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Fw: AS per Visti Request i am fwd'ing this help needed - My Attempt. Katti Narahari

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As per Visti's request, i am forwarding what he has to say about my post. I

really hope Guru;s here comment on this attempt.





- Visti Larsen

Katti Narahari

Tuesday, February 12, 2002 12:05 PM

Re: [sjvc] help needed - My Attempt. Katti Narahari

Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Narahari,

This was a very good post.

btw. Planets that move behind the Sun Astronomically, become Combust. Try

drawing a heliocentric model(Sun as center), and move he grahas behind the Sun.


Here are my comments on the chart, please forward this to SJVC-Class, if others

wanto see my response.


You pointed out exactly what the problem was.. perfect!

The Maha Dasa of Mercury is running, and Mercury is Badhakesh, placed in 7th, in own sign.


All the planets with Badhakesh, are going to show those who are causing trouble.

Mercury in own sign, shows own relatives, and Sun(Father) is there along with

Venus(Sister-younger actually) and Rahu(Maternal relatives).



Mercury is also in Marana Avastha, when in 7th. This is very bad for Mercury as

its also the significator for speech, and 2nd from Mercury would be 8th house!


Mars was quite badly placed and vargottama, note that its also 2nd lord. When

2nd lord is in a Movable Navamsa, and afflicted by Malefics the person goes

back on their word. The family is probably tired of her lying, and now they

wanto punish her, by setting ultimatums.


Mars is also with Rahu in 9th in Navamsa.. She doesn't have the 'highest' regard

for her parents.. The Lagnamsa is close to the border.

If its Scorpio, then she despises elders, and may have very strong fits of anger

at time, whereas she's mostly contained.

If its Sag, then she is highly flirtatious, and skilled at diplomatics.


I have also attached the Prasna i drew, for those interested.. it shows the same.


+ Remedial Messures +

The main problem causer is Mercury, the Badhakesh. Mercury has brought her into

this situation because she treated a sibling badly(Merc in Cap-3rd in D-60).

Most likely she broke a younger siblings marriage.


Now for lessening family problems, the Kula Devata should be worshipped.

2nd house in Vimsamsa(D-20) is unoccupied, whilst aspected by Moon, Sun and

Saturn, from Aqua. So she should worship Shiva.

Note that Mercury is 4th lord in both Rasi and Vimsamsa, pointing at the Grama

Devata. She should have arranged a large dance(7th) for the town(Grama Devata)

to remove the karma.


Instead she must now perform Dances for Shiva, on Mondays, reciting the mantra: "Om Namo Shivaya".


Comments are emost welcome, and should be adressed to me privately, as i'm not a

member of Sjvc-class.

Hope this helps.

Best wishes, Visti.



Katti Narahari


Cc: Sat Shri ; Visti Larsen

Monday, February 11, 2002 11:02 PM

Re: [sjvc] help needed - My Attempt. Katti Narahari

Om Guruve Namah.


Pranam to Guru's and Learned Members,


Here is my attempt to understand the chart Jothi has furnished for help regarding marriage.


Pisces rises with ketu in it. The 7th lord in placed in the 7th in his own house

exalted. The other planets in the 7th house being Sun, the lord of 6th, Venus

the 3rd and 8th lord and rahu. Venus the natural karaka for marriage is in



The 7th lord mercury is behind Sun and going by the teachings of Guru Sanjay

when a planet is behind Sun the matters signified by the planet behind sun; in

this case mercury loses the significations of the 7th lord. Atmakaraka (AK) is

the sun. This AK sun is afflicted by Rahu and others thus making the people

around the native go through a bad phase too. In other words the people who are

with this native would have to suffer along with the native.


Thus the affliction of the 7th house is due to mercury (also a bhadaka) combust

and the presence of Venus (3rd and 8th lord) with rahu. The presence of Sun and

Rahu in a sign is grahana yoga (?). The lagnadhipati Jupiter's aspect on the 7th

house is the positive factor.


The virodha argala of Saturn on the 7th house does not have a primary agrala

from Libra as Libra is unoccupied. As this is papa argala it points to distress

as a result on intervention to 7th house affairs. Primary Argala on the 7th

house is generated by mars in the 11th which is obstructed by moon in the 3rd.

Both mars and moon are in debility. Guru;'s need to help me out in interpreting

this. Virodha argala is generated by Jupiter in the 10th from the 7th house.

This is a positive factor as Jupiter is a first rate benefic.




Aries is the UL whose lord, Mars is in debility in the 5th. Mars also happens to

be the lord of the Dharma bhava (9th house) who is in fall, again not very

conducive to married life. Mars also is the dara karaka who is in fall. The 2nd

lord from UL is Venus who is placed in the 6th from UL in a common sign. The

aspects on the 2nd from UL are from Mars by way of rasi dristi and Rahu also

aspects the 2nd from UL.


