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What my wise daughter says

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Ratna says we have no choices, not really, we just have our lot to play out, and

the big plan is such that it teaches us what Einstein and Sean said, which is

that only through becoming really one, really wholly aware of the "all", will

we really find peace and real life. This separate interest stuff is only gonna

lead to what started it all, a BIG BANG

And then we'll all realize it all. All will be known to All. All......Ahhhhh.

So sayeth Ratna the wise.


Man with many names

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On Apr 30, 2006, at 2:47 PM, Das Goravani wrote:


> Ratna says we have no choices, not really, we just have our lot to

> play out, and the big plan is such that it teaches us what Einstein

> and Sean said, which is that only through becoming really one,

> really wholly aware of the "all", will we really find peace and

> real life. This separate interest stuff is only gonna lead to what

> started it all, a BIG BANG


> And then we'll all realize it all. All will be known to All.

> All......Ahhhhh.


> So sayeth Ratna the wise.



we do have choices.

we already made them.

we are not victims.

we are willing participants.

nobody forced us to come here and do this.

it was all carefully planned -- with us.

we signed the contract.

the contract is our birth chart.

that's how we can verify that we're on track...

doing what we agreed to come here to do.

wer're not the pawn of some impersonal, irrational,

punitive power.


we had the big 'contract' choice.

now we have moment by moment choice...

will we slumber through and imagine we are helpless?

hopeless? powerless? lonely? separate?

or will we wake up and discover

we are the author, director, producer, actor,

of our own special little drama?


our own, individual choice.

each of us.


love, patricia


Please support my my new

effort to end genital mutilation ...


"The Rape of Innocence :

One Woman's Story of

Female Genital Mutilation in the USA"




Purchases and contributions are

sincerely appreciated!

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> we do have choices.

> we already made them.

> we are not victims.

> we are willing participants.

> nobody forced us to come here and do this.

> it was all carefully planned -- with us.

> we signed the contract.

> the contract is our birth chart.

> that's how we can verify that we're on track...

> doing what we agreed to come here to do.

> wer're not the pawn of some impersonal, irrational,

> punitive power.



You do NOT know this to be true. It's Patty Poetry. I respect it. But you

CANNOT GUARANTEE ME that this is true.


I happen to pretty much agree with you, but the point is, we do not know for

sure what put us here, if we are eternal, if we agreed, if there is a

personal God, etc etc.



>we had the big 'contract' choice.

>now we have moment by moment choice...

>will we slumber through and imagine we are helpless?

>hopeless? powerless? lonely? separate?

>or will we wake up and discover

>we are the author, director, producer, actor,

>of our own special little drama?


So you chose genital mutilation for yourself and now you are choosing to

write a book about it, or sell one you've written.


I wonder why all those Jews chose the gas chamber?


How about those Tsunami victims.


How about Hiroshima. All the same choice. Amazing.


Trade Towers- cool choice.


Actually, really, what you say makes sense. But it's all so macabre. This

world is a terrible meat grinder very often. Horrible. Horrible choices to

choose from. It's kindof like- do you wanna be blown up, or get cancer?


Yuck. I don't know anybody who chose a perfect life of happiness.


I guess that wasn't on the menu during this creationary choice cycle.


Just posing the questions that we can't answer.


Don't take it as offensive. I'm just not limiting my mind by fear of dogma

or of strong woman in Eugene ;-)








(so I don't get beat up in cyber or holographic space)

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On Apr 30, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Das Goravani wrote:


>> we do have choices.

>> we already made them.

>> we are not victims.

>> we are willing participants.

>> nobody forced us to come here and do this.

>> it was all carefully planned -- with us.

>> we signed the contract.

>> the contract is our birth chart.

>> that's how we can verify that we're on track...

>> doing what we agreed to come here to do.

>> wer're not the pawn of some impersonal, irrational,

>> punitive power.



> You do NOT know this to be true. It's Patty Poetry. I respect

> it. But you

> CANNOT GUARANTEE ME that this is true.


das, some people specialize in past lives therapy...

others in between lives therapy.

might be interesting to do some reading into how

we plan our lives here. fascinating stuff.


and you know, das, i realized when i was teeny tiny

that NOTHING could EVER be 'PROVEN.'

nothing. what can you prove? nothing.

i used to lay awake nights thinking about it.

maybe i was descartes in a past life. :) ???



> I happen to pretty much agree with you, but the point is, we do not

> know for

> sure what put us here, if we are eternal, if we agreed, if there is a

> personal God, etc etc.


what makes you think something put us here?


das, i think you were raised on one very strange

superstitious climate, then went to another as

a young man... would you like to do some research?

the unexamined life... as socrates said... isn't worth living.

belief without knowledge is superstition.



>> we had the big 'contract' choice.

>> now we have moment by moment choice...

>> will we slumber through and imagine we are helpless?

>> hopeless? powerless? lonely? separate?

>> or will we wake up and discover

>> we are the author, director, producer, actor,

>> of our own special little drama?


> So you chose genital mutilation for yourself and now you are

> choosing to

> write a book about it, or sell one you've written.


yep. that's in my contract.


> I wonder why all those Jews chose the gas chamber?


you'd have to ask them.


> How about those Tsunami victims.


ask them. :)


> How about Hiroshima. All the same choice. Amazing.




> Trade Towers- cool choice.


it all makes sense once all the facts are in.

remember, i'm a past lives therapist. :)

i see the drama, the angst and the purpose in it.

once the client sees his/her purpose, the grief is released.

it all makes sense.

it's just from our limited human perspective that we

imagine there is something 'wrong' with 'what is'.


> Actually, really, what you say makes sense. But it's all so

> macabre. This

> world is a terrible meat grinder very often. Horrible. Horrible

> choices to

> choose from. It's kindof like- do you wanna be blown up, or get

> cancer?


i see it as a place where we come to heal, to release,

where we can finally let go of old trauma.

that's why we make so much blood & guts.

if we still have horror to release, we recreate it here.

if we still have sorrow to release, we recreate it until

we release it. it all make sense from a deeper perspective.


> Yuck. I don't know anybody who chose a perfect life of happiness.


me neither. that's not what this planet is about.

that's why i want to release all the fear i can NOW --

so i don't have to do planet earth again.

it's a rough gig.


> I guess that wasn't on the menu during this creationary choice cycle.


? some people seem to choose kinder, gentler experiences. :)


> Just posing the questions that we can't answer.


do you meditate? ask for clarity about such things?

"I am willing to see this differently," or

"I am willing to see this clearly."

good 'prayers.'


> Don't take it as offensive. I'm just not limiting my mind by fear

> of dogma

> or of strong woman in Eugene ;-)


try it. meditate on your own questions.

and i have some books i can loan you if you want to research.

the point is to empower ourselves,

to get out from under the shadows of superstitious fears.

love, patricia

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