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Using only scientific visible proof and therefore foregoing scriptures, we can

see that we either liberate always, die completely, or reincarnate at death.

Reincarnation seems very likely and has been widely accepted worldwide until

the Judeao/Christian religion spread, then the Islam too. Those are recent,

and in my opinion, less hardy. I think reincarnation wins.

So by making good Earth, you prepare your next life’s place. You may

return as your own descendent even. Good reason to behave, not pollute, and

make the Earth nicer, more sustainable, less nuclear, more alkaline.

Destiny dictates, fully. But for some, destiny is to improve things

dramatically, and appear to be highly motivated great leaders, like Anthony

Robbins for example. The best you can hope for then, is to have the karma to be

fully involved in life, good life, positive life, and leave it a better place.

If you’re a part of that, you’re living about the best life

possible. The more fully you live, healthfully fully, not negative fully, but

full of healthy life-positive health, the kind that is in accord with nature,

the Earth, the biosphere in general. So we’ve got work to do, to go

backwards, to de-improve the industry mainly, to take it back to where it does

not pollute where we are returning to!

It’s just so rude to massively pollute the environment. So rude. Bopal.

Chernobal. Hiroshima. Brazil. Africa...it’s endless.

This is not smart. This is not good. This is not human. This is truly Barbaric.

But it’s so underway, so entrenched, and we’re all on the payroll as takers on the grid.

The Earth will have it’s way. At one point, it just pulls the plug.

Worshipping the Earth itself as giver and taker makes darn good sense to me.

Just see what the weather and the waves have done to us in the last years. My

God. The Earth can dish out a spanking eh? The Tsunami, the Katrina...

Paganism has a good point there.

I look at Jesus on the Cross, and I see a Jewish martyr of a new line, kindof

like a very leftist and lower class populist preacher of hard core religion

hanging on a very typical Roman death and torture mechanism. They crucified

thousands in the course of time. It was common. So, a Roman torture/death

thing, with this ultra hard core religious dude, Jewish type of thinking,

hanging there, and I think, yeah, so what? They did that to our Druids too.

They crucified tons of them too. They crucified their own. They crucified

everyone. Priests and prophets from all over were crucified. Roman emporers

worked directly in this way, suppressing the opposition.

Then the book. Oh, later another Roman Emporer made the book. You expect me to

take that seriously?

Firstly, I now realize that the kind of hard core preaching Jesus did does not

appeal to me and I think it is unfollowable, creates fanatics, creates

righteousness, racism, and all kinds of things negative. Same with other like

types of preaching like that of Mohamed, Moses, and many others, including in

other religions of course.

The thing that is needed is what works, for people, to make them happier,

healthier, and having better lives overall. Like Hatha Yoga is a wonderful

thing, as are other things from India’s Yoga system. When scriptures

teach Herbology, that is a helpful thing. Astrology is helpful I’m told,

but currently can’t see it though I know it is true, just good for what

exactly, in the ultimate? Don’t answer.

But things like “you gotta” and “you had better” and

“you should be ashamed” and about God, which is unproveable and

unseeable, I think that should be laid off of, because we have so done that,

and it so doesn’t work well. It should be optional. Freedom of religion.

AND, Freedom FROM religion. As it really is here in America on many levels,

but certainly not all, not when some rump in the high government starts to

mouth off about his “faith” and then proceeds to try to take rights

away from us based on some form of Southern Backwards Christianity.

I’m into pragmatic religion now...re.ligio. Means re union with God,

correct? Well, the word “God” is sure messed up, so I don’t

like that, but if we say “let’s get back together with nature, God

in nature, not mess up our planet that God gave us, if he/is/she exists,

whatever, whoever made this thing, would probably appreciate us not trashing

it, correctamundo?

We’ve sure blown that. And you know, if you’re religions says

“One life to live and apocolypse now”, then hey, what’s the

point of taking care of the place?

So their religion seems to tacitly allow for trashing the Earth. I once heard

Rush Limbaw, hey, that’s funny, “I heard Rush Limbau”,

anyway, I heard him say “This whole pollution thing is overrated by

hippies, the fact is, the Earth can handle what we’re doing to it”.

No wonder the right wing in our country can vote for George AND sleep at night.

This, their Druid, speaks the lie with confidence and happiness.

“Earth First”

“Not just for tree huggers anymore”

But I know it aint going back. I know that. We’re not turning around.

The destiny of mankind seems to be to go forward to cataclysms.


But hey, “learned are the suffered”

It’s a fact.

So if this place is for learning, the it helps to end it with a lot of suffering.

Oooh, I have a very yucky feeling exploring these realms.

O’Kay, so, a happier topic is the little lapping of little waves on the

edge of a pristine little mountain lake. Ahhhhhhh......nice.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this Vatta spin.

Reeshart Mach Aeoidh


aka Das Goravani

das (AT) goravani (DOT) com

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Please use email if at all possible – I usually cannot answer the phone

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