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Vedic stories of Planets : Sun/Adityas

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Hare Rama Krishna



Dear Nanadan & others,


Thanks for your write up on the planet Sun. Now I know the reason for

Sun's deep exaltation in the nakshatra Aswini (10 AR 00).



Regarding Saturn:


Further to Guruji Solai's and Mrs Lakshmi Ramesh' comments, I suspect

that Saturn sets the limit/ influence of the Sun. Remember

Sankaracharya's prayer, which says Saturn is at the outer limit of the

finite (Nara) portion of this creation (bhachakra). It is

understandable that the Sun fathered Saturn first, before Manu.



Regarding Adityas:


(My modem went down, so I could not send this before! Probably most of

the people know this)


Sun's path is the path of light and the twelve Adityas represent the

twelve months. They are the children of Infinity, the great Aditi, the

mother of the gods who extends infinitely way beyond the sea and the



Please refer to pp 25 of Vedic Remedies in Astrology by Gurudev. A

table on Twelve Sun signs (dwadasa aditya) is given, loaded with

information on Rishi, Apsara, Sarpa, Yaksha, Rakshasa, Gandharva,

Vedic month etc., for each one of them.


A litle bit more from other sources!


>From Aries onwards the Adityas are as follows:


1. Aryama (Honor) - the chivalrous mind, moral principles.

2. Mitra (Friendship) - respect and solidarity between men.

3. Arun (Destiny) - the unknown, the unexpected.

4. Indra (Courage) - power, heroism, confidence.

5. Vivaswan (Morals or human law) - order ( another source says


6. Pusha (Progress) - the nurturer, prosperity, security.

7. Parjanya ??

8. Amsa (Liberal) - celestial inheritance, the gift of the gods.

9. Bhaga (Sharing) - of possessions.

10. Twastha (the shaper) - the maker of weapons, the craftsman.

11. Vishnu (The knowledge or perception of Cosmic Law) - Immanent

divine knowledge.

12. Dhata/Dhatri (receptical) - that can give support.


Using this information-- I remember Gurudev saying somewhere to look

for ones individual Aditya as given in his book. I am sorry, I am yet

to work on this. Anybody knows how to use this information may please

elaborate on this.


Regarding use of 'myths':


As the setting for Vedic Astrology goes back many centuries (it is god

given), I think, by trying to understand the subject through various

puranic stories we will not be lost or confused. (offcourse

corruptions and contradictions are to be coped with!). Just a thought.




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