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Comparison of Four Nakshatra Dasas

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Om Gurubhyo Namah

Dear Fayyaz, > Dear Narasimhaji, > I just read your post. What i cant understand is as to

> how vimshottari dasa from both Lagna & moon could

> be applicable in a chart.Both may be in different

> nakshatras & will reflect different Dasas-Antradasas

> operating at a given time. Hence,both will give a

> different picture of what is happeninig & going to

> happen to a person in his life at a given time. > 2.I'll be grateful if you

could clarify this.


I will give the example of Indira Gandhi.




November 19, 1917Time: 23:07:00Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East

of GMT)Longitude: 81 E 52' 00"Latitude: 25 N 28' 00"

Her rasi chart:


+--------------+|HL |GL AL |JuR

|Ke Md || | | |Gk || |

| | || | | |

|| | | |

||-----------+-----------------------+-----------|| |

|As Sa || | | ||

| | || | |

|| | | ||-----------|

Rasi |-----------||Mo | |Ma ||

| | || |

| || | | || |


||-----------+-----------------------+-----------||Ve Ra |Su Me |

| || | | | ||

| | | || | | |

|| | | |

|+--------------+ Rasi

+--------------+| \

/ \ Md Gk / || \ Ma / \ Ke

/ || \ / \ / || \ / Sa

\ / || \ / \ / ||

x As x JuR || / \ / \

|| / \ / \ || / \

/ \ || / \ 4 / AL \ || /

\ / \ || x GL

|| \ / \ / || \ /

\ / || \ / \ / ||

\ / \ / || \ / \

/ ||Su Me x Mo x HL || / \

/ \ || / \ / \ ||

/ \ / \ || / Ve \ /

\ || / Ra \ / \


+--------------+| \ |

| / || \ | GL AL | / || \

| | / || Ke \ JuR | | HL /

|| \ | | / || Md Gk \ |

| / || \ | | /

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| |

| || As Sa | | Mo ||

| | || | Rasi |

|| | | || |

| || | |

||---------------+---------------+---------------|| / |

| \ || / | | \ Ra || /

| | \ || Ma / | | Su \

Ve || / | | \ || / |

| Me \ || / | | \

|+---------------+---------------+---------------+ (1) Let us take her

Vimsottari dasa from Moon.


Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon):


Sat MD: 1970-11-21 (12:58:06) - 1989-11-21 (09:56:53)


Antardasas in this MD:


Sat: 1970-11-21 (12:58:06) - 1973-11-24 (06:44:32) Mer: 1973-11-24 (06:44:32)

- 1976-08-03 (02:09:04) Ket: 1976-08-03 (02:09:04) - 1977-09-12 (18:54:32)

Ven: 1977-09-12 (18:54:32) - 1980-11-12 (04:06:58) Sun: 1980-11-12 (04:06:58)

- 1981-10-25 (11:03:24) Moo: 1981-10-25 (11:03:24) - 1983-05-23 (16:00:30)

Mar: 1983-05-23 (16:00:30) - 1984-07-02 (17:07:02) Rah: 1984-07-02 (17:07:02)

- 1987-05-08 (03:09:45) Jup: 1987-05-08 (03:09:45) - 1989-11-21 (09:56:53)


In Saturn-Mercury, she imposed emergency on India and the Indian constitution

was suspended. From Saturn (dasa lord), Mercury is the 3rd lord and placed in a

trine. He gives boldness. From Moon (antardasas are judged from Moon), he owns

the 6th house of enmities and the 9th house of dharma. Indira Gandhi was bold

in dealing with enemies and in following what she considered her dharma.


In Saturn-Ketu, she fell from power. Ketu is debilitated in the 6th from Moon.

Thus his antardasa first made Mrs Gandhi feel bold (she lifted emergency and

declared elections) and then humiliated her (debilitated malefics). Also Ketu

is in the 12th from dasa lord Ketu and this too causes losses. So, during this

period, Mrs. Gandhi first felt strong and later felt defeat and losses.


