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I found a very good article on Marraige and would like to share it with all of

you. It is equally for beginners(like me) as well as for learned members and

am reproducing the same as it appeared. The view(s) expressed are of the

author and i have not done any alteration (add/delete).

I have picked it from an Astrology Magazine and would like to request

guru's/Senior Members to guide / throw light if there will be any "Copyright "

problems involved if i post articles like this in the near future for the

benefit of all.

Before going ahead - I would like to emphatically state - that my sole intention

is to bring this article to the benefit of my list members and nothing else.

I hope this article will be useful and beneficial for all.




ANY ONE eagerly looking for a bride or bridegroom for their child should save

themselves the trouble of following Jupiter of Venus. Instead just look up to


Saturn, contrary to the general belief as the notorious and infamous malefic, is

the most graceful and benevolent planet, who binds men and women in nuptial ties

and teaches them to live together subject to norms, values and customs of

society. He times the marriage of individuals as the lord of time. The

so-called malefic is actually a benefic who controls the so-called 'natural

benefics' towards a happy married life.

Generally when one talks of marriage one tends to examine the position of Venus

because Venus is the Karaka for the 7 th house or the Kalatrasthana. Then the

lord of 7 th house and his position in the chart, the aspects on the 7 th and

on its lord etc., are examined in detail. Jupiter is looked upon as a great

saviour in case any of these factors are unfavourable. His aspect on the 7 th

and its lord or on the Ascendant are considered very promising and auspicious.

On the contrary, Saturn is relegated to the position of a malefic planet who

hinders, delays, destroys and disturbs marital prospects. My study of various

charts has gone against this popular notion, making Saturn the most benevolent

planet in conferring marriage.

For the sake of simplicity and clarity I shall avoid going into the Navamsa,

Dasa, Ashtakavarga etc., and confine my exercise to natal planets and their

status, for I believe that deep diving is often suffocating and misleading.

Without underplaying the importance of Venus as Kalatrakaraka and Jupiter as the

magnificent saviour, I will dwell upon the dominant role of Saturn in marital

happiness. At the outset it is essential to understand the nature and

portfolios of these three planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn so as to draw

connections between their aspects.

Venus: Venus is an embodiment of love and just simple, plain love not only

between a man and woman but for anything. He personifies beauty, charm and

allurement. That is why a native with Venus in the Ascendant or the 7 th looks

handsome or attractive. He drives the native towards the opposite sex

effortlessly when posited reasonably well. He ensures conjugal happiness.

When aspected by the benevolent Jupiter or unafflicted such conjugal

relationships becomes legitimate. But when afflicted by Mars, unless otherwise

saved (only Mars, not Saturn) that relation becomes illegitimate - so called


Jupiter: The mighty Jupiter is not always right or mighty. But he is supposed

to be the best natural benefic in the entire Zodiac (I have my doubts though).

However, the main characteristic of Jupiter is expansion and growth while that

of Saturn is contraction and fall. Jupiter indicates life as against death

unlike Saturn. Jupiter is thus the Karaka for progeny. A well-placed Jupiter

aspecting the 5 th has to give children. But don't jump to the conclusion this

is possible by his mere placement in the Ascendant. An exalted Jupiter in

Cancer ascendant has caused traumatic experiences in marriage. Nevertheless

Jupiter has a role as the lord of children. But one must remember here that he

is concerned with progeny, irrespective of whether it is legitimate or

illegitimate. Here comes Saturn who gives the mark of legitimacy through


Saturn: Words fail any sincere astrologer in defining or describing Saturn. Yet

I shall make an attempt. Saturn is the lord of time. He is the lord of humane

outlook and compassion. He is the lord of simplicity and purity. He is the

lord of philosophy and spirituality. He is the lord of politics and

governments. Power and authority are the gifts of Saturn as opposed to the

popular belief that these are the Sun's domain. Unfortunately, much maligned

by the common man, Saturn is the real benefic when the time comes. He is the

'Teacher', who teaches the native the ups and downs of life and makes him

balanced. Confining ourselves to the present topic of discussion we must say

that being the lord of confinement, discipline and bondage Saturn plays a

predominant role in the marriage of a native and in its timing.

Let us next discuss the subject of marriage.

What is marriage?

Marriage is a social bond which cannot be easily broken. Marriage means two

individuals of the opposite sex living together subject to the values and norms

of any society in any country at any time (i.e. transcultural and

transgeographical). Anything else contrary to it cannot be called a marriage.

A wife and husband may have children to rear and care for that is an unbreakable

bond and an unquestionable commitment. Only Saturn is responsible for such a

thing. He is the lord of confinement. He confines individuals to a system of

limited and regularized conjugal relationship. Is not that bondage as against

the freedom of switching over from one woman to another and from one man to

another? As a pious planet Saturn does not allow such foot-loose behaviour.

Marriage is a dramatic and sudden change from a free and detached bachelor life,

where there is no one to care for or to be answerable to. A marriage imposes

certain restrictions and confinement to one person as opposed to many. As a

planet o contraction Saturn makes the wife and husband contract in themselves

for the sake of each other. As the cold planet, Saturn cools the hidden fires

in both and teaches them tranquility and piety. No wonder a human being turns

into a calm, quiet and responsible person after marriage. Mars, the planet of

passion and desire, aspecting Venus, the planet of Love, and man-woman

relations, culminates into a conjugal relationship. Saturn gives permanency

and continuity to it and takes it to its logical conclusion - married life with


Saturn also indicates separation and loneliness. Soon after the marriage,

affinities and loyalties to their respective natal families are severed by the

man and wife and they build a strong and intimate relationship between


Even though Venus is normally taken to be the karaka for the 7th house or

marriage, I tend to give importance to Saturn. It is no wonder that whenever

Saturn aspects the Ascendant or the 7 th or the Moon, marriage is delayed

especially when the signs are not Capricon or Aquarius. However, Saturn and

Venus are friends and they feel comfortable in each other’s signs - Taurus,

Libra, Capricon and Aquarius. The role of Saturn is so predominant in marriage

that we normally find, in many charts where Saturn is afflicted by the Sun by

the 180o opposition aspect; there is an inordinately delayed or even denial of


To put it humorously,

"If marriage is a Bus - Venus is the Engine, Mars is the Driver and Saturn is

the Conductor who allows you in and gives you a ticket. Jupiter can be

compared to the policeman who regulates the traffic in order to avoid


That is how these four planets are related to marriage. Ignoring Saturn in

discussing a marriage is a serious mistake. He can definitely deny a marriage

or even bring about one quite beyond your imagination.

When you observe the timing of marriage of any native in general you cannot but

name Saturn as the lord of marriage. It is commonly seen in several charts

that a native enters marital relationship under following conditions: -

1. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn by his 3rd aspect - the sextile relation 60o.

2. When transit Saturn transits the natal Saturn with a margin of 10o on either

side of natal Saturn or when he transits the sign occupied by natal Saturn

between 0o-30o.

3. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn or is in opposition (180o) which is

the 7 th house aspect.

4. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn with his 10th house aspect.

Of these four conditions, I consider the first two to be more effective that the

latter two. This becomes even more effective in the case of women.

