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Om Namah Sivaya


Dear Members,

I would like to put forth my views , misconceptions regarding

determining Education through Astrology for the cinsideration of our

learned members . Before that I must admit that I am learning

Astrology through books & magazines only. So , definitely the

following writeup does contain amaeturish thoughts . Had I been a

desciple , I would have got clarified these things with my Guru .

That's why I put this on this list , with a hope that somebody may

throw light on this.

Education, at least in India , now is more job oriented

rather than Knowledge oriented . Let me describe the education system

in Andhra Pradesh State in India . Normally, Primary Education is

upto 10th class, upto this every student learn same subjects . After

10th class comes Intermeadiate Education .His future branch of study

will be decided in choosing the group in His Inter.

Group Under graduate degree

-------------- -------------------------

Maths,Physics,Chemistry (MPC) Engineering --> B.E, B.Tech etc

Biology,Physics,Chemistry (BiPC) Medicine --> M.B.B.S

Vetenary science,

Agriculture, Pharmacy

Commerce, Economics,Civics (CEC) B.Com,Chartered Acoounts etc,

History,Economics, Civics (HEC) B.A etc.


Though Central Education is little different where the turning point

is after their 10+2 .Give or take some odd exception,the future study

mostly decided after 10th .The boy has to choose different brach in

Engg depending on the rank he gets in EAMCET(Engineering And Medical

Common Entrance Test). There are a no of braches viz Mechanical,

civil ,Electronics etc. A boy from Bi.P.C group has to go for

Medicine and like sciences . Or, if he wants to study not Engineering

he has to go to for Bachelor degrees like in Physics , Commerce, Arts


Members from Indian origin ,that too from Andhra Pradesh can

understand , How mad are both the Parents and Students about their

study in Engineering . In this circumstances ,judging educational

inclinations of a child through Astrology is very trick and important

as well. Don't you agree ?.


Dr.B.V.Raman in his classic "How to Judge a Horoscope Vol I",

warns us " It may not be possible to say from an examination of

Horoscope ehether one's inclinationwould be physics ,or chemistry or

Engineering. But I would like to give some observations , regarding

branches of study indicated by planets . These indications are culled

from different articles and books , not from my personal experience .

Though an integrated approach taking the element indications viz.

firey , earthy etc , quality of signs like Cardinal ,Ficxed etc,

strengh of planets etc. A study of 10th house is also indicates his

proffession, but we can see people settled in Software field besides

having Bacelors degree in Medicine .



1. Sun : A royal ,firey planet indicates stydy related

to especilly Phisics , Electrical. Even Engineering,also.

Sun + Rahu indicates Medicine study as Sun rules soul ,healing , Rahu

deals drugs .

Sun + Mecury -> Proficiency in wirk , Mathamatics etc.

Sun + Mars + Mecury ---> a logician


2. Moon : A watery planet indicates Naval Engineering ,

Agriculture , Chemicals ,Psychology etc .

Moon + Sun --> Studies in Psychology


3. Mars : A firey planet study in Engineering , arms ,

surgery etc . if connected with Saturn Mechanical ,Civil Engineering .


4. Mecury : An Earthy ,INtellectual planet indicates study

in Astrology , Computer Education ,Book writing, commerce ,

proficiency in Mathematics etc.

Mecury + Mars + Sun --> Computer education

Mecury + Jupiter --> Astrology ,commerce


5. Jupiter : indicates study in holy sciences like Vedas ,

Law . But as Study in Vedas doent come under normal education ,

connections with other planets is to be studied , b'coz he is Vidya

karaka accroding to Dr.B.V.Raman.

Jupiter + Mecury --> scientists , Teaching etc.

Jupiter + Mars --> Lawyer


6.Venus : indicates Study in Fine Arts ,music ,Fashion

Designing etc.

Venus + Moon --> Painting ,music

Venus + Mecury --> Singing , book writing


7.Saturn : study in Engineering especially Mining,

Metallurgy . If positively place with Mecury indicates expertise in



8.Rahu : Study in Engg like Electrical , study in drugs

if connected with sign scorpio etc.


9. Ketu : Study in occult science ,if positively placed

religious study .



If the study indicates Medicine , then Mars influence indicates

Surgery .

