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Vishnupurana-Planetary stories:Sun

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Om Gurave Namah



Namaste Narasimha,


I feel that the warmth and confidence that you and

Sanjayji share is wonderful and it's palpable even in

your most heated academic exchanges. You sort of

challenge Guruji and set him off to give his best. And

that’s very much our occasionally impudent Maitreya!


Regarding “Gyaana” (do I sound like NTR?) and Bhakti,

I agree that one follows the other. But the “second”

quality, in both cases, is more like a by-product or

an after-thought. I think the difference matters.


Bhakthi is more an emotional , simplistic “ithi” way

of relating to God. There’s minimal uncertainty/crisis

of faith there. Gyaana is more complex and for the

major period the gyaani is violently veering between

“na-ithi” and “ithi”. Only towards the end, after a

lot of search does he realize that both are valid

values and point to the same TRUTH.





--- pvr wrote:

> Dear Lakshmi,


> > If any one else is to be mentioned as worthy

> sishyas

> > of Gurudeva, apart from Narasimha, I think, you,

> > Zoran, Visti, Alex, Karu...all of you eminently

> > qualify. Despite your kind words(THANKS!)I know

> that I

> > am not in the same league....atleast not at

> present.


> Your original kind words on me (Parasara-Maitreya,

> Sanjay-me) made me

> feel ashamed, because I know that I am now worthy of

> such lofty

> praise. I wasn't really like the ideal sishya you

> described while

> quoting Sri Sai Baba. However, I will try my best to

> live upto your

> words and overcome my short-comings.


> > Solai, Bhakti is more like an individual's

> personal

> > approach to Bhagawan...whereas Gyaana is one that

> > benefits the entire society, and sincerety alone

> > without knowledge doth not make gyaana. And

> knowledge

> > takes time!


> Similarly, knowledge alone without sincerity will

> not benefit the

> society nor the person involved. Bhakti is

> incomplete without jnaana,

> but jnaana is incomplete without bhakti too. One

> needs both.


> However, the good thing is that both bhakti and

> jnaana come only to

> blessed souls and those who lack one of the two (due

> to bad karma

> from past lives) will eventually make up for their

> shortcomings.


> So one with bhakti will eventually get jnaana too.

> One with jnaana

> will eventually overcome his ego and get bhakti too.

> One's life will

> become complete only then.


> > Regards,

> > Lakshmi


> May Jupiter's light shine on us,

> Narasimha








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