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Namaste Guruji,

I am posting the next instalment of Vishnupurana. Hope I have correctly

translated these very important chapters, crucial for knowing the Limitless

Him, the “Jagadvidhaatha”, and his incredible creation, the “jagat” itself.

Please rectify the errors, and with your grace give me the strength to

appreciate...to continue...

Vishnu Purana Part-I, Chapter-6

Narayana Sabdha Nirvachanam

His heart yearning, his voice quivering, his whole being bathed in the bliss of

His nearness, Sage Parasara’s eloquence touched thrilling & hitherto unscaled

heights, and the nature listened enchanted and awestruck …

“ Dear Maitreya, it is very much the amused leela of Vaasudeva to create an

illusion (maaya) in the minds of the “created” that the Universe had manifested

by itself, and the inexorable process of birth & death is natural to the

creation, that they wield absolute control over their destinies and there’s no

unseen power regulating all this. Majority fall into this maaya and think that

they are masters of the world and all its secrets. Even the wisdom of Brahma

and the enlightened sages could not withstand this Vishnu maaya, as witnessed

time and again in so many Puranas and Ithihaasas, so what can one say about

mere human beings!

It is only those Humble Ones, who seek trustingly & untiringly, know that the

Universe extends beyond all imaginable limits to Brahma and only when the

search continues even beyond Brahma will they find the Parabrahma, the

Kamalanaabha, the Achyuta, who’s the very Root of all that is and all that is

not. Only they know that as heat is innate to fire and cold is innate to ice,

so is the entire creation innate to Narayana.

Maitreya, At the closure of Padma Mahakalpa, Vaasudeva, reclining on the

Adisesha, surveyed the unmoving vacuum that’s the world and His creative

impulse had risen as Brahma from his navel and thence began “chetana”, a

movement away from the “tamas” that so far engulfed the Universe.

The word “naara” means water; “ayana” means movement and as the One who had

water as means of movement at the beginning of creation, Vaasudeva came to be

known as “Naaraayana”. (Matsyaavataara). Further, “the word “naara” also

implies Gyaana, so Narayana is One who can be reached only by navigation

through gyaana (Again Matsyaavatara & rescuing of Vedas).

The Adipurusha, The One, in the guise of Prajapati continues the chore of

creation for one hundred years…in human parlance this period would translate as

countless mahayugas.

Aakasa (Ether), Kaala (Time), Drik (Direction), Aatma (Soul) and Manas (Mind)

are the five primordial truths...and out of these, the first four are

attributes of Vaasudeva, nay, they are Vaasudeva Himself.

Time is like a perennial stream… though partitioned into past, present and

future for convenience of human comprehension, it’s flow is essentially

Indivisible and Eternal. Maitreya, in order to know Naraayana, the

Kaalaswaroopa, as the personification of Time, it is necessary to understand

the complexities of Time division ranging from the infinitesimal “nimesha” to

the inconceivable expanse of “Mahakalpa”.

Kaalavibhaaga Varnana

The time taken to utter a laghu(short syllable) is called a Nimesha.

18 Nimeshas make a Kaashta.

30 such Kaashtas make a Kala.

30 Kalas make a Kshana.

12 Kshanas make a Muhurtha.

30 Muhurthas make one Ahoraathra.

5 Ahoraathras make a Paksha.

2 Pakshas make a Maasa.

2 Maasas make a Rithu.

3 Rithus make one Aayana.

The Aayanas are two, 1) Uttaraayana 2) Dakshinaayana.

Both these aayanas put together make one ahoraathra of Devas. This calculation

is done based on “Sauramaana” or Solar Calendar.

The Yugas are four.

Kritayuga measures 1728000 years

Tretayuga spans 1296000 years

Dwaaparayuga is of 824000 years

Kaliyuga would be for 432000 years

These four yugas put together measure 1 Divyayuga, that is, 4320000 years need

to be clocked for one Divyayuga to elapse.

1000 such Divyayugas, namely, 4320000000 years, constitute the day of Brahma.

The night of Brahma is of equal duration.

The Manvantaras are 14. Each Manu would rule for 71 mahayugas. As long as the

Manu exists, all the demigods, Indra and Maharishis subsist.

Separating two Manvantaras, in the intervening “night”, there is “mahapralaya”,

or Apocalypse that lasts for 1 Adiyuga. And the reinvention begins.

The Pitaamaha (Brahma) creates during the daytime and destroys during the night.

This period is termed a “Naimittika kalpa”.

Such 30 “days” make 1 month for Brahma, 12 such months add upto 1 “sama” and 100

such samas is the longevity of Brahma.

One such “Brahma aayurdaya” or lifetime of one Brahma is termed as “Mahakalpa”

and it is divided into 2 parts. The first part is known as “Padma Kalpa” and

the second one is known as “Varaaha kalpa”.

