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Young actress with rising Career!

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Namaste friends,

I am attaching the chart of a young actress who was given the

highest prize in

23. year, with

promising career.It was in rahu mahadasha/ sun antara.There are

many interested

stanzas in

her life. She was born abroad in Switcerland, her father

possesing huge

inheritance is alcholic

and parents divorced when she was 2. She was given the prize as

very young which is


given to seniour actors. She acted in Emir Kusturica's film(a

director whose career

is at the peak)

and her status is rising at the moment. The interested point

in the chart is that

she isRX negative

(saturn is retrograde, atmakaraka) Are there any other

indications for being


Anycomments would be welcome...


The Horoscope of



According to "Jyotish", the "Light of God"

The Vedic System of Astrology revealed by

Vishnu (Almighty God) to our Forefathers

in the beginning of this creation.


This document is best viewed in a

Mono-Spaced (fixed-width) font such

as "Courier" font, at size 12 or less.


(Unlike Western Astrology, Vedic uses the actual

zodiac. Therefore, planetary positions vary

from Western Astrology positions by 23 degrees,

which often causes a change of sign.)


Provided to you by







Printed on 09/16/1999 at 14:15:54

Jyotish software: Goravani Jyotish v2


Based on the data of


12/18/1974, at 00:50:00


Vedic Astrology Weekday (Sunrise to Sunrise): Tuesday

Calendar Weekday: Wednesday

Lahiri: 23:30:41

Bern (Berne) Switzerland

7 E 26 46 N 57

Standard Time Hours from Greenwich: -1.00


Main Classifications for Sonja Ddamjanovic


Moon Sign: Capricorn

Rising Sign: Virgo

Sun Sign: Sagittarius

Moon Star (Nakshatra): Shravan Pada (Quarter): 4

Tithi 5th Tithi-Panchami of Waxing Moon

Yoga 13th-Vyaghata

Karan 9th-Bava


On the day of birth, at the place of birth:

Sunrise occured at local time:08:19:28

Sunset occured at local time:16:37:38


The Positions in the Zodiac of the Ascendant,

also known as the Lagna, and the Planets,

and the Nakshatra (Star) ruling over each.

"Ret"='retrograde', meaning backwards moving.


Planet Ret Sign (Rasi) Degrees Nakshatras


Ascendant Virgo 7° 20’ Uttaraphalgun

Sun Sagittarius 2° 9’ Mula

Moon Capricorn 20° 28’ Shravan

Mars Scorpio 11° 28’ Anuradha

Mercury Sagittarius 1° 7’ Mula

Jupiter Aquarius 17° 40’ Satabisha

Venus Sagittarius 12° 17’ Mula

Saturn R Gemini 23° 27’ Punarvasu

Rahu Scorpio 15° 49’ Anuradha

Ketu Taurus 15° 49’ Rohini




North Indian Style Rasi Chart for Sonja Ddamjanovic



** * * **

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * LIB* LAG * LEO* *

* MAR SCO** **CAN *

* RAH * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * MER * * * *

* * SUN * * SAT * *

* * * 6 * * *

* * VEN * * * *

* SAG * GEM *

* * * * * *

* * * PIS * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * KET *

* CAP** **TAU *

* MOO * AQU* * ARI* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * JUP * * * *

** * * **



Below is a basic description of the main

components of your chart. Memorizing these points

about your chart will give you the ability to

describe it to any astrologer say at a party, or

over the phone. These are the main points that

any Vedic Astrologer would need to know before

discussing your chart. The zodiac is a belt of

stars that surrounds the equator of the Earth and

is divided into twelve major divisions of space

each being 30 degrees of the total 360 degrees of

space surrounding the Earth. At the time you were

born, one of these twelve signs was visible in

space on the Eastern Horizon from the place you

were born. This "rising sign" sets up the basic

structure of your chart and is very important. It

is a physical fact that the exact zodiac sign

specified in your Vedic chart was actually rising

on the Eastern Horizon as seen from the city of

your birth. Also, the positions of the planets

given in your chart were actually exactly where

the planets were at the time of your birth.

Counting the zodiac signs from your rising sign

sets up the houses of the chart. Each sign is

ruled by one of the planets, who is then called

the lord of that sign. Since each sign is in

their order one of the houses then each planet

becomes therefore lord of a house. Actually, most

planets rule two houses each, except the Sun and

the Moon, which rule only one each. Each house

stands for different affairs of life, and the lord

of the house carries that aspects of life with it

wherever it has gone to in the chart. For

example, the lord of the 9th house carries with it

the ability to grant fortunes, so the house it

goes to in any chart is greatly benefited.

Therefore, if the lord of the 9th house is in your

2nd house, which rules your bank balance

situation, then it grants an increase in fortune

there, meaning it is a good placement for wealth.

Now let's list out your basic placements:


You have Virgo rising. This is also called "your

Ascendant" or "your rising sign", and in India it is

called your "lagna" pronounced "lug-na". Since the signs

always proceed in a set order from the rising sign, you

thus have Libra in your 2nd house, Scorpio in your 3rd

house, Sagittarius in your 4th house, Capricorn in your

5th house, Aquarius in your 6th house, Pisces in your 7th

house, Aries in your 8th house, Taurus in your 9th house,

Gemini in your 10th house, Cancer in your 11th house, and

Leo in your 12th house.


The Sun is in the 4th house, in Sagittarius.

The Moon is in the 5th house, in Capricorn.

Mars is in the 3rd house, in Scorpio.

Mercury is in the 4th house, in Sagittarius.

Jupiter is in the 6th house, in Aquarius.

Venus is in the 4th house, in Sagittarius.

Saturn is in the 10th house, in Gemini.

Rahu is in the 3rd house, in Scorpio.

Ketu is in the 9th house, in Taurus.


Mercury is lord of the 1st house and is in the 4th.

Venus is lord of the 2nd house and is in the 4th.

Mars is lord of the 3rd house and is in the 3rd.

Jupiter is lord of the 4th house and is in the 6th.

Saturn is lord of the 5th house and is in the 10th.

Saturn is lord of the 6th house and is in the 10th.

Jupiter is lord of the 7th house and is in the 6th.

Mars is lord of the 8th house and is in the 3rd.

Venus is lord of the 9th house and is in the 4th.

Mercury is lord of the 10th house and is in the 4th.

Moon is lord of the 11th house and is in the 5th.

Sun is lord of the 12th house and is in the 4th.





North Indian Style Navamsa Chart for Sonja Ddamjanovic



** * * **

* * SUN * * * *

* * MER * * * *

* SAT * * * * *

* KET * * * * *

* * ARI* JUP * AQU* *

* TAU** **CAP *

* * * LAG * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * 12 * * *

* * * * * *

* GEM * SAG *

* * * * * *

* * * VIR * * *

* MOO * * * * *

* VEN * * * * *

* * * * * *

* * * * * *

* CAN** **SCO *

* * LEO* * LIB* *

* * * * * *

* * * * * RAH *

* * * * * *

* * * * MAR * *

** * * **


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