Above indications are very general , we should keep in mind the

strength planets is very important . And most influence planet on 4th

and 9th indicates brach of study . In above combination means mutual

aspect , exchange of houses , in trines or kendra to each other and

conjunction of plabets .


Now let me express my view and doubts .


1. We all know 4th house deals formal Education apart from sukha ,

mother etc., 9th deals higher education . Upto which standard mattes

come under 4th house . OF course I agreee we can't conclude as such

clear cut boundaries . Any takers ?.


2. Most scholors take Mecury as Vidya karake , But Dr. B.V. Raman

takes Jupiter as Vidya Karaka . As Jupiter as natural Gnana Karaka ,

I think, study of Jupiter's placement along with Mecury is a must

instead of one alone . Members agree ?.


3. Chaturvimsamsa D-24 deals with education. O.k. But In India

reported bith time definitely varies about 10 to 15 min from the

actual time . In such a cases relying on Divisional charts is very

tricky . though birth time rectification/ Verification is done , how

many significant events can we observe from a boy aged 15-17 years ?.

In some cases People consulting Astrologer wants those events are to

be revealed by Astrologers , besides reporting birth time like

between 11 am to 11:30 am . Most of us might have faced this at least

once in their experience.


4. With many branches in Engineering , though a clear cut indications

by a planet may not get, but it is upto us to dig into these

matters , using statistical study . We have much falicity of

technology with us . Isn't it friends?.


I observe , alot of stree is being put by the parents on theit

children, to go gor Engineering studies irrespective of capability of

the child . This is leading to suicide attempts by the students

especially in Andhra Pradesh in corporate colleges . Tht's why I

would like to request Astrological fraternity to go for a research in

this regard .


Respected Gurus , may excuse me for the mistakes and misconceptions

in above writeup . I would be very glad if anybody correct my mistakes




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Om Jaya Jagannatha



Dear Shanmukha,


Nice thinking.


The 4H represents Aparaa Vidya and usually represents High-School

education, i.e. upto the 12th grade. Here, the student has to decide

which branch he is interested in and has to specialize i.e Medicine

or Engineering etc and this comes under the purview of 9H as it is

the 6H(Upachaaya-Growth) from 4H.


After one completes a Bachelors course, an interested student does

further specialization, like the Masters course, which is indicated

by the 2H, which is once again 6H from the 9H. So on and so forth.


We look at planets influencing the said houses and its lord to

gauge the interest of the native. Ofcourse, this is done in D24 or



Now, the fact is, D24 is very time sensitive as you had mentioned,

hence it is very important to rectify the natives chart as a whole,

based on past events.


I must hasten to mention, that one must first use the D1 & D9 to get

an understanding of the chart and then ... only then ... venture

into D24.


Navamsa is not too time-sensitve and can/must be used to understand

the natives inherent talents and capabilities. For Examples, someone

who is mathematically gifted should have Ketu in trines to or

aspecting the Navamsa Lagna, one who is good at playing musical

instrument will have Sun in trines ... so on and so forth, You can

get the list from Jaimini Sutras by Pt. Rath.


Having ascertained Navamsa Lagna and checked past events from Rasi &

Navamsa, only then can one tackle the D24 Chart.


Finally, I feel Mercury is the primary Vidya Karaka.




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Thank you Sri Narayana for ur reply

I would like to add the following line for the benefit of members.

One column "Planet and Career counselling "in Bangalore's

Astrological magazine is very informative on this subject .







sjvc, "naaraayana_iyer" <naaraayana_iyer> wrote:

> Om Jaya Jagannatha

> ------------------


> Dear Shanmukha,


> Nice thinking.


> The 4H represents Aparaa Vidya and usually represents High-School

> education, i.e. upto the 12th grade. Here, the student has to


> which branch he is interested in and has to specialize i.e Medicine

> or Engineering etc and this comes under the purview of 9H as it is

> the 6H(Upachaaya-Growth) from 4H.


> After one completes a Bachelors course, an interested student does

> further specialization, like the Masters course, which is indicated

> by the 2H, which is once again 6H from the 9H. So on and so forth.


> We look at planets influencing the said houses and its lord to

> gauge the interest of the native. Ofcourse, this is done in D24 or

> ChaturVimsamsa.


> Now, the fact is, D24 is very time sensitive as you had mentioned,

> hence it is very important to rectify the natives chart as a whole,

> based on past events.


