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Pranamas to all gurus’


I sincerely apologize for somewhat delay in reply to

lesson-5, since I was looking for books as suggested.

I am staying in Nigeria. I request all gurus to guide

me in evaluating the answer to lesson-5, rectifying

the misconcepts and more elaboration.


Kind Regards









My DOB is 2nd Mar, 1962, time-11.40 p.m., Place:

Calcutta. Horoscope enclosed. (Time need



My ascendant is Scorpio. Mars and ketu both are in 3rd

house, but mars being in exaltation sign is stronger

and hence the lord of asc. (Note: Mars is almost on

rasi sandhi point at 29*)

Scorpio is a watery sign, asc. Lord mars in earthy

sign of capricorn , I am a little fatty with avg.

height of 5’ 4.5” well built up with strong bones

and wheatish complexion. Mars in third house is

conjoined with Mercury, Saturn and Ketu. I am very

much interested in games and sports, intellectual

debates etc. is perhaps the influence of mercury.

Saturn placed in his own house has more influence in

my life, made me lazy- postponing the things for the

last minutes, enjoy sleeping etc. are some of the

characteristics. Ketu association has given an

religion, god fearing bend of mind. Ofcourse, Mars

has given me a hot temperament but controlled, may be

due to rasi aspect of Jupiter, sun & Venus from 4th

house-Aquarius. As said about Scorpio’s –best friend

or bitter enemy, I do believe it to some extant and

have given an introvert and arrogant nature.

Rahu direct aspect on lagna from 9th house (Cancer

rasi) and on lagna lord Mars (atma karak also) impact

I could not identify. In fact, in my case, I find too

many planets are conjoined / aspect with lagna/

lagna-lord because all the planets are enclosed in

2nd, 3rd and 4th houses. From lagna, 2nd house has

moon and 4th house has Jupiter, sun and Venus all

causing “ARGALA”. Moreso, lagna lord (AM) with Saturn,

Ketu and Mercury in 3rd house also causing argala and

obstruction. Scorpio is a fix sign and therefore 9th

lord moon is an obstruction (bhadhak). Rahu placed in

9th house have similar effect?

Asc. Lord Mars (AM also) have argala from Jupiter, Sun

& Venus (from 2nd house) but obstruction from Moon

(12th house).

I shall humbly request Guru’s to help me understand

the effect of Moon and Rahu.





SUN: Royal planet, Male, Fiery element, red color

and Warrior class with Saatwik guna. Leo being

saatwik, fiery, male, pale (off white) color suits

perfectly for sun planet, hence its own Leo sign. 5th

House stands for intelligence, 5th sign of natural

Zodiac is Leo and sun stands for atman and the self

and its’ duty is dharma which makes Leo (Dharma

trikona sign) to be mool trikone sign as well.

Aries stands for self in natural Zodiac and is a

rajasic, fiery sign with Red color and being “Dharma

Trikona” suits perfectly with the objective of sun

i.e. Guiding the Atma or Soul to path of Dharma,

Spiritual elevation. It is therefore the exaltation

sign for sun.


Moon: Royal planet, female, water element, white

color and vaishyas with sattwik guna. Cancer is

saatwik watery element, Female Sign and represent 4th

sign of natural Zodiac signifying mother. Cancer

denotes heart, emotion, food, kitchen etc. Moon is

queen, govern mind (watery element) and signify

mother. Hence, Moon owns Cancer sign.

Moon prime duty is like a mother to take care of whole

family and their feeding etc. 2nd sign of natural

Zodiac “Tauras”, represent family, comfort, food

aspect together with wealth (Earthy sign-Arth Trikona)

and white color. This complies with the objective of

Moon Vaishnav guna. Hence it is exaltation sign for



Mercury : Royal planet, neutral, earthy element,

green color and vaishyas. Essential for every vaishyas

(trader) is to get along with every person i.e.

effective communication. Mercury being earthy element

governs memory, logical thinking, intellectual

discussion, debates etc. Mercury has been represented

as youngster. 3rd sign of natural zodiac “Gemini”

represents communication. It is tamasik sign and have

green color representing field, show sign owned by

Mercury (youngster like play fields).

