like WHAT?It all seemed nearly

comicle. I don't know if this makes sense to you both. Maybe we're too far

apart and too different to discuss these things.Hoping this letter clarifies

things.RickDasSincerely,Das Goravani (Richard

Vuerst-MachAeoidh)das (AT) goravani (DOT) com(Please use email to communicate with me)For

online ordering and all information see our

website:http://www.Goravani.comAstrology Software, Training Videos, Chart

Printoutsand paintings by Das Goravani2852 Willamette St

#353Eugene OR 97405

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On Apr 29, 2006, at 9:55 PM, astrologerashutosh wrote:


> If Bhagvat Gita were not added to the original Mahabharat,

> the readers would have had a different opinion about Krishna.



Ashutosh, you may imagine that you are logical, but ?

you haven't done your homework.

ram and krishna were far more than worldly

kings or movie stars. you are speaking superficially.

there was something very very real that was happening

between krishna and arjuna in the gita.

the gita was the point of krishna, not the mahabaharta.

the gita jives with every other scripture in the world.

the core of every scripture is an experience:

light, sound, vibration, etc... pure energy in scientific language.

krishna was showing it to arjune.

the rest is camouflage.

most scriptures call the experience 'god'

but religions don't really know what god is.

religions are businesses.

they think god is a guy sitting on a cloud, etc...

and that is the problem with looking at the masters from the

outside or actually finding out what they are all about.

most of what we think of as 'scripture' is not.

it is merely a distraction.

other than a direct description of god, the experience,

all the rest is dross... history, fairy tale, superstition, myth,

abstracted beyond imagination. :)

don't get hung up in the superfluous.

focus on what is real.

and demand to know it for yourself.

we all deserve to know what is real, beyond this movie.

the 'war' is still going on -- between the ears of every human.

and hopefully we will all learn how to choose peace, love.

go deeper, darlin. go deeper.


love, patricia


Please support my my new

effort to end genital mutilation ...


"The Rape of Innocence :

One Woman's Story of

Female Genital Mutilation in the USA"




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Dear Patricia,


I was expecting such answers from some members. It

is hard not to believe what is the popular belief.


Gita was a very brief and short chapter of the original Mahabharat.

The Bhagvat Gita was added afterwards.


I do not see Krishna giving all the discourses in the middle of the

Kurukshetra with both armies waiting to cull each other.


As has been the practice in India, popular icons, gods, etc have

been used as protagonists in religious texts, having a dialogue on

philosophy or religion. Like Shiv-Parvati Samvad, Krishna-Arjun Samvad,

Shukdev-Pariskshit Samvad. Samvad means dialogue.


The dialogue pattern is seen in almost all treatises on religious

subjects, in India.


Bhagvat Gita is no doubt a great philosophical work, appreciated by

many all over the world. But, it was not a part of original Mahabharat.


Believe me, I have done a lot of homework.









"Patricia Robinett" <patricia


Sunday, 30 April, 2006 11:58

Re: To Haresh, Manoj, Sunita and All List



> On Apr 29, 2006, at 9:55 PM, astrologerashutosh wrote:


>> If Bhagvat Gita were not added to the original Mahabharat,

>> the readers would have had a different opinion about Krishna.



> Ashutosh, you may imagine that you are logical, but ?

> you haven't done your homework.

> ram and krishna were far more than worldly

> kings or movie stars. you are speaking superficially.

> there was something very very real that was happening

> between krishna and arjuna in the gita.

> the gita was the point of krishna, not the mahabaharta.

> the gita jives with every other scripture in the world.

> the core of every scripture is an experience:

> light, sound, vibration, etc... pure energy in scientific language.

> krishna was showing it to arjune.

> the rest is camouflage.

> most scriptures call the experience 'god'

> but religions don't really know what god is.

> religions are businesses.

> they think god is a guy sitting on a cloud, etc...

> and that is the problem with looking at the masters from the

> outside or actually finding out what they are all about.

> most of what we think of as 'scripture' is not.

> it is merely a distraction.

> other than a direct description of god, the experience,

> all the rest is dross... history, fairy tale, superstition, myth,

> abstracted beyond imagination. :)

> don't get hung up in the superfluous.

> focus on what is real.

> and demand to know it for yourself.

> we all deserve to know what is real, beyond this movie.

> the 'war' is still going on -- between the ears of every human.

> and hopefully we will all learn how to choose peace, love.

> go deeper, darlin. go deeper.

> :)

> love, patricia


> Please support my my new

> effort to end genital mutilation ...


> "The Rape of Innocence :

> One Woman's Story of

> Female Genital Mutilation in the USA"


> http://www.AesculapiusPress.com


> Purchases and contributions are

> sincerely appreciated!







> Links














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On Apr 29, 2006, at 11:48 PM, astrologerashutosh wrote:


> Bhagvat Gita is no doubt a great philosophical work,

> appreciated by

> many all over the world. But, it was not a part of original

> Mahabharat.


the Mahabharat seems to be quite ? entertaining.

but the gita is the crux. the core.

if it was added, then it still is the only legit part.

history is not all that interesting to me.

only what endures... the light, the vibration, etc.

everything else comes and goes.

civilizations, cultures, worlds... all come and go.

i like what is enduring.

the rest is either history or fancy, but not of

lasting value, as is what the gita talks about.

the rest is temporal.

what the gita discusses is the eternal drama...

we land on the planet, forget who we are...

then someone reminds us who and what we are...

SHOWS us our divine, eternal nature.

thank god. :) otherwise, the rest is so ? 'so what?'


love, patricia


Please support my my new

effort to end genital mutilation ...


"The Rape of Innocence :

One Woman's Story of

Female Genital Mutilation in the USA"




Purchases and contributions are

sincerely appreciated!

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that God did exist, and performed all the past times. Lord Krsna did not

appeared in this universe to leave any archeologic evidence of all the past

times, but He appeared in this universe to re-establish Dharma which was

loosing its faith due to undoings of certain characters with demoniac attitude.

That is enough evidence of what u are & what I am. If Krsna had not appeared

than U & me would have not been what we are now. We must thank the Lord for all

what are of today. Krsna provoked Arjun to fight the war, and that is how the

process of establishing Dharma started. Krsna meant to say to Arjun that if we

are not the part of solution then we are part of problem and that is what I am

reiterating once again that I was trying to be part of solution and not part of

problem. Krsna never said anywhere in the scriptures that He is a Hindu God,

nor did He talk of

hinduism or any religion, nor have I expressed religion in any of my mails to

you, then why are u?? Open ur rasi chart once again, u are a wonderful

astrologer, find out which planet & its placement is instigating ur

frustration, have a thorough analysis, I am a biginer in astrology, I would

love to learn from u how u are able to do it. Share the abundant knowledge u hv

with neophytes like me, maybe this is where u may find solution to ur

frustration. I am still searching solution for my own frustration within me.

