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Very Interesting Quiz (+ Answers to Astronomical Definitions)

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Dear Guru Gaurango & friends


Pl see interesting quiz (3 not-so-simple but elementary astronomy

questions) below the reply to Lesson 1:


Assignment 1: from Nandan Chakraborty


| 1 | Change of | Due to tilt of Earth's (E) axis wrt E's |

| | seasons | orbital plane, the Sun seems to migrate |

| | | between the Tropics of Cancer & Capricorn |

| | | (declination). This results in 2 things: A) |

| | | Sun's rays having to traverse more of the |

| | | E's atmosphere (difference in actual |

| | | distance in space outside the atmosphere is |

| | | negligible & irrelevant) in winter vs |

| | | summer, resulting in difference in |

| | | temperature, as the atmosphere absorbs some |

| | | of the heat. B) as the E rotates, more of |

| | | the sky- arc containing the Sun being |

| | | visible in the Northern Hemisphere in |

| | | negative declination of the Sun (ie towards |

| | | Tropic of Cn), resulting in longer days |

| | | there. |


| 2 | Sn not rise/ | Corollary of "B" above, taken to the limit, |

| | set in parts | for places beyond the Arctic/ Antartic |

| | of globe | circles. Beyond these circles, Sun either |

| | | there/ not there thru 24 hrs, in the Summer |

| | | & Winter respectively (opp in each |

| | | hemisphere), as the Sun is always above/ |

| | | below the horizon |


| 3 | Moving vs | Moving bodies= energisers (planets), |

| | Stationary | Stationary= fixed reference points (signs, |

| | bodies | naks), thru whose filters |

| | | (characterisations), the moversnshakers can |

| | | affect individual nativities, as per their |

| | | individual positioning |


| 4 | My chart |a) Sunrise at 6/40 am, birth at 9/30 pm= 15 |

| | |hrs later. With Sn at Lg at Sunrise, & around|

| | |2 hrs at Lg, this makes Sn in the 5th house |

| | |counting from beginning of Lg backwards from |

| | |12th to 11th ?. 6th, 5th. |

| | |b) Sn in Cp= Sn Ayan (Le to Cp)= b/w winter |

| | |solstice & spring, ie Sn below Cel Equator= +|

| | |declination. |

| | |c) Above horizon= houses 7 to 12. Below= 1 |

| | |to 6= all planets except Mn/ Ke in 7. With a |

| | |nice KalaSarpaYog, which fustrates every |

| | |effort, incl that to learn astrology! |





Now, a very interesting quiz (3 questions) on astronomy:


1. I wuz telling my 4 yr old boy one day, about why the Mn changes its

phase, as the Earth's (E) shadow falls on it, blocking the Sun's rays.

Enthusiastically used the light (bulb) as the Sun, my fist as the E & his

fist as the Mn & we all went roundnround & had great fun.

A few days later, on the beach, he happened to see the setting Sun AND the

1/2 Mn overhead in the sky, & said "hey, both these are up in the sky, &

we, ie the E, is down here, NOT between them, so how is the E blockin' the

Sun's rays?"


I wuz quite zapped. A few days later, we all went to the house of a 20 year

old friend, a director in Shitty-Bank, and a physics grad. The Mn was up

there, & I remembered, & asked him the same question. He too was zapped.


Many days later, the answer struck me.


Think about it first. Scroll down to see the possible answer.























The E is round.

Round. Globe. Sphere. Ball. Understood now? If not, scroll down & read on.














So the horizon on all sides, is BELOW the rectangle we can draw stretching

from our eyes, perpendicular to our bodies. So we see both the King & Queen

of the planets at the same time, both above the horizon, & yet a part of

the E is between them. I hope this answer is right, 'coz that's what I told

my boy eventually.


2. And since we're at this, can u guess the size of the smallest planet

(forget the asteroids). Scroll down for answer (again I had told my boy the

wrong thing).















It is Pluto, not Mc. And it is 0.2% (Yes POINT 2%) of the Earth. Maybe the

size of India?


3. And for those who think summer & winter are because the Sn is nearer/

further to the Earth (E), that is WRONG. Scroll down for answer:














The Sn is nearest the Earth, NOT in summer, but at the equinoxes (spring/

autumn) & furthest & equidistant at BOTH summer & winter. Its 'cos due to

the E's axis tilt, that more/ less of the E's heat-absorbing atmosphere, is

traversed by the direct/ slanting Sun rays. The actual distance of the Sun

outside the E's atmosphere is irrelevant to seasons. It is the amount of

ATMOSPHERE that the Sun rays have to traverse to reach u.



4. Not a quiz. Yesterday, I told Rohan about how the Sun once had a

stomach-ache & spat thoooooh, & a ball of fire came out, went on about

gravity & centrifugal force & orbits & cooling of the mass, & some escapees

becoming comets n all that. And we had great fun whirling a plastic bottle

around a rope & watching it rise as it increased speed (c'fugal force).

Till the whole house started screaming with the plastic bottle going off in

all directions all the time. Then he stopped, & said, now suppose this

string is the Sun, & the bottle is the c'fugal force & u r gravity, ? &

Anjula, my wife rescued me from all that, by sounding the dinner gong.

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