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Hurricane Katrina (for Robin and all)

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President Bush has already won two elections and cannot run for

president again. So, he has nothing to lose. He is now delivering

what he perceives to be the mandate of the American people. That is

the continuation of the war on terrorism. As such, we will be in

Iraq and Afghanistan as long as he is president.


Also, he wants to preserve his legacy for the historical record.


On another note, I believe the hurricane Katrina and its devastating

effect was due to the transit of Saturn on the 8th house of the US

Chart (with a Sagittarius lagna). I originally thought that the

transit will affect the economy and President Bush during the transit

of Saturn on the 22nd drekkana of the US Chart, which ended on August

15, 2005. However, Saturn did not spare its devastation since it is

still on the 8th house for the next two years or so.


Saturn (a windy planet) is in Cancer, a watery rashi. Thus, we saw

the destruction of New Orleans by hurricane and water.




John R.







valist, Seems LIke A Thousand Days

<gypsyis4u> wrote:

> Hi John & everyone,

> As a person who has grown to despise the government over the past

several years & even more so in the past 6 months, I am happy to see,

John, that you no longer work for them :-) As an American taxpayer,

I have to wonder if those same millions of American dollars in grants

might have been better spent on educating the public on the likely

dangers of flooding & relocating those in the flood zones to a more

suitable location. My mind has just reminded me again of the old

saying..that you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him

drink. So, if I offer my horse many drinks of water & he

refuses...should I be responsible for paying the thousands of dollars

to rehydrate him & to store his physical well-being in a vet's

office?? Even if I chose to do it once...his stubborn will still

remain & it's been said that history repeats itself.


> I heard yesterday on a local radio station (KILT) that our Houston

Astrodome has been filled to capacity (20,000 + people) & can hold no

more hurrican victims. Other hurricane victims are being transported

to other cities that surround the Houston area. My question is, what

about the other parts of the state of Louisana...is the entire state

devastated & under water by an event that took place on their

coast?? My thinking suggests that Texas is a Bush state & he is

using the state of Texas & it's facilities as a pawn in a political

game to further his own importance & power. It was also stated on

the same radio station yesterday, that there currently existed a need

for someone to volunteer to haul away the mounds of trash that has

accumulated in the Astrodome. I doubt that our president will arrive

in Air Force One & volunteer to do that personally. In a game of

chess, a king has to win...and uses his pawns to do so.


> Meanwhile, pawns are paying close to $5.00 if not more..in some

areas for a gallon of gasoline to get to often low-paying jobs. I saw

in the local newspaper very recently an article stating that the

increase in fuel is causing more people to make their purchases with

credit cards...which means paying back even more money after

factoring in the interest rate. I would be interested to see

accurate records stating how much our president pays for fuel out of

his own pocket with his very own income. It's my guess that the

accuate record would be $ 000 if anyone were even allowed to see

it. It all seems to be a game that is designed to have one winner &

that winner will make sure that the history books of the future

clearly state that it was his very own home state of Texas that came

to the rescue of thousands. I guess that I should feel proud...but

all I truly feel is used...and what's even worse...is used by people

that should have known better...or just didn't care.

> Anyine up for a game of chess??

> Robin...


> John <jr_esq> wrote:

> Hi, Robin and Das


> Your statements are interesting. Yes, there will be constant change

> in this relative world.


> As a side note, I used to work for the government and have seen


> documents amounting to millions of dollars that were given to the

> State of Louisiana for mitigating the effects of erosion and land

> loss due to the water flow of the Mississippi River and its

> tributaries. So, there is creation and destruction at play on a

> continual basis. And at a cost to the American taxpayers...


> Regards,


> John R.





> valist, "Robin" wrote:

> > I would tend to agree with this message until the last


> > in my mind would read as...That which is created, is eventually

> > destroyed...**in its current form**. I believe that any

> creation...of

> > any type...is eternal...and will never cease to exist. If there


> > any constant in the universe...it is that of *change*.

> > Just a few of my thoughts...

> > Robin...

> >

> > valist, Das Goravani wrote:

> > >

> > > > ingenuity

> > >

> > > In janma uity

> > >

> > > Genuis

> > >

> > > Janma-ishness

> > >

> > > Ability to create

> > >

> > > Janma - Genius

> > >

> > > To create a city on a marshland - to "give birth to" it -

> ingenuity

> > >

> > > That which is born, also dies.

> > >

> > > And death sometimes comes suddenly, and sometimes from nature,


> > the form

> > > of storms, diseases, etc., "Adhi-Devic", originating from the

> > demigods as

> > > the elders would say.