At the beginning of each Mahakalpa, with a saatwik brilliance bestowed by

Naarayana, the Brahma would create anew the Panchabhuthas."

Namosthwananthaaya Sahasramoorthaye


Sahasranaamne Purushaaya


Sahasrakoti-yugadhaarine Namah













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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi

I have made certain observations below. You should give the specific shloka

numbers and then write "Translation:" preceding your translation. Thereafter,

comments should be offered on the basis of your learning of Jyotish with the

word "Commentary" or "notes" preceding. In this manner, students can discuss

specific shlokas and offer their comments. Please do this for the previous five

chapters as well. Your effort shall open your own eyes as it shall open the eyes

of so many.With best wishesSanjay RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices:

http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htmJyotish Digest:

http://jyotishdigest.com/SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

- lakshmi ramesh


Wednesday, March 27, 2002 7:05 PM

[sjvc] Vishnupurana

Om Gurave Namah Namaste Guruji,

I am posting the next instalment of Vishnupurana. Hope I have correctly

translated these very important chapters, crucial for knowing the Limitless

Him, the “Jagadvidhaatha”, and his incredible creation, the “jagat” itself.

Please rectify the errors, and with your grace give me the strength to

appreciate...to continue...

Vishnu Purana Part-I, Chapter-6

Narayana Sabdha Nirvachanam

His heart yearning, his voice quivering, his whole being bathed in the bliss of

His nearness, Sage Parasara’s eloquence touched thrilling & hitherto unscaled

heights, and the nature listened enchanted and awestruck …

Rath: A brief background will help.

“ Dear Maitreya, it is very much the amused leela of Vaasudeva to create an

illusion (maaya) in the minds of the “created” that the Universe had manifested

by itself, and the inexorable process of birth & death is natural to the

creation, that they wield absolute control over their destinies and there’s no

unseen power regulating all this. Majority fall into this maaya and think that

they are masters of the world and all its secrets. Even the wisdom of Brahma

and the enlightened sages could not withstand this Vishnu maaya, as witnessed

time and again in so many Puranas and Ithihaasas, so what can one say about

mere human beings!

Rath: Explain Mahamaayi concept here and the reason for worshipping

Mahamayi/permission from her to traverse the Vishnu Maaya. What are her forms,

a simple or exhaustive list as you please. Importance of Rahu the creator of

Maya and how Durga helps us as She is Dur-gati-nashinyeyi. Ahamkara etc.

It is only those Humble Ones, who seek trustingly & untiringly, know that the

Universe extends beyond all imaginable limits to Brahma and only when the

search continues even beyond Brahma will they find the Parabrahma, the

Kamalanaabha, the Achyuta, who’s the very Root of all that is and all that is

not. Only they know that as heat is innate to fire and cold is innate to ice,

so is the entire creation innate to Narayana.

Rath: Nice place to explain the first lesson in BPHS

Maitreya, At the closure of Padma Mahakalpa, Vaasudeva, reclining on the

Adisesha, surveyed the unmoving vacuum that’s the world and His creative

impulse had risen as Brahma from his navel and thence began “chetana”, a

movement away from the “tamas” that so far engulfed the Universe.

The word “naara” means water; “ayana” means movement and as the One who had

water as means of movement at the beginning of creation, Vaasudeva came to be

known as “Naaraayana”. (Matsyaavataara). Further, “the word “naara” also

implies Gyaana, so Narayana is One who can be reached only by navigation

through gyaana (Again Matsyaavatara & rescuing of Vedas).

Rath: Brilliant. Simply brilliant. develop this with complete explanation

The Adipurusha, The One, in the guise of Prajapati continues the chore of

creation for one hundred years…in human parlance this period would translate as

countless mahayugas.

Rath: There is a definite time frame. Explain it here. What is a Kalpa, Yuga

etc. Prajapati is Lagna and the source of all physical manifestation. Explain


Aakasa (Ether), Kaala (Time), Drik (Direction), Aatma (Soul) and Manas (Mind)

are the five primordial truths...and out of these, the first four are

attributes of Vaasudeva, nay, they are Vaasudeva Himself.

Rath: Why does Maharishi leave out Mana from the list? Hint- Satya is the real

attribute of Vaasudeva

Time is like a perennial stream… though partitioned into past, present and

future for convenience of human comprehension, it’s flow is essentially

Indivisible and Eternal. Maitreya, in order to know Naraayana, the

Kaalaswaroopa, as the personification of Time, it is necessary to understand

the complexities of Time division ranging from the infinitesimal “nimesha” to

the inconceivable expanse of “Mahakalpa”.

Rath: Parasara speaks of relativity! Who discovered relativity - Parasara or Einstein?

