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Some facts about India-Ashutosh and all

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|| Om Gurave Namah ||

Namaste Juliana,


> In mundane astrology, as I understand it, we examine the 5th house

> and its lord to understand fertility rates. In the India

> Independence chart, the lord of the 5th house is Mercury, in Pushya,

> an abundant sign that reflects the current and projected profusion

> of population numbers in India. Fifth lord Mercury is in

> the "loaded" 3rd house of this India Independence chart, and

> certainly, the matter of population explosion is terribly

> complicated. For example, the 3rd house of the mundane chart also

> represents emigration. Perhaps this is going to be one solution to

> the population problem in India, as natives of India continue to

> emigrate to less heavily populated countries, and as they continue

> to offer their services via outsourcing to other countries (another

> 3rd house matter).




Dont forget the Rahu in Lagna aspecting 5th, This gives tendency to

do excess. The Rahu in Lagna gives a lots of Corruption. In fact if

you note the whole chart is very much controlled by the nodes.

All planets falls in path of Ketu to Rahu.


You will see similar combination in Pakistans' chart with Aries lagna.

Natural maturity years for Ketu is about 45 Years. You see both India

and Pakistan going thru very much changes. Rahu being 10th co-lord in

Lagna gives some Raja Yoga, Which kicks in after Ketu losses some grip.


Maybe this has something to do with Mahatma Gandhi being

Ashlesha(Ruled sarpa/snake) Nakshatra? Also Jawaharlal Nehru was Ashlesha.



Just my few points,


warm regards

Sanjay P

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Dear Juliana,


Even as a teenager I was troubled by the population

problem which ails India. Somehow that created a resolve that I will not

produce my own kids but will adopt as and when the time is proper.


I was fortunate enough to have a wife who shares my views. Though,

in my horoscope, I have a strong fifth house, I do not feel like adding to

the burden of my nation.


I am a firm advocate of 'adoptions'. It is the only quality that

really makes us differ from animals.


Asrologers acts as guides and counsellors to their clients. We

cannot limilt ourselves to predictions only. When people come to me asking

for guidance regarding the birth of second or third child, I advice them to

go for adoption instead of producing another one of their own. While most of

them agree, there are those who believe that their blood is the most

superior one and earth deserves to have more like them.


Talking about same blood, the closest relation which a person has is

with the spouse, a person of a different blood.









Juliana Swanson <omhamsa


Thursday, August 18, 2005 19:49

Re: Some facts about India-Ashutosh and all



> Dear Ashutosh and all...


> It seems that in India, as in America, higher education for the

> elite is highly valued and offers the promise of great material

> success. There is a lot of educational competition here in the US

> these days, too. I heard on the news yesterday that American

> children as young as FOUR years old are now being sent to classes to

> learn techniques that will help them excel on standardized tests,

> which they won't have to take for at least 10-12 years as a part of

> their college admission requirements! Our top colleges and

> universities now have admission rates of only 10-25%, and the

> college admission system has become "big business." I know affluent

> families who pay upwards of $25,000 (US) to college counselors who

> will help their children get into the top institutions.


> Regarding the recent discussion about power shifting back to the

> East, Paramahansa Yogananda wrote over 50 years ago that India's

> state of abject poverty was a quickly passing karmic phase, and that

> soon India would be restored to its former position as a thriving

> land where its citizens would enjoy the fruits of both material and

> spiritual prosperity. Soon, "the riches of the Indies" will

> once again become a byword around the world.


> I wish this were true, and yet I wonder, how can it be when the

> population of India is burgeoning so out of control?


> If we are to believe some of the UN's latest global population

> reports, the world's population is expected to rise from the current

> 6.5 billion to 9.1 billion by 2050, and it is questionable that the

> planet can continue to sustain these numbers. We are breeding like

> vermin, aren't we?


> As we all have read, the world's largest countries by population are

> China, 1.2 billion; India, 1 billion; and the U.S., approaching 300

> million.


> India has 1.3 million square miles of land mass versus 3.6 million

> square miles in the U.S. (slightly more than ONE-THIRD the size of

> the U.S.), yet India currently has a population over THREE times

> that of the United States!


> It is projected that India's population will overtake China's

> before 2030, because India's fertility rate is over three children

> per woman while China's is about 1.7. Meanwhile, fertility rates

> among Western industrialzed nations are dropping.


> Scientists warn that soon, due to explosive population growth across

> the globe, more people may be fighting over water than fighting over

> oil, and water may become the new oil as a main source of conflict.

> Continued population growth is causing loss of farmland and open

> space, species extinction, and the deterioration of ecological

> balance.


> In mundane astrology, as I understand it, we examine the 5th house

> and its lord to understand fertility rates. In the India

> Independence chart, the lord of the 5th house is Mercury, in Pushya,

> an abundant sign that reflects the current and projected profusion

> of population numbers in India. Fifth lord Mercury is in

> the "loaded" 3rd house of this India Independence chart, and

> certainly, the matter of population explosion is terribly

> complicated. For example, the 3rd house of the mundane chart also

> represents emigration. Perhaps this is going to be one solution to

> the population problem in India, as natives of India continue to

> emigrate to less heavily populated countries, and as they continue

> to offer their services via outsourcing to other countries (another

> 3rd house matter).


> I am interested in your thoughts about this topic.



> Best regards,

> Juliana









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