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Ist Exercise. Submission by Narahari

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Dear Learned guru's and members



Om Gurave Namah


Please accept my submission of Excerice #1. I appologize for the



Question #1


.. Prepare the Rasi and Navamsa chakra or chart for the following

Nakshatra pada information.


Ascdt - Aasresha - 3rd pada

Sun - Anuradha - 1st pada

Moon - Uttarashada - 3rd pada

Mars - Poorva Phalguni - 1st pada

Mercury - Anuradha - 3rd pada

Jupiter ® -Rohini - 2nd pada

Venus -Poorvashada - 3rd pada

Saturn -Aasresha - 2nd pada

Rahu -Moola - 4 pada

Ketu -Aardra - 2 pada




Lagna and Planets Nakshatra and Pada Rasi Navamsa


Lagna Aslesha 3 Cancer (Karkataka) Aquarius (Kumbha)


Sun Anuradha 1 Scorpio (Vrischika) Leo (Simha)

Moon Uttarashada 3 Capricorn (Makara ) Aquarius (Kumbha)


Mars Poorva Phalguni - 1st pada Leo(Simha ) Leo (Simha)


Merc Anuradha 3 Scorpio (Vrischika ) Libra (Thula)

Jupiter Rohini 2 Taurus (Vrishabha ) Taurus (Vrishabha)


Venus Poorvashada 3 Saggitarius (Dhanus) Libra (Thula)

Saturn Aslesha 2 Cancer (Karkataka ) (Capricorn) Makara


Rahu Moola 4 Saggitarius (Dhanus) Cancer (Karkataka)

Ketu Aridra 2 Gemini (Mithuna ) Capricorn (Makara)


Question #2


List the corresponding Nakshatra padas which will fall in the same

Navamsa of the above planets. For example, in the Aries Navamsa, 1st

pada of Ashwini, Rohini, Punarvasu, Magam, Hastam, Vishakam, Moola,

Shravana, Purva Bhatrapada, will fall.




Aries Asw 1 Roh 1 Pun 1 Mag 1 Has 1 Vis 1 Moon 1

Srav 1 Pbhad 1

Taurus Asw 2 Roh 2 Pun 2 Mag 2 Has 2 Vis 2 Moon 2 Srav 2

Pbhad 2

Gemini Asw 3 Roh 3 Pun 3 Mag 3 Has 3 Vis 3 Moon 3 Srav 3

Pbhad 3

Cancer Asw 4 Roh 4 Pun 4 Mag 4 Has 4 Vis 4 Moon 4 Srav 4

Pbhad 4

Leo Bhar 1 Mrig 1 Push 1 Pphal 1 Chit 1 Anu 1 Psha 1 Dha 1

Ubhad 1

Virgo Bhar 2 Mrig 2 Push 2 Pphal 2 Chit 2 Anu 2 Psha 2 Dha 2

Ubhad 2

Libra Bhar 3 Mrig 3 Push 3 Pphal 3 Chit 3 Anu 3 Psha 3 Dha 3

Ubhad 3

Scorpio Bhar 4 Mrig 4 Push 4 Pphal 4 Chit 4 Anu 4 Psha 4 Dha 4

Ubhad 4

Saggi Krit 1 Arid 1 Asle 1 Upha 1 Swa 1 Jye 1 Usha 1 Sata 1

Rev 1

Capri Krit 2 Arid 2 Asle 2 Upha 2 Swa 2 Jye 2 Usha 2 Sata 2

Rev 2

Aqua Krit 3 Arid 3 Asle 3 Upha 3 Swa 3 Jye 3 Usha 3 Sata 3

Rev 3

Pisces Krit 4 Arid 4 Asle 4 Upha 4 Swa 4 Jye 4 Usha 4 Sata 4

Rev 4


Question #3


What are the padas which will give Vargottama status?


Nature of the Sign Vargottama Status

Movable 1st Nav of Ar, Cn, Li and Cp

Fixed 5th Nav of Ta, Le, Sc and Aq

Movable 9th Nav of Ge, Vi, Sg and Pi



I will be obliged if guru;s here can give thire feedback.






Katti Narahari

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