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food for thought

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dear friends,


glad, you are all out there......very interesting discussion...


i stopped eating meat around 1990, clearly remembering the moment when i was

spontaneously realising that stop eating meat would be the one thing, i didnt

have to

make believe any longer that is is not happening...the screaming, the fear, the

blood of

the animals, since i am/was not able to ever kill a creature...nobody has to do

it for me-

kind of thought ...


i stopped the same day and never knowingly ate meat again, never ever craved it

again -

eventhough coming from german, heavy meat eating background..wurst = sausage =

3x a

day....i do however eat eggs and cheese sparingly since then...cant picture,

that i ever will

ever eat a formerly live animal again...impossible...totally, utterly disgusting

and repulsive

to me....


there was no religous or any other pressure (apparent to me from the

outside)....it was a

spontaneous insight, i had....(coming from where?)


after that i got a lot of raised eyebrows or worst from my fellow human

beans...but alot of

coworkers etc became conscious about the issue and decreased their meat intake


became total vegetarians...i seemingly proved that one can do that...


my question is - how does that relate to astrology?


one could assume, that it must have to do somehow with the second house..


my astro dictionary (umang teneja & pk sarna) claims neptune is the significator




i ran ve/ju (natal ve in 4th/ju in 10th) dasha at the time , had sa/ur/ne in the


house....fairly close....pluto in the first in libra ....


nodes in opposition.....rahu going over ketu....in the 4th...and ketu over rahu

in the 10th...




it would be interesting to analyse data, at what point in their chart people




any input? is there any research in that matter?


i have the data of 2 children, who as toddlers refused to eat meat and wanted

only vegees

and fruits (we had to hide it from them) thery were begging for it...however

later on,

joined mom's mac donalds crowds....if anybody is interested...let me know..


love to learn from the learned, looking forward to any replies...


wishing you all a full belly, a hungry mind and a peaceful heart at all times...


blessings, love


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Dear List


Generally one would look to the condition of the second house and Venus as to

the quality of food a person consumes. An extensive study in the US by the

government authorised dietary association indicated that vegetarian diets were

generally healthier. But some cautions need to be there. Some vegetarians take

too many carbohydrates or too much sugar. There is a need of dairy for B12.

Generally Indian vegetarians took a lot of dahl for the protein component

whereas further East a lot of soya was consumed.Westerners may not be so used

to these foods and may not realise their importance.



Some people don't care much for dahl and some don't like the pseudo meatiness

of soya. But just stuffing carbohydrates may lead to that chubby lethargic look

and feel. So balance is important. The karma for eating meat is horrendous.


Hope this helps


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