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When I was a kid, one of 11 Irish Catholic kids in a poor family, if you

didn’t GRAB at the cookies or milk when they were opened, all you got was

the empty package because the taller older siblings took the contents already.

>From early on, you learn to fight for food and GULP when you get to it. You

learn habit that will later make you unhealthy.

Why did that happen? My mother was a STAUNCH Irish Catcholic. Why was that?

Well, because she was pure Irish, and all her ancestors were Catholic back to

Patrick in the Dark Ages converting Ireland from Celtic/Druidic tribalism

(about like American Indians at the time of the White Invasion).

And why was he there? Patrick? Well, it has to do with Christianity verse

Druidism in little boy Patricks mind as he was a boy sheep herder in Ireland.

And that had to do with Paul, or Saul of Tarsus, the previously Zionist

Mercenery turned Creator of Churches who started the non-Jewish Catholic Church

basically in Europe.

So it had to do with Jesus, and Roman Europe, which had to with Rome, which had

a lot to do with Caesar, and his going North and conquering the entire Celtic

Nation of Europe and the British Isles eventually....

Which had to do with the Etruscans, who lived in Italy before Rome grew and

became the new Italian face, and the Etruscan face faded away. Now they

believed completely in destiny only, and it is said their priests had the fall

of their own nation nailed down and it came true.

But when Rome overthrew the Etruscans, some Celtic friends of the Etruscans went

South and sacked Rome, in 300 BC. This led to a Roman view of Celts as evil

barbarians, which made it easy for Caesar to convince the Senate 300 years

later that they should fund an invasion of Celtic Gaul (France).

That being successful it led to Rome’s control of all Europe basically,

for 300 years after Caesar.

Which led to a foothold for the Jewish Based Catholic faith to spread through

Roman chain of command all through Europe, and indeed, the Church became the

New Face of the Roman conquest of control over all the world if possible, but

at least the lands around Italy, like Europe, the Middle East, etc.

Which led to Jewish/Christian ideas being put upon many smaller/poorer peoples

as “far superior” to their own native ideologies (like Druidism in


Which led to Patrick, because you can always find native volunteers who want to

overthrow the powers in their own native lands, because that’s their

natures as individuals, not because they have better goods.

Which led to the Irish becoming Catholic instead of Celtic Natives, which in my

opinion, had some real possibilities as “very cool”. Damn. Too


Well Celts reproduce and they don’t have super high ideals about

organizing anything, so, Ireland got very populated and everyone was just

eating potatoes out of the back lot. Woops. Then a blight...2 million people

died. Many migrated. I was carried in the eggsacks of potentiality to the 5th

degree or such on some ship that got stranded in the south seas rounding the

horn of South America, but GGGGGGGRandpa eventually made it to SF and claimed

Berkeley as his farm, yep, the whole city, was just open, available grassland

on the bank of the San Francisco bay. His buddy Vince Peralta, a Spaniard,

claimed the Oakland Heights, and my GGGGGGGrampa was married in Vince’s

house. So I’m “Bay Area Royalty” actually. !!!!

My GGGGGpa gave the land to Berkeley, another Irishman, for the University of

Berkeley, can you believe that????

So then eventually my Mom is born, and she still has this “Have tons of

Children because there are wars with protestants, Germans, and other bad

people”....and besides they are all the children of Jesus...blah blah


So they cut off the foreskin off my penis when I was born, because that’s

what Christ wants. You know, personally I don’t care for myself, but as

a practice, I would never do that to a baby boy, or girl. But we know for sure

it’s that Jew/Christ connection my Mom was so controlled by that led to me

having to be sliced on at birth.

Which is all why in the 1950’s in Oakland California USA there was this

woman who was set on just having lots of kids, and she wasn’t

alone...there were many large Catholic families around us. But they had money.

So I come along, and grow up, go through this midlife crisis, and suffer all my

problems, and such, you know, really suffer, learn a lot, and I finally realize

who is to blame for all my suffering.

It goes Mom-Irish Ancestry-Patrick-Paul-Constantine-Caesar

Julius Caesar. That God Emporor Dude. It’s him.

So, when my son said he was in Rome, I asked him to spit on the grave of Julius Caesar for me.

Upon my sons return from Europe, I was presented with a photograph of a nice

lugee hanging on a mound of clay under a protective awning, in Rome.



Rick MacQuoid das (AT) goravani (DOT) com

AIM: ROIKMACKAI IM: das_goravani

Secure online ordering of Goravani Jyotish 2.5 and Jyotish Studio 3





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