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Source of earnings - doubt

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Namasthe Guruji's


I was reading on one of Sanjayji's web site that "The

source of earnings is also seen from the strongest

planet aspecting the eleventh house from Arudha Lagna

as the level of earnings from the lord of that sign."


Can you please clarify what would be the source of

income for the chart that I have attached. You may

note that the 11th from Arudhar lagna is aspected by

Jupiter and Venus and also Venus is the lagna lord

placed in a favorable 9th house. Also Saturn is a

yogakaraka for Tula Lagna in the 10th house of



Anyhow she is not able to get into any profession.

Please suggest if any remedial measures to be





--- ANMOHIEY <anmohiey wrote:



> Pujya Guruji,


> Ref.: LESSON-4 on Grahas.


> I beg an excuse for being late in submitting my

> answers. Further request to rectify my mistakes and

> guide me.


> 1. Using your own chart identify the planetary

> positions and state and tabulate them.


> Ans.: DOB:May 18, 1967. TOB:23-50 Hrs, IST.

> Long:74E27. Lat:14N26. TZ.:05-30Hrs.(E)



> SUN TAURUS 03-40-55 N. HOUSE

> MOON LEO 23-18-31 N.HOUSE












> 2. There are different characters of each planet is

> mentioned through out the lesson. Identify from your

> own chart, at least one character of each planet

> from your Rasi and Navamsa and write how does it

> influences you during its dasa or antardasa.


> Ans:

> Ravi. He is the Karaka for the atma, health,

> Government....... For me he is shubhadhipathi but

> placed in the 6th house in rasi and third house

> (Kumba) in Navamsa. He is debilitated in D-6 and

> placed in the second from the Lagna. He receives

> Shani's Graha Dhrusti in Rasi. Rasi ddhrustihe

> receives in both Rasi Navamsa are also of

> mmaleficexcepts that of Guru. Obviously owing to

> these combinations no wonder I suffer from

> nnegativequalities of Ravi in material world. His

> placement in 6th house might have resulted in my

> poor relation with the people in authority and least

> ffavoredfrom the Government and person with the

> power. How ever sspirituallyhe would take me to a

> long mmileageowing to company of Budha (Ista) and

> rasi dhrusti from Guru and also he being 9th lord.

> Thus he would be how ever acting good for my Atma. I

> am not destined to pass through the Vimsottari dasa

> of the Ravi. At present running with the Rasi dasa

> of Vrishabha where in he is placed along with the

> Budha. During this time I joined SJVC/Varahamihira

> and have found Kind Gurus and completely though very

> slowly turning spiritual. My health is at very low.


> Chandra. She is Manah Karaka. She is my 8th house

> lord and placed in the 9th house in Rasi and 11th

> house in Navamsa. Most importantly she is my ATMA

> KARAKA. That has made me ccompassionate and caring

> person. She is aspected by lonely planet Rahu in

> Rasi. That is torturing my mind enough. Blessing in

> ddisguise Is it one of the reason I turning more

> spiritualistic in Rahu Dasa? Her over all weak

> position might have resulted in my less enjoying

> Mother care. In Chandra-Shukra, Vishmottari

> Dasa-Bhukti, I have experienced break in education!

> Though she is AK, during her period the sufferings

> were not much! Chandra is in the star of Yogada

> planet, Shukra. But how ever though it is karaka for

> the publicity and even no hint of this quality

> sensed during the dasa. This must be cause of the

> fact that apart from the various aspects Chandra

> also suffers from the very low Shadbala strength. Un

> helpingly again I bound to tell that not much

> virtues of Chandra has got mmouldin me so far

> eexeternal personality is concerned. Dasa passed in

> the very young age and not any major/important

> events to recall during the time.


> Kuja. He is the Karaka for anger, non

> submissiveness, courage and valour. He is my lord of

> 5th house and 12th house. He is positioned in the

> 10th house. He is Karaka for engineering profession

> also. He has got good directional strength and he is

> retrograde. He is my amatyakaraka. During his Dasa I

> entered the pprofession Apart from the Guru he is

> the one planet who has mmouldmy personality with his

> commanding influence. He being placed in the sign of

> Budha (Kanya) who in turn positioned in the Mesha in

> Navamsa gave me career in the line of electrical. Of

> course these factors not in isolation have results

> but might have contributed oostensibly When I try to

> analyse my field of pprofessionconclude with strong

> mMartianpprevalence Some time I wonder what would

> have been case had it been sstillmore strong! since

> the case is not so, I have been limited to very

> mere. His dasa ended giving a lot of pain and what

> not. This planet being in retrogression also

> indicates some issue unresolved from the last birth

> and that too in 10th house and threaten to

> connection for next birth as well! I have been a

> victim of its Rasi dhrusti on Shukra in both Rasi

> and Navamsa. He is sitting in the Kanya rasi, Hasta

> Nakshatra. and subjected to the aspect of Shani,

> this too is an indication for the troubles in the

> belly. And I am started suffering during his Dasa.


