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The Devil's Bliss (for Patricia et al)

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Thanks Patricia about that interesting report on

"dread" & the electric shocks experiment. I believe

there is a whole lotta truth in that theory.


--- Patricia Robinett <patricia wrote:


> On May 8, 2006, at 10:55 PM, John wrote:


> > Namaste Patricia,

> >

> > I looked up the word "desire" in the dictionary.

> It showed that the

> > word is a derivative of the Latin word

> "desiderare". The French

> > language probably uses the same root since it is a

> Romance language.

> >

> > I looked up "sire" in my French dictionary. It

> means sir or lord.

> > So, you are correct. It can be translated to "of

> the Lord or God".

> >

> > Further, you mentioned "the exaltation of

> sacrifice and deprivation

> > to the status of 'godliness.'" In the study of

> jyotish, we can find

> > a deeper meaning of sacrifice. At the surface

> level, sacrifice is

> > signified by the 12th house, the field of loss.

> The 12th house is

> > also the 8th house (meaning death) from the 5th

> house (meaning

> > offspring). Thus, it can be interpreted as death

> of the offspring or

> > human life.

> >

> > In many cultures, including the Hebrews and the

> native peoples of

> > Meso-America, human sacrifice was considered the

> best offering to

> > appease the 'gods'. Thus, in the Old Testament,

> we read about

> > Abraham who was willing to sacrifice his only son

> to appease his god.

> > However, an angel stopped Abraham from killing his

> son at the very

> > last second, signifying that this type of

> sacrifice was not

> > acceptable.


> hi, john. thanks for writing back.

> yes. i am aware of that. somehow i think it might

> tie in with

> something else i read today about fear of loss...


> ---

> "I heard part of a news report on NPR a couple of

> days ago about

> psychological research on "dread". Researchers got

> volunteers to enter a

> study involving electric shocks (not immediately

> lethal ones, I take

> it).

> Although I didn't hear the whole report, I did catch

> part of it which

> described something interesting the researchers

> discovered.


> "People, in a situation in which they know an

> electric shock is coming

> sometime in the next minute or so, but don't know

> exactly when it

> will come,

> will often self administer sooner a shock which they

> know will be

> stronger

> in order to avoid the later milder shock, and to

> avoid the anxiety

> and dread

> stemming from the uncertainty of waiting for the

> later shock, the

> timing of

> which is a mystery not under their own control. The

> dread and anxiety

> self-generated during waiting for the later mystery

> shock is worse

> than the

> immediate and greater but at least self-inflicted

> pain. They seek the


> of having the shock OVER WITH, and value that sooner

> relief more

> highly than

> they do avoiding the earlier worse shock the timing

> of which is under

> their

> own control. Researchers described the sighs of

> relief the subjects

> emitted

> after administering themselves the earlier stronger

> shocks which they

> knew

> would be stronger than the shocks that would come

> later but administered

> they knew not when."

> ---


> interesting, no?

> fear of pleasure. fear of loss.

> shooting ourselves in the foot... very interesting.

> kill your loved one before they die in some other

> way.

> elvira madigan.

> kill the relationship so you are in charge of who

> leaves whom.

> i had a client who experienced being sacrificed as a

> baby.

> left some big psychological scars.

> the trauma evaporated upon remembering, tho. nice.

> >

> > Going back to jyotish, at a deeper level, the 12th

> house means the

> > sacrifice of one's thoughts. This is because the

> 12th house is the

> > 8th house (death) from the 5th house, the field of

> ideas and

> > creativity. For this reason, the 12th house

> signifies meditation,

> > the process of transcending thoughts and ideas.


> i absolutely agree.

> >

> > So, the sacrifice needed to find the divine does

> not mean physical

> > suffering as the ancient peoples believed. The

> sacrifice needed is

> > the surrender of our thoughts, the ego, and the

> senses to attain the

> > field of pure consciousness, the divine.


> yes.

> that's it exactly.

> i shared tonight with my *course in miracles* class

> what you wrote.

> i think it clarifies beautifully why there is such a

> huge resistance

> to pleasure, bliss.

> wilhelm reich was persecuted for his work on the

> healthy aspects

> of sexual pleasure.


> ego prefers suffering.

> it's the ego's JOB to keep us in a state of

> dissatisfaction, distress.

> it uses whatever works to distract us from love /

> peace / joy / bliss.

> a diligent 'devil' -- words are so intersting.

> de sire. d'evil. and evil is 'live' spelled

> backwards...


> the denial of eternal life... even this life.

> thanks, john, for this interesting discussion.

> sorry i'm so terse tonight. my hand hurts & it's

> hard to type.

> love, patricia



> :



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