The lord of AL mercury is combust and lord of UL is in Fall. On the other hand

AL lord Mercury also happens to be the lord of A7! again combust. (Am trying to

plot the relationship between AL and UL on one hand and AL and A7 on the other

hand. I hope guru;s here will tell me if i am on the right track.)


In the Navamsa Mars who is the dara karaka is again in debility and this time

mars debility (in D9) happens to be in the 9th house, the Dharma Bhava. Mars in

D9 has the affliction of Rahu. The aspects on the 9th house in D9 is from Venus

(Rasi drishti), Venus in D9 happens to be the 7th and 12th lord. Saturn aspects

the 9th house in D9 by Rasi Drishti and Jupiter who is in debility (in D9 again)

has a graha drishti on Cancer, the 9th house of D9!. Looking at the 7th lord in

D9, Venus like-wise has Rasi Drishti of Mars and Rahu.


Narayana Dasa running currently is Li-Vi from 2001-10-15 to 2002-08-15. (using

365.2425 days). Libra is the 3rd and 8th house lorded by Venus who is in fall

in Virgo the 7th house. The Antara of Vi is of the 7th house itself. Lord of

Virgo mercury exalted but combust. Transit Jupiter in Cancer would aspect the

2nd house from UL thus bringing out the event of marriage. But with adverse

affliction pertaining to marriage significations i don't know how wise it is to

get married right now.


I am not confident in remedial measures as i am still in the progress of

learning the same. But as far as i have learnt till date, the 12th from Sun

(AK) in D9 has Moon and Mercury. Mercury has won over by way of more degrees.

Thus the native would have to worship Vishnu.


I would be obliged if Guru's and Learned members here can point out what i

missed. I hope to learn better with all the help i get.




Katti Narahari











Sunday, February 10, 2002 8:41 PM

[sjvc] help needed

namaste guruji & all list members,i need help, the chart i have attached is of

mycousin. there is lot of tension in the family. shewants to get married to a

guy of her choice. ourfamily does not have any sort of objection to it. butour

family want the boy to take the initiative incoming to the house along with his

parents.according to the discussion had with my cousin, theboy's side are not

ready for this intercaste marriage.they have asked the boy to walk out of the

house incase he marries my cousin. the guy will be jobless ifhe walks out of

the house.we do not know if the boy has informed his parentsabout this.the guy

has not even taken the initiative to talk toour family.so our family has

descided to give her 3 options.1. bring the boy & his parents to the house

forfurther discussions regarding marriage.2. walk out of the house within 15

days & get marriedto the guy, for which the whole family will notsupport her in

the future3. she is capable of commiting sucide, so even thatoption has been

left open to her.she has already made an attemp of sucidei will be thankfull if

we can lead her to the rightpath.birth details also given below15 - oct -

197717.20 - ISTMysoreregards

jothiSend FREE

Valentine eCards with Greetings!http://greetings. Your use of

is subject to the

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dear hari



could u kindly elaborate on the following


i just could not understand may be due to my less intellectual

capacity or whatever



>> Mars was quite badly placed and vargottama, note that its also 2nd

lord. When 2nd lord is in a Movable Navamsa, and afflicted by

Malefics the person goes back on their word. The family is probably

tired of her lying, and now they wanto punish her, by setting




i suppose the person concerned asked for her friend some help, i am

not saying that one should hide truth. but are the above statements

going to give any solace.



> Mars is also with Rahu in 9th in Navamsa.. She doesn't have

the 'highest' regard for her parents.. The Lagnamsa is close to the



here is another example. the person asked a simple query regarding

marriage and not regarding her charecter or other traits.




> If its Scorpio, then she despises elders, and may have very strong

fits of anger at time, whereas she's mostly contained.

> If its Sag, then she is highly flirtatious, and skilled at



another example phew!!!



> Now for lessening family problems, the Kula Devata should be


> 2nd house in Vimsamsa(D-20) is unoccupied, whilst aspected by Moon,

Sun and Saturn, from Aqua. So she should worship Shiva.

> Note that Mercury is 4th lord in both Rasi and Vimsamsa, pointing

at the Grama Devata. She should have arranged a large dance(7th) for

the town(Grama Devata) to remove the karma.



dance as remedial measure-may be as i am not really that well versed

with remedial measures. could gurus throw light as to how dance can

remove the doshas.


> Instead she must now perform Dances for Shiva, on Mondays, reciting

the mantra: "Om Namo Shivaya".



praying shiva is the greatest mukti that a person can attain. shiva

is the symbol of mercy. may shiva help all the souls to see the





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