In Saturn-Venus, she rose back again. She destabilized the Morarji Desai

government and won the by-elections. Venus is yogakaraka from Moon giving

Anapha yoga and his antardasas are good. Moreover, being in the 9th from AL, he

is the protector of status and image.


(2) Now, let us go to Lagna-Vimsottari dasa.


Vimsottari Dasa (started from lagna):


Rah MD: 1972-04-27 (12:44:40) - 1990-04-28 (03:36:36)


Antardasas in this MD:


Rah: 1972-04-27 (12:44:40) - 1975-01-10 (06:51:23) Jup: 1975-01-10 (06:51:23)

- 1977-06-04 (03:48:08) Sat: 1977-06-04 (03:48:08) - 1980-04-09 (04:01:17)

Mer: 1980-04-09 (04:01:17) - 1982-10-31 (06:13:22) Ket: 1982-10-31 (06:13:22)

- 1983-11-18 (10:33:24) Ven: 1983-11-18 (10:33:24) - 1986-11-18 (05:03:24)

Sun: 1986-11-18 (05:03:24) - 1987-10-13 (10:51:28) Moo: 1987-10-13 (10:51:28)

- 1989-04-09 (11:24:21) Mar: 1989-04-09 (11:24:21) - 1990-04-28 (03:36:36)


In Rahu-Jupiter, she imposed emergency. Jupiter was in the 5th from Moon showing

that her intellect thought what she was doing was a good thing. Jupiter in the

2nd from AL shows that her intellect thought that she was becoming popular

because of her actions. In the same antardasa, she lost the elections. As per

Chandra-Vimsottari, antardasa had changed to Ketu before she lost. Ketu shows

initial defiance (6th from Moon) turning into a sense of loss. However, while

the mind may have been disturbed, the intellect was still stead-fast until

Jupiter antardasa ended. The electoral defeat did not have a devastating effect

on her intellect.


In the next Rahu-Saturn, her intellect worked to defame the opponents, because

Saturn occupies the 10th from A6.


While her mind focussed on restoring her status (Venus antardasa - 9th from AL),

her intellect worked in the wicked way of Saturn and focussed on spoiling the

reputation of rivals (malefic in the 10th from A6).


Thus one can see that Chandra Vimsottari shows how mind works and what factors

influence it, while lagna Vimsottari shows how intellect works and what factors

influence it.


(3) In addition, we see that Shodasottari dasa (a conditional dasa) applies as

she was born in Sukla paksha with lagna in Sun's hora.


Rahu is the governor of Shodasottari dasa. He is in the 6th house and shows

destroying enemies and rivals as the main theme in her life. Shodasottari dasa

can be used to specially throw light on these enmities and rivaries.


Though this dasa also shows events from the point of view of mind, it is

focussed on the enmities and rivalries, unlike Vimsottari dasa which shows all

the experiences of the mind. Thus conditional dasas have a specific focus based

on the chart.


Shodasottari dasa (applicable if lagna in Moon's hora in Krishna paksha or in

Sun's hora in Sukla paksha):


Mar MD: 1969-03-21 (05:36:32) - 1981-03-21 (07:29:11)


Antardasas in this MD:


Mar: 1969-03-21 (05:36:32) - 1970-06-19 (00:48:13) Jup: 1970-06-19 (00:48:13)

- 1971-10-25 (14:13:05) Sat: 1971-10-25 (14:13:05) - 1973-04-02 (19:15:19)

Ket: 1973-04-02 (19:15:19) - 1974-10-25 (08:33:11) Moo: 1974-10-25 (08:33:11)

- 1976-06-18 (13:39:29) Mer: 1976-06-18 (13:39:29) - 1978-03-21 (13:05:17)

Ven: 1978-03-21 (13:05:17) - 1980-01-31 (15:55:23) Sun: 1980-01-31 (15:55:23)

- 1981-03-21 (07:29:11)


In Mars-Moon, she declared emergency. Moon is lagna lord in 7th. He is

well-placed in the 10th from AL. He is in A3 showing bold actions. So he gives

bold actions (A3), fame (10th from AL), desires, happiness and satisfaction

(7th from AL). However, all these results have to be interpreted with respect

to the specific focus of the dasa, viz destroying enemies and rivals. So this

dasa was great for destroying enemies. She took bold actions and was seen as

crushing the rivals.


