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Appearances- Direction of Panets axial revolution

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dear austin


You are right. but if i remember correctly there is one planet which

moves westwards that is uranus i suppose.








sjvc, "Frank in Austin" <fschmidt@a...> wrote:

> Namaste,

> Sanjay, just to clarify your response below on Venus " All planets


> in one direction around the Sun EXCEPTING Venus whose natural motion

> around the Sun is opposite to the other planets"


> I am sure you mean Venus is peculiar in that its rotation around


> own axis is retrograde, or in the opposite sense of the Earth's


> around its own axis.

> Because this rotation is very slow, a day on Venus corresponds to


> Earth days. All planets revolve around the sun in the same direction

> (appear to move eastward with respect to the stars). In general,

> planets rotate around their own axis in the same direction they are

> revolving around the sun, with Venus ( and Uranus)as exceptions.


> Pranams,



> Sanjay Rath [sanjayrath]

> Monday, February 04, 2002 12:08 AM

> sjvc

> Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi



> om gurave namah

> ------------------------

> Dear Sailesh

> Combustion is caused when the rays of a planet fail to reach us due


> it being "BEHIND THE SUN". All planets move in one direction around


> Sun EXCEPTING Venus whose natural motion around the Sun is opposite


> the other planets. Thus the natural motion of Venus is a RETROGRADE

> motion. THAT IS WHY VENUS IS ASURA GURU. So, Venus gets combust in

> retrogression and Mercury in direct motion.

> With best wishes

> Sanjay Rath

> http://sanjayrath.tripod.com

> -

> Shailesh <scchadha@h...>

> sjvc

> Sunday, February 03, 2002 10:51 PM

> Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi


> Namaste Lakshmi,


> First & foremost - I am not too confident about my interpretations,




> As I believe it:

> 1. Sanjay ji teachs that VE & ME do not get combust unless


> 2. What is true for D-9, also holds good for D-1.


> Based on the above, you need not worry reg. the combustion of Me.


> Your D1 lagna has JU, MO & SA. Applying the rules for swamsa,


> an excellent author is indicated. (1.2.106) re-confirms it.


> But as per 1.2.107, you may not be very eloquent. 1.2.109 re-


> it, since SA in lagna give you stage-fright (I remeber you

mentioned it

> in one of the recent mails).


> I request respected Gurus to confirm, or correct, my interpretation.


> Best wishes,


> Shailesh

> scchadha@h...


> -

> lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh>

> sjvc

> Sunday, February 03, 2002 6:47 AM

> Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi



> Om Gurave Namah



> Namaste Sailesh,



> I read the relevant chapters yesterday again. I do have Jupiter in

> trines to karakamsa, but in the 9th house, with Ketu. But he does


> the 5th & 8th houses from karakamsa.



> I have exalted Mercury(Partha's right in a way) in the 2nd from

> karakamsa, with Saturn. But He's got the lowest shadbala strength

and is

> thoroughly combust in Rasi chart. How to interpret that?



> Regards,



> Lakshmi



> Shailesh <scchadha@h...> wrote:



> Dear Partha & Laksmi,


> The following Jaimini Sutras, from Ch. 1, Qtr 2, are very relevant


> the subject.


> Best wishes,


> Shailesh Chandra Chadha

> scchadha@h...



> SU. 102. If Chandra and Guru are in the Karakamsa or in the 5th

from it,

> the person will become an author and will live by writing books.


> SU. 103. If Chandra and Sukra join Karakamsa or the 5th house from


> the person becomes an ordinary author.


> SU. I 04.-The person becomes still less famous than in the above


> if Budha joins Chandra instead of Sukra in Karakamsa or the 5th

from it.


> SU. 105.-If Sukra joins Karakamsa, or the 5th from it, the person

> becomes a great poet; an eloquent speaker and well versed in poetry


> literature.


> SU. I06.If Guru joins the Karakamsa or the 5th from it, he will be


> all-round man and will know many branches of knowledge, well read in

> sciences and author of various works. He becomes a versatile genius.


> SU. 107.-In the above combination of Guru, though a person becomes

> learned he will not become a good speaker nor possess powers of

> eloquence.


> SU. 108.-If Guru joins Karakamsa or the 5th from it, the person


> learned in Vyakarana or Grammar, Vedic literature and Vedangas.


> -

> lakshmi ramesh <b_lakshmi_ramesh>

> sjvc

> Friday, February 01, 2002 1:07 PM

> Re: [sjvc] Re: Appearances-dear Lakshmi



> Om Gurave Namah



> Namaste Partha,



> I agree that Mercury must be strong for communication, but for


> immortal "master pieces" in writing, perhaps strong Jupiter is

> necessary.



> Regards,



> Lakshmi



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