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Lesson 3

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Hare Rama Krishna



Pranams Gurudev and Guruji Solai,


I am submitting my answers to Lesson No 3. As follows:



1. Next question is which planet should be given the over-lordship of

this 12 fold division or the 12 signs of the Zodiac and why?


Jyotish is a Vedanga, representing Maha Vishnu's eyes and its tatwa

is Agni. Maha Vishnu (Narayana) is pure Satwa. Also Jyotish is a

light, which destroys the darkness. Combining all the qualities in it

is the planet Sun, which should qualify to be the over-lord of all the

12 signs.


When we consider that at some point of time both Sun & Moon, both held

the lordship of all the 12 signs equally between them, we may have to

say that Moon is equally strong to be the over-lord of the signs. My

understanding is that both Sun & Moon are the two eyes of Narayana,

because they provide light (ability to see) during day and night

respectively and therefore equally share the lordship of the 12 signs

of the Zodiac.


However, Sun represents Agni tatwa and therefore Jyotish, while Moon

represents 'Kalpa'. Considering that Moon only draws its light from

the Sun, I like to say that Sun should be given the over-lordship of

the Zodiac.


One more thing that occurs to me is that Jupiter's tatwa is Akash.

Akash tatwa permeates the entire 12 signs of the Zodiac and is

considered as Vishnu himself. In that case why Jupiter can not be

considered as the over-lord of the 12 sign Zodiac? The answer is that

Tattwa came later and it was the planet Sun, which came first (and

initiated the rest of creation), hence Sun's supremacy.


Any further doubts are erased from my mind about Sun's over lordship

of planets, when I read the quote from BhagavadGita (in lesson No 2)

" I am the Surya (Sun), of all luminaries and the king of all men"


2. Make a schematic representation of the Earth, Bha chakra with its

12 spokes and mark out the areas of Nara and Narayana.


Please forgive me, because I am unable to draw a diagram as required

in the question. I can describe the diagram to be of Circular shape

divided into 12 equal portions of 30 degrees each, with Earth at the

center and its highest radius representing Saturn's distance from

earth. The 12 equal portions of 30 degrees each are called the 12

signs of the Zodiac starting from 0 degrees of Aries. Viz. Aries,

Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius,

Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces.


The diagram as I said will have Earth at its center, as this is the

reference point from where the Zodiac is drawn. The 12 spoke Bha

chakra with Saturn's radius as outer limit will represent Nara (finite

portion). Narayana (the infinite) extends everywhere including the

Nara portion, thus proving the two forms of Nara and Narayana as one

and the same.





Your sisya


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