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JAYA JAGANNATHDear Narasimha, Rahu et.al,

I am not getting drawn into this controversy as most of it is a question of

faith. We believe that we are in Kali Yuga. Others do not on the basis of some

papers of Sri Yukteswara Maharaj, another very respected name in Orissa. I only

go by certain predictions made by Sri Achyuta Dasa that the 700 Years (Approx)

of "Dasatwa" or bondage of India will end in 2000 A.D. This covers the 360 &

240 years respectively of Muslim and European dominations. Although India did

get independance in 1947, the real freedoms were still to come to this nascent

democracy. This showed up in the birth chart of India which had Kala-Amrita

Yoga that was to last another half century..nett result is that we again arrive

at the date set by Sri Achyuta.

Narasimha has very intelligently tried to divide the periods into sub

periods. But, as a matter of abundant caution let me say that the basic cycle

should be 120 years or the Poorna ayus of the Human being that is equal to two

cycles of Saturn & Jupiter of 60 years each. Thus, while we can have four sub

periods in the Kreta Chakra of 480 years, there will be only one sub period of

120 years in the Kali Chakra of 120 years. Reason is something like this..you

can find some iron within gold, but not vice-versa.

I am finishing here as I have to go to the hospital. A young boy about 26

yrs has had a terrible fire accident- 95% injuries. The Sun transits the trines

to his Mrityupada and the dasa Antar is sat-venus..God Forbid...rest later.

Best Regards,Sanjay RathSri Jagannath Vedic Center152B Pocket-C, Mayur Vihar

Ph-2, Delhi, INDIA 110091.Tel:+91-11-2489531;e-mail: srath (AT) fnworld (DOT) comWebpage:



Narasimha Rao

G J List

Cc: vedic astrology

Saturday, September 04, 1999 12:44 AM

[vedic astrology] Re: Yugas

Dear Sateesh, Dear Vidyadhar / Das, Sorry to interrupt, but after being

initially confused about how Das possibly could think we have a "salvation

period" in Kali Yuga (and we -were- gifted Sri Caitanya in this period), I

surmised that the Yugas must follow the Pattern of the Mahadasas - e.g. Maybe

KaliYuga has 4 sub-periods, and Sri Caitanya was born in Kali-Sat Yuga (perhaps

akin to Jupiter-Jupiter Dasa-Bhukti), which is say followed by Kali-Treta Yuga

(perhaps akin to Jupiter-Saturn Dasa-Bhukti), then followed by Kali-Dwarapa

Yuga, then Kali-Kali Yuga, etc. Just as Das said (below) "Cycles within

cycles". Only an idea to mull over - please don't reply with abuse, anyone.

Very best regards - Sateesh.Sanjay belongs to the parampara of Sri Achyuta Dasa

and he mentioned Sri Achyuta Dasa's views on this earlier. Achyuta Dasa was a

direct disciple of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! He recognized cycles within cycles

upto many levels. According to Sri Achyuta dasa, 60-year cycles of

Saturn-Jupiter trigger sub-sub-...-sub-periods of Yugas. In 2000, a 120-year

Kali sub-period will be over and a 480-year Krita sub-period will start. It is

my humble view that Moon's position in Saturn-Jupiter conjunction charts shows

the nature of the coming period, just as Moon's position in dasa pravesh charts

sheds light on the dasa. Moon in the taamasik sign Virgo with nodes in the

Saturn-Jupiter conjunction chart of 1940 showed Kali sub-period, while Moon in

the coming conjunction chart of 2000 suggests a very saattwik (Krita-like)

period. We are about to start a Krita-yuga sub-period within Kali yuga. Please

refer to "Kali Yuga : Brahma Vidya-Sri Achyuta Dasa" - Sanjay Rath

sjvc/98.html May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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I am a fan of Swami Sri Yukteswar and in particular the book, _The

Holy Science_. The main purpose of the book was to illustrate the

underlying unity between religions. However, the introduction

contains fascinating information, including Swami Sri Yukteswar's

theory regarding the dating of the Yugas.


I recently found this web site that further explores what Swami Sri

Yukteswar wrote in _The Holy Science_ :




The site includes discussion of the dating of the Great Pyramid in

Egypt. And it mentions Edgar Cayce's reading in which he stated that

the Great Pyramid was built in 100 years from 10,490 to 10,390BC.

This time period would be during the descending portion of the last

Satya Yuga according to what Swami Sri Yukteswar has written.


I found the site very interesting - if you happen to have the time I

recommend checking it out.

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