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Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Siva,

Comments to your long mail bellow.

Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



">schinnas <schinnas >


Sunday, January 05, 2003 11:03 AM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Dear Vistiji,Thank you very much for your analysis. I intend to write a long

mail and hope it makes sense as I am typing it at 3am. I am typing this post,

about half a day after I met Yogi Karve. For the uninitiated, Yogi Karve is a

phenomenon in the world of jyotish. He can tell the accurate birth time of a

person (and events past, present and future) using only his spiritual powers.

There is more info about his US tour in gjlist.

Visti: Thx

Karveji gave my birth time as 1.29pm and gave one or two personal predictions

which fully agree with ancient Vashista nadi grantha readings (on palm leaves)

that I had for me. Since he gives the birth time & predictions by yogic power,

I have full faith in it.

Visti: LMT or IST? The soul only knows Local Time, we proved this in some

experiments in Ireland.

I specifically raised the issue of lagnesh in 7 and concerns about health of my

future spouse and marriage life, which he dismissed and just said there is

nothing to worry about (the nadi granthas said I will be happily married with

children till old age). The nadi readings have given details to an amazing

extent and so far they are 100% accurate in my education, career and now

marriage. Here is what I think:1. If we take 1.29pm/1.32pm as the birth time,

(27-09-1977, 10 N 58, 78 E 03), some of the malefic aaspects get cancelled in

navamsa (since namamsa langa changes to Sc). BTW, only deva-dutta ayanamsa

gives results for -60 that agree with Nadi grantha readings. Otherwise 1.32

needs to be used for Lahiri. (Narasimhaji has sometime back corroborated nadi

readings from my D-60 for birth time 1.32 pm with lahiri ayanamsa).

Visti: Can u confirm the Shastyamsa Lagna?

Moreover, this is where Sanjayji probably went wrong in ascertaining my birth

time. To be fair to him, he worked on partial list of data provided by me and I

dont have many hard data (children, marriage, etc., for him to rectify). So he

mostly used what I reported as my characteristics for fixing my navams lagna.

He said if I have Sc as navamsa lagna, I could have never come to SJC for

learning jyotish due to aspect of Rahu & Venus. Though all astrologers say

things need to be seen from moon aswell, they rarely apply this dictum in

reading varga charts. Since my moon is very strong - is full mooon, has

digbala, has NO kashta pala/highest ista bala and has 8 planets in kendras to

it in navams which makes it very strong compared with navamsa lagna, moon lagna

might speak more in navams than lagna in my case.

Visti: The Chandra Lagna is used for different purposes, Gurudevas approach

is right. I might add that Cancer tends to remove the blemmish of Rahu, and is

the reason we worship Durga to remove problems of Rahu. So in this case i don't

see the problem of Rahu in the 9th, as its also with the Istha Devata Graha -


2. Your logic is fully correct regarding lagnesh in 7th. It creates hurdles in

attaining the 7th house main objective (life partner). Moreover you said 7th

house is house of desires and it will cause ups and downs. Your reasoning is

fully correct, but the predictions about mieries in life are a bit off (so

far). It is true that I had trouble before getting engaged. Even the nadi

reading mentioned it and specified some parihara which I did and I assume they

worked, since the hurdles are removed now. I am a big day dreamer (I dream of

being master of everything and as a result have some emotional disappointment

due to non-achievement in many, but it didnt create ups and downs in real

life). In academics, I did fairly well (was topper in schools, went to a good

engineering program, got masters from highly reputed Univ with many research

publications, and doing ok (sofar) in a tough telecom industry in US. While,

this may not be much of an "up" events, I dont see much "down" events so far.

However, mentally, I was rarely satisfied in anything, till I took umbrage in

spirituality. Nowadays, I nip in the bud any desire and as a result dont suffer

any dissatisfaction. Spirituality can cure lots of bad effects indicated by

grahas. BTW, this is what KS Charak gives as effect of lagnesh in 7th house:

(Pg 230. Elements of Vedic astrology)."If lagnesh is natural benefic:

brilliant native. good looking and good natured wife. If lagnesh is natural

malefic: bereft of wife, poor or king. wanderer in jungles"While, I dont want

to call myself brilliant, I can vouch for the second prediction above (about

good looking and good natured wife). 3. Reg Kuja in 7, its yuti with Jupiter in

7 totally cancels out Kuja dosha. (Kuja dosha gets cancelled with association

with Jupiter or aspected by Jupiter). Jupiter may be neecha in navams (gets

NBRY though), but it has the highest shadbala of all planets in my chart.

