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Thoughts On Hurrican Katrina ~ A Mind Shift

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Hello everyone,

I enjoyed reading the fiction, Rick. Thank you for sharing it with me. I'm not

sure whether or not I should have made the association to hurricane KatrINa or

not, but it didn't escape me completely.


I have a fondness for words & often try to figure out what they are trying to

say without really speaking. Someone mentioned the Ka in Katrina as a possible

reference to Kali & that could very well be a possible explanation. In my book

Sacred Symbols authored by Clare Gibson is this passage: "Kali, "the black

one", is the terrible goddess of the cremation grounds, whose tongue drips with

the blood of her victims, such as the demon Raktavijra, who wears a belt made of

severed arms and is draped with a necklace of skulls; in Tantric belief she has

ten incarnations". New Orleans, in indeed scattered with many sacred burial

grounds & even now, blood. There could very possibly have been the whispering

in the name of the hurricane itself...of where the action would take place.


Did anyone notice that letters that are contained within the word KATRINA can

also be used to form the word Krttika?? When the hurricane was given a name,

it was also given its own identity. In one of my Vedic astrology books the

Nakshatra of Krttika begans at the degree of 26 Aries 41'. It also translates

the word Krttika to mean *Cutters* which could seem to imply flying glass &

metal. In fact, anything that "cuts" or has the ability to cut or to be

cut...including power lines & phone lines. I have heard that many people in

the New Orlenas area lacked an ability to communicate with the outside world,

call for help, etc. due to downed power lines & even cell phones weren't

working. They were, in effect, "cut" off from the outside world & this greatly

increased their tragedies.


If I perspective shift & relocate my new ascendant for the now-named Hurricane

of Katrina to New Orleans, I have the degree of 26 Aries 41' on the horizon. I

also have Mars rising just about 4-1/2 degrees from the horizon & he is very

powerfully placed in Rulership in his very own first house. Aries is also the

house that contained our last eclisped Sun which was in rulership at the time

of the eclipse). Mars is now aspecting the 4th house of Cancer (a water house)

containing Mercury ( 3rd Gemini & 6th Virgo rulers) & Saturn (10 Capricorn &

11th Aquarius ruler). Mars is also aspecting the 7th house of Libra (an Air

sign & containing the last eclisped Moon). Mars is also aspecting the 8th

Dusthana house of Scorpio( a water house)...where it gains strength by

association (& which also contains a powerful pluto in Rulership & this pluto

is also in retrograde motion by Western method).

Saturn (10 CP/11AQ) is the only planet to aspect our Mars ruler by the Vedic

system. Both Saturn & Mercury gain strength by each being located in their own

nakshatras. What effect does Mercury have on this chart, well...at the moment,

Mercury currently rules the house of 6th Virgo containing our Fallen

Venus...and she has just became both of the rulers of our now maraka 2nd Taurus

& 7th Libra. Can anyone guess who owns the nakshatra the Mars is currently

located in?? Amplifying the sadness of our greatly stricken Venus (who after

all is one of our benefics) is the exalted Ketu (sharing the exact same degree

with her) along with Jupiter. Complicating & hindering our protector of the

Trikona 9th ruler is the fact that Jupiter also co-owns the 12th Duthana of

Pisces...all the while being housed in the 6th dusthana & fully aspecting its

own 12th house containing Rahu. All of

the water houses are now tied into the pattern by being associated in some way

to Mars. The Moon as my 4th house ruler of Cancer is still caught up in the

mutual reception with Mercury(3 GE/ 6 VI) & it's now located in the 3rd house

of Gemini...The 12th house from its house of rulership...Not a good sign for

4th house matters. Could this possibly represent a sinking of land, buildings,

homes?? The Moon is also located in a Jupiter-ruled nakshatra & thus also

sharing its nakshatra ruler's energy (JU* 9th Sagittarius & 12th Pisces) with

the fallen Venus/Ketu. Is there even a possibility of a happy ending hinted at

anywhere at all...in any clue at all?? In fact, actually I believe that there

is... The saving grace of God...was always there...from the very

beginning...The Krttika nakshatra is owned by the SUN & under the ultimate

rulership of it's energy...and that very powerful Sun has chosen to be located

at this very

moment ( and I believe that there is no such thing as a coincidence)...in the

WONDERFUL & HAPPY 5th Trikona house of Leo. The Sun...especially in Leo, loves

the 5th & its children.


Maybe the message of this particular hurricane was that...no matter what it

looks like on the outside....and appearances can be and are often

deceiving...it's all about inner illumination...and just like CHRISTmas...it

just keeps coming...in every way...in every day...and it's a love

story...without end...

Love And Light,



K A T R I N A * INK * RA * RAIN * I * RAN * A * TRAIN* IN * RANK * TIN * TAN *

KIT * AT *



http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hurricane_Katrina#Reliant_Astrodome This link

contains this piece of information: As of September 5 it is estimated there are

roughly 139,000 evacuees in official shelters in the state of Texas.