> I must hasten to mention, that one must first use the D1 & D9 to


> an understanding of the chart and then ... only then ... venture

> into D24.


> Navamsa is not too time-sensitve and can/must be used to understand

> the natives inherent talents and capabilities. For Examples,


> who is mathematically gifted should have Ketu in trines to or

> aspecting the Navamsa Lagna, one who is good at playing musical

> instrument will have Sun in trines ... so on and so forth, You can

> get the list from Jaimini Sutras by Pt. Rath.


> Having ascertained Navamsa Lagna and checked past events from Rasi


> Navamsa, only then can one tackle the D24 Chart.


> Finally, I feel Mercury is the primary Vidya Karaka.


> Regards

> Narayana

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Sear Shanmukha,

I am also an amateur like you.My opinion is based on the Viveka ,which an

astrologer is supposed to use while predicting.

2nd house and its lord and planets aspecting it should also be examined. If

my understanding is correct the 2nd house is house of study by examination

and 4th of Knowledge through learning(Shruti).

As regards the likely future carrear the 9th,10th and 11th house need to be


Too much reliance on only the divisional Charts , to my mind is not very

good.As you rightly pointed out the time of birth is one factor which is

always suspect.The watch may not be keeping right time and the understanding

of what is moment of birth is still not clear.To my mind it should be time

when the child cries out first as the world evolved through sound(Omkar)

according to Hindu school of thoght.

May I suggest that the right Lagna should be asc\ertained from the

appearance , traits,features and past events in the life of the Jataka.The

Navamansha should also be corrected from the same parameters.

This would facilitate narrowing down the probale line of education that

should suit the Jataka.Please read the shloka appearing at the top of

editorial page of Late Dr. B.V.Raman's Astrologicla Magazine. It says that

an astrologer can only indicate the results of movement of Grahas,and none

but Lord Bramha can predict with absolute certainty. This should be made

clear to the jataka too.

I would requests the learned Gurus to kindly comment on my above hypothesis.



"Shanmukha" <teli_sha2002


Sunday, September 15, 2002 1:03 PM

[sjvc] Education



> Om Namah Sivaya


> Dear Members,

> I would like to put forth my views , misconceptions regarding

> determining Education through Astrology for the cinsideration of our

> learned members . Before that I must admit that I am learning

> Astrology through books & magazines only. So , definitely the

> following writeup does contain amaeturish thoughts . Had I been a

> desciple , I would have got clarified these things with my Guru .

> That's why I put this on this list , with a hope that somebody may

> throw light on this.

> Education, at least in India , now is more job oriented

> rather than Knowledge oriented . Let me describe the education system

> in Andhra Pradesh State in India . Normally, Primary Education is

> upto 10th class, upto this every student learn same subjects . After

> 10th class comes Intermeadiate Education .His future branch of study

> will be decided in choosing the group in His Inter.

> Group Under graduate degree

> -------------- -------------------------

> Maths,Physics,Chemistry (MPC) Engineering --> B.E, B.Tech etc

> Biology,Physics,Chemistry (BiPC) Medicine --> M.B.B.S

> Vetenary science,

> Agriculture, Pharmacy

> Commerce, Economics,Civics (CEC) B.Com,Chartered Acoounts etc,

> History,Economics, Civics (HEC) B.A etc.


> Though Central Education is little different where the turning point

> is after their 10+2 .Give or take some odd exception,the future study

> mostly decided after 10th .The boy has to choose different brach in

> Engg depending on the rank he gets in EAMCET(Engineering And Medical

> Common Entrance Test). There are a no of braches viz Mechanical,

> civil ,Electronics etc. A boy from Bi.P.C group has to go for

> Medicine and like sciences . Or, if he wants to study not Engineering

> he has to go to for Bachelor degrees like in Physics , Commerce, Arts

> etc.

> Members from Indian origin ,that too from Andhra Pradesh can

> understand , How mad are both the Parents and Students about their

> study in Engineering . In this circumstances ,judging educational

> inclinations of a child through Astrology is very trick and important

> as well. Don't you agree ?.


> Dr.B.V.Raman in his classic "How to Judge a Horoscope Vol I",

> warns us " It may not be possible to say from an examination of

> Horoscope ehether one's inclinationwould be physics ,or chemistry or

> Engineering. But I would like to give some observations , regarding

> branches of study indicated by planets . These indications are culled

> from different articles and books , not from my personal experience .

