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The unjust truth

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The bhagvad gita is pure truth.

Pure and unfair!

You don't have a choice says krishna.

Krishna says that he as supersoul within directs the wanderings of the living

entity who is seated on the machine made of material elements.

He also says -- bewildered by the 3 modes,the soul thinks himself to be the DOER

of activities which are in fact carried out by material nature.

So you're not the real doer.you are just misidentifying with the identity

imposed on you -- just like being so involved in watching a movie,that you

start identifying with a particular character.But you aren't really doing

anything.The script is already written.You cannot change it.

The big question -- If god is really doing everything,if everything is actually

happening by force,-- what justification is there for the individual soul to be

made to suffer results of karma?

It's like this -- god does everything,he makes you believe that you are the

doer.Then he says -- you have made mistakes -- you suffer for it.Is this fair?

Then god says --- look here,I'll tell you how to escape karma and get out of

maya -- just detach yourself from everything,follow a life of self denial and

self torture,keep tolerating the assaults of material nature and besides

this,surrender to me.Bow before me with complete humility.Beg for my mercy.Also

keep singing my praises and flattering me.Keep on glorifying me ---- if you are

fortunate,I might take pity on you one day.

ISKCON devotees are doing exactly this -- they beg "O merciful lord,I know I am

suffering my karma.I deserve to suffer much more but you have reduced my

misery.Thank you,I am grateful.

The Hare krishna people argue that even if god is actually doing everything,you

deserve to suffer karma because you CHOSE to fall into maya. 

This brings up a question --- if the soul is originally sat cit ananda

--eternal,ALL KNOWING & blissful, Why would he fall into maya in the first


The HKs tell you that the lord does not want you to be trapped in maya but lets

you be deluded as he does not want to interfere with the free will of the soul

(the soul being qualitatively similiar with the lord has this quality of free



But once you are deluded,he takes away free will itself,controls you like a

puppet on a string and makes you responsible for HIS ACTIONS.

If he were really bothered about your free will,he would provide you with an

enjoyable and trouble free maya and leave you alone.

It's like this -- if there is a dungeon and you are curious about what is

inside,you look to me for advice,I tell you-- well! go in and have a look if

you please,it's your choice.

Once you walk in,I clamp the door shut and say ha ha you walked in of your own

free will -- now you are under my control.Then I inflict saddam like tortures

on you and let you come out only after you sing my glories and beg for my

mercy.If I did this wouldn't I be a sadist?

Krishna says --- "material nature is working under my direction"

The scriptures tell you that material nature is intrinsically predatory.The

arrangement itself is such that one species preys on another and might


The same krishna tells you to follow the path of

non-violence,truthfulness,austerity,etc. ---- if you do this,you will become a

victim.you will be exploited.

I am not questioning the validity of the gita.I know that it is the truth.But

then isn't it a truth that is imposed on you without justification?


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