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Jaya Jagannath

Dear Zoran,

I think I missed that mail. The years are as follows:-

SUN 1,21,22,48,70

MOON 2,23,24,5,49

MARS 9,27,28,10,39

MERCURY 5,31,32,20,54

JUPITER 3,33,34,24,56

VENUS 6,25,26,6,52

SATURN 8,35,36,39,82

RAHU 4,41,42

KETU 7,45,46

The moot point is the series Lagna (0), Sun (1), Moon (2), Jup (3)

Rahu (4) Merc (5) Ven (6) Ketu (7) Saturn (8) Mars (9).


Best Wishes,

Sanjay Rath


You Wrote: -

> Dear Sanjay,

> Be kind and send me the years ruled by planets(your view).I do not know

> whether you received my previous posting.

> I don't like to be spoon fed either,and I will tell you something.In

> Yugoslavia there are no English books on jyotish.

> I travelled several times abroad only to buy books,begged people who

> travelled abroad to bring me some books, asked even unknown people to let

> me copy the books they had.God knows,how many sleepless nights I spent

> reading and studying books,drawing charts and thinking...preying the

> ALmighty to remove obstacles from my brain and help me gain the

> knowledge.Yes,I put 11 years of my youth(daily 5-6 hours) in studying

> jyotish,didn't buy a new car last year,but spent money on books and note

> book computer,only for jyotish...I am happy about this,since the knowledge

> I gained came through immensly hard work and "divine" help.So please do

> not understand my questions as some kind of easy way around.Some

> American people from the list offered me help due to this war(financial)

> and I refused it,but thought of asking for some books.Didn't dare and

> didn't know whether they would understand..Jyotish is my life,and I am

> ready to put my whole life in studying it.

> Once again,please do not misunderstand my questions to you,and sorry if I

> embarresed you with this or any other posting of mine,My thoughts for you

> are with most respect,and gratitude for what you have already done for me

> and other list members.

> Love,

> Zoran



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