Harry Das Goravani <das (AT) goravani (DOT) com> wrote: Just to clarify a few points: I

have been to India 4 times, back in the late seventies and early 80's. I was a

Hare Krishna devotee. I had a semi-blind Hare Krishna marriage, 2 kids, and

now a grandchild.

I have read the Bhagavatam, Gita, Mahabharat and Ramayana and some other

Upanishads. All of these I've read extensively, or repeatedly. I lived the

strict Vaisnava lifestyle of the Gaudiya Math/Hare Krishna temples for many

years and served in them.I have been doing Jyotish for 13 years, and during

that time, I have discoursed extensively with hundreds or thousands of souls,

many of whom are Indian. Very often the discussion covered married life,

marriage, sex, children, all those kinds of things. So when I say that Indians

have to deal with meddling from relatives, I know what I'm talking about. I've

heard it over and over and over. I didn't make that up. Also, Haresh, when

you "remind me" that "Krishna is God", well, thank you. Please realize, I

bowed to Krishna every day for many years. I have installed and worshipped his

Vigraha/Murti many times and in many places. I have extensive experience

as a devotee of Krishna, and the whole Krishna/Vaisnava religion with all it's

pieces and parts. Nobody needs to tell me who is Ram, who is Krishna, the

Pandavas, etc.But what I ask you is: Where is the archaeological evidence for

any of that? Where are the golden helmets and chariot wheels on the field of

Kurukshetra? You know, in Europe they find burial mounds that are 3 to 4

thousand years old, containing gold slippers, gold helmets, and all such things

belonging to the early kings of the various cultures there. Are these things

found in India also and thus confirm the scriptural statements. I am familiar

with Mujundaro, but that tells us little- the text there does not match

Sanskrit, which throws a wrench in the works does it not. I am open to being

enlightened here.Such fantastic statements are made in Mahabharat and

Bhagavatam, but there is no proof. I am well aware of the Vaisnava philosophy

surrounding Krishna and Radha etc etc., but I do not any longer go in for it

personally, just as I do not believe the fantastical claims of the ancient

Irish books either, which are similar. In one Roman history book, it tells of

Unicorns living in Germany, but this turned out to be a myth. Note: We have

an easy time writing off Western Ancient Religion as Myth. However, in India,

there are many many many people, and I was one of them, who fully totally

literally believed in the fantastical Hindu "scriptures" as totally true

history. I really believed this until a few years ago. Now I am being open

and honest about it.My depression was caused by the collapse of my Vaisnava

faith, happening at the same time as losing all my previous friends (because

they were ALL vaisnavas). The mother of my children won't even talk to me

because of this. Her and her friends, her husband, all Vaisnavas, consider me

to be dirt

because I "lost faith".Mind you, I don't believe any longer in ANY GOD or ANY

RELIGION. It's not just Hinduism. I have become just a scientist, and a

believer in the great divine, which we don't know. Krishna is a very fully

developed metaphor in my mind. A very extensively and fully and craftily

developed metaphor, which we would expect from a India, a large, ancient,

nearly unmeddled with ancient culture on it's own huge land. I honor and

respect that as a metaphor for the divine. In this way, I've become more one

with Indias impersonalists, who do not believe in Krishna as a real person, but

as a metaphor. That's my way of seeing things now.Before this change, I was a

gung-ho all guns blaring go for it Hare Krishna Vaisnava kind of guy, and the

writings I made at those times can still be found all over the web, making me

sound like a really devoted Vaisnava. But those are all old now.I

feel I have matured, grown up. Others may see me as a heretic or blasphemer,

but this is all opinion based solely on faith.When you say "Krishna is God",

you are expressing "Faith" only, because you have not met him, have not seen

him, cannot introduce me and him to each other, etc. You are just believing

the stories in old books, and there is no archaeological evidence to back up

your beliefs. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that man evolved from

a hunter gather ape like creature into a more advanced creature. There is

ample evidence of little hunter-gatherer villages from India to Canada. There

are also dynosaurs. There are evidences of ancient small cultures, that became

new cultures. Many great cities have underneath them the ruins of older cities,

and archaeologists are finding more and more all the time.I believe those

things, because they are obvious true. An arrowhead in the hand, is worth

more than faith. It's proof.Funny, in all my study of archaeology, I have never

heard much about India. Why is that? I am really asking. Are there any finds

that prove any of theclaims of Mahabharat? I expect grand cities, grand

amounts of gold, weapons, something...and if you say "Krishna took it all with

him", I find that a little too convenient to believe.So I am open to being

enlightened here.As for woman, I have had around 50 intimite relationships,

most very short, some longer, one marriage, one ten year relationship with a

married woman who I was waiting and waiting and waiting for. Now, many of you

are shocked. This is normal for many people in the bigger cities of America.

I am not special. I have never had a venerial disease. I have never had an

unwanted child, nor been party to an abortion. Just my good luck in all these

cases.But love, real love, is hard to find.

Where both partners love each other similarly, is for me, hard to find, perhaps

because I expect all of good looks, brains, ambition, experience, worldliness,

etc. Many have said I'm too picky.But for all I've done, and how famous I am,

I thought it would have come by now, but it hasn't. Some say I should find

happiness within. It sounds nice, but my brain keeps feeling what it feels. I

try many things to change and improve myself, but I still wish I had a wife.I do

not mean to say bad things about India or it's culture, but I have been a

devotee of it, and I have lived in the heart of it I feel...in that I stayed in

a strict Temple/Math/Ashram in Navadwip West Bengal for quite some time, and

served in His (Sridhar Maharaja's) temples in San Jose and London, and was a

key person in both. Both were strictly following him. Then there was many

years in ISKCON temples, including being a president of one, for years

again. My wife and I followed strict Hindu dharma for our marriage for a number

of years before our white natures came back- but for some years we were the

ideal little white Indian couple following all the rules, running temples,

giving the classes, running the deities, paying for the temple completely,

making new devotees or bhaktas for Krishna, etc.So I do know what I'm talking

about, when it comes to Hinduism, and woman, and relationships, and sex, and

children, and business, and Jyotish.I am frustrated because I am. That's all.

I am frustrated because I do not want to be single. That's all. I want a wife.

