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Vishnu Purana - Planetary Stories-Sun

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Namaste Nandan and Lakshmi,


Thanks and my appreciation for the quick and nice presentations from you.


Lakshmi: You mentioned Sanjay-Narasimha, there is no doubt about Narasimha. But,

why only Narasimha? Now

you and Nandan have proved that you are becoming the great sisyas of Gurudeva.

Narasimha is like Arjuna.

Then, we cannot neglect Kuselar. The common factor for both of them is Pure

Bakthi. Here you and Nandan have

shown the similar dedication and sincerity and you are trying to execute the

Gurudeva’s instructions. Arjuna asked questions to Krishna, representing

the whole mankind. Maitreya asked questions to Parasara, representing the whole



Nandan: I was keep on thinking about the content of your mail ever since I read

it yesterday. There are a lot of Jyotish informations hidden in it. I am not

knowledgeable like Gurudeva to comment further on this subject. But, a small

note on the Sun – Saturn. Sun

as the signifactor of Atma gives the life to the living things. He is the origin

and the end also should come from him only. Once a person is born, only one

thing, which can be blindly predicted is his death, which is sure to occur. As

Aditi wished the son

of Death born out of Sun. How was he born? Through the chayya, the Maya. Truth

is not involved in this. Martanda, can it mean the cosmic egg? One is beginning

and other is end and all other planets


Once, you both finish your presentation, I will compile them in a separate file

and will upload in file section. Keep up this good work.


One more small note to Nandan: I am sorry to keep pressing you on this. Your

non-abbreviation is improved. Similarly, please fragment your sentence in a

simple language, so that non-English speaking country people can understand it

better. As

you mentioned this will help all of us to understand the planetary

characteristics and we need not memorise any thing further.



Solai Kannan

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Om Gurave Namah



Namaste Solai,


If any one else is to be mentioned as worthy sishyas

of Gurudeva, apart from Narasimha, I think, you,

Zoran, Visti, Alex, Karu...all of you eminently

qualify. Despite your kind words(THANKS!)I know that I

am not in the same league....atleast not at present.


Solai, Bhakti is more like an individual's personal

approach to Bhagawan...whereas Gyaana is one that

benefits the entire society, and sincerety alone

without knowledge doth not make gyaana. And knowledge

takes time!





--- Solai Kannan <solai wrote:




> Namaste Nandan and Lakshmi,


> Thanks and my appreciation for the quick and nice

> presentations from you.


> Lakshmi: You mentioned Sanjay-Narasimha, there is no

> doubt about Narasimha.

> But, why only Narasimha? Now

> you and Nandan have proved that you are becoming the

> great sisyas of

> Gurudeva. Narasimha is like Arjuna.

> Then, we cannot neglect Kuselar. The common factor

> for both of them is Pure

> Bakthi. Here you and Nandan have

> shown the similar dedication and sincerity and you

> are trying to execute the

> Gurudeva’s instructions. Arjuna asked questions to

> Krishna, representing the

> whole mankind. Maitreya asked questions to Parasara,

> representing the whole

> Jyotisha.


> Nandan: I was keep on thinking about the content of

> your mail ever since I

> read it yesterday. There are a lot of Jyotish

> informations hidden in it. I

> am not knowledgeable like Gurudeva to comment

> further on this subject. But,

> a small note on the Sun – Saturn. Sun

> as the signifactor of Atma gives the life to the

> living things. He is the

> origin and the end also should come from him only.

> Once a person is born,

> only one thing, which can be blindly predicted is

> his death, which is sure

> to occur. As Aditi wished the son

> of Death born out of Sun. How was he born? Through

> the chayya, the Maya.

> Truth is not involved in this. Martanda, can it mean

> the cosmic egg? One is

> beginning and other is end and all other planets


> Once, you both finish your presentation, I will

> compile them in a separate

> file and will upload in file section. Keep up this

> good work.


> One more small note to Nandan: I am sorry to keep

> pressing you on this. Your

> non-abbreviation is improved. Similarly, please

> fragment your sentence in a

> simple language, so that non-English speaking

> country people can understand

> it better. As

> you mentioned this will help all of us to understand

> the planetary

> characteristics and we need not memorise any thing

> further.