I can assure my readers that it can be taken as a Thumb rule that whenever

Saturn aspects natal Saturn he would cause marriage. It can be also said with

equal force that when Saturn transits natal Saturn completely without giving

marriage, then one can safely say that it is a case of denial with only a bleak

chance when the 10th house aspect occurs. But by that time the native would be

in his mid-thirties waiting for marriage in vain. The brightest opportunity is

when transit aspects natal Saturn by his 3rd house aspect. Because, at that

time the native would be around 24 years as Saturn would be 2 to 3 signs away

from his natal position.

The exact time of marriage can be predicted from the transits of Venus, Jupiter,

Mars and Moon and of course, the Lagna and 7th lords.

Saturn's role as the lord of marriage is supreme. But Venus in fixed signs has a

peculiar effect. It is widely believed that whenever Venus is in a fixed sign,

the marriage itself becomes doubtful. Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are

fixed signs and if Venus is in anyone of them marriage may be denied. Venus in

Leo is particularly so, but when Saturn influences such a Venus favourably the

blemish is cancelled and the native gets married happily.

Chart 1: -

Chart 1 has Venus, Mars and Mercury in the 7 th which would undoubtedly be

disastrous. The Karaka of the 7 th house in the 7 th would have certainly

denied marital happiness. On top of it, it is Leo-Venus, a fixed sign Venus,

which normally denies marriage. Mars in association would have only added fuel

to fire. The worst thing that could have happened is Mercury, 5 th lord, in the

7 th which causes Putra Dosha and marital disaster. But the lord of the

Ascendant Saturn strongly placed in the 10 th has controlled these three

planets and given the native a happy married life with two beautiful children.

This can only be explained by the Saturn factor. But for Saturn's aspect on the

7 th, the fate of the native could have been totally different. The native got

married when Saturn was in Virgo aspecting his natal position in Scorpio in


Chart 2: -

Chart 2 is of Aries ascendant with an Aquarius Venus, again a fixed sign Venus.

But the native got married when Saturn was transiting Virgo in 1982 aspecting

natal position in Scorpio. The reason is though Venus is in a fixed sign and

further afflicted by Scorpio Mars within a 1o fourth house aspect, Saturn's

placement in the 8 th had to give marriage and conjugal bliss which the 8 th

house stands for. Remember Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha or Saturn has to

improve the house of his occupation. Here, one may also give credit to Jupiter

for aspecting Venus and the house of luck, the 9 th, his own sign.

Chart 3: -

Chart 3 has Gemini ascendant with Sagittarius as 7 th house with its lord

Jupiter well placed in the 10 th, his own sign. But he does not aspect the 7

th house and is afflicted by Kendradhipati Dosha being in Kendra and owning two

Kendra’s. And so is Mercury owning two Kendra’s placed in the 4 th another

Kendra. On top of it, Venus is in fixed sign Leo within 5o of Mars afflicted

by him. But the native is married with two children and has a successful

married life. How is it? NO wonder, it is due to Saturn. Being the lord of

the 9 th house, he is in the 4th(Kendra) aspecting the 7 th lord and the

ascendant in conjunction with the Ascendant lord Mercury. The native was

married on 17-1-1976 when Saturn was in Cancer aspecting natal Saturn in Virgo.

Nothing else can explain this except Saturn's benevolence.

A word of Caution, Saturn normally destroys the Bhava of the house he aspects by

his 3 rd, 10 th and 7 th aspects if the houses are not his own or if they are

not otherwise beneficially occupied or aspected by other planets. An afflicted

Saturn aspecting houses connected with marital happiness can cause havoc.

Saturn when afflicted by the Sun, his arch rival, and badly placed in a house

or at 0o or 29o, while transiting his birth position, may not yield the desired

results or may even destroy married life. As he gives marriage and times too,

so also can he delay a marriage indefinitely or disturb it. The following

charts will explain this phenomenon.

Chart 4: -

Chart 4 has cancer Ascendant with Mercury exchanging 3rd houses with the Moon

forming a Rajayoga. The native is a top officer well placed but had to go in

for a man who was already married with two children. The marriage is often

marked by tension and distress. Saturn is in the 6 th with afflicted

Jupiter®, the 9 th lord, and Sun in the 12 th (house of bed pleasures) with

Venus. But Saturn's aspect on the 8 th Aquarius, his own sign, has given a

marriage no matter even if it is with a divorcee. The 9 th lord (of luck) not

aspecting the 9th and Saturn in the 6th afflicting the 9th lord, the 2nd lord

Sun (ruling family) and 4th lord Venus has disturbed married life, though not

denying it.

Chart 5: -

Chart 5 has Aries Ascendant with the Moon in it. The native's husband died

after a year of marriage. This is a miserable horoscope. The Ascendant lord

Mars is adversely placed from 9th lord Jupiter and 10th Lord Saturn in

Shasht-ashtaka. Further, he is afflicted by Rahu in the 5th. Rahu and Ketu in

the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses cause marital disaster. Venus, the 7th lord

and also Karaka, is in the 2nd in Taurus in a fixed sign. Above all, the lord

of luck or 98th lord Jupiter is debiliated in Capricon and further afflicted by

Saturn. Saturn aspects the 12th house (Paryankastana [i have no idea - any

senior memeber; kindly throw light on it]) denying bed pleasures. The 12 th

lord Jupiter being also debiliated, Saturn aspecting the 4th and 7th houses,

made matters worse. In such a situation even Saturn cannot help the native.

Chart 6: -

Chart 6 is of a Saint who did not marry. She has Libra Ascendant with Mars in

it aspecting the 7 th House in his own sign. Venus is in a fixed sign Aquarius

and Saturn is in the 6th, an inauspicious house. Jupiter the Karaka for family

and children, though exalted in the 10th, has not helped, owning to a fixed

sign Venus. Saturn as 5th Lord unfavorably placed in the 6th, aspects the 8th

and denies conjugal bliss and denies bed comfort by aspecting the 12th also.

Though Mars aspects his own 7th house he has not been able to give marriage.

This kind of a chart makes Saturn thoroughly unhelpful in connection with


Chart 7: -

Chart 7 has Gemini Ascendant with Jupiter in the 7 th house in Sagittarius.

Venus is exalted in the 10th. Mars is in the 11th in his own sign. The

Ascendant lord Mercury is in the 8th with the Sun. The native was divorced six

months after marriage and committed Suicide. No one could predict such a thing

with Jupiter in the 7th in his own sign with exalted Venus in the 10th and

Mercury in the 8th. The benefics definitely turned into malefics. Saturn gave

marriage as he aspects the 9th house. But being in the 12th or the Vvayasthana

again, an in-auspicious house, he aspects the 2nd and does not aspect benefics.

Had he aspected the benefics, the disaster could have been minimized.

Yet another interesting fact is the sudden, unforeseen transformation of

benefics Jupiter and Venus into malefics. Karako Bhavanashya is a famous line

every astrologer, I believe, is aware of, which means when the Karaka of a

Bhava is in the relevant Bhava he will invariably destroy the Bhava. For

instance, Venus if in the 7th as the Karaka for that house will always deny a

happy married life. The same is true in cases when Venus is afflicted either by

Mars and Rahu or Sun, despite the aspect of Jupiter on Venus. But if Saturn is

with Venus or even aspects him, it cancels these ill-effects and purifies Venus

ensuring marital happiness abundantly.