Visti: Do have a special note here. There is no Kuja Dosha, but Lagna lord is

in the 7th and is joined Mars. so 1) Lagna lord in the 7th makes one dominate

over the spouse, or attempt to control her, especially if malefics are there.

2) Your attitude towards your spouse is colored by martian energy.

Moreover, the effect given for Guru in 7 is that the native will surrender fully

be dominated by wife, especially if Guru is lagnesh. (which is direct opposite

of what happens if Kuja is in 7th). So they get nullified. We have the best of

communication possible, and I dont see any evidence of Mars playing spoilsport

- Jupiter must have totally cancelled out its effects. Here I find, Charak's

dictum very useful. ("If two mutually opposite indications are received, they

get cancelled.") As a result, Kuja and Guru cancel out and the success of our

communication is determined by strength of mercury (natural karaka for

communication) and its mutual placement in our charts, which is good. Kuja in 7

is supposed to indicate sickly, poor, quarrelsome native, and death of wife. I

havent been to a doctor in last 1.5 yrs and have a huge circle of friends and

dont remember being called quarrelsome (due to mercury effect?). If the

indications on health and character gets nullified due to strong Jupiter and

favourbale Mercury, wouldnt the other effects of Kuja also wont get modified

due to yuti with Jupiter and rasi drishti from moon and sun (9th lord)?

Visti: Regarding your relations with your wife, we are yet to see the

effects, as your not married yet.

4. My financee's chart has many factors which even out some of the problems in

mine. She has exalted Jupiter, and most other planets in their own sign or in

vargottama position and almost all planets in friendly navams. She has

vargottama dhanus lagna and has strong indicators for longivity (many yogas for

longivity and I believe she will outlive me). I am reluctant to give her birth

details over a public list for reasons of privacy. If you are interested in

taking a look and more details about my nadi readings, I can send to you

personal mail.


5. Another factor is that both the nadi granthas and Karveji (he just hinted -

he does go into too much details unless very necessary) are of the opinion that

only after marriage, I will have prosperity and stability in life. (may be

karaka for marriage and happiness - Venus is in 9th and in friendly navams?

Venus is in 9th in navamsa too and it is lord of 7 and 12 in navams).

Visti: You will have alot of Raja Yoga, due to Mercury being associated with

the 7th house, 7th from Hora Lagna and 7th from Ghati Lagna. Hence after the

event of marriage it brings Raja Yoga.

6. BTW, one of my close relatives has lagnesh (Sani) in 5th, joined by Ketu!!

The karaka for children (2nd and 11th lord) is neecha and retrograde in 12th

house. While most astrologers said she will never have children, nadi granthas

said she will have but only after certain remedies and some medical help. She

had her child after difficulties, minor medical healph, and after performing

all remedies prescribed in nadi readings. The nadi said the child will have a

long life and be healthy. I checked her case with Karveji (especially after the

lagnesh in 5th discussion) and he confirmed the nadis that the child will have a

long healthy life (but will have minor health issues till age 3).

Just like most raj yogas dont materialize fully, (otherwise we will have

millions of kings around), most malefic combinations also dont give the literal

effect as suggested in classics. Grahas, lagnas, etc are symbolisms devised by

rishis to show the karmic effect on a person. It is very difficult for humans

without divine/yogic powers to fully grasp what these karmic symbolisms exactly

convey and to what extent free-will, effort, modern science play a role. So,

taking gloom and doom thumb rules written for an aduience in pre-scientific era

(lack of medical help for progeny, for example) may not work in all cases. I

would like to quote Dr. K.S. Charak here:"Astrology texts use a strong language

to describe effects of yogas. If they are applied literally to individual

charts, the predictions often go wrong". Since SJC encourages heavy use of

varga charts, special lagnas, etc., which are very very sensitive to birth time

changes. Birth time rectification, etc are full of pitfalls and even legends

like BV Raman have made mistakes (BVR's infamous prediction that Clinton would

loose the 1992 election by wrong birth time rectification). My case proved that

even our Guruji is not immune to human errors. You made clever diagnosis using

myAnother thing is to avoid literal use of thumb rules given in classics. Some

thumb rules (with respect to marriage ages are outright ridiculous. For eg,

classics say if Mercury is in 11th house, the native marriage at age 11 !!!!).

