Guest guest Posted December 8, 2001 Report Share Posted December 8, 2001 Namaste, First, I'd like to thank SJVC, Guruji Sanjay, Narasimha, Solai, Gauranga Das and all the others for accepting me as a sishya in this classroom. May the Divine power,love and wisdom bless us all; may the the astrology of the Divine Mother enlighten our minds, warm our hearts and empower our wills. Dear Solai, Gauranga, I am only now answering to the questions of Lesson 2 because until today I was in the horns of a personal dilemma : I wanted to answer them in the most comprehensive manner possible [ if possible and when appropriate linking the concepts,ideas, technical terms and/or techniques -mainly Hindu - written about in the lesson to their equivalents from other esoteric / mystical and astrological traditions, in particular the western esoteric and astrological traditions as revealed by the teachings of the Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood (since one of my goals in life has always been to build bridges and clearly identify the similitudes among the main spiritual traditions of the world because this is one of the basic requisites for the creation of a GOLDEN AGE [=Satya Yuga ] in the incoming Aquarian Era , and also because there are so many students in this group from all over the world , hence with different cultural and spiritual backgrouds -and in the future many others will come in- that it is of fundamental importance to establish a basic , common, agreed-upon consensual framework and technical definition of terms so that all may understand and profit from what is being talked about ] but at the same time I didn't want to sound pedantic and much less to step out of the bounds of the specific interests of this Group (= teaching traditional Jyotish). After reading your email below, I've decided to write in a comprehensible manner as possible and if others in this group who belong to different spiritual traditions would like to share their wisdom ( of course , the final decision about whether to allow this rests upon the shoulders of our gurus,Sanjay,Solai and Gauranga), I think all the members will be enriched by this interchange ( besides this inner value, isn' it possible that some day in the future a Hindu Jyotishi will need to be conversant with Western terms when faced with an astrological consultation for a western client and vice-versa?) Now my answers to the Questions of Lesson 2. I will start with Question No. 5 and here's why : I have an abiding interest in the creation of a Universal Spiritual Encyclopedia / Dictionary based on the mystical / astrological teachings of the main world religions (similar to the same project in this group headed by Abhijeet). So I will contribute to this common effort in this way : in my emails/answers/questions/contributions to the group, I will underline the term/word to be defined -written in Capital letters - ,with its etymology , the definition and its correlation/ equivalence to similar terms from other traditions placed in between square brackets immediately after the word (for a simple example please see Golden Age in the paragraph above). NOTES : a) Distinct meanings of the word which are different from the one being defined therein will be relegated to END NOTES at the end of the piece and are indicated by (1,2,3,etc.) for the sake of not overburdening the reader ; b) some words in my answers below -for instance Soul-and in future pieces will not be defined when they appear for the first time since their definition is either too long / complex / in need of some pruning ( because of historical mistranslations / misunderstandings : a case in point being Atman which is erroneously translated as Soul - see below) but they will still be underlined and will be defined later on. Q.1- ROLE OF GOD IN MY LIFE GOD [= Brahman;the Universal Self; the Ultimate Reality] , in Its fourfold aspects/faces/persons, is the Creator[=Brahma, God-the-Father], Preserver [=Vishnu, God-the-Son] & Destroyer [=Shiva,God-the-Holy Spirit] appearing / manifesting Itself as the infinite forms/faces of the Divine Mother, and as the source of all creation & ground of all beings ,their Ultimate Cause & goal in life. ATMAN [=the Divine Self in Man;the I AM Presence; the I A.M THAT I AM ] is the individualization of this God Presence for every son & daughter of the Most High,and hence the bestower of Its gifts to mankind : SAT [=Pure Being]-CHIT [=Absolute Consciousness;Objectless Awareness}-ANANDA [=Absolute Bliss] , which are also the 3 essential inner attributes of Brahman. Thus God is the source of my life,consciousness and joy; my inner teacher & guide (through my HOLY CHRIST SELF[=Buddhi ]; my comforter & solace in moments of doubt by inspiring and calming me ; the giver of all my abundance & wealth ; the constant spur of my soul to reach higher & deeper in my spiritual path Q2- WHAT HAVE YOU DONE IN THE PAST YEAR TO COME CLOSER TO GOD ? Since 1979 when I had my spiritual awakening & changed my diet to a macrobiotic/vegetarian one, learned Transcendental Meditatiom & then the TM-Sidhi techniques, started practicing Yoga & reading spiritua/ metaphysical books & studying the mystical traditions of all the major religions, I've been always well aware that an integrated,balanced & comprehensive SADHANA [=from the verb root sadh="to go straight to the goal", meaning 1- self-effort; 2-spiritual discipline; 3-means; 4- way; generally, the means to release/liberation/Moksha ] is absolutely essential for the fulfillment of THE 3 REQUISITES FOR THE ASCENSION [= Moksha; the ritual whereby the SOUL reunites with the SPIRIT of the Living God, the I AM Presence , as the culmination of