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World events and current planetary alignments

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When I was reading Lesson 5 about the signs of the zodiac representing the

various parts of the Kalapurusha, I started thinking about the 7 planet

conjunction and subsequent Saturn-Rahu conjunction in Taurus.


It occurred to me that if we consider the current chart as being

representative as the earth as a whole, then the second house, Taurus, can

be considered to be representing the "face" of the earth. And the two most

malefic planets are in Taurus together (and have been for some time now).


We've been having a lot of wild fires, floods and earthquakes in several

parts of the world recently (wild fires in the US, floods in China,

earthquake in Iran to give a few examples). If we look at these events as

"scarring the face" of the earth, can we explain the seemingly increased

occurrence of such incidents on the presence of malefics in the second

house of the natural zodiac? I haven't done any kind of statistical

analysis to see if in fact such incidents are ocurring more frequently in

recent times - I am going only by my memory of news items from the recent



I would appreciate comments from the gurus and other members of the list.



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