Visti: We need to understand them first, otherwise why would the rishis write

such things? the Naisargika Dasa for Venus is between 12-32 years, so the 11th

year is prior to the marital years and ages of sexual maturity. Its well known

that a weak Mercury can give sexual experiences at a very young age.

> Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena, showing many >undiagnosable

diseases and troubles to the spouse.Doesnt Parasara say luminaries are

unafflicted due to 8th house lordship? I am so far healthy. The only problem

due to Ketu is skin problems (i get easily infected from public pools, etc and

acne when I was in teens and mild dandruf now!).

Visti: I was referring to your spouse.

> Shukra is in yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst Shani is >the

Dhanesh of the Upapada, showing problems of the wife in having >children.

However as Putrapada is in the vyaaya from the Pada >Lagna, you may not be

interested in children at all. I am interested in children and my fiancee has

5th lord (kuja) in 5th house. Nadi readings say I will have more than one

children and they will be more successful in life than myself. Actually, my

chart has one of the yogas mentioned in BPHS for multiple children (I am

supposed to get 7/9 children as per that yoga! I forgot the yoga definition,

will dig it up when I get time).> Be warned that you should not ignore the

first ill-health symptoms >of your spouse, as then it may be too late. This

danger is there as >the dhanesh from Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada

Lagna.While the logic is very correct, and I very much appreciate your

frankness and concern in cautioning me, these observations are not corroborated

in her chart or in nadi readings or by Karveji. Any idea why? May be use of

dispositors and nakshatra lords might throw more light! Btw, I take heart that

my fiancee is a doctor and is health conscious.Reg gems, as you recommended,

reducing effect of rahu is a good point. Ramdas Raoji suggested that i wear

yellow sapphire (to strengthen Jupiter). A strong langesh nullifies many

effects of langesh in 7th and also strong Guru cancells kuja's effect in 7th

and reduces the power of Rahu. He also suggested Red coral for my fiancee, as

Kuja is her 5th lord (aries). We intend to follow his advise. Vedic Remedies by

Guruji says about use of Saptaratna for progeny and increase of life force. In

the future, if there is a need for it, I might suggest her to wear one.

Visti: I didn't recommend Yellow Saffire as Jupiter is Badhakesh for the 7th

house. Could delay the marriage further, as this is the reason for the delay in


thanks and regards,-Siva., "Visti Larsen"

<vishnu@l...> wrote:> Hare Rama Krishna> >


> Dear Siva,> "If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house, the native is scholarly,

wealthy, happy, religious, honourable and passionate. Progenic bliss will be

hard to obtain."> > Judge for yourself. It seems to apply very well with the

Putra bhava, or maybe we're missing something here?> > You have Lagnesh Guru in

the Kalatra bhava, which causes a delay in marriage (badhakesh of the 7th). Its

joined Mangal, causing ill health of the spouse, or many fights. You will also

dominate over your spouse.> > Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena,

showing many undiagnosable diseases and troubles to the spouse.> > Shukra is in

yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst Shani is the Dhanesh of the Upapada,

showing problems of the wife in having children. However as Putrapada is in the

vyaaya from the Pada Lagna, you may not be interested in children at all.> > Be

warned that you should not ignore the first ill-health symptoms of your spouse,

as then it may be too late. This danger is there as the dhanesh from

Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada Lagna.> > Lagna is vargottama, and

Shukra is in yuti with Rahu in the Ashtaamsa (8th house), and this can pose a

problem, as Mangal also has graha dristi on Shukra. > > The remedy is abit

tricky gem-wise, as > 1) Your newly engaged, hence Emerald should not be worn.>

2) Wearing silver will cause you many expenses.> 3) Lessening the power of Rahu

- using Gomedh might work, but should be avoided amongst Jyotishis.> > So to

begin with, i will advise you to fast on days of your Upapada, so you don't

miss the symptoms.> > Best wishes> Visti[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya

namah]Send a blank mailTo : -To

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Dear Vistiji,

I will send a mail to your personal email regarding my D-60 and

birth details of my financee.


Karveji gives local time only (in my case IST). I read it from KN

Rao's article.