the soul's God-victorious sojourn in time & space, and thereby becoming immortal, a permanent atom in the Body of God ] OF my ( EVERY HUMAN) SOUL : 1- transmutation of at least 51% of our personal Karma; 2- the balancing of the THREEFOLD FLAME [= also called the CHRIST FLAME, LIBERTY FLAME, or FLEUR-DE-LIS , is the spark of life and of a Man's Divinity , projected from tthe heart of the Atman / The I AM Presence through the Holy Christ Self and anchored in the ETHERIC PLANE in the THE SECRET CHAMBER OF THE HEART [= a secondary chakra behind the heart ] for the purpose of the soul's evolution in the matter spheres; composed of 3 colored shining plumes, it is the sacred trinity of Divine Power (blue), Wisdom (yellow) and Love (pink) ]; 3- the fulfillment of my soul's Divine Plan. So, my sadhana consists of the activities adequated for the purification & development of the FOUR LOWER BODIES [= 4 sheaths(= Skt. sarira) of 4 distinct frequencies that surround/compose the soul -- i.e., the ETHERIC BODY, THE MENTAL BODY,THE EMOTIONAL/FEELING/ASTRAL BODY, and THE PHYSICAL BODY which correspond to the 4 ELEMENTS, fire, air, water a earth, respectively -- and provide vehicles for the diverse functions of CONSCIOUSNESS of the soul -- memory, thinking, feeling, and perception , respectively. ]. They are the following : 1- A balanced & individualized diet, appropriate for my constitution (Skt. prakiti, here in its Ayurvedic sense ) without meat., alcohol & all other tamasic foods; 2 - exercises of Hatha-Yoga & Pranayama leadingn to meditation; 3 - daily recitation/prayer of the Rosary to Mother Mary ( an old western method for the gentle awakening of the Kundalini taught by THE VIRGIN / MOTHER MARY [= the ARCHEIA [=divine complement / spouse and TWIN FLAME [= the soul's masculine or feminine couterpart conceived out of the same WHITE FIRE CORE , the fiery ovoid of the I AM Presence ] of an ARCHANGEL, (in this case of Archangel Raphael) ] of the 5th RAY of healing, science & precipitation ] ) and the singing of the Gayatri / other Mantras; 4 - reading of and meditation on sacred texts - Bible, Bhagavat-Gita, Zohar, etc. 5 - fulfilling my duties as husband & father; 6- use of the VIOLET FLAME [= Seventh - RAY aspect of the HOLY SPIRIT. the SACRED FIRE that transmutes the cause, efffect, record & memory of SIN , or negative karma . Also called the flame of transmutation. of freedom, and of forgivenes. ] and the CALL TO BELOVED MIGHTY ASTREA, which are 2 different forms of DECREES, for the transmutation of my ELECTRONIC BELT and worldly negative Karmic conditions; 7 - study of Jyotish texts. Q4 - HOW IS A JYOTISHI DIFFERENT FROM A PRIEST ? In order to answer this question we must first know what is Astrology/ Jyotish & its purposes/uses. Astrology teaches us that we, as a MICROCOSM , are a replica/image of the MACROCOSM and, ultimately of the Divine Itself; that the Qualities / Emanations of God-Consciousness, externalized as RAYS, ( corresponding to the different Gods/Goddesses in all mythological / spiritual traditions and which in the COSMIC CLOCK mandala are as follows : Capricorn- God Power; Aqu- God Love; Pis- God Mastery; Aries- God Control ; Tau- God Obedience; Gem- God Wisdom; Can- God Harmony; Leo- God Gratitude; Virgo-God Justice; Libra- God Reality; Sco- God Vision; and Sag- God Victory ) are mirrored/reflected and also intended to be embodied in our own souls. Therefore,Jyotish, as the eye of the Veda, i. e. as a general THEORY of the inter-relationships among God , Man & the COSMOS, and their purposes at each moment of time, shows a practical path of spirituality for each individual human being by revealing the keys, through the personal horoscope & the various astrological timing techniques, that allow the soul to know in advance the What, How and When of the incoming karmic challenges & the means by which she can conquer them & grow spiritually. So, although the jyotishi & the priest are essentially spiritual counselors, the jyotishi has the advantage over the priest of being able to give the client a psychological roadmap with precise signposts indicating : a) which God-Quality as signified by the Rasi where the Sun is placed (see above) the soul is supposed to and OUGHT to internalize in this embodiment as a necessity for the balance & expansion of the threefold flame; b) the soul's strengths & weaknesses and in what areas of life they are most likely to manifest and either need to be applied (in the first case ) or need to be overcome (in the second case); c) how the client can invoke LIGHT for the mending of specific parts of the soul or the transmutation of the incoming karma by the power of the SPOKEN WORD released by the use of DECREES, PRAYERS, AFFIRMATIONS, and/or MANTRAS, and by the power of proper visualization, imagination and/or meditation techniques ( since in the incoming Aquarian Age each soul is destined / required to become her own priest, empowered by the knowledge & realization that she is GOD IN ACTION! ) ; d) Knowledge of right timing for choosing an auspicious time ( subha muhurta) for every important event & awareness of future potentialities Q 3 - Since this answer is already too long, I will only state that both statements are in general true, although in my humble opinion, both are somewhat vague and in need of much more clarification & sharper definition of the term ALL-- what does it mean or include ? Cosmos ? universe ? light, energy ? every human sin or misuse of God' light, etc , etc? Thank you very much for bearing so long with me, PEACE AND LOVE FOR ALL, Manuel Martins Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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