The so-called divinely benefic Jupiter can be a disastrous malefic if he is

badly poised as shown in the charts below. Jupiter in a Kendra, especially the

1st and the 7th can be dangerous. It will turn worse if he is exalted or

debiliated and placed in the Ascendant or the 7th house. On the contrary

Saturn, even if debiliated, and placed in the ascendant will only give positive

results. Remember Sthana Hani Karoti Jeevaha and Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha.

Jeeva or Jupiter normally harms the place of his occupation while Manda or

Saturn improves the house he is placed in.

Chart 8: -

Chart 8 is of Cancer Ascendant with an exalted Jupiter. The native's husband

died in an accident just 5 years after marriage. The worst part is that 9th

lord Jupiter aspects the 9th house and yet this tragedy happened. How can you

call Jupiter a benefic in such cases? Saturn as lord of the 7th in the 9th

causes a Rajayoga. Had he aspected the 7th or any other house connected with

marital happiness he could have certainly prevented the calamity. Jupiter as

9th lord in the Ascendant aspecting the 7th and 9th was unable to protect the

native from this tragedy. Isn't it strange?

Chart 9: -

Chart 9 has cancer Ascendant with Jupiter exalted in it. Venus is in the 7 th

house. The 7th and 8th lord Saturn is at 0o between the 8 th and 9th houses.

One may suppose that the girl must have had a very happy marriage. No. Her

honeymoon was marked by tension and she had a nervous breakdown. The husband

virtually lived separately because he suspected her chastity. The in-laws are

trying to help them patch up. Yet there is no happy ending. How can you

consider Jupiter as a benefic when this sort of traumatic development takes

place in a native's life? The same is the case with Venus who exemplifies the

dictum Karako Bhavanasha. If at all there is any saving grace it is only

Saturn's, who caused the marriage and is averting the divorce as the lord of

the 8th. This is a case where we see benefics turn malefic and malefic Saturn

act as a benefic.

Even when benefics turn into malefics and mar marriages, Saturn, the so-called

malefic, acts virtually as a benefic and ensures marital happiness. Although

he is slow and sluggish he averts marital accidents; he gives long lasting

marital bliss, and is the real lord of marriage.

The lord of time, Saturn times events. As the lord of longetivity, he

determines the death of natives. As a teacher he teaches equanimity so that

native can become a Sthitapragna or equipoised. The sadhesathe ( 7 1/2 year

cycle of Saturn ) occurs in all charts at least twice. This period grooms

natives into perfect human beings, by exposing them to untold miseries. An

ubiquitous and omnipotent Saturn leads every native towards wisdom.

* Article taken from "The Astrological Magazine" ; April 2001; Author: K.D.P.

Rao, I.A.S.

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Guest guest

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Friends and list members,

I do not know whether you examined this article in detail. It has a

strong married. The good sides are:

1. It is true that Shani in 7th is not bad due to its digbal and exaltation

in Libra, natural 7th house

2. Shani is a friend of Shukra

3. Shani rules time and permanent values, and is in no way malefic

for people who have taken Spiritual Aspect of life. For that reason, only

strong Shani (Brahma) can confer Pravrajya

The negative sides:

1.The article is one sided. One can naver isolate one factor and pronunce

it. The interrelation of all graha will give a combined effect

2. One cannot judge marital happiness without: Upapada Lagna and Navamsa


3. At the first example, the author states that Shani gave marriage

due to its aspect on 7th house(kumbha Lagna). My friend, who is a Jyotishi,

has the exactly same positions of shukra/mangal and budh in 7th and Shani

in 10th yet she is unmarried and childless at the age of nearly 50. So

the arguement is off. That proves the previous point.

4. We should refrain from making definite rules on the bases of one

or two factors. The whole chart counts, and the holistic approuch is what

has been missing for a longer time..

Best wishes


Ashwin Hirani wrote:


Adarniye Guru's, Respected Senior Members and My fellow List Members,

I found a very good article on Marraige and would like to share it with

all of you. It is equally for beginners(like me) as well as for learned

members and am reproducing the same as it appeared. The view(s) expressed

are of the author and i have not done any alteration (add/delete).

I have picked it from an Astrology Magazine and would like to request

guru's/Senior Members to guide / throw light if there will be any "Copyright

" problems involved if i post articles like this in the near future for

the benefit of all.

Before going ahead - I would like to emphatically state - that my sole

intention is to bring this article to the benefit of my list members and

nothing else.

I hope this article will be useful and beneficial for all.




ANY ONE eagerly looking for a bride or bridegroom

for their child should save themselves the trouble of following Jupiter

of Venus.Instead just look up to


Saturn, contrary to the general belief as the notorious

and infamous malefic, is the most graceful and benevolent planet, who binds

men and women in nuptial ties and teaches them to live together subject

to norms, values and customs of society.He

times the marriage of individuals as the lord of time.The

so-called malefic is actually a benefic who controls the so-called 'natural

benefics' towards a happy married life.

Generally when one talks of marriage one tends to

examine the position of Venus because Venus is the Karaka for the 7 th

house or the Kalatrasthana.Then

the lord of 7 th house and his position in the chart, the aspects on the

7 th and on its lord etc., are examined in detail.Jupiter

is looked upon as a great saviour in case any of these factors are unfavourable.His

aspect on the 7 th and its lord or on the Ascendant are considered very

promising and auspicious.On the

contrary, Saturn is relegated to the position of a malefic planet who hinders,

delays, destroys and disturbs marital prospects.My

study of various charts has gone against this popular notion, making Saturn

the most benevolent planet in conferring marriage.

For the sake of simplicity and clarity I shall avoid

going into the Navamsa, Dasa, Ashtakavarga etc., and confine my exercise

to natal planets and their status, for I believe that deep diving is often

suffocating and misleading.

Without underplaying the importance of Venus as Kalatrakaraka

and Jupiter as the magnificent saviour, I will dwell upon the dominant

role of Saturn in marital happiness.At

the outset it is essential to understand the nature and portfolios of these

three planets Venus, Jupiter and Saturn so as to draw connections between

their aspects.