6th sign of natural Zodiac “ virgo” represents

debates, amusement, enemy etc. It is a tamasik sign

and have green color. It is also earthy element and “

arth trikona” showing gain from trade. This is the

objective of Mercury, therefore, Virgo is the

Exaltation sign for mercury.

While “Gemini” represents youthful Mercury

characteristic, “ Virgo” represents matured Mercury



Jupiter : Saattwik planet, male, ethery element,

golden-yellow color and Brahmin with sattwa guna.

Jupiter governs knowledge and happiness. Ultimate

objective of Brahmin is liberation of soul i.e.

moksha. 9th house of natural zodiac “ Sagittarius”

represents dharma. It is a rajasic sign with fiery

element and golden yellow color. As Rajpurohit Brahmin

(dev guru), Jupiter administer and spread the dharma/

knowledge. Therefore this is own sign as well as

Mool-trikona sign. 12th house of natural Zodiac

“Pisces” shows moksha. It is a saatwik (dual) sign

with watery element. Watery element denotes

imagination (meditation) and creativity. As simple

Brahmin, Juliter owns Pisces sign as well.

Cancer is the exaltation sign for Jupiter. 4th sign of

natural Zodiac “cancer” represents education. Cancer

is sattwa guna, watery element with light pink color

and “moksha trikona” sign. This fulfills all the

objective of Jupiter as Dev Guru for giving

imagination and knowledge for Moksha.


Venus : Rajasic planet, Female, watery element,

variegated color and Brahmin with rajo guna. Venus

represents sperm, passion and desire for pleasure. 7th

house of natural Zodiac, “ Libra” represent marital

happiness. It is rajasic sign, mixed sign with black

color and rajo guna. It is therefore own sign as well

as mooltrikona sign (Karma trikona sign) since dharma

of marriage is fulfilled here. 2nd house of the

natural Zodiac “ Taurus” represents luxury, comforts

etc. It is also a watery sign with white color and

tamo guna, it also suits Venus as its’ own sign.

12th house of the natural Zodiac, “Pisces” represent

bed pleasure in pure sense as well as expenditures. It

is female sign, sattwa guna, watery sign with white

color shows the Exaltation sign of Venus as Tapaswi.


Mars : Warrior planet, male, fiery element, blood

red color and tamas guna. Mars govern Strength,

leadership, Enterprising. 1st house of natural Zodiac,

“Aries” represent self as well as strength/physique,

dynamism, enterprising, impulsiveness etc. It is a

male, fiery sign with red color perfectly represent

mars own sign as well as Mool trikona sign. 8th house

of natural Zodiac “ Scorpio” represents death/

accidents etc. Mars is also significator of

accidents/dangers, love showing his strength. This is

also mars own sign.

Mars govern leadership and enterprising through well

precise, controlled, planned karma. 10th house of

natural zodiac, “ Capricorn” represent karma. Being

earthy element, it shows well planned, precisely

defined karma. Its tamasic guna makes this sign the

exaltation point.


Saturn : Tamasic planet, neutral, Airy element and

black color. Saturn governs the reward for karma. By

punishing, it cleans/purifies the soul from past sins.

10th sign of natural zodiac “Capricorn” represents –

karma. It is a vaata nature and earth element with

dark blue color matches with the characteristic of

Saturn as it’s own house. Saturn is represented as a

common man facing day to day problems, doing hard work

with only objective of earning livelihood. 11th sign

of natural zodiac “Aquarius” represent earnings.

Aquarius represents tall body, hard working, stoic and

honest. It is “karma trikona” with brown color. All

these shows Aquarius sign owned by Saturn as well as

mooltrikona sign also.

Saturn as soul purifier balances the life from past

karma. 7th sign of natural zodiac “Libra” (Airy

element with

Rajo guna) represents balance life. It is a “karma

trikona sign” having black color. It’s airy element

represent wavering/wandering mind. It is exalted sign

of Saturn.


Rahu : Rahu is a shadow & tamasic planet,

creates phobia and unrealistic illusions, create

desires, wandering etc (Dragon’s head without body).

