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New Orleans-don't make it an issue of race

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valist, Goloka Books <goloka@t...> wrote:

The majority of New Orleans is black who are mostly very poor!! Had

the majority been elite white would the response time [have] been

the same?


Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and himself a member of

the African-American community, believes that race was NOT a factor

in the slow response...according to Reuters,

<http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/L09651428.htm> Powell

said, "I don't think it's racism, I think it's economic. But poverty

disproportionately affects African-Americans in this country. And it

happened because they were poor."


The failure of local, state and federal government to respond

adequately in the intial stages of the Hurricane Katrina disaster is

not due to racism, rather, such failure is a result of sclerotic

government bureaucracies that failed to respond to warnings ahead of

time and failed to coordinate the massive relief efforts in a timely

manner. However, the relief efforts in the Gulf Coast disaster are

probably among the best any country would be able to offer, given

the huge numbers of helpless people and the enormous mass of land

that was affected.


Saturn's transit through the sign of Cancer, a constellation that

relates to charitable relief efforts and municipal government,

brings to our attention the archaic and inept systems that create

bureaucratic backlog.


In addition, as Saturn is conjoining the US Kelleher chart's natal

Rahu, all these issues are being politicized.


Ketu's transit through the US Kelleher chart's 10th house brings to

light the illusions, failures and disappointments related to big

government and authoritative agencies.


Politicians from both parties are complaining bitterly because of

their respective political agendas. I find it ironic that we in

America complain about Big Brother holding all the cards, and we

wish Big Gov would stay out of our business, but at the same time,

we blame everything on the government. I do not think we can have it

both ways.


Best regards to all,


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Hello to everyone,

I would like to add my opinion, which is only my own... to this current affairs

topic & it doesn't relate to astrology at all...except maybe in a way, through

the planets themselves. Natally, I have MarsRX in Gemini in mutual exchange

with Mercury in Scorpio. Maybe now because Mars is in its sign rulership,

Aries...I feel the need to write.

Just for the record, I,...in no way consider myself to be a racist. I am not

prejudiced in any way...either toward..or against any of the races in the

world. I am completely color blind :-)

Below is the entire report that someone from the list appears to have referenced

from Reuters. In her post she chose to use the word, believes, in reference to

Powell. After reading two different articles from two different

websites...what I actually find are two "I don't think", one "I think" & one "I

just don't know" statements. My dictionary has over 10 definitions for the word

"think". I can't seem to find the word believes in either of the articles.

I personally do not know what the truth is about the allegations of racism that

have come about in the wake of hurricane Katrina. I am not privy to the

personal minds & personal opinions, of those we call leaders in the US

government. I can neither confirm or deny that racism was a factor in the

hurricane relief efforts. I will use a few of Powell's words...I just don't


Didn't the astrologers of the past, at some point in time...think that the Sun

revolved around the Earth?? I'm not trying to spew hatred. I am trying to

present the actual articles in their entirety so that we may each form our own

personal opinions from the very limited information that is available. If we

each looked through the very same crystal, from different angles...no two would

describe it in the same way.





09-Sep-2005 RTRS;ord=6833?" width="120" height="600" border="0">

Ex-Secretary of State Powell slams US storm effort

Fri Sep 9, 2005 4:55 AM ET

WASHINGTON, Sept 9 (Reuters) - Colin Powell, the former U.S. secretary of state

seen as a potential leader for Hurricane Katrina recovery efforts, has joined

the chorus of Americans criticising the disaster response at all levels of


"There have been a lot of failures at a lot of levels -- local, state and

federal," Powell said in an ABC interview for the "20/20" program to be

broadcast on Friday evening.

American political figures from both major parties have assailed the slow

response to the hurricane's assault last week on the U.S. Gulf Coast, which

devastated New Orleans and killed hundreds, possibly thousands, in the region.

"There was more than enough warning over time about the dangers to New Orleans.

Not enough was done. I don't think advantage was taken of the time that was

available to us, and I just don't know why," Powell said in excerpts on ABC's

Web site.

He said he did not think that race was a factor in the slow response, but that

many of those unable to leave New Orleans in time were trapped by poverty which

disproportionately affects blacks.

Powell was the highest-ranking black official during U.S. President George W.

