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The Auto-biography of a Goat

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Please read this and forward it to all your friends and relatives. It may change

their life also. I've no words to explain what it means.


With Best Wishes


Gopal Krishan DodaKrishanFriend GopalKrishanDoda

The "Auto-biography "of a


Like all other animals,

after traversing through many rebirths, when I entered into my mother goat's womb, and

suffered the ignonimity of being encaged there for five months and took birth, I found

this world a nice and pleasant place to live in. Man and his little children treated me

with affection, held me in their laps and gave me tender green leaves to eat. Drinking my

goat-mother's milk, I began to grow quickly. Her master used to pet me and take me to his

farm, where I used to feed myself on green leaves. He was not annoyed even when I

evacuated my body-waste in his field. When I asked my mother the reason for this, I was

told that our waste turns into manure for his plants, giving him great yields. That is why

he was never angry with me.

Time continued to pass gradually and I

went on living contentedly with my companions. After about an year and a half, a stranger

came to my master. They talked for some time and then my master brought together about

40-50 of my companions and we were made to stand in a group. Then a big van arrived there

and we were forcibily thrust into it. I wanted to go to my mother, but could not. When I

moved towards her, an ugly-looking man hit me with a stick. Helplessly, we squeezed,

ourselves in the van. My head began to reel due to over-crowding. My companions were also

in bad shape. Fear was writ large on every body's face and the jerks caused by the moving

vehicle was scratching our skins. The day went by and night fell and another day and night

passed but the van was constantly on the move. Twice the van-owners threw us some food but

it barely sufficed to fill half our bellies. Next day, the van stopped in a big city. A

tall, bearded man approached the van, he gave the van-owner something and we were all

turned over to him. Our new master drove us with sticks to a house. He made all of us

stand in the sun. Restlessness caused by sunshine, hunger and thirst, and to top it the

fear of the stick were driving us towards our death.

After a long wait we were pushed into

the house. A man sitting there was examining my companions with some tube attached to his

ears. When our turn, came our owner gave him some thing, and he sent us inside without

checking. I could not understand this but a senior companion of mine told me that he was a

doctor and it meant our death was approaching us. Already half-dead with hunger, thirst

and tiredness, I lost all my appetite on hearing this and could not swallow whatever

little was given to us. Even water hurt instead of soothing my throat. Then the door of an

adjoining room was opened and what I saw there made me tremble with terror. My legs

refused to carry my weight and darkness appeared before my eyes. Cries and wails of my

companions coming out of that room made me weep. I tried to cry but the voice could not

come out of my mouth and throat. I tried to run out but a man caught hold of both my hind

legs and threw me into that room where a horrible person looking like a giant was slitting

the throat of one of my companions with a massive knife. Suddenly, a thought flashed in my

mind. Is this the same man who claims to be the descendent of sages and saints and who

always sings the songs of pity and non-violence? No, this cannot be the same man because

even wild animals, who are solely dependent on flesh diet, never indulge in such mass

killing as he was doing. While such thoughts were passing through my mind, a man caught

hold of my ears and pushed me towards that horrible man. The pain now turned.my fear into

rage, I tried to pull myself away, but in vain. My frustration resulting in boiling of my

blood, froth started oozing from my mouth and involuntarily I passed urine and solid

waste. But no one took pity on my helpless condition. Rather, two other persons caught

hold of me. One caught me by the legs and the other one started cutting my throat with a

dagger. Fountain of blood spurted from my neck and my entire body was filled with pain.

Now there was no alternative, but to pray for instant death. I only wished they would kill

me with one blow and not prolong my agony. But no, I was destined to suffer more because

the knife went only half way through my neck. Death was still far away and every moment of

this torture dragged on like an year. Cursing my fate and remembering God, I continued

praying and waking for death.

Darkness gradually began to

descend before my eyes and I started losing consciousness. Perhaps breathing had also

stopped. It seemed as I am dead and messengers of death were carrying me to the sky.

But wait- what is that? My body still lay in that slaughter-house and now two persons were

pulling my hide away from the flesh and fat below the hide. They throw my hide on one side

and flesh on the other. After some time, a person purchased my flesh and took it to the

kitchen of a hotel. There a person sliced my whole flesh into small pieces. Probably, all

these tortures were too little for this God like man, because it is his hereditary habit

to rub-salt on the wounds and this was still due. Why they should leave it for me? So

after changing my meat to pulp he not only added salt and chillies but fried me on fire

too and thus gave ample evidence of his barbarity. I was wondering, what next, when I saw

another person arranging my meat in a plate and taking it out of the kitchen into a big

decorated room where a young couple was sitting. As soon as the plate was laid before the

couple, the male among them started eating my meat with a flourish of delight. But the

female sitting opposite him appeared to dislike eating my meat and it seemed that she was

just giving company to her husband.

By now, I had reached the court of

'Dharamraj'and was standing in the queue of many souls. The loud voice of 'Chitragupta,

who was narrating the account of good and bad deeds of everybody, attracted my attention.

On my turn, Chitraguptaji revealed that in my previous birth I had feasted on the

flesh of a goat. As a consequence of that, I had to born as goat and offer my meat for

others. He also revealed that the persons, I had seen in the hotel eating my flesh were my

own loving children of my previous birth, whom I had loved so much that for their sake I

had staked everything in life. "Now that they are eating your meat in their present

birth, they will have to suffer similar punishment for this in their next birth"

Hearing this my soul trembled. How could I like my progeny to suffer the same tortures as

had been inflicted on me? I, therefore, requested Dharamraj ji to forgive all of them

because I too, had forgiven them and wanted no revenge of any kind. Dharamraj ji took pity

on me and graciously ordered that, since as a goat I had eaten only leaves and creepers,

and had done no one any harm, and had forgiven everyone, I should be reborn next as a man.

My soul was thus sent to earth to take the human life.

Entering into my next re-incarnation, I

vowed that now I would behave with the utmost rectitude and be a votary of truth and

non-violence. Far from killing any bird or animal or eating its flesh, I would desist from

causing the least pain to any living being, nor do anyone any harm. I would always offer

protection to every living being. With these thoughts, I entered the womb of my new


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Gopal Krishan Doda wrote:






> a thought flashed in my mind. Is this the same man who claims to be the

> descendent of sages and saints and who always sings the songs of pity and non-

> violence?


hare rama krishna


When I read the excerpt above, I was reminded of the following:


>From the translation/commentary of Mahabharata (ch37) by Rajagopalachari


" The moral of this striking story of Dharmavyadha so skillfully woven by

Vedavyasa into the Mahabharata, is the same as the teaching of the Gita,

that man reaches perfection by the honest pursuit of whatever calling

falls to his lot in life, and that this is really worship of God Who

created and pervades all.

The occupation may be one he is born to in society or it may have been

forced on him by circumstances or he may have taken it up by choice but

what really matters is the spirit of sincerity and faithfulness with

which he does his life's work. Vedavyasa emphasises this great truth by

making a scholarly brahmana, who did not know it, learn it from a

butcher, who lived it in his humble and despised life."





Ajit Krishnan



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