Reg gems, I will heed your advise and hold off buying the yellow

sapphire. In any case, I intended to wear it only after marriage

and not before it. But I hope you will concur with Ramdas Raoji's

recommendation of red coral for my fiancee.


Later today, I will post the nadi readings regarding my education

and how amazingly accurate it proved to be. Visti or any gurus can

try to corroborate it from my chart. Might be a good case study reg

the amount of details one can get.


Reg Guru Sanjayji's previous rectification of my birth time, the

fault is on me. I should have given him my nadi readings but instead

I gave him what I thought were my strong personality traits (many of

which may be environmental or due to free will - my devotion to Lord

Shiva and Karthikeya/Muruga), and I now realize I left out some

other info, which I then thought unimportant, but now realize my

mistake. It might have led him to fix my navams lagna as Sc.


This actually points out to the importance of fixing birth time

based on solid events such as marriage, children, birth/death of

relatives, etc. Unfortunately, I gave no solid dates/events for

Sanjayji to work with. I humbly suggest fellow list members to give

some hard factual info (rather than what we assume to be our

personality traits) to jyotishis for birth time rectification.





, "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...>


> Hare Rama Krishna


> -



> Dear Siva,

> Comments to your long mail bellow.

> Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic-


> iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-


> -

> schinnas <schinnas>


> Sunday, January 05, 2003 11:03 AM

> [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and

prediction by yogi Karve



> Dear Vistiji,


> Thank you very much for your analysis. I intend to write a long


> and hope it makes sense as I am typing it at 3am.


> I am typing this post, about half a day after I met Yogi


> For the uninitiated, Yogi Karve is a phenomenon in the world of

> jyotish. He can tell the accurate birth time of a person (and


> past, present and future) using only his spiritual powers. There


> more info about his US tour in gjlist.


> Visti: Thx


> Karveji gave my birth time as 1.29pm and gave one or two


> predictions which fully agree with ancient Vashista nadi grantha

> readings (on palm leaves) that I had for me. Since he gives the

> birth time & predictions by yogic power, I have full faith in it.


> Visti: LMT or IST? The soul only knows Local Time, we proved

this in some experiments in Ireland.


> I specifically raised the issue of lagnesh in 7 and concerns


> health of my future spouse and marriage life, which he dismissed


> just said there is nothing to worry about (the nadi granthas

said I

> will be happily married with children till old age). The nadi

> readings have given details to an amazing extent and so far they


> 100% accurate in my education, career and now marriage.


> Here is what I think:

> 1. If we take 1.29pm/1.32pm as the birth time, (27-09-1977, 10 N


> 78 E 03), some of the malefic aaspects get cancelled in navamsa

> (since namamsa langa changes to Sc). BTW, only deva-dutta


> gives results for -60 that agree with Nadi grantha readings.

> Otherwise 1.32 needs to be used for Lahiri. (Narasimhaji has

> sometime back corroborated nadi readings from my D-60 for birth


> 1.32 pm with lahiri ayanamsa).


> Visti: Can u confirm the Shastyamsa Lagna?


> Moreover, this is where Sanjayji probably went wrong in


> my birth time. To be fair to him, he worked on partial list of


> provided by me and I dont have many hard data (children,


> etc., for him to rectify). So he mostly used what I reported as


> characteristics for fixing my navams lagna. He said if I have Sc


> navamsa lagna, I could have never come to SJC for learning


> due to aspect of Rahu & Venus. Though all astrologers say things

> need to be seen from moon aswell, they rarely apply this dictum


> reading varga charts. Since my moon is very strong - is full


> has digbala, has NO kashta pala/highest ista bala and has 8


> in kendras to it in navams which makes it very strong compared


> navamsa lagna, moon lagna might speak more in navams than lagna


> my case.


> Visti: The Chandra Lagna is used for different purposes,

Gurudevas approach is right. I might add that Cancer tends to remove

the blemmish of Rahu, and is the reason we worship Durga to remove

problems of Rahu. So in this case i don't see the problem of Rahu in

the 9th, as its also with the Istha Devata Graha - Venus.


> 2. Your logic is fully correct regarding lagnesh in 7th. It


> hurdles in attaining the 7th house main objective (life


> Moreover you said 7th house is house of desires and it will


> ups and downs. Your reasoning is fully correct, but the


> about mieries in life are a bit off (so far).