Bush's first term and chairman of the military Joint Chiefs of Staff during the

1991 Gulf War. He is among various names mentioned in Washington as a potential

"hurricane czar" to take over the long-term recovery effort.

Two senators from Bush's Republican party on Thursday proposed that such a job

be created. White House officials have not ruled out the option, saying it is

among several being discussed.

Some black leaders, including Democrats in Congress, have charged that racism

contributed to the misery of New Orleans' predominantly black storm victims.

"I don't think it's racism, I think it's economic," Powell said. "But poverty

disproportionately affects African-Americans in this country. And it happened

because they were poor."



Powell Lambastes Slow US Katrina Efforts

WASHINGTON, United States, Sept. 9 (PL) – Former U.S. secretary of state Colin

Powell slammed Friday the US government’s tardy response to aid Katrina victims

in US Gulf Coasts.

“Lots of mistakes were committed at local, state and federal levels”, said

Powell to the ABC network - which anticipated some excerpts of its Friday

night’s broadcast.

According to the ex-U.S. secretary of state, there was long enough warning over

the danger of a flood in southern low-lying city of New Orleans, but not enough

was done to avoid the tragedy.

“I don't think advantage was taken of the time that was available to us, and I

just don't know why, said Powell who also admitted that those unable to leave

New Orleans in time were trapped by poverty which disproportionately affects

Afro-Americans in the United States.

“They had no credit cards. Only a family every ten poor American homes has a

car, added Powell, who become a U.S. top official during Bush administration’s

first term.

Shifting the topic, Mr. Powell also criticized his government for distorting

intelligence reports on Iraq that served to launch a US-led war on that nation.

On that sense, Powell publicly recognizes his UN speech on 2003 a reputation blot.

Amid the current wave of criticisms against the U.S. administration because the

slow Katrina efforts, President Bush announces a new tour across the Katrina

devastated areas in southern state of Louisiana.


Juliana Swanson <omhamsa > wrote:

valist, Goloka Books wrote:The majority of New Orleans is

black who are mostly very poor!! Had the majority been elite white would the

response time [have] been the same?Colin Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State

and himself a member of the African-American community, believes that race was

NOT a factor in the slow response...according to Reuters, Powell said, "I don't

think it's racism, I think it's economic. But poverty disproportionately affects

African-Americans in this country. And it happened because they were poor." The

failure of local, state and federal government to respond adequately in the

intial stages of the Hurricane Katrina disaster is not due to racism, rather,

such failure is a result of sclerotic government

bureaucracies that failed to respond to warnings ahead of time and failed to

coordinate the massive relief efforts in a timely manner. However, the relief

efforts in the Gulf Coast disaster are probably among the best any country

would be able to offer, given the huge numbers of helpless people and the

enormous mass of land that was affected.Saturn's transit through the sign of

Cancer, a constellation that relates to charitable relief efforts and municipal

government, brings to our attention the archaic and inept systems that create

bureaucratic backlog. In addition, as Saturn is conjoining the US Kelleher

chart's natal Rahu, all these issues are being politicized.Ketu's transit

through the US Kelleher chart's 10th house brings to light the illusions,

failures and disappointments related to big government and authoritative

agencies. Politicians from both parties are complaining bitterly because of


respective political agendas. I find it ironic that we in America complain about

Big Brother holding all the cards, and we wish Big Gov would stay out of our

business, but at the same time, we blame everything on the government. I do not

think we can have it both ways. Best regards to all,JulianaTo , send

an email to: For software visit:


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Wow. I'm speechless.


Since speechless for me is usually followed by

unloving speech not fit for human consumption, I'll

take my comments offlist.


I talk a lot about our need to be more loving toward

each other and yet my actions (my imminent ones) don't

fit my speech. Rather like 'non racists' who fuel the

racist flames by discussing their non-discussion. (I

note that my speech seems to be coming back.) I

shouldn't throw stones. And yet...stones, stones



This love thy neighbor thing is darned difficult. I

have a whole new respect for the truly spiritual

people. Cause see, I'm sitting here convincing myself

that a shower of smaller stones would be at least a

little more loving than the big ones I was eyeing a

minute ago. Geez.







for Good

Watch the Hurricane Katrina Shelter From The Storm concert


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