I am lonely. I could try to bury these feelings and not mention them, but it's

my nature and nearly an occupation, nearly a profession, of mine, to make myself

public property. I've been doing it on this list for years and I don't see a

reason to stop. I have already decided that if my path

brings me ridicule or even death, then I have to welcome it, because it has

brought me to great heights that few enjoy in their human lives. I have much

to be thankful for. So I voice my feelings, rightly or wrongly, and many thank

me for that.I find in doing so, that many share their lives back with me in

private, and I have found that I am actually just like everybody else in that

we all have pain, we all have sorrows, and many have the same pains and

sorrows, like wanting a spouse, is a VERY common sorrow or desire.Many Indians

have expressed their utter frustration with their parents meddling in their

marital plans, and many have told me how unhappy they are with their arranged

marriages, and remember, I kindof had one of my own, so I understand. I have

much more respect for Hinduism than Christianity, by the way. Just to set the

record straight on that one, as per my feelings, for what they are worth to

anybody.My personal beliefs are that there is definitely something Divine, but

that we don't know what it is. There are many things we know about life, from

inference mostly, and that scriptures are reflections of what we think might be

the truth or explanation, as well as being places where great thinkers record

their realizations, which really are valueable to us all, especially at certain

times when we are hungry and needy for that kind of knowledge.Right now my

personal path is not at that point, or that's what I think. I'm at a point of

working on my own strengths. I am overcoming addictions, personal problems,

facing personal issues. It's not a time when I want to read about great

persons flying in flower airplanes to Indraloka or something like that.... Do

you get my meaning? If I'm angry, I don't want to do japa, I want to figure out

what is making me angry. So, there are different paths and needs at

different times in life perhaps. This is my supposition and I'm following

it.I'm not sure I always want to be "fixed" either. Just as a yogi might WANT

to undergo austerities for some purpose all his own, similarly, I may WANT to

remain in an uncomfortable state for some reason of my own. I may be having a

battle with part of myself. I want to do my life my way at this time. I wrote

my letter because Haresh's letter to me seemed very strange- basically

recommending marriage as a fix for my problems.I was like YEAH DUH

I mean, that IS what I want. The problem is NO WOMAN. NOT that I'm against

marriage.Then Manoj said "Hope his letter helped". I'm like WHAT?It all

seemed nearly comicle. I don't know if this makes sense to you both. Maybe

we're too far apart and too different to discuss

these things.Hoping this letter clarifies things.RickDasSincerely,Das Goravani

(Richard Vuerst-MachAeoidh)das (AT) goravani (DOT) com(Please use email to communicate

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Ashutosh, you are my buddy. This is for sure.


Yes, there is ample evidence that indeed it was Aryans who went down and

messed with ancient India. If you study like I have, like you have, and

open your eyes to what is said right there, without the hype of what the

dogmatic groups, gurus and ashrams are saying to keep their doors open and

the money coming in, then it's plain to see.


Patricia doesn't know why it might matter to the likes of you and I to

remove the mystery surrounding these matters and make it plain and open. You

are living in it, and I was living in it. Unless we are strong and clear,

it surrounds us like a heavy monsoon.


All my friends made for the last 25 years, or during my whole Hare Krishna

excursion, cannot, and will not, talk to me, because I feel as you and I

have expressed. Because I do not say Krishna is God, they reject me as a

person. It doesn't matter if I love the points made in the Gita or not.

That isn't their concern. Their concern is the dogma of Radha Krishna, Sita

Ram, etc etc. Mainly also the Gurus. I have to bow to the present Gurus,

and if I say anything against them, then they cite many verses explaining

just how fiercely I will go to HELL for my offenses against "the Great

Vaisnavas", very similar to how Catholics will say if you offend the Pope

you are GOING TO HELL.


Imagine, I have been told that I will SUFFER FOREVER by my friends. My

friends have literally told me that I will suffer untold terrible sufferings

for ETERNITY for not bowing to some man who visits Eugene once a year or



This religious stuff is a form of politics. Just a form of control. That's

all. It has no vision or view into the heart of a person nor does it care

to. It only cares about towing the party line to keep the party together.

I cannot believe that people say to each other "GO TO HELL". It's such a

terrible though. And of course, there is ZERO proof such a place even

exists, except right here on earth in the form of the suffering we already

know we have, like bodily pains, and mental anquish.


And see, Haresh said it...God took all the archaeology with him. Amazing!

Can you believe this? All Vaisnavas are SO willing to say ANYTHING silly as

could be to keep the party going.


I have seen time and time again all leaders in ISKCON and Gaudiya Math who

get money and Western woman at their beck and call, they all fall down to

these things which they so preach against when they don't have them. Once

they have them, they take a bite, and another, and another...unless they are

too old to do so, then they preach til their deaths. So the only "standing"

Vaisnava Gurus are OLD Indian men, or one's who are still poor, and trying

to get to a position of power. After all, their own God went with woman

whenever possible. It's right there in the books...as did the Kshatriyas,

who also drank and ate meat, it's right there in their books. They have

bogus explanations for all of this though, which make their party lines

really complex, so it takes years to become a full fledged member, knowing

how to explain away all the inconsistencies.


The only Gold Helmets and necklaces and bracelets and so on and so on as

talked about in Mahabharat, which I have ever seen, are in Europe, and

belonged to early Europeans, in other words, the children of the Aryans, the

Scithians, the people of the Balkans and Steppes, who are, as far as we

know, the first to domesticate the horse. Their graves are even found in

Western China...blonde hair, tartan/plaide cloth, horse gear, etc. If they

made it into China, they surely could have made it into India as well.

Alexander did. This is no mystery.


And to answer Haresh why I say "Hindu" is because it's a word to describe

those who follow the Vedic religions as a whole. Period. It's just a word,

like "Christian" or "Muslim". Don't fight me on this silly point. I know

it's not Sanskrit, I know it's not an accurate word, I know everyone prefers

"Sanatan Dharma" or their own sectarian name

Vaisnava/Shaivaite/Whatever...but this is an international forum and people

think of religious Indians as "Hindus". The West is just starting to get

that there are various groups over there. I know the difference between a

Sikh, a Jain, and a Vaisnava, but most readers here don't, unless they are

in India.


Anyway...the point is, this forum is about that form of Astrology which has

come out of India to everywhere now. It actually has nothing to do with

Hinduism, or the various religions of India. In fact, it shows how planets

align with our lives, or affect us, and the planets in Veda are not Krishna,

Ram, Indra, etc...they are totally different "Gods" who are not, in the

scriptures, said to be the main ones at all, yet we see that they indeed are

affecting us clearly. This really bothered me at first. It seems Saturn

mattered more in my life than Krishna. Nowadays I get it.... Science

works, and religion doesn't.


Astrology is a science of reading the universe. It has sprung up or been

shared everywhere, because it is mentioned in very old books from all over,

like I always say, including Ireland. The reason that's interesting is

because Ireland is such a far-off distant point from India...pretty much as

far away as you can get without crossing over to America.


We may not know everything about the past, who invented what, who gave what

to the world, whether Greeks invented it and shared it with India, or vice

versa, but I don't think a benevolent God named Krishna shared it, and came

down and had 10,000 wives and 100,000 children by them, and killed millions

of warriors in 18 days with mantras that cause atomic explosions. All the

people I know who pray to Krishna constantly still get cancer and die from

it, still get hit by cars, still get murdered.


