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SJVC Lesson 5 - Answers

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Respected Gurus,


My sincerest apologies for such a late submission. I had taken an extended

break from astrology because of other commitments and got back to the

lessons only recently.


In spite of spending a lot of time on this lesson, I am not completely

satisfied/confident of my explanations. I hope the gurus will be able to

guide me in my understanding.


I also had a few questions which came up when I was working on this

lesson, which I will post separately.







SJVC Lesson 5 Assignments



1. In your chart of any chart, explain how a lagna sign's characteristics

and planets connected with that lagna sign influence the native's

personality and health.


Chart used for assignment (mine)



|Mar Jup |Glk |MerR Ket |Sun Sat |

|GL | |Mnd | |


|Asc | |Ven |

| | | |

|---------| Rasi |---------|

| | | |

| | | |


|HL |Rah |Moo AL | |

| | | | |



Lagna : Aquarius (no planets in Lagna)

Lagna Lord : Saturn (in Gemini conjoined with Sun)


Effects on Lagna


Rasi Drishti : Aries, Cancer (Venus), Libra (Moon)

Graha Drishti : None


Primary Argalas (2,4,11 obs. by 12,10,3):

Pisces (Mar, Jup) obstructed by Capricorn

Taurus (MerR, Ket) obstructed by Scorpio (Rahu)

Saggitarius obstructed by Aries


Physical appearance:


(I have not included the effects of the Argalas, primarily because I have

not understood them very well at this time and to keep the analysis



Lagna Aquarius is a watery sign, although the element associated with it

is air. It is aspected (Rasi drishti) by Aries which is a dry sign, Cancer

which is a watery sign and Libra which is a dry sign. The lagna being a

watery sign should make the native stout in appearance. The effect of the

dry rasis aspecting the lagna offsets the effect of the watery lagna.

Lagna lord Saturn is also associated with the element air and is described

as having an emaciated and long body. I have a fairly average body type

and am actually slightly underweight for my height (though it doesn't show

in my appearance). It is worthwhile mentioning that while COVA mentions a

stout and robust body as being characteristic of this lagna natives,

B.V.Raman in his book "Hindu Predictive Astrology" mentions being lean as

one of the characteristics.


Lagna is a short sign, but is aspected by short (Ar), medium (Cn) and long

(Li) signs in addition to receiving the aspects of Venus and Moon through

rasi drishti. Lagna lord Saturn indicates a tall body and is posited in a

medium sign (Ge) and conjoined with the Sun. I am fairly tall (5'11")


The lagna is aspected by Moon and Venus through rasi drishti and should

make the native fair. Lagna lord Saturn tends to give a dark appearance,

but is conjoined with the Sun which offsets the effect. I am relatively

fair in appearance.



Personality traits:


Aquarius lagna indicates involvement in charity work, interest in

philosophy a strong will and good intellectual abilities and tastes.

Aquarius lagna also indicates an inclination for the occult and mystery

(COVA), interest in subjects like astrology, psychology and healing arts



I am actively involved in social work and have strong interests in

philosophy, religion, mysticism, etc. I also prefer intellectual pursuits

to physical activities in general. I have been interested in occult,

mystery and healing arts since my school days and of course I'm also

pursuing Vedic astrology as a hobby, although this has been a recent

development. I have also undergone initiation in Reiki healing.


The influence of the Moon in Libra through rasi drishti appears to be

fairly strong - Moon indicates the mind and I am more of a thinker and

spend a lot of time in introspection. The influence of Libra gives me a

balanced approach to life both on the physical and mental level. The moon

also indicates the mother and for me my mother has had a relatively

greater influence on my life. The influence of Venus in Cancer (rasi

drishti) is also seen in my being sensitive. The rasi drishti of Aries

tends to show up from time to time when I become very impulsive, restless

and eager for action.


Overall I found the following description of Aquarius natives in

B.V.Raman's "Hindu Predictive Astrology" to describe my characteristics

very well both in physical appearance and personality.