Venus is an embodiment of love and just simple, plain love not only between

a man and woman but for anything.He

personifies beauty, charm and allurement.That

is why a native with Venus in the Ascendant or the 7 th looks handsome

or attractive.He drives the native

towards the opposite sex effortlessly when posited reasonably well.He

ensures conjugal happiness.When

aspected by the benevolent Jupiter or unafflicted such conjugal relationships

becomes legitimate.But when afflicted

by Mars, unless otherwise saved (only Mars, not Saturn) that relation becomes

illegitimate - so called sin.


mighty Jupiter is not always right or mighty.But

he is supposed to be the best natural benefic in the entire Zodiac (I have

my doubts though).However, the main

characteristic of Jupiter is expansion and growth while that of Saturn

is contraction and fall.Jupiter

indicates life as against death unlike Saturn.Jupiter

is thus the Karaka for progeny.A

well-placed Jupiter aspecting the 5 th has to give children.But

don't jump to the conclusion this is possible by his mere placement in

the Ascendant.An exalted Jupiter

in Cancer ascendant has caused traumatic experiences in marriage.Nevertheless

Jupiter has a role as the lord of children.But

one must remember here that he is concerned with progeny, irrespective

of whether it is legitimate or illegitimate.Here

comes Saturn who gives the mark of legitimacy through marriage.


fail any sincere astrologer in defining or describing Saturn. Yet I shall

make an attempt.Saturn is the lord

of time.He is the lord of humane

outlook and compassion.He is the

lord of simplicity and purity.He

is the lord of philosophy and spirituality.He

is the lord of politics and governments.Power

and authority are the gifts of Saturn as opposed to the popular belief

that these are the Sun's domain.Unfortunately,

much maligned by the common man, Saturn is the real benefic when the time

comes.He is the 'Teacher', who teaches

the native the ups and downs of life and makes him balanced.Confining

ourselves to the present topic of discussion we must say that being the

lord of confinement, discipline and bondage Saturn plays a predominant

role in the marriage of a native and in its timing.

Let us next discuss the subject of marriage.

What is marriage?

Marriage is a social bond which cannot be easily broken.Marriage

means two individuals of the opposite sex living together subject to the

values and norms of any society in any country at any time (i.e. transcultural

and transgeographical).Anything

else contrary to it cannot be called a marriage.A

wife and husband may have children to rear and care for that is an unbreakable

bond and an unquestionable commitment.Only

Saturn is responsible for such a thing.He

is the lord of confinement.He confines

individuals to a system of limited and regularized conjugal relationship.Is

not that bondage as against the freedom of switching over from one woman

to another and from one man to another?As

a pious planet Saturn does not allow such foot-loose behaviour.

Marriage is a dramatic and sudden change from a free

and detached bachelor life, where there is no one to care for or to be

answerable to.A marriage imposes

certain restrictions and confinement to one person as opposed to many.As

a planet o contraction Saturn makes the wife and husband contract in themselves

for the sake of each other.As the

cold planet, Saturn cools the hidden fires in both and teaches them tranquility

and piety.No wonder a human being

turns into a calm, quiet and responsible person after marriage.Mars,

the planet of passion and desire, aspecting Venus, the planet of Love,

and man-woman relations, culminates into a conjugal relationship.Saturn

gives permanency and continuity to it and takes it to its logical conclusion

- married life with children.

Saturn also indicates separation and loneliness.Soon

after the marriage, affinities and loyalties to their respective natal

families are severed by the man and wife and they build a strong and intimate

relationship between themselves.

Even though Venus is normally taken to be the karaka

for the 7th house or marriage, I tend to give importance to Saturn.It

is no wonder that whenever Saturn aspects the Ascendant or the 7 th or

the Moon, marriage is delayed especially when the signs are not Capricon

or Aquarius. However, Saturn and Venus are friends and they feel comfortable

in each other’s signs - Taurus, Libra, Capricon and Aquarius.The

role of Saturn is so predominant in marriage that we normally find, in

many charts where Saturn is afflicted by the Sun by the 180o opposition

aspect; there is an inordinately delayed or even denial of marriage.

To put it humorously,

"If marriage is a Bus - Venus

is the Engine, Mars is the Driver

and Saturn is the Conductor who allows you in and gives you a ticket.Jupitercan

be compared to the policeman who regulates the traffic in order to avoid


That is how these four planets are related to marriage.Ignoring

Saturn in discussing a marriage is a serious mistake.He

can definitely deny a marriage or even bring about one quite beyond your


When you observe the timing of marriage of any native

in general you cannot but name Saturn as the lord of marriage.It

is commonly seen in several charts that a native enters marital relationship

under following conditions: -

1. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn by

his 3rd aspect - the sextile relation 60o.<?xml:namespace

prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

2. When transit Saturn transits the natal Saturn

with a margin of 10o on either side of natal Saturn or when he transits

the sign occupied by natal Saturn between 0o-30o.

3. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn or

is in opposition (180o) which is the 7 th house aspect.

4. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn with

his 10th house aspect.

Of these four conditions, I consider the first two

to be more effective that the latter two.This

becomes even more effective in the case of women.

I can assure my readers that it can be taken as a

Thumb rule that whenever Saturn aspects natal Saturn he would cause marriage.It

can be also said with equal force that when Saturn transits natal Saturn

completely without giving marriage, then one can safely say that it is

a case of denial with only a bleak chance when the 10th house aspect occurs.But

by that time the native would be in his mid-thirties waiting for marriage

in vain.The brightest opportunity

is when transit aspects natal Saturn by his 3rd house aspect.Because,

at that time the native would be around 24 years as Saturn would be 2 to

3 signs away from his natal position.

The exact time of marriage can be predicted from the

transits of Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Moon and of course, the Lagna and

7th lords.

Saturn's role as the lord of marriage is supreme.

But Venus in fixed signs has a peculiar effect.It

is widely believed that whenever Venus is in a fixed sign, the marriage

itself becomes doubtful.Taurus,

Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs and if Venus is in anyone of

them marriage may be denied.Venus

in Leo is particularly so, but when Saturn influences such a Venus favourably

the blemish is cancelled and the native gets married happily.

Chart 1: -

Chart 1 has Venus, Mars and Mercury in the 7 th which

would undoubtedly be disastrous.The

Karaka of the 7 th house in the 7 th would have certainly denied marital

happiness.On top of it, it is Leo-Venus,

a fixed sign Venus, which normally denies marriage.Mars

in association would have only added fuel to fire.The

worst thing that could have happened is Mercury, 5 th lord, in the 7 th

which causes Putra Dosha and marital disaster.But

the lord of the Ascendant Saturn strongly placed in the 10 th has controlled

these three planets and given the native a happy married life with two

beautiful children.This can only

be explained by the Saturn factor.But

for Saturn's aspect on the 7 th, the fate of the native could have been

totally different.The native got

married when Saturn was in Virgo aspecting his natal position in Scorpio

in 1982.

Chart 2: -

Chart 2 is of Aries ascendant with an Aquarius Venus,

again a fixed sign Venus.But the

native got married when Saturn was transiting Virgo in 1982 aspecting natal

position in Scorpio.The reason is

though Venus is in a fixed sign and further afflicted by Scorpio Mars within

a 1o fourth house aspect, Saturn's placement in the 8 th had to give marriage

and conjugal bliss which the 8 th house stands for.Remember

Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha or Saturn has to improve the house

of his occupation.Here, one may

also give credit to Jupiter for aspecting Venus and the house of luck,

the 9 th, his own sign.

Chart 3: -

Chart 3 has Gemini ascendant with Sagittarius as 7

th house with its lord Jupiter well placed in the 10 th, his own sign.But

he does not aspect the 7 th house and is afflicted by Kendradhipati Dosha

being in Kendra and owning two Kendra’s.And

so is Mercury owning two Kendra’s placed in the 4 th another Kendra.On

top of it, Venus is in fixed sign Leo within 5o of Mars afflicted by him.

