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RE: Appearances- Direction of Panets axial revolution

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Sanjay, just to clarify your response below on Venus " All planets move in one

direction around the Sun EXCEPTING Venus whose natural motion around the Sun is

opposite to the other planets"


I am sure you mean Venus is peculiar in that its rotation around its own axis

is retrograde, or in the opposite sense of the Earth's rotation around its own

axis. Because this rotation is very slow, a day on Venus corresponds to 243

Earth days. All planets revolve around the sun in the same direction (appear to

move eastward with respect to the stars). In general, planets rotate around

their own axis in the same direction they are revolving around the sun, with

Venus ( and Uranus)as exceptions.




Sanjay Rath [sanjayrath ] Sent:

Monday, February 04, 2002 12:08 AMsjvcSubject: Re: [sjvc]

Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi

om gurave namah------------------------Dear Sailesh

Combustion is caused when the rays of a planet fail to reach us due to it being

"BEHIND THE SUN". All planets move in one direction around the Sun EXCEPTING

Venus whose natural motion around the Sun is opposite to the other planets.

Thus the natural motion of Venus is a RETROGRADE motion. THAT IS WHY VENUS IS

ASURA GURU. So, Venus gets combust in retrogression and Mercury in direct

motion.With best wishesSanjay Rathhttp://sanjayrath.tripod.com

- Shailesh


Sunday, February 03, 2002 10:51 PM

Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi

Namaste Lakshmi,


First & foremost - I am not too confident about my interpretations, SO USE WITH CARE.


As I believe it:

1. Sanjay ji teachs that VE & ME do not get combust unless retrograde.

2. What is true for D-9, also holds good for D-1.


Based on the above, you need not worry reg. the combustion of Me.


Your D1 lagna has JU, MO & SA. Applying the rules for swamsa,(1.2.103), an

excellent author is indicated. (1.2.106) re-confirms it.


But as per 1.2.107, you may not be very eloquent. 1.2.109 re-confirms it, since

SA in lagna give you stage-fright (I remeber you mentioned it in one of the

recent mails).


I request respected Gurus to confirm, or correct, my interpretation.


Best wishes,


Shailesh scchadha (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


lakshmi ramesh


Sunday, February 03, 2002 6:47 AM

Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi

Om Gurave Namah Namaste Sailesh, I read the relevant chapters yesterday again. I

do have Jupiter in trines to karakamsa, but in the 9th house, with Ketu. But he

does rule the 5th & 8th houses from karakamsa. I have exalted Mercury(Partha's

right in a way) in the 2nd from karakamsa, with Saturn. But He's got the lowest

shadbala strength and is thoroughly combust in Rasi chart. How to interpret

that? Regards, Lakshmi Shailesh <scchadha (AT) hotmail (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Partha & Laksmi,


The following Jaimini Sutras, from Ch. 1, Qtr 2, are very relevant to the subject.


Best wishes,


Shailesh Chandra Chadhascchadha (AT) hotmail (DOT) com


SU. 102. If Chandra and Guru are in the Karakamsa or in the 5th from it, the

person will become an author and will live by writing books.

SU. 103. If Chandra and Sukra join Karakamsa or the 5th house from it, the

person becomes an ordinary author.

SU. I 04.-The person becomes still less famous than in the above Sutra if Budha

joins Chandra instead of Sukra in Karakamsa or the 5th from it.

SU. 105.-If Sukra joins Karakamsa, or the 5th from it, the person becomes a

great poet; an eloquent speaker and well versed in poetry and literature.

SU. I06.If Guru joins the Karakamsa or the 5th from it, he will be an all-round

man and will know many branches of knowledge, well read in sciences and author

of various works. He becomes a versatile genius.

SU. 107.-In the above combination of Guru, though a person becomes learned he

will not become a good speaker nor possess powers of eloquence.

SU. 108.-If Guru joins Karakamsa or the 5th from it, the person becomes learned

in Vyakarana or Grammar, Vedic literature and Vedangas.


lakshmi ramesh


Friday, February 01, 2002 1:07 PM

Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi

Om Gurave Namah Namaste Partha, I agree that Mercury must be strong for

communication, but for creating immortal "master pieces" in writing, perhaps

strong Jupiter is necessary. Regards, Lakshmi Your use of is

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