> It is true that I had trouble before getting engaged. Even the


> reading mentioned it and specified some parihara which I did and


> assume they worked, since the hurdles are removed now.

> I am a big day dreamer (I dream of being master of everything

and as

> a result have some emotional disappointment due to non-


> in many, but it didnt create ups and downs in real life). In

> academics, I did fairly well (was topper in schools, went to a


> engineering program, got masters from highly reputed Univ with


> research publications, and doing ok (sofar) in a tough telecom

> industry in US. While, this may not be much of an "up" events, I

> dont see much "down" events so far. However, mentally, I was


> satisfied in anything, till I took umbrage in spirituality.

> Nowadays, I nip in the bud any desire and as a result dont


> any dissatisfaction. Spirituality can cure lots of bad effects

> indicated by grahas.


> BTW, this is what KS Charak gives as effect of lagnesh in 7th


> (Pg 230. Elements of Vedic astrology).


> "If lagnesh is natural benefic:

> brilliant native. good looking and good natured wife.

> If lagnesh is natural malefic:

> bereft of wife, poor or king. wanderer in jungles"


> While, I dont want to call myself brilliant, I can vouch for the

> second prediction above (about good looking and good natured



> 3. Reg Kuja in 7, its yuti with Jupiter in 7 totally cancels out

> Kuja dosha. (Kuja dosha gets cancelled with association with


> or aspected by Jupiter). Jupiter may be neecha in navams (gets


> though), but it has the highest shadbala of all planets in my



> Visti: Do have a special note here. There is no Kuja Dosha,

but Lagna lord is in the 7th and is joined Mars. so 1) Lagna lord in

the 7th makes one dominate over the spouse, or attempt to control

her, especially if malefics are there. 2) Your attitude towards your

spouse is colored by martian energy.


> Moreover, the effect given for Guru in 7 is that the native will

> surrender fully be dominated by wife, especially if Guru is


> (which is direct opposite of what happens if Kuja is in 7th). So

> they get nullified. We have the best of communication possible,


> I dont see any evidence of Mars playing spoilsport - Jupiter


> have totally cancelled out its effects. Here I find, Charak's


> very useful. ("If two mutually opposite indications are


> they get cancelled.") As a result, Kuja and Guru cancel out and


> success of our communication is determined by strength of


> (natural karaka for communication) and its mutual placement in


> charts, which is good. Kuja in 7 is supposed to indicate sickly,

> poor, quarrelsome native, and death of wife. I havent been to a

> doctor in last 1.5 yrs and have a huge circle of friends and


> remember being called quarrelsome (due to mercury effect?). If


> indications on health and character gets nullified due to strong

> Jupiter and favourbale Mercury, wouldnt the other effects of


> also wont get modified due to yuti with Jupiter and rasi drishti

> from moon and sun (9th lord)?


> Visti: Regarding your relations with your wife, we are yet to

see the effects, as your not married yet.


> 4. My financee's chart has many factors which even out some of


> problems in mine. She has exalted Jupiter, and most other

planets in

> their own sign or in vargottama position and almost all planets


> friendly navams. She has vargottama dhanus lagna and has strong

> indicators for longivity (many yogas for longivity and I believe


> will outlive me). I am reluctant to give her birth details over


> public list for reasons of privacy. If you are interested in


> a look and more details about my nadi readings, I can send to


> personal mail.


> Visti: PLEASE DO!


> 5. Another factor is that both the nadi granthas and Karveji (he

> just hinted - he does go into too much details unless very

> necessary) are of the opinion that only after marriage, I will


> prosperity and stability in life. (may be karaka for marriage


> happiness - Venus is in 9th and in friendly navams? Venus is in


> in navamsa too and it is lord of 7 and 12 in navams).


> Visti: You will have alot of Raja Yoga, due to Mercury being

associated with the 7th house, 7th from Hora Lagna and 7th from

Ghati Lagna. Hence after the event of marriage it brings Raja Yoga.


> 6. BTW, one of my close relatives has lagnesh (Sani) in 5th,


> by Ketu!! The karaka for children (2nd and 11th lord) is neecha


> retrograde in 12th house. While most astrologers said she will


> have children, nadi granthas said she will have but only after

> certain remedies and some medical help. She had her child after

> difficulties, minor medical healph, and after performing all

> remedies prescribed in nadi readings. The nadi said the child


> have a long life and be healthy. I checked her case with Karveji

> (especially after the lagnesh in 5th discussion) and he


> the nadis that the child will have a long healthy life (but will

> have minor health issues till age 3).