But the native is married with two children and has a successful married

life.How is it? NO wonder, it is

due to Saturn.Being the lord of

the 9 th house, he is in the 4th(Kendra) aspecting the 7 th lord and the

ascendant in conjunction with the Ascendant lord Mercury.The

native was married on 17-1-1976 when Saturn was in Cancer aspecting natal

Saturn in Virgo. Nothing else can explain this except Saturn's benevolence.

A word of Caution, Saturn normally destroys the Bhava

of the house he aspects by his 3 rd, 10 th and 7 th aspects if the houses

are not his own or if they are not otherwise beneficially occupied or aspected

by other planets.An afflicted Saturn

aspecting houses connected with marital happiness can cause havoc.Saturn

when afflicted by the Sun, his arch rival, and badly placed in a house

or at 0o or 29o, while transiting his birth position, may not yield the

desired results or may even destroy married life.As

he gives marriage and times too, so also can he delay a marriage indefinitely

or disturb it. The following charts will explain this phenomenon.

Chart 4: -

Chart 4 has cancer Ascendant with Mercury exchanging

3rd houses with the Moon forming a Rajayoga.The

native is a top officer well placed but had to go in for a man who was

already married with two children. The marriage is often marked by tension

and distress. Saturn is in the 6 th with afflicted Jupiter®, the 9 th

lord, and Sun in the 12 th (house of bed pleasures) with Venus.But

Saturn's aspect on the 8 th Aquarius, his own sign, has given a marriage

no matter even if it is with a divorcee.The

9 th lord (of luck) not aspecting the 9th and Saturn in the 6th afflicting

the 9th lord, the 2nd lord Sun (ruling family) and 4th lord Venus has disturbed

married life, though not denying it.

Chart 5: -

Chart 5 has Aries Ascendant with the Moon in it.The

native's husband died after a year of marriage.This

is a miserable horoscope.The Ascendant

lord Mars is adversely placed from 9th lord Jupiter and 10th Lord Saturn

in Shasht-ashtaka. Further, he is afflicted by Rahu in the 5th.Rahu

and Ketu in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses cause marital disaster.Venus,

the 7th lord and also Karaka, is in the 2nd in Taurus in a fixed sign.Above

all, the lord of luck or 98th lord Jupiter is debiliated in Capricon and

further afflicted by Saturn.Saturn

aspects the 12th house (Paryankastana [i have no idea - any senior memeber;

kindly throw light on it]) denying bed pleasures.The

12 th lord Jupiter being also debiliated, Saturn aspecting the 4th and

7th houses, made matters worse.In

such a situation even Saturn cannot help the native.

Chart 6: -

Chart 6 is of a Saint who did not marry.She

has Libra Ascendant with Mars in it aspecting the 7 th House in his own

sign.Venus is in a fixed sign Aquarius

and Saturn is in the 6th, an inauspicious house.Jupiter

the Karaka for family and children, though exalted in the 10th, has not

helped, owning to a fixed sign Venus.Saturn

as 5th Lord unfavorably placed in the 6th, aspects the 8th and denies conjugal

bliss and denies bed comfort by aspecting the 12th also.Though

Mars aspects his own 7th house he has not been able to give marriage.This

kind of a chart makes Saturn thoroughly unhelpful in connection with marriage.

Chart 7: -

Chart 7 has Gemini Ascendant with Jupiter in the 7

th house in Sagittarius.Venus is

exalted in the 10th.Mars is in the

11th in his own sign.The Ascendant

lord Mercury is in the 8th with the Sun.The

native was divorced six months after marriage and committed Suicide.No

one could predict such a thing with Jupiter in the 7th in his own sign

with exalted Venus in the 10th and Mercury in the 8th.The

benefics definitely turned into malefics.Saturn

gave marriage as he aspects the 9th house.But

being in the 12th or the Vvayasthana again, an in-auspicious house, he

aspects the 2nd and does not aspect benefics.Had

he aspected the benefics, the disaster could have been minimized.

Yet another interesting fact is the sudden, unforeseen

transformation of benefics Jupiter and Venus into malefics. Karako Bhavanashya

is a famous line every astrologer, I believe, is aware of, which means

when the Karaka of a Bhava is in the relevant Bhava he will invariably

destroy the Bhava.For instance,

Venus if in the 7th as the Karaka for that house will always deny a happy

married life. The same is true in cases when Venus is afflicted either

by Mars and Rahu or Sun, despite the aspect of Jupiter on Venus.But

if Saturn is with Venus or even aspects him, it cancels these ill-effects

and purifies Venus ensuring marital happiness abundantly.

The so-called divinely benefic Jupiter can be a disastrous

malefic if he is badly poised as shown in the charts below.Jupiter

in a Kendra, especially the 1st and the 7th can be dangerous.It

will turn worse if he is exalted or debiliated and placed in the Ascendant

or the 7th house.On the contrary

Saturn, even if debiliated, and placed in the ascendant will only give

positive results.Remember Sthana

Hani Karoti Jeevaha and Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha.Jeeva

or Jupiter normally harms the place of his occupation while Manda or Saturn

improves the house he is placed in.

Chart 8: -

Chart 8 is of Cancer Ascendant with an exalted Jupiter.The

native's husband died in an accident just 5 years after marriage.The

worst part is that 9th lord Jupiter aspects the 9th house and yet this

tragedy happened.How can you call

Jupiter a benefic in such cases? Saturn as lord of the 7th in the 9th causes

a Rajayoga.Had he aspected the 7th

or any other house connected with marital happiness he could have certainly

prevented the calamity.Jupiter as

9th lord in the Ascendant aspecting the 7th and 9th was unable to protect

the native from this tragedy.Isn't

it strange?

Chart 9: -

Chart 9 has cancer Ascendant with Jupiter exalted

in it.Venus is in the 7 th house.

The 7th and 8th lord Saturn is at 0o between the 8 th and 9th houses.One

may suppose that the girl must have had a very happy marriage.No.Her

honeymoon was marked by tension and she had a nervous breakdown.The

husband virtually lived separately because he suspected her chastity.The

in-laws are trying to help them patch up.Yet

there is no happy ending.How can

you consider Jupiter as a benefic when this sort of traumatic development

takes place in a native's life?The

same is the case with Venus who exemplifies the dictum Karako Bhavanasha.If

at all there is any saving grace it is only Saturn's, who caused the marriage

and is averting the divorce as the lord of the 8th.This

is a case where we see benefics turn malefic and malefic Saturn act as

a benefic.

Even when benefics turn into malefics and mar marriages,

Saturn, the so-called malefic, acts virtually as a benefic and ensures

marital happiness.Although he is

slow and sluggish he averts marital accidents; he gives long lasting marital

bliss, and is the real lord of marriage.

The lord of time, Saturn times events.As

the lord of longetivity, he determines the death of natives.As

a teacher he teaches equanimity so that native can become a Sthitapragna

or equipoised.The sadhesathe

( 7 1/2 year cycle of Saturn ) occurs in all charts at least twice.This

period grooms natives into perfect human beings, by exposing them to untold

miseries.An ubiquitous and omnipotent

Saturn leads every native towards wisdom.