> Thanks

> Solai Kannan







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Om Gurave Namah


Namaste Solai,


Further to my last email, I am sorely tempted to quote

this lovely line from Milton, although it makes your

case stronger!


" They also serve who stand and wait"


Regarding Nandan's Sun-Saturn (great info...thanks!),

isn't Yama also a son of Surya? It is the aspect of

"Karma-Sakshi/Dharma-devata" of Surya that's inherited

by both Saturn and Yama, their mother(s) not



And I always considered Saturn to be a necessary

complement to Sun. Both are incomplete without each

other, and derive much of their identity and value

from each other.


Infact perhaps Saturn alone can show the way to Surya

like nothing or nobody else can. He's the Darkness

that makes us ache for Light, He 's the inner silence

that makes us listen to "Pranava".


I think I better stop here! Lots of work.





--- Solai Kannan <solai wrote:




> Namaste Nandan and Lakshmi,


> Thanks and my appreciation for the quick and nice

> presentations from you.


> Lakshmi: You mentioned Sanjay-Narasimha, there is no

> doubt about Narasimha.

> But, why only Narasimha? Now

> you and Nandan have proved that you are becoming the

> great sisyas of

> Gurudeva. Narasimha is like Arjuna.

> Then, we cannot neglect Kuselar. The common factor

> for both of them is Pure

> Bakthi. Here you and Nandan have

> shown the similar dedication and sincerity and you

> are trying to execute the

> Gurudeva’s instructions. Arjuna asked questions to

> Krishna, representing the

> whole mankind. Maitreya asked questions to Parasara,

> representing the whole

> Jyotisha.


> Nandan: I was keep on thinking about the content of

> your mail ever since I

> read it yesterday. There are a lot of Jyotish

> informations hidden in it. I

> am not knowledgeable like Gurudeva to comment

> further on this subject. But,

> a small note on the Sun – Saturn. Sun

> as the signifactor of Atma gives the life to the

> living things. He is the

> origin and the end also should come from him only.

> Once a person is born,

> only one thing, which can be blindly predicted is

> his death, which is sure

> to occur. As Aditi wished the son

> of Death born out of Sun. How was he born? Through

> the chayya, the Maya.

> Truth is not involved in this. Martanda, can it mean

> the cosmic egg? One is

> beginning and other is end and all other planets


> Once, you both finish your presentation, I will

> compile them in a separate

> file and will upload in file section. Keep up this

> good work.


> One more small note to Nandan: I am sorry to keep

> pressing you on this. Your

> non-abbreviation is improved. Similarly, please

> fragment your sentence in a

> simple language, so that non-English speaking

> country people can understand

> it better. As

> you mentioned this will help all of us to understand

> the planetary

> characteristics and we need not memorise any thing

> further.


> Thanks

> Solai Kannan







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Dear Lakshmi,


> If any one else is to be mentioned as worthy sishyas

> of Gurudeva, apart from Narasimha, I think, you,

> Zoran, Visti, Alex, Karu...all of you eminently

> qualify. Despite your kind words(THANKS!)I know that I

> am not in the same league....atleast not at present.


Your original kind words on me (Parasara-Maitreya, Sanjay-me) made me

feel ashamed, because I know that I am now worthy of such lofty

praise. I wasn't really like the ideal sishya you described while

quoting Sri Sai Baba. However, I will try my best to live upto your

words and overcome my short-comings.


> Solai, Bhakti is more like an individual's personal

> approach to Bhagawan...whereas Gyaana is one that

> benefits the entire society, and sincerety alone

> without knowledge doth not make gyaana. And knowledge

> takes time!


Similarly, knowledge alone without sincerity will not benefit the

society nor the person involved. Bhakti is incomplete without jnaana,

but jnaana is incomplete without bhakti too. One needs both.


However, the good thing is that both bhakti and jnaana come only to

blessed souls and those who lack one of the two (due to bad karma

from past lives) will eventually make up for their shortcomings.


So one with bhakti will eventually get jnaana too. One with jnaana

will eventually overcome his ego and get bhakti too. One's life will

become complete only then.


> Regards,

> Lakshmi


May Jupiter's light shine on us,


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