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Patricia Robinett,


I own this list. I started it. I can shut it down, I can exclude people.

I have been in this position since the day it began, on my own server, which

I bought and paid for just to start this list, way back 10 years ago. It

flourishes because of me.


You come along, and you are very challenging to me.


I have thought hard about you lately, because of your way of dealing with

me, and I have come to the conclusion to confront your latest volley onlist,

instead of off.


I hope you can understand what I'm about to say.


First of all, I have noticed, over TIME, not just the recent days, that you

regularly express YOUR opinion of what other people say about GOD, including



I have noticed you expressing in Passive/Agressive ways, your opinion

against their's...like for example...a typical statement of yours might be"


"Gee, it's too bad you have THAT view of God"


That kind of mood.


You are a very opinionated person, and you often put little smiley faces




after stating very Passive/Agressive or judgemental things, as if your

little smile will fix your subtle attack on the person.


Since I noticed you regularly not understanding the Hindu way of viewing

God, it continually reminded me time and time again, of the British during

their days in India, which are well documented. For example, in the movie

Gandhi, when the Christian missionary is on top of the train, and talking to

the Hindus, who sincerely call him a "Vampire" becuase he "Eats the flesh

and drinks the blood of Jesus Christ". It's a very funny, but poignant

example of the differences of understanding.


When I posted my joke, I truly thought of it as a joke. Not a poke at you.

I didn't think you would take it the way you did, otherwise, I would not

have posted it, for I already fear you fully. I know you personally, and

fear your mouth, your wrath, your judgements, your opinions, upon me, as

I've already felt them, in person, across a coffee table, and at other



Now you don't talk much about Jyotish on here, and many of us don't. But

most of us who don't already know Jyotish. It's obvious you enjoy the other

topics, as do I. But you are not as versed in Hinduism as most of us on

here. There are well over one thousand people on this list who live in

India. There are tons of white people on here who like me have lived our

lives for deities like Shiva and Krishna.


You come off like an authority on God, but you have to realize that you

don't have our training, you have some other training.


Also, it's not very common these days in America that doctors mutilate young

girls genitals. It may have happened before, but I doubt, no matter what

you say, that it happens that much anymore. We all know it's going on in

Africa and other places, and that's one reason we as a country have

ambassadors, wars, and play political games with aid and embargos to try to

dissuade them from such things. It's not so much the subject of this list.


I think when it comes to Jyotish and the view of God around Jyotish, you

should perhaps be more of a student, and less of a teacher.


Next, Okay, you didn't get my joke, and you took it personally, and then off

list threatened me to go on a tyrade if I didn't recant and apologize

onlist. Well, you fulfilled your word. You are trying at every opportunity

to belittle me. Touche.


When it comes to my mothers death, and what I said, your little comment is

similar to all your other comments- you say the obvious as if you are some

big thinker, and put a smiley face to make us not get mad. Well frankly, I

don't really like you commenting on my mothers death or my view of it at

all. It's not your place. I am way more aware than you think of me

obviously. Plus, I only told what I wanted to tell. Why do you assume that

what I said is all there is to know? Fact is, there are many other factors

to the events and her odd visions. I'm a bit appalled at your blunt and

lame attempt at passive/agressive attacks on me.


It's clear to me you like attention and you want to be seen as very learned

and enlightened. Let me assure you that on this list are people who are

every bit and more, learned and enlightened than yourself. I really think

you should step back and realize you're in a big forest here, and you

shouldn't be walking around with your little hatchet hitting trunks and

assuming you felled the tree. All's you are doing actually is pissing off a

bunch of big trees.


Having been "mutilated" as a little girl is really sad. But it's your

decision to make it a huge issue and movement etc.


There are people on here with WAY worse afflictions than that one, I assure

you. Having personally met and talked to many of these people over these

ten years on the phone, in person, and through email, extensively, I assure

you that intense suffering is known on this list.


There are people on this list who have had their families killed in wars

that the US waged. There are people on here who have been mutilated and

jailed as political prisoners. There are people on here in Iran, Kosovo,

South Africa, Sri Lanka, Russia...everywhere. There may even be Muslim

doctors on here who have cut the genitals of young girls themselves more

than once for the sake of their beliefs and those of the families they



You do not know the subtle way I tread. You do not understand why I made

that joke- you cannot, because you do not know enough about India and

Hinduism. Your way of dealing with people seems like bigotry from a

Christianized Westerner whether you identify with these terms or not.


You do not understand the subtlety of Hindu theology. It is way more subtle

than yours. Your statements appear to be rough and flowery only, in

comparison to what many, including myself, have studied and know. India's

theology is simply much more complex than anything that has arisen in the

West. Or put another way, only the highest Western mystics have come close

to what is NORMAL in Indian theology. This is where India is quite

advanced, and many on this list, including myself, are adepts at it, and you

are not.


When I personally accept or reject something theologically on this list, the

reason I don't catch flack is because most of the people on this list who

dare to write know the depth of my knowledge and the extent of my studies in

Hinduism. To them, your lack of knowlegde is evident.


If I were totally quiet, they would think "Das is rightfully ignoring the

attacks of someone who doesn't know what they are talking about". And they

would be correct.


But they also understand if I come out like this and take it on.


In conclusion, do as you like, continue to show that you are an attention

grabbing, passive-aggressive, self elevated know it all who doesn't know

anything about either Jyotish or Hinduism, or, learn more first, be more

humble, or at least don't take me on, because if nothing else, I can remove

you from the list, and I can also moderate all messages so that no matter

who or what you sign in as, I can make sure nobody ever sees your messages.


I won't do that, I'm too lazy. So instead I'm just asking you to please

back down and if you need a reason, do so for the sake of showing humility

before a world wide world class collection of theologians, philosophers,

Jyotishis, Religionists, Bhaktas, Shaktas, Shaktis, Vaisnavas, Rabbis,

Priests (yes!), Nuns (yes, there are some here), Pastors (there's a bunch),

and so many learned Hindus and sincere people.


I only meant that original post as a joke, and for reasons you'll not

understand until you study India alot. Whether you can understand it or

not, I was trying to serve you by softening and making light of your obvious

vulgar passive agressive mood towards Hindu people's statements about God.

I was trying to give you and them a way to look at it lightly. You act like

the last word, but you have no idea how their brains work, or what their

scriptures teach. Instead of letting the joke do it's work, you turned it

into an attack on me. Tons of these people love me, so that's not a good

idea for your side to begin with. But the main thing I was trying to fit

you in better, so that your attacks wouldn't stand out so badly.


The old Vaisnava men and Woman on this list cannot even speak the way that

is normal to them because of people like you. I know exactly how they speak

about Krishna, because I've sat tolerating a cajillion mosquitoes in Mayapur

and Vrndavan and listened to them for days on end. It's a very different

culture. You try to constantly extinguish them, which is typical of

Christian missionaries and Westerners. I tried to make it work, but you

didn't get the subtlety of it.


The man who you responded to directly before my post, the one you put down

with some statement like "Gosh, it's awful to not have hope"....I just had

to act, because believe me, they have TONS of hope, you just don't

understand their lingo. The man will probably not post again because they

are very trained in humility whereas we are not so much, you definitely not.


So now I hope you have a little more awareness of what's really going on



Most sincerely


Raghunandan das

Das Goravani








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