Kaalavibhaaga Varnana

The time taken to utter a laghu(short syllable) is called a Nimesha.

18 Nimeshas make a Kaashta.

30 such Kaashtas make a Kala.

30 Kalas make a Kshana.

12 Kshanas make a Muhurtha.

30 Muhurthas make one Ahoraathra.

5 Ahoraathras make a Paksha. (Typo - 15 ahoratra)

2 Pakshas make a Maasa.

2 Maasas make a Rithu.

3 Rithus make one Aayana.

The Aayanas are two, 1) Uttaraayana 2) Dakshinaayana.

Both these aayanas put together make one ahoraathra of Devas. This calculation

is done based on “Sauramaana” or Solar Calendar.

Rath: This is a vital concept and needs further elaboration as a space-time continuum.

The Yugas are four.

Kritayuga measures 1728000 years

Tretayuga spans 1296000 years

Dwaaparayuga is of 824000 years

Kaliyuga would be for 432000 years

These four yugas put together measure 1 Divyayuga, that is, 4320000 years need

to be clocked for one Divyayuga to elapse.

1000 such Divyayugas, namely, 4320000000 years, constitute the day of Brahma.

The night of Brahma is of equal duration.

The Manvantaras are 14. Each Manu would rule for 71 mahayugas. As long as the

Manu exists, all the demigods, Indra and Maharishis subsist.

Rath: Why? What is the implication to Jyotish? What is the vital lesson out here?

Separating two Manvantaras, in the intervening “night”, there is “mahapralaya”,

or Apocalypse that lasts for 1 Adiyuga. And the reinvention begins.

The Pitaamaha (Brahma) creates during the daytime and destroys during the night.

This period is termed a “Naimittika kalpa”.

Such 30 “days” make 1 month for Brahma, 12 such months add upto 1 “sama” and 100

such samas is the longevity of Brahma.

One such “Brahma aayurdaya” or lifetime of one Brahma is termed as “Mahakalpa”

and it is divided into 2 parts. The first part is known as “Padma Kalpa” and

the second one is known as “Varaaha kalpa”.

Rath: Padma - Jupiter (life); Varaha - Rahu (death)

At the beginning of each Mahakalpa, with a saatwik brilliance bestowed by

Naarayana, the Brahma would create anew the Panchabhuthas."

Namosthwananthaaya Sahasramoorthaye


Sahasranaamne Purushaaya


Sahasrakoti-yugadhaarine Namah

Rath: Do translate this as well













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Namaste Guruji,

In my translation of Vishnupurana, I have erroneously translated "Drik" as

"direction"...it should be dig=direction..."drik" is "vision'. Regards,



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Namaste Guruji,

I must confess that my initial reaction to your questions was a scared

excitement.....can I do this? As I was sharing with Visti, perhaps each

question would take me a lifetime to figure out! I admit that I feel very

challenged and honoured to have such posers from you. I know that you are

teaching us to understand and appreciate Jyotish in the true sense, like the

awesome Banyan Tree that it is, sheltering the cosmos itself and still

branching out into as-yet-unborn spheres ...instead of reducing it

to a bonsai, a drawing room exhibit, stripped of its natural stature, vitality,

purpose and kept there only to impress others, like so many astrologers have


Guruji, I will attempt all that you've asked of me sincerely....but I also

realise that I am only an instrument and the answers would come not so much by

my efforts but by Guru's grace. Regards,


Movies - coverage of the 74th Academy Awards®

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om gurave namah------------------------Dear Lakshmi

Keep a smiling picture of Bhagavan Vishnu (Standing) next to you when you do

this. Don't get into too many rituals and just write...With best wishesSanjay

RathWeb: http://sanjayrath.tripod.comServices:

http://sanjayrath.tripod.com/zservices.htmJyotish Digest:

http://jyotishdigest.com/SJVC: http://www.sjvc.org/

- lakshmi ramesh


Thursday, March 28, 2002 5:52 PM

Re: [sjvc] Vishnupurana

Om Gurave Namah Namaste Guruji, I must confess that my initial reaction to your

questions was a scared excitement.....can I do this? As I was sharing with

Visti, perhaps each question would take me a lifetime to figure out! I admit

that I feel very challenged and honoured to have such posers from you. I know

that you are teaching us to understand and appreciate Jyotish in the true

sense, like the awesome Banyan Tree that it is, sheltering the cosmos itself

and still branching out into as-yet-unborn spheres ...instead of

reducing it to a bonsai, a drawing room exhibit, stripped of its natural

stature, vitality, purpose and kept there only to impress others, like so many

astrologers have done. Guruji, I will attempt all that you've asked of me

sincerely....but I also realise that I am only an instrument and the answers

would come not so much by my efforts but by Guru's grace. Regards, Lakshmi

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