Das Goravani <das (AT) goravani (DOT) com> wrote:

This is fiction by Rick MacQuoid, or whatever he’s called.Once up on a time, and

a hill, in Ireland, there was a little village named Inishjan.Once a great

hurricane hit their coast, and caused a great amount of water.Some drowned,

bless their souls, in the dip that existed in the middle of that village. That

dip was a bowl like area near the high road, not used for anything at all,

yet.Well after the storm there was garbage and bodies floating in that bowl and

nobody wanted to clean it out, because it smelled so badly, you could say it

“smelled to high heavens”.One day it was realized or imagined, that just a

whiff in your nose from that rotten lake could make you ill, so the winds that

come off that black lagoon became known for being ill towards ya. So, soon,

the old crones of the village were saying

that there was an evil spirit living in their now, who attacked those walking

bye, crept up their noses, and made them very ill. To avoid letting this

happen, everyone would pull their cloth over their face and run bye, when ever

they had to pass that spot, which all did, regularly.Sometimes though,

depending on how you dress, one might not have a ready piece of cloth. Woman

might have head coverings, but what do men wearing just a shirt with short

sleeves do?So, a little booth started up at both ends of the lake, handing out

little pieces of cloth, so villagers would be safe going by the “hell hole”.

They would hand in the cloths at the other end and say “Thank you chief”

because the little girls with the cloths wore a badge that said “Chief of

Breathing”. Because of how those folks spoke, eventually the little pieces of

cloth became “Hankerchiefs” from “Thank you chief”.After awhile though, the

hell hole dried up, and grassed

over. It took a few years, but it happened. Eventually the owners of that land

got tired of the blight on their property and just decided to sell at a low

price, so they hired a realtor to do that, and he found a buyer, a maker of

small guns which you stash in your pants line behind you so nobody can see it

under your coat. The owners eventually died, and the lad that inhereted the

sale money was blemished by this. Everyone thought of that land as evil, so

they didn’t let him even rest with his name. No, instead, they kept on calling

him “Mac Hell Hole”, or son of those who owned the Hell Hole. But the way

those folks pronounced things was a bit different. Instead of saying

MacHellHole, it came out, MacElloge, an eventually just Ma’Kellog.So when this

chap decided to get out of that village and away from the ridicule, he had no

love for Ireland left, and no love for the Celtic way of naming, so when he

came to America, he just let

his name be Kellog.Later, he formed a grain and breakfast cereal company, which

retains the name “Hell Hole” or Kellog.Back in Ireland, the guy that bought

that piece of land put up a shop on the main road which blocked site of the

field or hell hole. At first everyone wanted to talk about the hell hole, if

and when they dared go into that shop. That’s why the owners decided on the

slogan above the door. “Put it behind ya, we did”You see, the field was behind

the shop, so they did put it behind them, those fellas in the shop, and they

wanted others to not only put that behind them, but while they were at it, buy

a little gun and put that behind ya as well.Now, those little guns became known

for being lethal little dispute settlers in the region, so, it became know for

sure that they dead spirits of the Hell Hole were now blessing those guns with

the ability to kill. So, when you really had a problem with somebody, anyone


the know” who was a real man would say to the newly angry or grieving person

“You gotta put it behind ya”, which there meant, kill the guy and that’s

that.Then one day it was discovered that people were getting cured by praying

in the field behind the gun shop, praying in the Hell Hole itself.So, the

Vatican got involved and made Saints out of some of the drowning victims. Ever

since then, people noticed the guns don’t work right, and “Put it behind ya”

therefore now is about Saintly forgiveness. One of the Saints, the most well

known, was nicknamed “St. Ink” because of the water of Hell Hole being black

like Ink, and this is how the word “Stink” got started.And cereal grains, once

known to be a very low class form of food, has now achieved the status of

“Healthful”.More recently, a health spa has come onto one side of the Hell

Hole, and is selling healing retreats “at the spiritual home of the Saints” and

a Paranormal research institute

took the other side of the land and their funds being spent locally to research

the spiritual phenomena is bringing much needed cash into the village.The old

crone who back in the day was nothing but a near homeless pain the in neck on

the village, well her great grandson now works that institute, and talks

constantly about his extremely intelligent and Druid like grandmother, who was

“the leading expert in her day” on the spirits of Hell Hole.A number of songs

have been written about Hell hole, and they keep the myths alive today.Recently

a skeleton from Hell Hole was found, and relocated with pomp to the village

cemetary, where the grave inscription reads “The StInk of Kellowg, of whom we

are proud”.And in the newly designed factory Kellog put there in their original

village, inside the lobby is a picture of Hell Hole from way back and underneath

it it says “Like a lot of good ideas, this company was proudly started on a

foundation of disaster,

death and stench”.So no wonder, when the first bowl of cereal came out of the

new factory, and it was presented to the mayor, he leaned over to wife and said

“It wreaks of Stink”.Now if you are wondering what is the point or morale of

this story, there isn’t one. It just is. It’s just a fact of life that life

happens, you wipe tears with a “Thankyouchief” and Stink happens and so does

Puttin it behind ya. Every once in awhile there’s a hell hole, but eventually

a good few shops are there, and some good ideas that become standards.When the

going gets really tough, remember Stink, and how he suffered for all those in

Hell Holes.Eventually we all put one behind us. Rick MacQuoid

das (AT) goravani (DOT) comAIM: ROIKMACKAI IM:

das_goravanihttp://www.goravani.com Secure online ordering of

Goravani Jyotish 2.5 and Jyotish Studio 32852 Willamette St

#353 or (Please use

email if at all possible)

Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort.

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