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Vishnu Purana: Part-I, Chapter-4

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Shri Sanjay,

Namaste. Vishnu Purana follows.


Vishnu Purana : Part-I, Chapter-4

The Genesis

Parasara continued:

“Maitreya, when the time ripened for creation, “Omkara” or “Sabdabrahma”

radiated from Vaasudeva and the Universe was formed by the combination of six

dhatus (elements), namely Prithvi(earth), Aapas (water),Tejas(Light),

Vaayu(air), Aakasa (ether) and an imperceptible Life/Dynamic Force (Chaitanya)

that’s latent in all matter.

Of these six, the first one, that is, Prithvi is the most gross. Aakasa tattwa

is more like Dynamic/Life Energy…undetectable and all-pervading. “Shabda” or

“Sound” is the perceptible attribute of Aakasa Tattwa.

Sound is sub-divided into Anaahata and Aahata. It originates as indiscernible

“Anaahata” in the depths of being, but in the process of vocalization spirals

into “Aahata”. The state of “Anaahata” is like a placid pool, undisturbed by

any turbulence. “Aahata” is the state of ripples/vibrations/thoughts of the

mind. Then “aahata” interacts with “aakasa tattwa” to form Sound.

Like sound is born of Aakasa tattwa, touch is born of vaayu tattwa, sight is

born of Agni Tattwa, taste is born of jala tattwa and smell is born of prithvi

tattwa. Maitreya, of these, do understand that Aakasa tattwa originated first,

followed by vaayu, agni, jala and finally prithvi tattwa.

These “pancha tattwa” are representative of “Pancha Bhuta” and form the basic

ingredients of all Creation and perpetuate it. Their derivatives, i.e., the

five senses, are primarily experienced through five external sensory organs

(ear, skin, eyes, tongue & nose) and their input is processed through “manas”,

the repository of all impressions. “Manas” outputs its impressions/feelings by

way of Triguna, i.e. Sattwa, Rajo and Tamo gunas. The dominant guna in an

individual determines his disposition, desires and the resultant “karma”.

If this entire Universe is deemed to be a Body, then that manifestation is

Vaasudeva Himself. When He wills it, He becomes a “Rajo guni” and creates the

World. At the Beginning of creation, somewhere in the womb of fathomless

darkness, a bubble-like Egg formed. Surrounding the Egg, Aakasa, jala, vaayu

and Agni materialized. From that Egg, the “Rajas” of Vaasudeva manifested as

Brahma, through whom the creation took place.

The world, thus created, was nurtured by Narayana, the personification of

“Sattwa” of Vaasudeva, while His “tamas” facet destroyed the creation as Shiva.

In this manner, countless times this Universe was created, sustained and


Maitreya, know that Vaasudeva is the “Purana Purusha”, the only CONSTANT in

this variable world. Is it really possible for a mere human being like me to

understand or to sing His glory?”

Parasara, at this point was overcome with powerful emotions and halted for a

moment to regain his composure. And the indefatigable Maitreya, as is his

custom, promptly jumped into this pause with a barrage of questions:

“Gurudeva! All Vedic literature stresses the fact that Sri MahaVishnu is

“nirguna”, then how come you’ve described Him as embodying not just one but all

three, sattwa, rajo and tamo guna? Is it really possible to be “triguna-atmaka”

as well as “triguna-atheeta” and “Sa-akaara” and “Nir-aakaara” simultaneously?

Don’t you think you are contradicting yourself repeatedly? Or is there

something that defies my comprehension? Please do enlighten me.”

Parasara nodded thoughtfully. It seemed to him as though every single tree,

every tiny blade of grass …nay, the Nature itself, paused in its interminable

motion for a minute and was closely listening to his clarification in the

hallowed precincts of “Naimisaaranya”….

End of Part-I, Chapter-4


Geyam Geetha naama sahasram

Dhyeyam Sripathi roopamajasram...



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