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Fw: Marriage Of the Eldest Daughter of KVS Rao. My Attempt

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Om Guruve Namah.


I am forwarding this post i submited in the hope that Guru solai and other

guru's here can evaluate this. I forgot to copy this initially.



Katti Narahari


- Katti Narahari

vedic astrology

Cc: Visti Larsen ; satsiri (AT) chimayo (DOT) com

Tuesday, February 05, 2002 3:47 PM

Marriage Of the Eldest Daughter of KVS Rao. My Attempt





Here is my attempt to understand the chart of KVS Rao daughter. This was posted

some time ago. Could not get time to attempt this any earlier.


I will be obliged of Guru's and learned members point out the short comings in

my attempt. I am Attaching the chart in this mail too.


Data :


Name: SailajaDate of Birth: May 25, 1970Time of Birth: 9:45:00 pmPlace of Birth:

Tadikonda, (Guntur dt.) Andhra Pradesh


Saggitarius rises with the 7th house gemini having Venus and Mars. The 7th house

has graha drishti of a retrograde Jupiter showing the desire for marriage. More

so as jupiter happens to be the lagna lord and the 4th lord. Mercury happens to

be a bhadaka for this lagna.


The planets in the 7th house :- Venus lords the 6th house and also the 11th

house thus a malefic for Saggi lagna. .There is a parivartana of the 7th lord

and the 5th lord. This points to an indication of a love marriage. (The 7th

lord from venus is jupiter again in the 5th). Lagna lord Jup giving graha

drishti on the 7th lord mercury again points to desire in this regard. I think

the unobstructed argala on the 7th house is a good thing as far as marriage is





Capricorn is the UL with moon in it. Presence of moon who is the 8th lord in UL

is a sign for marriage being delayed, also malefic in the 2nd from UL. (Copuled

with the reason that the 7th house has Venus who is the 6th and the 11th lord a

dire malefic for this lagna and the graha dristi of saturn on the 7th house).

The positive side is the graha drishti of Sun on UL. I have learnt that Sun is

never a malefic for UL. It could indicate the fact that the spouse could be

well known (famous). The presence of Saturn in the 5th points to a tendency to

have short term relationships.


The 2nd from UL Aquarius UL has Rahu and the 2nd from UL also has the Darapada.

The darapada showing the nature of people (relations) the native associates

with. In Navamsa lagna, lord of the 7th venus has the rasi drishti of Jupiter.




This is the most toughest part for me.


I have learnt that the Narayana Dasa of signs having Venus, Ketu or UL gives

marriage and when jupiter in transit comes to the 2nd from UL or Jupiter in

transit aspects the 2nd from UL marriage takes place.


The native will run the Narayana Dasa of Capricorn (the sign of UL) from 2003

May. The antar of Ar who has the 7th lord may give marriage. Jupiter would be

in cancer aspecting the 2nd from UL.


I am sure i missed a lot in this horoscope. I would want to find out more. I

realize that all guru's here are quite busy but I can only request all guru's

to help me in this effort of mine.


Thanks and Regards


Katti Narahari






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