I know of one woman in Hawaii who always told her friends that "Krishna will

protect her" when she went surfing. One day she went surfing, and on the

beach where she was alone, she was raped, and stabbed over and over with a

knife by somebody. Raped and mutilated. I know many devotees who were

staunch, who died very young of cancer.


Their lives are no different than anybody elses. So on a material level, I

have seen over and over, including in natural disasters like in South

India's recent Tsunami, that everyone perishes equally. It seems that being

one religion or another has no bearing on actual material life. It's just

all faith, or in other words, it's all in your head.


There is something we come from, but Muslims think it is this, Christians

say that, Hindus say this, Jain's say that, Sihks another, Mormons

another... I say none of them know, because none of us know. The truths in

the various scriptures which are NOT about Gods, may be eternal truths, and

may be very good for us to follow, but those can be written by anybody,

including me, or you, or Ashutosh, or a woman, or a dieing gay man,



The age and times of Gods and believing in them is having a hard time these



I don't know what else to say. It's really silly when totally modern

Americans I know, who have cell phones, cars, plastic clothing from China,

who eat anything, do anything they want, enjoy life however they want, then

turn to me and say "You're offensive because you don't believe in Krishna

and the latest Guru of the day and you're going to Hell".... Even though I

try to be good, I am vegetarian, I take care of my daughter and grand

daughter, I try to buy organic food because it's better for the earth, I

recycle plastic, paper, etc., because it's good for the earth, and I've

tried in my own silly humble way to always do what I thought was good for

mankind and the earth... But still, unless I follow Catholic, my mother

rejects me, unless I follow Hindu, my friends reject me, unless I follow

Bush, the strong American's reject me.


These are all parties, politics, groups, just trying to keep up their

numbers, and keep dissention at a minimum.


My group is logic, science, reasoning and acceptance of what we don't know.


I accept that we humans do not know why we are here, where we come from,

what we really are, what the soul really is, or how life actually stays in

the body, and/or where it goes at the time we call "death". I am OK now NOT

knowing the answers to these huge questions because proposing to KNOW is a

catastrophe and a tragedy which I have witness again and again going by the

name of religion and dogma, including the new age stuff like what Patricia

says. Nobody comes and enlightens us. I don't think of Patricia as

enlightened, nor myself ( I know her personally). I haven't met anybody

who is enlightened. What the hell is enlightened anyway?


I can tell the difference between smart and dumb, like me and Ashutosh are

sharp and articulate. That I can see. But are we "Englightened". What

would that mean? It's BS.


Nobody "wakes anybody up". After a little while, they go back to sleep.

Life is a constant vigil, that's all. You have to sleep with one eye open

to watch for snakes. There is never peace. There is only birth, living,

then dieing. And we don't know the answers.


Hence, I am willing to say "I am sad" and "I am lonley", and I think

personally these are very realistic and honest statements. I don't need to

cover them up or cover them over. They arise in my life out of the simple

fact that I am VERY different from the Americans around me, largely due to

my exposure with India. I cannot settle easily for being with the MANY

BEAUTIFUL American woman in my city. I cannot settle for them because they

are simply too inexperienced, unworldly, close minded, and basically stupid

therefore. They are not vegetarians, but I don't blame them. I am the

first vegetarian in my family line since FOREVER. We white vegetarians are

amongst the very first one's in History.


So my life is what it is, and I accept that, along with the tears of being

who I am. It is hard in some ways, and there's no way to easily fix that.

Certainly praying won't help. Pray to whom? If I pray, and consider it

"answered", then I have to tell my spouse about the God who answered my

prayers. I don't want to put that on anybody, as I will NEVER have any

proof that what I'm saying is real, and again the cycle will continue, the

"Faith Cycle", which is why my mother had 11 children for Jesus, and I was

one of those neglected, messed up little creatures.


Religion is as much a killer as George Bush. Look at the Muslims. What a

mess. For their religion they are cutting off heads off other people.


Anyway, I know the answers the religious people have for all these points.

I used to be one of them. I used to be one of their star performers.


I know Jyotish works. But that's a science concerning real material objects

and traceable rhythms that are real. It also has nothing to do with any one

land, and is found in all ancient cultures, and it develops. Face it...the

oldest Hindu books on it don't mention Vimshottari or Nakshatras, two of the

biggest components today. It develops. It may have been pieced together

over time as it still is on this list. The idea of "Solid one time

revelation" is another dream of the faithful alone.


Yesterday I went to my cities open air market, where I go each Saturday. I

go dressed as an Ancient Celt completely- and I set up a little display, and

just stand there and talk to people. Many people take pictures of me with

my swords, shield, leather outfit, funny hair, painted face (blue-

interesting), and so on. It's quite a site. I have a drum with me. An

ancient celtic style drum.


Yesterday two little girls asked me if they could play the drum. I said

yes. I kneeled down with them and they took turns hitting it with the

stick. One was white, the other looked like an American Native (an Indian

as we say). At one point she looked up at me with her deep brown little 3

year old's eyes and said "I'm an American Indian, but we're all equal and I

love everybody".


She just said that suddenly for no reason. It just came out of her mind and

heart at that moment. And I told her that I love everybody too. And the

little white girl then said "I love everybody too". And the mother of them,

looking down, smiled. I smiled. Everyone was happy together, though in our

pasts, our cultures all fought to kill each other.


What is obvious to children, sounds good to me.


Play drums, love everybody.





Reeshart Mach Aeoidh


aka Das Goravani





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Goravani Jyotish 2.5 and Jyotish Studio 3 (JS3)

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Hi Das.

I respect your erudition, and surely I am able to

emphathize with your frustration. May God bestow the

happiness, which you are looking for, on you.



--- "Haresh (Harry) Nathani" <haresh1405



> Hi das


> Frustrated???. Who is not frustrated in this

> little, small or big, whatever u like to call,

> universe. I am also frustrated in this universe. The

> only difference is that some express one's

> frustration by expressing it in some form & some

> look for the solution for the frustration. Their is

> a proverb, if u are not a part of the solution then

> u are a part of the problem. A coin has only two

> sides, head or tail. Why not be part of solution,

> that is what I prefer always!


> Where is the archaeological evidence for any of

> that? this is what u hv expressed on the past times

> & war histories of the mahabharat epic. Well since u

> hv lived as a monk, u know all about Krsna. Krsna is

> God & God's have their own away of performing the

> past times, and that is what God's chose, to destroy

> all archeology evidence, but not the scriptures,

> which is enough evidence for one to accept that God

> did exist, and performed all the past times.


> Lord Krsna did not appeared in this universe to

> leave any archeologic evidence

> of all the past times, but He appeared in this

> universe to re-establish Dharma which was loosing

> its faith due to undoings of certain characters with

> demoniac attitude. That is enough evidence of what u

> are & what I am. If Krsna had not appeared than U &

> me would have not been what we are now. We must

> thank the Lord for all what are of today.