> Though an integrated approach taking the element indications viz.

> firey , earthy etc , quality of signs like Cardinal ,Ficxed etc,

> strengh of planets etc. A study of 10th house is also indicates his

> proffession, but we can see people settled in Software field besides

> having Bacelors degree in Medicine .



> 1. Sun : A royal ,firey planet indicates stydy related

> to especilly Phisics , Electrical. Even Engineering,also.

> Sun + Rahu indicates Medicine study as Sun rules soul ,healing , Rahu

> deals drugs .

> Sun + Mecury -> Proficiency in wirk , Mathamatics etc.

> Sun + Mars + Mecury ---> a logician


> 2. Moon : A watery planet indicates Naval Engineering ,

> Agriculture , Chemicals ,Psychology etc .

> Moon + Sun --> Studies in Psychology


> 3. Mars : A firey planet study in Engineering , arms ,

> surgery etc . if connected with Saturn Mechanical ,Civil Engineering .


> 4. Mecury : An Earthy ,INtellectual planet indicates study

> in Astrology , Computer Education ,Book writing, commerce ,

> proficiency in Mathematics etc.

> Mecury + Mars + Sun --> Computer education

> Mecury + Jupiter --> Astrology ,commerce


> 5. Jupiter : indicates study in holy sciences like Vedas ,

> Law . But as Study in Vedas doent come under normal education ,

> connections with other planets is to be studied , b'coz he is Vidya

> karaka accroding to Dr.B.V.Raman.

> Jupiter + Mecury --> scientists , Teaching etc.

> Jupiter + Mars --> Lawyer


> 6.Venus : indicates Study in Fine Arts ,music ,Fashion

> Designing etc.

> Venus + Moon --> Painting ,music

> Venus + Mecury --> Singing , book writing


> 7.Saturn : study in Engineering especially Mining,

> Metallurgy . If positively place with Mecury indicates expertise in

> Mathematics


> 8.Rahu : Study in Engg like Electrical , study in drugs

> if connected with sign scorpio etc.


> 9. Ketu : Study in occult science ,if positively placed

> religious study .



> If the study indicates Medicine , then Mars influence indicates

> Surgery .

> Above indications are very general , we should keep in mind the

> strength planets is very important . And most influence planet on 4th

> and 9th indicates brach of study . In above combination means mutual

> aspect , exchange of houses , in trines or kendra to each other and

> conjunction of plabets .


> Now let me express my view and doubts .


> 1. We all know 4th house deals formal Education apart from sukha ,

> mother etc., 9th deals higher education . Upto which standard mattes

> come under 4th house . OF course I agreee we can't conclude as such

> clear cut boundaries . Any takers ?.


> 2. Most scholors take Mecury as Vidya karake , But Dr. B.V. Raman

> takes Jupiter as Vidya Karaka . As Jupiter as natural Gnana Karaka ,

> I think, study of Jupiter's placement along with Mecury is a must

> instead of one alone . Members agree ?.


> 3. Chaturvimsamsa D-24 deals with education. O.k. But In India

> reported bith time definitely varies about 10 to 15 min from the

> actual time . In such a cases relying on Divisional charts is very

> tricky . though birth time rectification/ Verification is done , how

> many significant events can we observe from a boy aged 15-17 years ?.

> In some cases People consulting Astrologer wants those events are to

> be revealed by Astrologers , besides reporting birth time like

> between 11 am to 11:30 am . Most of us might have faced this at least

> once in their experience.


> 4. With many branches in Engineering , though a clear cut indications

> by a planet may not get, but it is upto us to dig into these

> matters , using statistical study . We have much falicity of

> technology with us . Isn't it friends?.


> I observe , alot of stree is being put by the parents on theit

> children, to go gor Engineering studies irrespective of capability of

> the child . This is leading to suicide attempts by the students

> especially in Andhra Pradesh in corporate colleges . Tht's why I

> would like to request Astrological fraternity to go for a research in

> this regard .


> Respected Gurus , may excuse me for the mistakes and misconceptions

> in above writeup . I would be very glad if anybody correct my mistakes


> remains

> Shanmukha.




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