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Lesson#5 on RASI.

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Guruji Pranamas.

Please find my attempt on the questions of Lesson#5 on Rasi.

Q1.: In your chart or any chart explain how a Lagna sign's characteristics and

planets connected with that Lagna sign influence the native's personality and


For the study I am taking birth details of the native born on October 29, 1982

at 00-32 Hrs, IST, Lat:14N20; Long:74:30; Time Zone:05-30Hrs.

The native has got Karka as her Lagna and the lord of the Lagna is posited in

the 8th house in Kumba. The birth Lagna indicates medium height. Navamsa lagna

falls in the Vrishchika which is said to give taller height. Over all native

possess height not taller but little more than medium. Lagna Lord Moon aspects

the Lagna in Rasi and in Navamsa the Lagna is aspected by Sun. Because of this

the native got birth in a Brahmin family. How ever Paka Lagna being in Kumba

and is also owing to Navamsa Lagna placement, the native may not follow cannons

of Bhrahmin family very strictly. Lagna is influenced by watery signs

predominantly and that has made the native stocky. The native tends towards

corpulence. These watery signs should have given large eyes but position of

Sun. This has given the native emotional and sentimental nature and she tends

to weep/cry easily and superficially. The signs have imparted the native stable

character and she is possessive. Typical Cancerians are of imposing nature and

this sign also bestows power of intuitive and creativity. Moon is a mild planet

and can be easily influenced though only for seemingly in this case as Vrischika

is navamsa Lagna. Sun's aspect in on the Lagna Navamsa resulted in dark whitish

complex. The sign certainly has given very cool non aggressive nature coupled

with consistency.

Health: The lagna lord being in 8th may indicative of not robust health. This

gives chances of ailments related to watery bound diseases during signs/planets

of malefically disposed. The native may suffer from obesity, over weight,

pulmonary disorders etc..

Q2.:Explain the reason for the exaltation and ownership signs of all the

planets, See lesson # 4 as a reference.

Till today I could not realise on what exact basis the Planets are being

allotted their Exaltation Signs. Ownership theories are too a lot confusing for

me. These all may tell with more stress that I need to meditate more and more to

understand the sublelities in the Zodiac and Planets. Sign Mesha: In one of the

book I read that, the Sign Aries or Mesha is site of solar plexus and denotes

solar and fire energy. This is full of vitality and force for which the planet

Mars is significator and hence this sign is ruled by Mars. The Sun is giver of

these qualities on higher level and hence finds his exaltation over here. Sign

Taurus: As per Yogic astrology and Chakra phylosopy, the sign Vrishabha

represents Heart. This is the indication of receptivity and openness. All these

qualities are attributable to the planet Moon and hence Moon gets its exaltation

over here. Having said this it is obvious that this sign is ruled by though

Venus it is not its Moolatrikona sign. The sign gives the signification of the

Venus at more passive side.

Sign Gemini: This is sign where it denotes use of brain more than heart.

Diferenciation, speech, communication and intelligence are signified by this

sign. Hence Mercury gets the rulership. No planets gets exaltation(exception

being nodes).

Sign Cancer: It is a watery sign and passive. It is very fruitful in nature. It

is the most Pavitra sign and spiritual as well. It denotes holy rivers. Jupiter

naturally gets exalted and Moon rules it because of qualities.

Sign Leo: It is a royal sign and gives determined personalities. Fiery in nature

and its a satvic in nature and hence ruled by Sun.

Sign Virgo: Though it is believed to represent negative qualities of the planet

Mercury, here is the place where it finds location for exaltation. It is said

that, this sign stands for expression and Mercury being Karaka for this may

finds this as sign of exaltation. This sign being earthy makes the sign owned

by Mercury along with other qualities.

Sign Libra: It is said that in this sign the Saturn represents represents the

higher sense of justice and leads one for detachment from the material world

and guides one's heart for the right direction. So obviously Saturn gets

exalted in the Libra. This being airy sign and related to cardinal qualities

and brings foray of the signification for which Venus stands as representative,

this is owned by Venus.

Sign Scorpio: This is the sign where in most of the aggressive qualities of the

native finds not revealed to the persons other than the most acquainted ones.

Scorpio is beholder of negative qualities of Mars. It is also represents occult

matters in higher sense and is owned by Ketu.

Sign Saggitarious: The Saggittarius is brave sign with fiery nature with virtues

qualities which are attributable for the planet Jupiter.

Sign Capricorn: This sign represents Saturnian qualities as the natives more

oftnely than not tends to introverts and gloomy. Here natives would be uun

harming It is said that it is the sign of maximum potential of expression of

fire energy in the right and useful way and Mars gets exalted here.

Sign Aquarius: This sign is Saturnian sign with positive qualities. Airy in

nature. Rahu also a co ruler here. The natives of this sign are more outgoing

types and fleshy built up. Sign Pisces: This is sign is one of the most fertile

and satvik sign. It is said to represent negative quality of the Jupiter as it

draws the natives away from the wealth and other activity of material oriented.

These are higher qualities of Venus.

Q3.:Take the dual rasis owned by the non-luminous planets and compare the

characteristics of their two rasis. Find out how the lordship gets altered for

these two rasis because of the difference in characteristics.

The Dual signs are Gewmini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. First Two are owned

by Mercury and the later Two by Jupiter. Virgo though is a sign of

intellectuals at lower level, the natives are talkative and and seek enjoyment.

They are more expressive and pleasure seekers. They looks very young and typical

of Mercury. Materially, positive side of the Mercury. The sign Virgo gives the

natives with more reserved nature but silent perfomers. Though they will be

more knowledged never like to be exposed. Sagittarius is a fiery sign and the

natives are more aggressive with Jupitarian characters. They possess even the

ego to some extent and always try to hide with a motive and where as Pisceans

are sober ones and very virtuous.

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