> Krsna provoked Arjun to fight the war, and that is

> how the process of establishing Dharma started.

> Krsna meant to say to Arjun that if we are not the

> part of solution then we are part of problem and

> that is what I am reiterating once again that I was

> trying to be part of solution and not part of

> problem.


> Krsna never said anywhere in the scriptures that

> He is a Hindu God, nor did He talk of hinduism or

> any religion, nor have I expressed religion in any

> of my mails to you, then why are u??


> Open ur rasi chart once again, u are a wonderful

> astrologer, find out which planet & its placement is

> instigating ur frustration, have a thorough

> analysis, I am a biginer in astrology, I would love

> to learn from u how u are able to do it. Share the

> abundant knowledge u hv with neophytes like me,

> maybe this is where u may find solution to ur

> frustration. I am still searching solution for my

> own frustration within me.


> Harry


> Das Goravani <> wrote:


> Just to clarify a few points: I have been to India

> 4 times, back in the late seventies and early 80's.

> I was a Hare Krishna devotee. I had a semi-blind

> Hare Krishna marriage, 2 kids, and now a grandchild.

> I have read the Bhagavatam, Gita, Mahabharat and

> Ramayana and some other Upanishads. All of these

> I've read extensively, or repeatedly. I lived the

> strict Vaisnava lifestyle of the Gaudiya Math/Hare

> Krishna temples for many years and served in them.


> I have been doing Jyotish for 13 years, and during

> that time, I have discoursed extensively with

> hundreds or thousands of souls, many of whom are

> Indian. Very often the discussion covered married

> life, marriage, sex, children, all those kinds of

> things. So when I say that Indians have to deal

> with meddling from relatives, I know what I'm

> talking about. I've heard it over and over and

> over. I didn't make that up.


> Also, Haresh, when you "remind me" that "Krishna is

> God", well, thank you. Please realize, I bowed to

> Krishna every day for many years. I have installed

> and worshipped his Vigraha/Murti many times and in

> many places. I have extensive experience as a

> devotee of Krishna, and the whole Krishna/Vaisnava

> religion with all it's pieces and parts. Nobody

> needs to tell me who is Ram, who is Krishna, the

> Pandavas, etc.


> But what I ask you is: Where is the archaeological

> evidence for any of that? Where are the golden

> helmets and chariot wheels on the field of

> Kurukshetra? You know, in Europe they find burial

> mounds that are 3 to 4 thousand years old,

> containing gold slippers, gold helmets, and all such

> things belonging to the early kings of the various

> cultures there. Are these things found in India

> also and thus confirm the scriptural statements. I

> am familiar with Mujundaro, but that tells us

> little- the text there does not match Sanskrit,

> which throws a wrench in the works does it not. I

> am open to being enlightened here.


> Such fantastic statements are made in Mahabharat and

> Bhagavatam, but there is no proof. I am well aware

> of the Vaisnava philosophy surrounding Krishna and

> Radha etc etc., but I do not any longer go in for it

> personally, just as I do not believe the fantastical

> claims of the ancient Irish books either, which are

> similar. In one Roman history book, it tells of

> Unicorns living in Germany, but this turned out to

> be a myth.


> Note: We have an easy time writing off Western

> Ancient Religion as Myth. However, in India, there

> are many many many people, and I was one of them,

> who fully totally literally believed in the

> fantastical Hindu "scriptures" as totally true

> history. I really believed this until a few years

> ago. Now I am being open and honest about it.


> My depression was caused by the collapse of my

> Vaisnava faith, happening at the same time as losing

> all my previous friends (because they were ALL

> vaisnavas). The mother of my children won't even

> talk to me because of this. Her and her friends,

> her husband, all Vaisnavas, consider me to be dirt

> because I "lost faith".


> Mind you, I don't believe any longer in ANY GOD or

> ANY RELIGION. It's not just Hinduism. I have

> become just a scientist, and a believer in the great

> divine, which we don't know. Krishna is a very

> fully developed metaphor in my mind. A very

> extensively and fully and craftily developed

> metaphor, which we would expect from a India, a

> large, ancient, nearly unmeddled with ancient

> culture on it's own huge land. I honor and respect

> that as a metaphor for the divine. In this way,

> I've become more one with Indias impersonalists, who

> do not believe in Krishna as a real person, but as a

> metaphor. That's my way of seeing things now.


> Before this change, I was a gung-ho all guns blaring

> go for it Hare Krishna Vaisnava kind of guy, and the

> writings I made at those times can still be found

> all over the web, making me sound like a really

> devoted Vaisnava. But those are all old now.


> I feel I have matured, grown up. Others may see me

> as a heretic or blasphemer, but this is all opinion

> based solely on faith.


> When you say "Krishna is God", you are expressing

> "Faith" only, because you have not met him, have not

> seen him, cannot introduce me and him to each other,

> etc. You are just believing the stories in old

> books, and there is no archaeological evidence to

> back up your beliefs.


> On the other hand, there is ample evidence that man

> evolved from a hunter gather ape like creature into

> a more advanced creature. There is ample evidence

> of little hunter-gatherer villages from India to

> Canada. There are also dynosaurs. There are

> evidences of ancient small cultures, that became new

> cultures. Many great cities have underneath them

> the ruins of older cities, and archaeologists are

> finding more and more all the time.


> I believe those things, because they are obvious

> true. An arrowhead in the hand, is worth more than

> faith. It's proof.


> Funny, in all my study of archaeology, I have never

> heard much about India. Why is that? I am really

> asking. Are there any finds that prove any of

> theclaims of Mahabharat? I expect grand cities,

> grand amounts of gold, weapons, something...and if

> you say "Krishna took it all with him", I find that

> a little too convenient to believe.


> So I am open to being enlightened here.


> As for woman, I have had around 50 intimite

> relationships, most very short, some longer, one

> marriage, one ten year relationship with a married

> woman who I was waiting and waiting and waiting for.

> Now, many of you are shocked. This is normal for

> many people in the bigger cities of America. I am

> not special. I have never had a venerial disease.

> I have never had an unwanted child, nor been party

> to an abortion. Just my good luck in all these

> cases.


> But love, real love, is hard to find. Where both

> partners love each other similarly, is for me, hard

> to find, perhaps because I expect all of good looks,

> brains, ambition, experience, worldliness, etc.

> Many have said I'm too picky.


=== message truncated ===

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Please read all, I would like to receive comments


I agree Das many groups out there are just plain politics. The Vedic system

of astrology is the only one which links the 9 planets with forms of demi

gods i.e. Surya being the Sun, son of Brahma. This system doesn’t see the

planets as just mere objects but demi gods.

There are stories of how these planets came about through the trinity gods,

even the great Brahman bhrigu brought the astrology to us.