> > >

> > > Ingenuity leads to death, as all of passion creates life, which

> > must die.

> > >

> > > That which is created, is eventually destroyed.

> > >

> > > Signed,

> > >

> > > Shay T. Rugya









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eyes of the hurricane victims.


Astrologically speaking...and *please* keep in mind that I am still a student &

that these are honest questions, what is the date & time that you are using to

determine the US chart and also, what is the value of the ayanamasha that you

are using, both for the US chart & for the hurricane event & how did you

determine those values?? This part of astrology has always amazed me. Does an

event such as a celebration...truly have a "birth" when it becomes an idea, when

the first name on a guest list is penned, the food & others items are written on

a grocery list & purchased, etc ...or when it becomes a finished project & the

first guest arrives?? Now, for the US chart & Saturn. When I think of wind

in the US, I think of Chicago, IL...I think it's called The Windy City...& when

I think of water in the US, I think of the Great Lakes. Neither of these would

make me think of New Orleans, LA. In

your opinion, how could the final destination of New Orleans have been

pre-determined?? From what I have read, Saturn represent death in many forms,

drudgery, & most everything unpleasant. New Orleans holds the traditional

Mardi Gras & I believe that "Mardi Gras" literally translates to "Feast Of The

Flesh". It would seem to me, that in their own way...they bring about their

own destruction...at least during a Saturn period. As always, change is

inevitable...people forget, rebuild, experience devastion, remember, then

forget...and thus the cycle continues...and the spinning wheel spins. There is

always the X-factor...the wild card...that tiny little something that just

refuses to be known in advance...and that always leaves room for doubt.


Thank you in advance for any enlightenment that you might be able to provide. I appreciate it.

Robin...John <jr_esq > wrote:

Robin,President Bush has already won two elections and cannot run for president

again. So, he has nothing to lose. He is now delivering what he perceives to be

the mandate of the American people. That is the continuation of the war on

terrorism. As such, we will be in Iraq and Afghanistan as long as he is

president.Also, he wants to preserve his legacy for the historical record.On

another note, I believe the hurricane Katrina and its devastating effect was

due to the transit of Saturn on the 8th house of the US Chart (with a

Sagittarius lagna). I originally thought that the transit will affect the

economy and President Bush during the transit of Saturn on the 22nd drekkana of

the US Chart, which ended on August 15, 2005. However, Saturn did not spare its

devastation since it is still on the 8th house for the next two

years or so.Saturn (a windy planet) is in Cancer, a watery rashi. Thus, we saw

the destruction of New Orleans by hurricane and water.Regards, John R.--- In

valist, Seems LIke A Thousand Days wrote:> Hi John & everyone,>

As a person who has grown to despise the government over the past several years

& even more so in the past 6 months, I am happy to see, John, that you no

longer work for them :-) As an American taxpayer, I have to wonder if those

same millions of American dollars in grants might have been better spent on

educating the public on the likely dangers of flooding & relocating those in

the flood zones to a more suitable location. My mind has just reminded me again

of the old saying..that you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him

drink. So, if I offer my horse many drinks of water & he refuses...should I be

responsible for paying the thousands of dollars to rehydrate him & to store his

physical well-being in a vet's office?? Even if I chose to do it once...his

stubborn will still remain & it's been said that history repeats itself.> > I

heard yesterday on a local radio station (KILT) that our Houston Astrodome has

been filled to capacity (20,000 + people) & can hold no more hurrican victims.