> Budha. He is my Ista. He is Karaka for Vak,

> iintelligence eloquence, ....... . I would not be

> destined to experience his Dasa but his Bhukti in

> Rahu dasa would start for me in Two years time. To

> my mind always strikes is his occupation of 6th

> house. Alas! I am suffering from its intense effect!

> Very poor digestion and fuel being added to this

> ailment by Ravi, as already mentioned above.

> Atmakaraka Ravi's influence over this as that being

> 9th lord as well, I expect and hope that I can cover

> a considerable mmileagein the field of Spirituality

> and Devine Shastra Vedic Jyotish with the kind

> guidance of Pujya Gurus. He is my Bhadhakesha.

> Bhadhakesha placed in the 6th house is likely to

> pose hindrance for the progress through the 6th

> house matters and his natural Karakatwa. I feel I am

> one of the burning example for this formula. Since

> he is Ista and also in the company of Bhagyesha,

> ultimate result should be beneficial. As a

> consequence, I am suffering from bad health and

> mental unrest. My mind is moderate sharp but too

> much delicate and ssensitive This has driving me

> away from the enjoyment from the material world and

> turning towards spiritual field. I am looking

> forward wwith intensehope for the arrival of Budha

> Bhukti in this Rahu dasa.


> Guru. He is my Lagnadhipathi. He is karaka for

> Jyana, santana, dhishakti, bhagya.... . He is placed

> in the 8th house. In the field of occult can I

> expect any advancement in his dasa? It might have

> cconferringme good ayus. At the same time reason

> behind mental tturbulence His dasa is due for me

> from 45 years. His exaltation in the chart can be a

> boon for me for my efforts in the right direction.

> In the rahu dasa and Bhukti of Guru I suffered a

> lot. I was engulfed with failures, frustration, ill

> health grief and despair. I was expecting improved

> results in this Bhukti and contrarily subjected to

> struggle. Last one month otherwise. I always

> wondered why I suffered and went through strife and

> ill health during his bhukti! as per the rule of

> Trifoid, his position from Chandra is 12th. Lagna is

> 8th and AL is 6th. But spiritually also I could gain

> nothing of significance. That was one of the worst

> period so far in my life. I request Guruji to shed

> light on this. If some body say that, that period

> was for ignition and hence now in this Shani Bhukti,

> I am started moving in the right direction, then

> also I will not be convinced as that phenomena has

> transpired in Rahu-rahu itself. I am an inborn

> pessimistic person. Bhukti of Guru did

> vvirtuallymade me to loose my mettle and since then

> I am living life of ssubduedpersonality. In way,

> that has hhardenedme. I would be fore seeing Guru

> Dasa as very concerned person lest I would be well

> informed by the Gurus.


> Shukra. She is Karaka for luxury, marriage, wife,

> pleasures.... . I may be victim of Karaka bhava

> nasa, as this planet is located in my 7th house.

> This is subjected to malefic aspects of Shani and

> Kuja. This has very close relation with 7th house

> lord Budha and afflicts it further. That is to say,

> she is influenced by being in mutual exchange with

> Badhakadhipathi! she also get empowered to operate

> Bhadhakasthana. Does this mean I would be having

> impact of double Bhadhakas? My experience says, YES!

> Please comment on this. In navamsa she is in the

> third house with ravi, gave me job in a Governmental

> Organisarion. In my chart I feel, the Shukra is not

> comfortable, being hemmed between enemy planets,

> Guru and Ravi and aspected by Shani and Kuja in Rasi


> and in Navamsa placed with enemy Ravi and aspected

> by Rahu and debilitated Kuja again. Hence I am not

> able to realise so far any benefit from this planet.

> He looks to be a Yogada for my chart since she

> aspects Lagna and HoraLagna/SriLagna and Lord of GL

> in Rasi. But how ever its Dasa I passed through for

> 5 years starting from birth.


> Shani. Even non astrology students also gets

> frightened by the name of this planet. He stands for

> suffering and mean acts. On positive side He is

> Karaka for concentration and perseverance. He delays

> things though may not deny. He is Lord of my AL. I

> have par taken many of his indications in my life.

> He

=== message truncated ===





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