* Article taken from "The Astrological Magazine" ; April 2001; Author:

K.D.P. Rao, I.A.S.




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Zoran Radosavljevic

Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

mails: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

ahimsa (AT) neobee (DOT) net

web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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hari om tat sat



Namaste Guru Zoran,


I couldn't agree more with you on this. For the last couple of years

I have been trying to get the parameters for timing marriages

through D9 Narayana Dasa, and it has been eluding me. Ofcourse

parameters like UL, Navamsa Lagna/Lord, Venus & 7H/L are basic and

obvious. But, one has to go beyond this and consider each dasa, the

influence on it, its lords and analyze the chart as a whole. Without

the holistic approach, and using rigid set of rules, will only lead

to confusion and an occasional hit!!


As Gurudeva aptly put it in his "Narayana Dasa" book : "Jyotish

cannot be bunch of rules. There is a finer understanding of these

rules that makes this subject an ART as well as a SCIENCE"






sjvc, Zoran Radosavljevic <ahimsa@N...> wrote:

> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Friends and list members,

> I do not know whether you examined this article in detail. It has a

> strong married. The good sides are:

> 1. It is true that Shani in 7th is not bad due to its digbal and

> exaltation in Libra, natural 7th house

> 2. Shani is a friend of Shukra

> 3. Shani rules time and permanent values, and is in no way malefic


> people who have taken Spiritual Aspect of life. For that reason,


> strong Shani (Brahma) can confer Pravrajya

> The negative sides:

> 1.The article is one sided. One can naver isolate one factor and

> pronunce it. The interrelation of all graha will give a combined


> 2. One cannot judge marital happiness without: Upapada Lagna and


> Lagna

> 3. At the first example, the author states that Shani gave

marriage due

> to its aspect on 7th house(kumbha Lagna). My friend, who is a


> has the exactly same positions of shukra/mangal and budh in 7th and

> Shani in 10th yet she is unmarried and childless at the age of


> 50. So the arguement is off. That proves the previous point.

> 4. We should refrain from making definite rules on the bases of

one or

> two factors. The whole chart counts, and the holistic approuch is


> has been missing for a longer time..

> Best wishes

> Zoran


> Ashwin Hirani wrote:


> >

> >

> > Adarniye Guru's, Respected Senior Members and My fellow List


> >

> > I found a very good article on Marraige and would like to share


> > with all of you. It is equally for beginners(like me) as well

as for

> > learned members and am reproducing the same as it appeared. The

> > view(s) expressed are of the author and i have not done any


> > (add/delete).

> >

> > I have picked it from an Astrology Magazine and would like to


> > guru's/Senior Members to guide / throw light if there will be any

> > "Copyright " problems involved if i post articles like this in


> > near future for the benefit of all.

> >

> > Before going ahead - I would like to emphatically state - that

my sole

> > intention is to bring this article to the benefit of my list


> > and nothing else.

> >

> > I hope this article will be useful and beneficial for all.

> >

> > Regards,

> > Ashwin

> >


> >

> > ANY ONE eagerly looking for a bride or bridegroom for their child

> > should save themselves the trouble of following Jupiter of

> > Venus.Instead just look up to Saturn.

> >

> > Saturn, contrary to the general belief as the notorious and


> > malefic, is the most graceful and benevolent planet, who binds

men and

> > women in nuptial ties and teaches them to live together subject


> > norms, values and customs of society.He times the marriage of

> > individuals as the lord of time.The so-called malefic is

actually a

> > benefic who controls the so-called 'natural benefics' towards a


> > married life.

> >

> > Generally when one talks of marriage one tends to examine the


> > of Venus because Venus is the Karaka for the 7 th house or the

> > Kalatrasthana.Then the lord of 7 th house and his position in the

> > chart, the aspects on the 7 th and on its lord etc., are

examined in

> > detail.Jupiter is looked upon as a great saviour in case any of


> > factors are unfavourable.His aspect on the 7 th and its lord or

on the

> > Ascendant are considered very promising and auspicious.On the

> > contrary, Saturn is relegated to the position of a malefic

planet who

> > hinders, delays, destroys and disturbs marital prospects.My

study of

> > various charts has gone against this popular notion, making

Saturn the

> > most benevolent planet in conferring marriage.

> >

> > For the sake of simplicity and clarity I shall avoid going into


> > Navamsa, Dasa, Ashtakavarga etc., and confine my exercise to


> > planets and their status, for I believe that deep diving is often

> > suffocating and misleading.

> >

> > Without underplaying the importance of Venus as Kalatrakaraka and

> > Jupiter as the magnificent saviour, I will dwell upon the


> > role of Saturn in marital happiness.At the outset it is

essential to

> > understand the nature and portfolios of these three planets


> > Jupiter and Saturn so as to draw connections between their


> >

> > Venus: Venus is an embodiment of love and just simple, plain

love not

> > only between a man and woman but for anything.He personifies


> > charm and allurement.That is why a native with Venus in the


> > or the 7 th looks handsome or attractive.He drives the native


> > the opposite sex effortlessly when posited reasonably well.He


> > conjugal happiness.When aspected by the benevolent Jupiter or

> > unafflicted such conjugal relationships becomes legitimate.But


> > afflicted by Mars, unless otherwise saved (only Mars, not

Saturn) that

> > relation becomes illegitimate - so called sin.

> >

> > Jupiter:The mighty Jupiter is not always right or mighty.But he


> > supposed to be the best natural benefic in the entire Zodiac (I


> > my doubts though).However, the main characteristic of Jupiter is

> > expansion and growth while that of Saturn is contraction and

> > fall.Jupiter indicates life as against death unlike

Saturn.Jupiter is

> > thus the Karaka for progeny.A well-placed Jupiter aspecting the

5 th

> > has to give children.But don't jump to the conclusion this is


> > by his mere placement in the Ascendant.An exalted Jupiter in


> > ascendant has caused traumatic experiences in


> > Jupiter has a role as the lord of children.But one must remember


> > that he is concerned with progeny, irrespective of whether it is

> > legitimate or illegitimate.Here comes Saturn who gives the mark


> > legitimacy through marriage.

> >

> > Saturn:Words fail any sincere astrologer in defining or


> > Saturn. Yet I shall make an attempt.Saturn is the lord of

time.He is

> > the lord of humane outlook and compassion.He is the lord of


> > and purity.He is the lord of philosophy and spirituality.He is


> > lord of politics and governments.Power and authority are the

gifts of

> > Saturn as opposed to the popular belief that these are the Sun's

> > domain.Unfortunately, much maligned by the common man, Saturn is


> > real benefic when the time comes.He is the 'Teacher', who

teaches the

> > native the ups and downs of life and makes him balanced.Confining

> > ourselves to the present topic of discussion we must say that


> > the lord of confinement, discipline and bondage Saturn plays a

> > predominant role in the marriage of a native and in its timing.

> >

> > Let us next discuss the subject of marriage.

> >

> > What is marriage?

> >

> > Marriage is a social bond which cannot be easily broken.Marriage


> > two individuals of the opposite sex living together subject to


> > values and norms of any society in any country at any time (i.e.