Astrologers usually prescribe mantras to recite if a particular planets is

giving bad effects the mantras are taken from the Vedic scriptures. They

usually being with the scared word “OM” referring to the primal sound or

vibration from which the entire universe constantly emanates. It is the

sound of creative departure and return. It is thus the essence of all



Astrology I agree is a science and has been proved but embedded inside the

Vedic system of astrology are links to various gods.

This is a mere opinion but I agree all religions exist but the path taken is

different and the heavens different. Just like in Hinduism the three trinity

gods are known to have their own heavens. You may or may not agree with

this. But by chanting mantras one can see true changes if themselves and the

way they feel after they are recited a number of times.

Rudraksha are known to help again all this has been written down in the

scriptures as being tears of Lord Shiva.


I believe is doesn’t matter what religion you believe in as long as that

religion has a relationship with you, you have to remember many scriptures

throughout the years have so called been “Tampered” usually not fully

reflecting what was once said but feelings and thoughts of individuals being

stated. One has the free ability to take or not to take into account certain




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Namaste Das,


This is a brilliant and profound post! You da man!




John R.





valist, Das Goravani <> wrote:



> Ashutosh, you are my buddy. This is for sure.


> Yes, there is ample evidence that indeed it was Aryans who went

down and

> messed with ancient India. If you study like I have, like you

have, and

> open your eyes to what is said right there, without the hype of

what the

> dogmatic groups, gurus and ashrams are saying to keep their doors

open and

> the money coming in, then it's plain to see.


> Patricia doesn't know why it might matter to the likes of you and I


> remove the mystery surrounding these matters and make it plain and

open. You

> are living in it, and I was living in it. Unless we are strong and


> it surrounds us like a heavy monsoon.


> All my friends made for the last 25 years, or during my whole Hare


> excursion, cannot, and will not, talk to me, because I feel as you

and I

> have expressed. Because I do not say Krishna is God, they reject

me as a

> person. It doesn't matter if I love the points made in the Gita or


> That isn't their concern. Their concern is the dogma of Radha

Krishna, Sita

> Ram, etc etc. Mainly also the Gurus. I have to bow to the present


> and if I say anything against them, then they cite many verses


> just how fiercely I will go to HELL for my offenses against "the


> Vaisnavas", very similar to how Catholics will say if you offend

the Pope

> you are GOING TO HELL.


> Imagine, I have been told that I will SUFFER FOREVER by my

friends. My

> friends have literally told me that I will suffer untold terrible


> for ETERNITY for not bowing to some man who visits Eugene once a

year or

> something...


> This religious stuff is a form of politics. Just a form of

control. That's

> all. It has no vision or view into the heart of a person nor does

it care

> to. It only cares about towing the party line to keep the party


> I cannot believe that people say to each other "GO TO HELL". It's

such a

> terrible though. And of course, there is ZERO proof such a place


> exists, except right here on earth in the form of the suffering we


> know we have, like bodily pains, and mental anquish.


> And see, Haresh said it...God took all the archaeology with him.


> Can you believe this? All Vaisnavas are SO willing to say ANYTHING

silly as

> could be to keep the party going.


> I have seen time and time again all leaders in ISKCON and Gaudiya

Math who

> get money and Western woman at their beck and call, they all fall

down to

> these things which they so preach against when they don't have

them. Once

> they have them, they take a bite, and another, and another...unless

they are

> too old to do so, then they preach til their deaths. So the

only "standing"

> Vaisnava Gurus are OLD Indian men, or one's who are still poor, and


> to get to a position of power. After all, their own God went with


> whenever possible. It's right there in the books...as did the


> who also drank and ate meat, it's right there in their books. They


> bogus explanations for all of this though, which make their party


> really complex, so it takes years to become a full fledged member,


> how to explain away all the inconsistencies.


> The only Gold Helmets and necklaces and bracelets and so on and so

on as

> talked about in Mahabharat, which I have ever seen, are in Europe,


> belonged to early Europeans, in other words, the children of the

Aryans, the

> Scithians, the people of the Balkans and Steppes, who are, as far

as we

> know, the first to domesticate the horse. Their graves are even

found in

> Western China...blonde hair, tartan/plaide cloth, horse gear, etc.

If they

> made it into China, they surely could have made it into India as


> Alexander did. This is no mystery.


> And to answer Haresh why I say "Hindu" is because it's a word to


> those who follow the Vedic religions as a whole. Period. It's

just a word,

> like "Christian" or "Muslim". Don't fight me on this silly point.

I know

> it's not Sanskrit, I know it's not an accurate word, I know

everyone prefers

> "Sanatan Dharma" or their own sectarian name

> Vaisnava/Shaivaite/Whatever...but this is an international forum

and people

> think of religious Indians as "Hindus". The West is just starting

to get

> that there are various groups over there. I know the difference

between a

> Sikh, a Jain, and a Vaisnava, but most readers here don't, unless

they are

> in India.


> Anyway...the point is, this forum is about that form of Astrology

which has

> come out of India to everywhere now. It actually has nothing to do


> Hinduism, or the various religions of India. In fact, it shows how


> align with our lives, or affect us, and the planets in Veda are not


> Ram, Indra, etc...they are totally different "Gods" who are not, in


> scriptures, said to be the main ones at all, yet we see that they

indeed are

> affecting us clearly. This really bothered me at first. It seems


> mattered more in my life than Krishna. Nowadays I get it....


> works, and religion doesn't.


> Astrology is a science of reading the universe. It has sprung up

or been

> shared everywhere, because it is mentioned in very old books from

all over,

> like I always say, including Ireland. The reason that's

interesting is

> because Ireland is such a far-off distant point from India...pretty

much as

> far away as you can get without crossing over to America.


> We may not know everything about the past, who invented what, who

gave what

> to the world, whether Greeks invented it and shared it with India,

or vice

> versa, but I don't think a benevolent God named Krishna shared it,

and came

> down and had 10,000 wives and 100,000 children by them, and killed


> of warriors in 18 days with mantras that cause atomic explosions.

All the

> people I know who pray to Krishna constantly still get cancer and

die from

> it, still get hit by cars, still get murdered.


> I know of one woman in Hawaii who always told her friends

that "Krishna will

> protect her" when she went surfing. One day she went surfing, and

on the

> beach where she was alone, she was raped, and stabbed over and over

with a

> knife by somebody. Raped and mutilated. I know many devotees who


> staunch, who died very young of cancer.


> Their lives are no different than anybody elses. So on a material

level, I

> have seen over and over, including in natural disasters like in


> India's recent Tsunami, that everyone perishes equally. It seems

that being

> one religion or another has no bearing on actual material life.

It's just

> all faith, or in other words, it's all in your head.


> There is something we come from, but Muslims think it is this,


> say that, Hindus say this, Jain's say that, Sihks another, Mormons

> another... I say none of them know, because none of us know. The

truths in

> the various scriptures which are NOT about Gods, may be eternal

truths, and

> may be very good for us to follow, but those can be written by


> including me, or you, or Ashutosh, or a woman, or a dieing gay man,

> whatever.