In the next antardasa of Mercury, she was seen to be defeated by her enemies.

Mercury was in the 8th from AL, unlike Moon who was in the 10th from AL.

Moreover, being in the 2nd from A6, he gives kingdom to the enemies (Mercury in

the 2nd from AL gives raja yoga to the native). Thus her enemies gained. In the

next antardasa of Venus, she rose again. This time, Venus in the 3rd from A6

gives the fall of enemies and Venus in the 9th from AL thoroughly protects her

status and image. Thus, her enemies lost and she regained her status.


Note that we are here very focussed on enmities and defeat of enemies. That is

the focus of Rahu in this chart and hence the theme of Shodasottari dasa in

this chart.


(4) In addition, we see that Dwisaptati Sama dasa applies as lagna lord is in

7th (and 7th lord is in lagna).


Dwisaptati sama dasa shows the fulfillment of desires based on the placement of

Moon. Here Moon is in the 7th from house of power from lagna and in the 10th

house from AL. So it throws light on the fulfillment of her political ambitions

better than other dasas.


Though this dasa also shows events from the point of view of mind, it is

focussed on the fulfillment of desires related to power, unlike Vimsottari dasa

which shows all the experiences of the mind. Thus conditional dasas have a

specific focus based on the chart.


Dwi-saptati sama dasa (applicable if lagna lord is in 7th or 7th lord is in lagna):


Moo MD: 1974-11-22 (01:24:16) - 1983-11-22 (08:50:09)


Antardasas in this MD:


Moo: 1974-11-22 (01:24:16) - 1976-01-05 (14:15:24) Mar: 1976-01-05 (14:15:24)

- 1977-02-18 (03:56:08) Mer: 1977-02-18 (03:56:08) - 1978-04-04 (12:56:26)

Jup: 1978-04-04 (12:56:26) - 1979-05-21 (01:03:01) Ven: 1979-05-21 (01:03:01)

- 1980-07-06 (08:43:20) Sat: 1980-07-06 (08:43:20) - 1981-08-22 (15:32:12)

Rah: 1981-08-22 (15:32:12) - 1982-10-08 (01:45:54) Sun: 1982-10-08 (01:45:54)

- 1983-11-22 (08:50:09)


In Moon-Moon, she imposed emergency. Moon in A3 in the 7th house from lagna and

10th from AL in a tamasik sign made her fulfil her desire for power through

forceful means (A3). Mars is in the 8th from Moon and 5th from AL continued

this. Mercury in badhaka sthana from dasa lord and 8th from AL gave a fall and

upset her desire for power as soon as his antardasa came. Venus in the 9th from

AL is the ultimate protector of status and image and moreover he is in rajya

pada (A10). As soon as his antardasa started, he brought her back to power.


Summary: Chandra Vimsottari dasa shows how her mind works. Lagna Vimsottari dasa

shows how her intellect works. Shodasottari dasa shows how she defeats enemies

or gets defeated by them. Dwi-saptati sama dasa shows the fulfillment of her

desire of power. The last two dasas are really focussed on an aspect of life.


It may be worthwhile to note that Venus antardasa brought her back to power as

per 3 out of these 4 dasas. Venus is in the 9th from AL and occupies A10. He is

the ultimate protector of her image and grantor of material success!


If you want to know how to see the special themes of various conditional dasas

in a chart (if they are applicable), please get the "Udu Dasa" lecture tape of

Sanjay from the east coast seminar. And, buy his book "Vimsottari dasa" once it

is released (which should be soon).

> 3.And where can we get the tapes you mentioned ? Please contact Laksmi (Lynn

Kary) or Brendan Feeley at laksmi_k (AT) neteze (DOT) comBpfeeley (AT) aol (DOT) com May Jupiter's

light shine on us,Narasimha

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