> > transcultural and transgeographical).Anything else contrary to it

> > cannot be called a marriage.A wife and husband may have children


> > rear and care for that is an unbreakable bond and an


> > commitment.Only Saturn is responsible for such a thing.He is the


> > of confinement.He confines individuals to a system of limited and

> > regularized conjugal relationship.Is not that bondage as against


> > freedom of switching over from one woman to another and from one


> > to another?As a pious planet Saturn does not allow such foot-


> > behaviour.

> >

> > Marriage is a dramatic and sudden change from a free and detached

> > bachelor life, where there is no one to care for or to be


> > to.A marriage imposes certain restrictions and confinement to one

> > person as opposed to many.As a planet o contraction Saturn makes


> > wife and husband contract in themselves for the sake of each


> > the cold planet, Saturn cools the hidden fires in both and


> > them tranquility and piety.No wonder a human being turns into a


> > quiet and responsible person after marriage.Mars, the planet of

> > passion and desire, aspecting Venus, the planet of Love, and man-


> > relations, culminates into a conjugal relationship.Saturn gives

> > permanency and continuity to it and takes it to its logical


> > - married life with children.

> >

> > Saturn also indicates separation and loneliness.Soon after the

> > marriage, affinities and loyalties to their respective natal


> > are severed by the man and wife and they build a strong and


> > relationship between themselves.

> >

> > Even though Venus is normally taken to be the karaka for the 7th


> > or marriage, I tend to give importance to Saturn.It is no wonder


> > whenever Saturn aspects the Ascendant or the 7 th or the Moon,

> > marriage is delayed especially when the signs are not Capricon or

> > Aquarius. However, Saturn and Venus are friends and they feel

> > comfortable in each other's signs - Taurus, Libra, Capricon and

> > Aquarius.The role of Saturn is so predominant in marriage that we

> > normally find, in many charts where Saturn is afflicted by the

Sun by

> > the 180o opposition aspect; there is an inordinately delayed or


> > denial of marriage.

> >

> > To put it humorously,

> >

> > "If marriage is a Bus - Venus is the Engine, Mars is the Driver


> > Saturn is the Conductor who allows you in and gives you a

> > ticket.Jupitercan be compared to the policeman who regulates the

> > traffic in order to avoid accidents."

> >

> > That is how these four planets are related to marriage.Ignoring


> > in discussing a marriage is a serious mistake.He can definitely

deny a

> > marriage or even bring about one quite beyond your imagination.

> >

> > When you observe the timing of marriage of any native in general


> > cannot but name Saturn as the lord of marriage.It is commonly

seen in

> > several charts that a native enters marital relationship under

> > following conditions: -

> >

> > 1. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn by his 3rd aspect -


> > sextile relation 60o.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

> > "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

> >

> > 2. When transit Saturn transits the natal Saturn with a margin

of 10o

> > on either side of natal Saturn or when he transits the sign


> > by natal Saturn between 0o-30o.

> >

> > 3. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn or is in opposition


> > which is the 7 th house aspect.

> >

> > 4. When transit Saturn aspects natal Saturn with his 10th house

> > aspect.

> >

> > Of these four conditions, I consider the first two to be more

> > effective that the latter two.This becomes even more effective

in the

> > case of women.

> >

> > I can assure my readers that it can be taken as a Thumb rule that

> > whenever Saturn aspects natal Saturn he would cause marriage.It

can be

> > also said with equal force that when Saturn transits natal Saturn

> > completely without giving marriage, then one can safely say that

it is

> > a case of denial with only a bleak chance when the 10th house


> > occurs.But by that time the native would be in his mid-thirties

> > waiting for marriage in vain.The brightest opportunity is when


> > aspects natal Saturn by his 3rd house aspect.Because, at that

time the

> > native would be around 24 years as Saturn would be 2 to 3 signs


> > from his natal position.

> >

> > The exact time of marriage can be predicted from the transits of

> > Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Moon and of course, the Lagna and 7th


> >

> > Saturn's role as the lord of marriage is supreme. But Venus in


> > signs has a peculiar effect.It is widely believed that whenever


> > is in a fixed sign, the marriage itself becomes doubtful.Taurus,


> > Scorpio and Aquarius are fixed signs and if Venus is in anyone

of them

> > marriage may be denied.Venus in Leo is particularly so, but when

> > Saturn influences such a Venus favourably the blemish is

cancelled and

> > the native gets married happily.

> >

> > Chart 1: -

> >

> > Chart 1 has Venus, Mars and Mercury in the 7 th which would

> > undoubtedly be disastrous.The Karaka of the 7 th house in the 7


> > would have certainly denied marital happiness.On top of it, it is

> > Leo-Venus, a fixed sign Venus, which normally denies

marriage.Mars in

> > association would have only added fuel to fire.The worst thing


> > could have happened is Mercury, 5 th lord, in the 7 th which


> > Putra Dosha and marital disaster.But the lord of the Ascendant


> > strongly placed in the 10 th has controlled these three planets


> > given the native a happy married life with two beautiful


> > can only be explained by the Saturn factor.But for Saturn's

aspect on

> > the 7 th, the fate of the native could have been totally


> > native got married when Saturn was in Virgo aspecting his natal

> > position in Scorpio in 1982.

> >

> > Chart 2: -

> >

> > Chart 2 is of Aries ascendant with an Aquarius Venus, again a


> > sign Venus.But the native got married when Saturn was transiting


> > in 1982 aspecting natal position in Scorpio.The reason is though


> > is in a fixed sign and further afflicted by Scorpio Mars within

a 1o

> > fourth house aspect, Saturn's placement in the 8 th had to give

> > marriage and conjugal bliss which the 8 th house stands


> > Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha or Saturn has to improve the house

of his

> > occupation.Here, one may also give credit to Jupiter for


> > Venus and the house of luck, the 9 th, his own sign.

> >

> > Chart 3: -

> >

> > Chart 3 has Gemini ascendant with Sagittarius as 7 th house with


> > lord Jupiter well placed in the 10 th, his own sign.But he does


> > aspect the 7 th house and is afflicted by Kendradhipati Dosha

being in

> > Kendra and owning two Kendra's.And so is Mercury owning two


> > placed in the 4 th another Kendra.On top of it, Venus is in

fixed sign

> > Leo within 5o of Mars afflicted by him. But the native is

married with

> > two children and has a successful married life.How is it? NO


> > it is due to Saturn.Being the lord of the 9 th house, he is in


> > 4th(Kendra) aspecting the 7 th lord and the ascendant in


> > with the Ascendant lord Mercury.The native was married on 17-1-


> > when Saturn was in Cancer aspecting natal Saturn in Virgo.


> > else can explain this except Saturn's benevolence.

> >

> > A word of Caution, Saturn normally destroys the Bhava of the

house he

> > aspects by his 3 rd, 10 th and 7 th aspects if the houses are

not his

> > own or if they are not otherwise beneficially occupied or

aspected by

> > other planets.An afflicted Saturn aspecting houses connected with

> > marital happiness can cause havoc.Saturn when afflicted by the


> > his arch rival, and badly placed in a house or at 0o or 29o,


> > transiting his birth position, may not yield the desired results


> > may even destroy married life.As he gives marriage and times

too, so

> > also can he delay a marriage indefinitely or disturb it. The


> > charts will explain this phenomenon.