> The age and times of Gods and believing in them is having a hard

time these

> days.


> I don't know what else to say. It's really silly when totally


> Americans I know, who have cell phones, cars, plastic clothing from


> who eat anything, do anything they want, enjoy life however they

want, then

> turn to me and say "You're offensive because you don't believe in


> and the latest Guru of the day and you're going to Hell".... Even

though I

> try to be good, I am vegetarian, I take care of my daughter and


> daughter, I try to buy organic food because it's better for the

earth, I

> recycle plastic, paper, etc., because it's good for the earth, and


> tried in my own silly humble way to always do what I thought was

good for

> mankind and the earth... But still, unless I follow Catholic, my


> rejects me, unless I follow Hindu, my friends reject me, unless I


> Bush, the strong American's reject me.


> These are all parties, politics, groups, just trying to keep up


> numbers, and keep dissention at a minimum.


> My group is logic, science, reasoning and acceptance of what we

don't know.


> I accept that we humans do not know why we are here, where we come


> what we really are, what the soul really is, or how life actually

stays in

> the body, and/or where it goes at the time we call "death". I am

OK now NOT

> knowing the answers to these huge questions because proposing to

KNOW is a

> catastrophe and a tragedy which I have witness again and again

going by the

> name of religion and dogma, including the new age stuff like what


> says. Nobody comes and enlightens us. I don't think of Patricia as

> enlightened, nor myself ( I know her personally). I haven't met


> who is enlightened. What the hell is enlightened anyway?


> I can tell the difference between smart and dumb, like me and

Ashutosh are

> sharp and articulate. That I can see. But are we "Englightened".


> would that mean? It's BS.


> Nobody "wakes anybody up". After a little while, they go back to


> Life is a constant vigil, that's all. You have to sleep with one

eye open

> to watch for snakes. There is never peace. There is only birth,


> then dieing. And we don't know the answers.


> Hence, I am willing to say "I am sad" and "I am lonley", and I think

> personally these are very realistic and honest statements. I

don't need to

> cover them up or cover them over. They arise in my life out of the


> fact that I am VERY different from the Americans around me, largely

due to

> my exposure with India. I cannot settle easily for being with the


> BEAUTIFUL American woman in my city. I cannot settle for them

because they

> are simply too inexperienced, unworldly, close minded, and

basically stupid

> therefore. They are not vegetarians, but I don't blame them. I am


> first vegetarian in my family line since FOREVER. We white

vegetarians are

> amongst the very first one's in History.


> So my life is what it is, and I accept that, along with the tears

of being

> who I am. It is hard in some ways, and there's no way to easily

fix that.

> Certainly praying won't help. Pray to whom? If I pray, and

consider it

> "answered", then I have to tell my spouse about the God who

answered my

> prayers. I don't want to put that on anybody, as I will NEVER have


> proof that what I'm saying is real, and again the cycle will

continue, the

> "Faith Cycle", which is why my mother had 11 children for Jesus,

and I was

> one of those neglected, messed up little creatures.


> Religion is as much a killer as George Bush. Look at the Muslims.

What a

> mess. For their religion they are cutting off heads off other



> Anyway, I know the answers the religious people have for all these


> I used to be one of them. I used to be one of their star



> I know Jyotish works. But that's a science concerning real

material objects

> and traceable rhythms that are real. It also has nothing to do

with any one

> land, and is found in all ancient cultures, and it develops. Face


> oldest Hindu books on it don't mention Vimshottari or Nakshatras,

two of the

> biggest components today. It develops. It may have been pieced


> over time as it still is on this list. The idea of "Solid one time

> revelation" is another dream of the faithful alone.


> Yesterday I went to my cities open air market, where I go each

Saturday. I

> go dressed as an Ancient Celt completely- and I set up a little

display, and

> just stand there and talk to people. Many people take pictures of

me with

> my swords, shield, leather outfit, funny hair, painted face (blue-

> interesting), and so on. It's quite a site. I have a drum with

me. An

> ancient celtic style drum.


> Yesterday two little girls asked me if they could play the drum. I


> yes. I kneeled down with them and they took turns hitting it with


> stick. One was white, the other looked like an American Native (an


> as we say). At one point she looked up at me with her deep brown

little 3

> year old's eyes and said "I'm an American Indian, but we're all

equal and I

> love everybody".


> She just said that suddenly for no reason. It just came out of her

mind and

> heart at that moment. And I told her that I love everybody too.

And the

> little white girl then said "I love everybody too". And the mother

of them,

> looking down, smiled. I smiled. Everyone was happy together,

though in our

> pasts, our cultures all fought to kill each other.


> What is obvious to children, sounds good to me.


> Play drums, love everybody.





> Reeshart Mach Aeoidh


> aka Das Goravani





> Secure online ordering of

> Goravani Jyotish 2.5 and Jyotish Studio 3 (JS3)

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> or

> Please use email if at all possible ­ I usually cannot answer the



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On Apr 30, 2006, at 6:09 AM, Das Goravani wrote:

> Patricia doesn't know why it might matter to the likes of you and I to

> remove the mystery surrounding these matters and make it plain and

> open. You

> are living in it, and I was living in it. Unless we are strong and

> clear,

> it surrounds us like a heavy monsoon.



das, and ashutosh,


i can understand why you hate the mystery around religion...

believe me. i do too. i do not like abuse of any kind.

and what you are talking about, das, is spiritual abuse.


organized religion is spiritual abuse.

it tells you that you are separate from 'god' and from nature.

it tells you that you are subject to eternal punishment,

whether western 'hell' or eastern 'karma'.

it tells you that you are in a 'no win' situation.

it tells you that you are in danger from this thing called 'god.'

it makes you FEAR god.

and then it says, 'but we can help...'

always for a small fee and your undying allegiance.



that is spiritual abuse.


religions make sure that you NEVER want to get anywhere

NEAR that scary thing called 'god'... and besides, you CAN'T...

by their definition and dogma.

well, MAYBE, they say, AFTER you DIE...


so there's no reality check possible there, as to the efficacy

of their system. hahahahaha

you will go to heaven and meet 'god' only if you've been

perfect (and that means following their rules)...

and if you haven't been perfect,

you will still be punished in some awful way.

sounds pretty diabolical to me.

all about fear. all about control.


i used to call myself an atheist because i totally rejected

(and i still reject) the abuse surrounding the subject of 'god'.

