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Making sure the Basics are correct--To Visti

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Dear Visti,


Om Sai ram.


Does the same happens when Mars is in a house lorded by Saturn?


i.e. Mars' results(acording to lordship) will come during Saturn

Dasa, through the means of Saturn(Sorrow, loss, etc).





sjvc, "Visti Larsen" <vlarsen@h...> wrote:

> MessageVyam Vysadevaya Namah

> ----------------------

> Dear Frank,


> The Jeeva is the lord of the Nakshetra.

> i.e. Saturn will take on the Jeeva of the grahas placed in its



> If Mars is in Saturns Nakshetra, then Mars' results(acording to

lordship and placement) will come during Saturn Dasa, through the

means of Saturn(Sorrow, loss, etc).


> Best wishes, Visti.

> -

> Frank in Austin

> varahamihira

> Cc: sjvc

> Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:09 AM

> [sjvc] Maksing sure the Basics are correct



> Jaya Jagannath,

> Namaste.

> regarding my understanding of on Tarabala or Navatara in

Vinshottari Dasa periods:


> That is, specific influences by each Nakshatra with Graha's in


> My knowledge suggests that:

> 1. a Nakshatra is ruled by a Graha

> 2. When another Graha is in the Nakshatra it takes on Jiva...or

life force for that Nakshatra or

> Constellation owner

> What is not clear to me is when that JIva force manifests:


> a. During the Vimshottari of the Nakshatra and hence the lord

of Nakshatra,

> does the Graha positioned in the Nakshatra take on the Jiva


> b. During the Graha's Vimshottari dasa, it takes on the Jiva

of the Nakshatra?


> Example: if Sani is in Hasta, owned by Chandra, Does Sani take on

Chandra's Jiva

> During Saturn Dasa period - OR- is it during the Dada of

Chandra, Sani takes on

> Chandra's Jiva?


> Please help with my uncertainty....

> ! Shanti, Shanti, Shantye

> Frank in Austin

> , Fschmidt@A...




> Terms of


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Vyam Vysadevaya Namah


Dear Saraswathy,

Not the exact same thing.


The Nakshetras are lorded by the Moon, whilst the Rasi's are lorded by the Sun.


Hence what maybe experienced(Nakshetra-mind) may not be the same as what is

happening(rasi-actual circumstances).


This is the basic difference between Rasi Dasa and Nakshetra Dasa's, and the

reason that there are so many variable Nakshetra Dasa's.


The mind moves far and quickly..


May God Bless you.. And Amaze You!

Best wishes, Visti.




Thursday, April 11, 2002 10:55 AM

[sjvc] Re: Making sure the Basics are correct--To Visti

Dear Visti,Om Sai ram.Does the same happens when Mars is in a house lorded by

Saturn? i.e. Mars' results(acording to lordship) will come during Saturn Dasa,

through the means of Saturn(Sorrow, loss, etc).Regards,Saraswathy--- In

sjvc, "Visti Larsen" <vlarsen@h...> wrote:> MessageVyam Vysadevaya Namah>

----------------------> Dear Frank,> > The

Jeeva is the lord of the Nakshetra.> i.e. Saturn will take on the Jeeva of the

grahas placed in its Nakshetras.> > If Mars is in Saturns Nakshetra, then Mars'

results(acording to lordship and placement) will come during Saturn Dasa,

through the means of Saturn(Sorrow, loss, etc).> > Best wishes, Visti.> -----

Original Message ----- > Frank in Austin > varahamihira >

Cc: sjvc > Thursday, April 11, 2002 3:09 AM> [sjvc]

Maksing sure the Basics are correct> > > Jaya Jagannath,> Namaste.>

regarding my understanding of on Tarabala or Navatara in Vinshottari Dasa

periods:> > That is, specific influences by each Nakshatra with Graha's in

it.> My knowledge suggests that:> 1. a Nakshatra is ruled by a Graha> 2.

When another Graha is in the Nakshatra it takes on Jiva...or life force for

that Nakshatra or> Constellation owner> What is not clear to me is

when that JIva force manifests:> > a. During the Vimshottari of the

Nakshatra and hence the lord of Nakshatra, > does the Graha positioned in

the Nakshatra take on the Jiva or:> b. During the Graha's Vimshottari

dasa, it takes on the Jiva of the Nakshatra?> > Example: if Sani is in Hasta,

owned by Chandra, Does Sani take on Chandra's Jiva> During Saturn Dasa period

- OR- is it during the Dada of Chandra, Sani takes on> Chandra's Jiva?> >

Please help with my uncertainty....> ! Shanti, Shanti, Shantye>

Frank in Austin> , Fschmidt@A...> > > > Your use of is

subject to the Your use of is subject to


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