11th house of natural zodiac represents material gain,

makes Aquarius (Airy element with Tamo guna) as own

house for Rahu. Rahu objectives are to bring

obstruction in way of natural happiness, create fight,

enemy etc. 6th sign of natural zodiac “Virgo” (Earthy

element with Tamo guna) represents enemy. It is “arth

trikona” as well fulfills the objective of Rahu as

mooltrikona sign.

3rd house of natural zodiac, “ Gemini” (Airy element

with Tamo guna) represent courage & communication.

Rahu job is that of a spy to investigate new

unexplored outside areas (wandering) which requires

courage as well as good communication and thrills as

liked by youngsters’. Besides, Rahu being tamasic

enjoys amusement places. This is Rahu’s exaltation



Katu : Katu is shadow planet with no desire (tail

of dragon i.e. no head). Although it is a tamasic

planet, It inclines the person towards spiritual

pursuits, hence called mokshadata. 8th sign of natural

zodiac, “Scorpio” (Watery element with Rajo guna)

represents occult studies and it is also Moksha

trikona. Katu also represent army safeguarding

internal security. Hence, Katu own this sign. Katu

objective is show way towards Moksha, Pisces is

mooltrikona sign (Moksha-trikona). 9th sign of

natural zodiac, “Sagittarius” represents dharma, this

is exaltation sign.




3. Take the dual rasis owned by the non luminous

planets and compare the characteristics of their two

rasis. Find out how the lordship gets altered for

these two rasis because of the difference in



Jupiter (male and brahmin) owns Pisces and Sagittarius

sign. Basic difference in characteristic is due to

Sex, gunas and elements of the sign. Male sex of

Sagittarius shows tough mentality and fiery element

shows power & administration. Female sex of Pisces

shows softer attitude and watery element shows

imagination/ meditation. Therefore, Jupiter in

Sagittarius (Dharma trikona and saatwic sign) has been

described as “Rajguru” who establish and administer

dharma. Whereas, Jupiter in Pisces (Moksha trikona and

saatwic sign) has been described as “Saint” who

meditates for god.


Venus (Female and brahmin) in Taurus (female and

earthy element with rajo guna) shows softer mentality

and logical thinking for family, foods, wealth,

speech, comfort etc. (Vaisya class-Arth trikona sign).

Whereas, Venus in Libra (male and airy element with

rajo guna) shows a little tough attitude and

wavering/wandering mentality (Sudra class-Karma

trikona sign). Libra is the house of Marriage,

relationship with opposite sex, business etc.

characterized by Venus.


Mars (Male and warrior) in Aries (Male and fiery

element with rajo guna) shows cruel/crude strength

represented as impulsive, Restless, Dynamic,

enterprising character (Warrior class-Dharma trikona).

Whereas, Mars in Scorpio (Female and watery element

with rajo guna) shows a little softer in temperament

and strength, scheming, secretive, sensitive, peevish,

indulge in occult studies etc. characteristic (Brahmin

class-Moksha trikona).


Mercury (Neutral and vaisya) in Gemini (Male and Airy

element with tamo guna) shows youngster wandering

around play-field, amusement park, school, study rooms

etc. and learned and jovial nature, communication

related activity like journalism, postal and

telecommunications etc. characteristic (Sudra

class-Karma trikona sign). Whereas, Mercury in Virgo

(Female and earthy element) shows a little softer

attitude with matured thinking like debates,

intellectual discussions, library, Farms, good orator,

etc. characteristic (Vaasya class-Arth trikona sign).


Saturn (Neutral and sudra) in Capricorn (Female and

earthy element with Tamo guna) represents karma in

systematic way, patient, organizer, perfectionist,

etc. indulged in material gains of daily pursuits

(Vaasya class-Arth trikona sign). Whereas, Saturn in

Aquarius (Male and Airy element with Tamo guna) shows

stoic, Well built hard working, honest, wandering for

material gain & earnings (Sudra class-Karma trikona





Although, I have written colors of planets and rasis

matching, I am not convinced by my answer.

Please also inlight, how movable, fixed, dual nature

and color of rasis influences the characteristic of


Awastha’s of planet and constellations occupied by the

sign to explain the deep exaltation points is perhaps

not covered in these studies.




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