AND i am a detective. a very good detective. so i looked deep,

deep below the surface. at the core, there is something real.

the rest of it can be tossed in the wastebasket.


and yes, it's all about control.

people who want to control, use whatever methods they can.

confusion is a powerful tool.

religions are all about confusion... obviously... not clarity.

you are not supposed to question, challenge, etc.

you are supposed to just blindly accept and follow.

religions get people off balance, doubting their own inner wisdom

and intelligence, their own logic. they demand you believe things

that defy natural laws, logic.


problem is, when you throw out religion but also throw the

possibility of ever knowing what is real, with it...

the baby and bathwater mistake.

back to religions...


to control others without violent force, you need a good mystery.

you need FEAR. it's easy to manipulate people with fear.

if they can keep you worrying that you are separate from god,

you are a sinner and subject to eternal punishment...

keep you off balance,

you won't be able to think straight --

then they tell you that everything you think is WRONG

and only THEY know what is RIGHT...

and that you need them to guide you through this incredibly

impossible mysterious maze.... you need them so you will not go

to hell and be punished...

if you will just please give them your undying allegiance, mind

and money. :)

you are beginning to catch on to what is really going on? :)


on the other hand, there has always been something very real

and powerful going on in the spiritual arena.

and that is why they attach themselves to it and twist it to

their own purposes.

however, they have to keep you away from what is real,

because what is real is freeing --

no one who knows the life force, aka

'god', within themselves can be manipulated with guilt or other

forms of fear. they know that the power is not 'out there' in

a 'god' or 'religion' but is within themselves -- they know that

the 'mystery' is only 'mysterious' because it is an inner

experience but it is available to anyone who wants to know it,


so they mislead and discourage. and collect the money. :)


problem is, the reason 'god' gets lost so easily is that it is

indescribable. why can't it be described?

because it is intangible and personal, inner, intimate.


i can't describe how water tastes and feels and then expect it

to quench your thirst... but you can experience it for yourself by

drinking it. and when you drink, your entire body smiles, relaxes,

etc... drinking water is a personal, intimate thing. nobody can

do it for you, nobody can adequately describe how it satisfies,

brings back life to a dehydrated, thirsty man.


once you are quenched, then you know both how it feels to

have been thirsty and also how it feels to be satisfied, fulfilled.

you naturally wish for everyone to have clean, clear, pure water.

but -- plain water is something only thirsty people usually

appreciate. religion keeps them numb and confused enough

that they never ask to know.


everyone can be as content, wise and powerful as any of the

superstars. that's what the masters taught, showed...

that we all have that same power/life/beauty in us.

when we know what is real,

we do not shiver or shake or sweat in the presence

of 'authority figures'... we dol not bow down and kiss rings --

or other things. we will not sacrifice our money or children

to 'the gods.' when we know what god is, we are not

vulnerable to superstition.

we will not beg for love, for we know where love is...

we know love is now, has always been, and will always be...

unlimited, unconditional, overwhelmingly beautiful... and is

already there, built-in. we can never lose it...


but we can ignore it.


every scripture talks about the pure, inner experience of life/god.

and every religion distracts us from our quest for it.

religions put us off the track by saying, 'after you die...'

that is abuse.

all the masters have said, 'here it is.' 'it's within you.'

that is kind, generous service.


mystery and fear are useful to power-mongers.

mystery confounds, confuses and keeps people off balance.

people are impressed by what they do not (and cannot) understand.

the mystery in religion does not make sense on any level, actually.

once you scratch the surface, you find there is nothing there

of value... it is all just a big 'wizard of oz' theatrical production.

all the pomp and circumstance, all the phony baloney.

ask to know. demand to know. don't stop until you've had the

experience all the saints and sages had... the light, the love, the

peace and joy... it's all there inside you. demand it.


what is real is highly personal. intimate.

valuable beyond anything in this world.

it can only be experienced within, not demonstrated without.

but ? there IS a certain smile that comes with knowing. :)


religions are all based on belief. demand to know.

you guys have inspired me to write a book.

about how to recognize what 'god' is and is not.



love, patricia



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effort to end genital mutilation ...


"The Rape of Innocence :

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> valist, Das Goravani <das@> wrote:

> >And of course, there is ZERO proof such a place

> >even

> > exists, except right here on earth in the form of the suffering

> >we

> already

> > know we have, like bodily pains, and mental anquish.

> >

> > And see, Haresh said it...God took all the archaeology with

> > him.

> Amazing!

> > Can you believe this? All Vaisnavas are SO willing to say


> >silly as

> > could be to keep the party going.


Hi Das,


I have no idea whether or not "God took all the archaeology with

him", but this is something that can neither be proved or disproved

by normal methods. For all we know it is entirely possible. I do

not think it should be written off as silly. At the finest layer of

existence currently known to science, particles are seen to pop in

and out of existence. There are some kind of subtle laws governing

this phenomenon, certainly, but little is known about them to us.

However, there are accounts of dematerialization and materiatization

performed through out the ages that would certainly be

termed "amazing" by us - "astral" objects and so forth. And

certainly these accounts are not limited to one particular culture.

Over time science has been coming closer to supporting this

possibility rather than refuting it. I have a feeling you will

witness such things equally amazing. Heck, years ago most people

thought the notion that the Earth was round was laughable. And

people did not even dream that such "invisible" things as magnetism,

electricity, and radio waves existed, let alone understand the laws

that govern them or imagine how they may be put to use.


There are some things we have to admit we just don't know for sure

happened or not and thinking that it is silly idea is actually kind

of silly! Heck, life itself is kind of silly in a way :)


Take it easy,


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" Religion is as much a killer as George Bush. Look at the Muslims. What a

mess. For their religion they are cutting off heads off other people. "


Someone could perform noble acts inspired by his/her Islamic faith for an

entire lifetime and be totally ignored.

On the other hand Biin Laden is guaranteed saturation media coverage.

But does Bin Laden represent Islam or is he someone who uses the good name

of Islam to give succour to deplorable acts ?

As Cat Stevens said after September 11 they have hijacked my religion



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> " Religion is as much a killer as George Bush. Look at the Muslims. What a

> mess. For their religion they are cutting off heads off other people. "


> Someone could perform noble acts inspired by his/her Islamic faith for an

> entire lifetime and be totally ignored.

> On the other hand Biin Laden is guaranteed saturation media coverage.

> But does Bin Laden represent Islam or is he someone who uses the good name

> of Islam to give succour to deplorable acts ?

> As Cat Stevens said after September 11 they have hijacked my religion



My dear list, please know that I am a generalizer. I assume that the reader

will be kind and generous. I know that most people are good, most Muslims

are good, and that the killer fanatics are very few. I know that. In my

above quote I mean Al Queda specifically...like them...and I also know that

American media is hijacked by special interests, and not accurate therefore.

I have been all over the world, and have found everyone to be friendly. I

have rarely felt threatened or unwanted. I have lived in a Muslim village

in Navadwip as an obvious Hindu (orange robes) with no problems at all.







Das Goravani (Richard Vuerst-MachAeoidh)




(Please use email to communicate with me)


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Eugene OR 97405




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