"Tall, lean, fairly handsome, manners winning, appearance attractive,

disposition elegant, lips are flushy, cheeks broad with prominent temples,

highly intelligent and make friends of others very soon, peevish when

provoked, rise like a bulldog but their anger subsides very soon, pure in

heart and always inclined to help others, shine very well as writers and

good spokesmen, at times timid, feel shy to exhibit their talents but

their conversation will be most interesting and highly instructive, will

specialize in subjects like astrology, psychology and healing arts, they

are intuitive and good judges of character, they have no organizing

capacity and are capable of acquiring very fine education, liable to colic

troubles and must take precautions to safeguard themselves against

diseases incidental to exposure to cold weather."


Some of the descriptions are actually very accurate - flushy lips, timid

and feel shy to exhibit my talents, limited organizing capacity (better

when I was younger) and vulnerable to sore throat when exposed to cold




2. Explain the reason for the exaltation and ownership signs of all the



As taught by Shri. P.V.R. Narasimha Rao and others: own rasi is the rasi

where the planet is comfortable, moolatrikona rasi is like the office

where the planet is duty-minded and feels powerful, exaltation rasi is the

rasi where the planet feels happiest and most excited. I shall try to

explain the ownership and exaltation signs of the planets using the above



a. Sun: owns Leo, exalted in Aries, moolatrikona Leo


The Sun, the supreme ruler and king is most comfortable in his palace. Leo

represents palaces and royal dwellings and hence Sun's own rasi is Leo.

The king is also duty-minded in the palace which is his "office". Hence

Leo is also the Moolatrikona sign for sun. The Sun is happiest when he is

in a leadership position and can express his power and authority. Aries

indicates dynamic and enterprising nature and leadership and hence Sun is

exalted in Aries.


b. Moon: owns Cancer, exalted in Taurus, moolatrikona Taurus


The Moon is the queen of the royal cabinet and also represents the mother.

The Moon is comfortable in the position of the mother, being sensitive and

showering love and affection. Cancer, ruling the heart and indicating

emotions, mother and sensitivity is hence the own sign of the Moon. The

Moon is happiest when she is taking care of her children or is relaxing in

luxury. Taurus representing dining halls and eating places and also luxury

halls is hence the exaltation sign of the Moon. The duty of the mother

represented by the Moon is the care and upbringing of her family and

children and hence Taurus is also the Moolatrikona sign of the Moon.


c. Mars: owns Scorpio, exalted in Capricorn, moolatrikona Aries


Mars is one's physical strength and willpower. He is the chief of the army

in the planetary cabinet and is comfortable when he is in control and

fulfilling his objective is of primary importance. The army chief also has

to plan strategy and come up with schemes to defeat the enemy. Aries

representing dynamism, enterprising nature, valiance and leadership is

hence the moolatrikona sign for Mars. Scorpio which indicates deep caves,

strategic fortifications and secretive and scheming nature is another

place where Mars will be comfortable. Hence Scorpio is the own house for



Mars is happiest when engaged in adventure and seeks thrill. He enjoys

using his abundant willpower and likes to display his strength. Capricorn

representing rivers, forests and jungles, caves, beasts and arsenals is a

place where Mars can fully engage in adventure and thrill and display his

strength and hence is the exaltation sign for Mars.


d. Mercury: owns Gemini, exalted in Virgo, moolatrikona Virgo


Mercury is the prince and heir apparent in the planetary cabinet. He

represents the intellectual mind that is at home wheeling, dealing and

progressing in the material world. Mercury also represents mercantile

activity, trade, dexterity, cunning and shrewdness.


Gemini represents study rooms, schools, colleges, musical and

entertainment halls, cinemas and theatres, all places where Mercury is

very comfortable and at home. Hence Gemini is the own sign for Mercury.


Virgo represents libraries and bookstores, tactfullness, oration,

intelligence, arts, sciences and literature. Mercury's duty is to further

knowledge through debates, matching wits with his peers, etc. and hence

Virgo is the moolatrikona sign of Mercury. Mercury is also happiest when

debating and matching wits with intellectuals, exhibiting his oratory

skills and exploring arts and sciences and hence Virgo is also the

exaltation sign of Mercury.


e. Jupiter: owns Pisces, exalted in Cancer, moolatrikona Sagittarius


Jupiter is the minister in the planetary cabinet and represents guru or

spiritual teacher. Jupiter ministers with his knowledge and wisdom and is

known as the precepter of the Devas. He comes as the guru, astrologer,

teacher and counselor. Jupiter is full of spiritual and lawful knowledge.