Other hurricane victims are being transported to other cities that surround the

Houston area. My question is, what about the other parts of the state of

Louisana...is the entire state devastated & under water by an event that took

place on their coast?? My thinking suggests that Texas is a Bush state & he is

using the state of Texas & it's facilities as a pawn in a political game to

further his own importance & power. It was also stated on the same radio

station yesterday, that there currently existed a need

for someone to volunteer to haul away the mounds of trash that has accumulated

in the Astrodome. I doubt that our president will arrive in Air Force One &

volunteer to do that personally. In a game of chess, a king has to win...and

uses his pawns to do so. > > Meanwhile, pawns are paying close to $5.00 if not

more..in some areas for a gallon of gasoline to get to often low-paying jobs. I

saw in the local newspaper very recently an article stating that the increase in

fuel is causing more people to make their purchases with credit cards...which

means paying back even more money after factoring in the interest rate. I would

be interested to see accurate records stating how much our president pays for

fuel out of his own pocket with his very own income. It's my guess that the

accuate record would be $ 000 if anyone were even allowed to see it. It all

seems to be a game that is designed to have one winner &

that winner will make sure that the history books of the future clearly state

that it was his very own home state of Texas that came to the rescue of

thousands. I guess that I should feel proud...but all I truly feel is

used...and what's even worse...is used by people that should have known

better...or just didn't care.> Anyine up for a game of chess??> Robin...> >

John wrote:> Hi, Robin and Das> > Your statements are interesting. Yes, there

will be constant change > in this relative world.> > As a side note, I used to

work for the government and have seen grant > documents amounting to millions

of dollars that were given to the > State of Louisiana for mitigating the

effects of erosion and land > loss due to the water flow of the Mississippi

River and its > tributaries. So, there is creation and destruction at play on a

> continual basis. And

at a cost to the American taxpayers...> > Regards,> > John R.> > > > > --- In

valist, "Robin" wrote:> > I would tend to agree with this

message until the last line...which > > in my mind would read as...That which

is created, is eventually > > destroyed...**in its current form**. I believe

that any > creation...of > > any type...is eternal...and will never cease to

exist. If there is > > any constant in the universe...it is that of *change*.>

> Just a few of my thoughts...> > Robin...> > > > --- In

valist, Das Goravani wrote:> > > > > > > ingenuity> > > > > >

In janma uity> > > > > > Genuis> > > > > > Janma-ishness> > > > > > Ability to

create> >

> > > > Janma - Genius> > > > > > To create a city on a marshland - to "give

birth to" it - > ingenuity> > > > > > That which is born, also dies.> > > > > >

And death sometimes comes suddenly, and sometimes from nature, in > > the form>

> > of storms, diseases, etc., "Adhi-Devic", originating from the > > demigods

as> > > the elders would say.> > > > > > Ingenuity leads to death, as all of

passion creates life, which > > must die.> > > > > > That which is created, is

eventually destroyed.> > > > > > Signed,> > > > > > Shay T. Rugya> > > > > > To

, send an email to: > For software

visit: >

Links> > > > > > > > > > Do

You ?> >

To , send an email to:

For software visit:


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Dear Robin,


I sincerely hope that your son is safe and remains so

for a long an healthy life.


Would you believe that there are people, though, who

believe that since your son chose to be in the

military (assumed) and is paid (they don't seem to

care that it is very little), that if he is injured or

killed or is supporting a family who can barely make

ends meet that he "brought it on himself" or "should

have seen it coming and not joined"???


Not a loving attitude is it? Similar to the idea that

these people (not all resort dwellers by the way)

brought "the worst disaster in American History" (they

say) on themselves. I live in California and have for

41 years. Will I deserve it when I'm pancaked by "The

Big One"? [For those who don't know, that's a massive

earthquake expected to hit California any time within

these next 50-100 years]. They say that California is

the most populated single state. Where do we put us

all if not here?


If those who live in places where one can forsee

disaster from flood, fire, wind or earthquake,

shouldn't live there, where would we cram the majority

of US residents? Idaho?


No one deserves disaster, even those who bring it on

themselves. They aren't entitled to sympathy from

anyone, since sympathy is something we are each free

to give or withhold - but did they really "ask for"

what happened? Do cultures or societies that are fun

loving, deserve a beating because those of use who

don't have fun want things even?


And are we being used by the President? YES WE ARE. So

do something about it or let it go. This anger and

bitterness you have, although probably totally

legitimate will only serve to bring on a health

disaster - which you won't have deserved no matter how

much you will have brought it on yourself.


You are a loving person, reconnect with that. Be

healthy. Be happier. Enjoy your son while you have him

because any of us can slip and die in the bath tub any

day. And work to get someone better into the White

House (though they will use us too until each of us

decides to actively not be used).


Sorry for the diatribe. I sincerely mean well.


And, uh, sell that horse - cause while he is yours, it

IS your responsibility to care for him even if he

stubbornly refuses to drink.








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You stated:


> Astrologically speaking...and *please* keep in mind that I am still

a student & that these are honest questions, what is the date & time

that you are using to determine the US chart and also, what is the

value of the ayanamasha that you are using, both for the US chart &

for the hurricane event & how did you determine those values?? >


We have discussed this topic before in this forum. James Kelleher, a

California jyotishi, researched and found that the last delegate who

signed the Declaration of Independence penned his name at 18:30:00

EST, July 4, 1776. Using the Lahiri ayanamsha, the lagna for the US

becomes Sagittarius, with the Moon in the nakshatra of Shatabishak.


I did not cast a prashna for the hurricane event. I used the transit

of Saturn in Cancer with respect to the US Chart to make my analysis

of events. The transit of Saturn on the 8th house from Sagittarius

is considered inauspicious in traditional jyotish principles.




John R.














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