> >

> > Chart 4: -

> >

> > Chart 4 has cancer Ascendant with Mercury exchanging 3rd houses


> > the Moon forming a Rajayoga.The native is a top officer well


> > but had to go in for a man who was already married with two


> > The marriage is often marked by tension and distress. Saturn is

in the

> > 6 th with afflicted Jupiter®, the 9 th lord, and Sun in the 12


> > (house of bed pleasures) with Venus.But Saturn's aspect on the 8


> > Aquarius, his own sign, has given a marriage no matter even if

it is

> > with a divorcee.The 9 th lord (of luck) not aspecting the 9th and

> > Saturn in the 6th afflicting the 9th lord, the 2nd lord Sun


> > family) and 4th lord Venus has disturbed married life, though not

> > denying it.

> >

> > Chart 5: -

> >

> > Chart 5 has Aries Ascendant with the Moon in it.The native's


> > died after a year of marriage.This is a miserable horoscope.The

> > Ascendant lord Mars is adversely placed from 9th lord Jupiter

and 10th

> > Lord Saturn in Shasht-ashtaka. Further, he is afflicted by Rahu

in the

> > 5th.Rahu and Ketu in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th houses cause


> > disaster.Venus, the 7th lord and also Karaka, is in the 2nd in


> > in a fixed sign.Above all, the lord of luck or 98th lord Jupiter


> > debiliated in Capricon and further afflicted by Saturn.Saturn


> > the 12th house (Paryankastana [i have no idea - any senior


> > kindly throw light on it]) denying bed pleasures.The 12 th lord

> > Jupiter being also debiliated, Saturn aspecting the 4th and 7th

> > houses, made matters worse.In such a situation even Saturn

cannot help

> > the native.

> >

> > Chart 6: -

> >

> > Chart 6 is of a Saint who did not marry.She has Libra Ascendant


> > Mars in it aspecting the 7 th House in his own sign.Venus is in a

> > fixed sign Aquarius and Saturn is in the 6th, an inauspicious

> > house.Jupiter the Karaka for family and children, though exalted


> > the 10th, has not helped, owning to a fixed sign Venus.Saturn as


> > Lord unfavorably placed in the 6th, aspects the 8th and denies

> > conjugal bliss and denies bed comfort by aspecting the 12th

> > also.Though Mars aspects his own 7th house he has not been able


> > give marriage.This kind of a chart makes Saturn thoroughly


> > in connection with marriage.

> >

> > Chart 7: -

> >

> > Chart 7 has Gemini Ascendant with Jupiter in the 7 th house in

> > Sagittarius.Venus is exalted in the 10th.Mars is in the 11th in


> > own sign.The Ascendant lord Mercury is in the 8th with the


> > native was divorced six months after marriage and committed


> > one could predict such a thing with Jupiter in the 7th in his

own sign

> > with exalted Venus in the 10th and Mercury in the 8th.The


> > definitely turned into malefics.Saturn gave marriage as he

aspects the

> > 9th house.But being in the 12th or the Vvayasthana again, an

> > in-auspicious house, he aspects the 2nd and does not aspect

> > benefics.Had he aspected the benefics, the disaster could have


> > minimized.

> >

> > Yet another interesting fact is the sudden, unforeseen


> > of benefics Jupiter and Venus into malefics. Karako Bhavanashya

is a

> > famous line every astrologer, I believe, is aware of, which

means when

> > the Karaka of a Bhava is in the relevant Bhava he will invariably

> > destroy the Bhava.For instance, Venus if in the 7th as the

Karaka for

> > that house will always deny a happy married life. The same is

true in

> > cases when Venus is afflicted either by Mars and Rahu or Sun,


> > the aspect of Jupiter on Venus.But if Saturn is with Venus or


> > aspects him, it cancels these ill-effects and purifies Venus


> > marital happiness abundantly.

> >

> > The so-called divinely benefic Jupiter can be a disastrous

malefic if

> > he is badly poised as shown in the charts below.Jupiter in a


> > especially the 1st and the 7th can be dangerous.It will turn

worse if

> > he is exalted or debiliated and placed in the Ascendant or the


> > house.On the contrary Saturn, even if debiliated, and placed in


> > ascendant will only give positive results.Remember Sthana Hani


> > Jeevaha and Sthana Vriddhi Karoti Mandha.Jeeva or Jupiter


> > harms the place of his occupation while Manda or Saturn improves


> > house he is placed in.

> >

> > Chart 8: -

> >

> > Chart 8 is of Cancer Ascendant with an exalted Jupiter.The


> > husband died in an accident just 5 years after marriage.The

worst part

> > is that 9th lord Jupiter aspects the 9th house and yet this


> > happened.How can you call Jupiter a benefic in such cases?

Saturn as

> > lord of the 7th in the 9th causes a Rajayoga.Had he aspected the


> > or any other house connected with marital happiness he could have

> > certainly prevented the calamity.Jupiter as 9th lord in the


> > aspecting the 7th and 9th was unable to protect the native from


> > tragedy.Isn't it strange?

> >

> > Chart 9: -

> >

> > Chart 9 has cancer Ascendant with Jupiter exalted in it.Venus is


> > the 7 th house. The 7th and 8th lord Saturn is at 0o between the

8 th

> > and 9th houses.One may suppose that the girl must have had a very

> > happy marriage.No.Her honeymoon was marked by tension and she

had a

> > nervous breakdown.The husband virtually lived separately because


> > suspected her chastity.The in-laws are trying to help them patch

> > up.Yet there is no happy ending.How can you consider Jupiter as a

> > benefic when this sort of traumatic development takes place in a

> > native's life?The same is the case with Venus who exemplifies the

> > dictum Karako Bhavanasha.If at all there is any saving grace it


> > only Saturn's, who caused the marriage and is averting the

divorce as

> > the lord of the 8th.This is a case where we see benefics turn


> > and malefic Saturn act as a benefic.

> >

> > Even when benefics turn into malefics and mar marriages, Saturn,


> > so-called malefic, acts virtually as a benefic and ensures


> > happiness.Although he is slow and sluggish he averts marital

> > accidents; he gives long lasting marital bliss, and is the real


> > of marriage.

> >

> > The lord of time, Saturn times events.As the lord of

longetivity, he

> > determines the death of natives.As a teacher he teaches

equanimity so

> > that native can become a Sthitapragna or equipoised.The

sadhesathe ( 7

> > 1/2 year cycle of Saturn ) occurs in all charts at least


> > period grooms natives into perfect human beings, by exposing

them to

> > untold miseries.An ubiquitous and omnipotent Saturn leads every


> > towards wisdom.

> >

> > * Article taken from "The Astrological Magazine" ; April 2001;


> > K.D.P. Rao, I.A.S.

> >

> >

> > --------------------------------


> >

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> --

> Zoran Radosavljevic

> Jyotish Teacher at Shri Jagannath Vedic Centre

> mails: ahimsa@N...

> ahimsa@n...

> web address: http://www.sjvc.co.yu

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