Pisces represents hermitages, intuition, honesty, localities frequented by

mahatmas, holy shrines, etc. is naturally a place where Jupiter will feel

at home and hence is Jupiter's own house.


Jupiter's duty is upholding dharma and uses his knowledge to establish

fairness and order. Sagittarius representing attorneys, honesty, etc. is

hence Jupiter's moolatrikona sign. Sagittarius also represents

battlefields representing the victory of good over evil to establish



Cancer represents holy places and being the natural 4th house also

represents peace of mind and happiness. Jupiter is happiest where he can

be relaxed and contemplate and think in peace, surrounded by spiritual



f. Venus: owns Taurus, exalted in Pisces, moolatrikona Libra


Venus is the junior minister in the planetary cabinet fully of worldy

wisdom and statecraft. Venus can recognize the true value of a situation

and act accordingly. Venus has the capacity to continually reawaken the

desire for pleasures, emphasizing his role of teaching one how to enjoy

the world.


Taurus representing beauty, luxury halls, is where Venus feels most

comfortable, enjoying a life of pleasure, and is hence the own house for



Libra representing entertainment, amusement parks, racing and gambling

centers, etc. is the moolatrikona sign of Venus where he teaches one how

to enjoy the materialistic pleasures the world has to offer.


Pisces, being the natural 12th house of bed pleasures, is naturally where

Venus is happiest and is hence the exaltation sign of Venus.


g. Saturn: owns Capricorn, exalted in Libra, moolatrikona Aquarius


Saturn is the servant or worker who does all the physical work, indicates

many self-worth and self-esteem issues, the rewards of poor karmas, which

make it difficult to live life to its fullest capacity causing engagement,

instead, in service to that which is beneath our aspirations. Saturn

serves with the discipline, detachment and perseverance that supports the

performance of distasteful actions that ultimately proves beneficial.


Capricorn the natural 10th house of work/karma is the own sign of Saturn.

Capricorn also represents patience, perseverance and caution, qualities

which are associated with Saturn.


Aquarius representing hard-work and honesty is the moolatrikona sign of

Saturn since his duty is to test the native and make him/her be honest and

work hard towards removing their bad karma.


Libra representing justice, is where Saturn is happiest, ensuring that one

pays for ones bad karmas. Libra also represents markets, trade centers,

amusement parks and entertainment centers all of which are places causing

engagement with materialistic things in life.



I have not yet completely understood various characteristics of Rahu and

Ketu and hence am refraining from trying to explain the ownership and

exaltation signs for them.




3. Take the two rasis owned by the non-luminous planets and compare the

characteristics of their two rasis. Find out how the lordship gets altered

for these two rasis because of the difference in characteristics.


Each of the non-luminous planets (Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter & Saturn)

owns two signs, one of which is a masculine sign and the other a feminine

sign. This is one of the primary differences in the characteristics of the

lordship, one sign representing the masculine characteristics and the

other feminine characteristics.


a. Mercury : owns Gemini (Male) and Virgo (Female)


Gemini brings out the princely, dynamic and playful nature of Mercury,

while Virgo brings out more mature characteristics of Mercury, like

intelligence, debates and matching wits.


b. Venus: owns Taurus (Female) and Libra (Male)


Taurus brings out the passive nature of Venus to enjoy materialistic

pleasures, etc. while Libra brings out the active nature of Venus to teach

and propagate his ideas of enjoyment and indulgence.


c. Mars: owns Aries (Male) and Scorpio (Female)


Aries brings out the dynamic qualities of Mars like leadership and

valiance, emphasizing his role as the commander of the army. Scorpio

brings out the passive nature of Mars as a strategist and planner.


d. Jupiter: owns Pisces (Female) and Sagittarius (Male)


Pisces brings out the passive nature of Jupiter where his is content to

relax and mediate. Sagittarius brings out the active nature of Jupiter

where he strives to establish dharma and establish fairness and order.


e. Saturn: owns Aquarius (Male) and Capricorn (Female)


Aquarius brings out the active nature of Saturn where he emphasizes hard

work and honesty, punishing the native for his past bad karmas. Capricorn

brings out the passive nature of Saturn where he creates delays,

emphasizing patience, perseverance and caution.

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