> Just like most raj yogas dont materialize fully, (otherwise we


> have millions of kings around), most malefic combinations also


> give the literal effect as suggested in classics. Grahas,


> etc are symbolisms devised by rishis to show the karmic effect

on a

> person. It is very difficult for humans without divine/yogic


> to fully grasp what these karmic symbolisms exactly convey and


> what extent free-will, effort, modern science play a role. So,

> taking gloom and doom thumb rules written for an aduience in pre-

> scientific era (lack of medical help for progeny, for example)


> not work in all cases. I would like to quote Dr. K.S. Charak


> "Astrology texts use a strong language to describe effects of


> If they are applied literally to individual charts, the


> often go wrong".


> Since SJC encourages heavy use of varga charts, special lagnas,

> etc., which are very very sensitive to birth time changes. Birth

> time rectification, etc are full of pitfalls and even legends


> BV Raman have made mistakes (BVR's infamous prediction that


> would loose the 1992 election by wrong birth time

rectification). My

> case proved that even our Guruji is not immune to human errors.


> made clever diagnosis using my


> Another thing is to avoid literal use of thumb rules given in

> classics. Some thumb rules (with respect to marriage ages are

> outright ridiculous. For eg, classics say if Mercury is in 11th

> house, the native marriage at age 11 !!!!).


> Visti: We need to understand them first, otherwise why would

the rishis write such things? the Naisargika Dasa for Venus is

between 12-32 years, so the 11th year is prior to the marital years

and ages of sexual maturity. Its well known that a weak Mercury can

give sexual experiences at a very young age.


> > Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena, showing many

> >undiagnosable diseases and troubles to the spouse.


> Doesnt Parasara say luminaries are unafflicted due to 8th house

> lordship? I am so far healthy. The only problem due to Ketu is


> problems (i get easily infected from public pools, etc and acne


> I was in teens and mild dandruf now!).


> Visti: I was referring to your spouse.


> > Shukra is in yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst Shani


> >the Dhanesh of the Upapada, showing problems of the wife in


> >children. However as Putrapada is in the vyaaya from the Pada

> >Lagna, you may not be interested in children at all.


> I am interested in children and my fiancee has 5th lord (kuja)


> 5th house. Nadi readings say I will have more than one children


> they will be more successful in life than myself. Actually, my


> has one of the yogas mentioned in BPHS for multiple children (I


> supposed to get 7/9 children as per that yoga! I forgot the yoga

> definition, will dig it up when I get time).


> > Be warned that you should not ignore the first ill-health


> >of your spouse, as then it may be too late. This danger is

there as

> >the dhanesh from Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada Lagna.


> While the logic is very correct, and I very much appreciate your

> frankness and concern in cautioning me, these observations are


> corroborated in her chart or in nadi readings or by Karveji. Any

> idea why? May be use of dispositors and nakshatra lords might


> more light! Btw, I take heart that my fiancee is a doctor and is

> health conscious.


> Reg gems, as you recommended, reducing effect of rahu is a good

> point. Ramdas Raoji suggested that i wear yellow sapphire (to

> strengthen Jupiter). A strong langesh nullifies many effects of

> langesh in 7th and also strong Guru cancells kuja's effect in


> and reduces the power of Rahu. He also suggested Red coral for


> fiancee, as Kuja is her 5th lord (aries). We intend to follow


> advise. Vedic Remedies by Guruji says about use of Saptaratna


> progeny and increase of life force. In the future, if there is a

> need for it, I might suggest her to wear one.


> Visti: I didn't recommend Yellow Saffire as Jupiter is

Badhakesh for the 7th house. Could delay the marriage further, as

this is the reason for the delay in marriage.


> thanks and regards,

> -Siva.


> , "Visti Larsen"


> wrote:

> > Hare Rama Krishna

> >

> > ------------------------------


> -------------

> >

> > Dear Siva,

> > "If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house, the native is scholarly,

> wealthy, happy, religious, honourable and passionate. Progenic


> will be hard to obtain."

> >

> > Judge for yourself. It seems to apply very well with the Putra

> bhava, or maybe we're missing something here?

> >

> > You have Lagnesh Guru in the Kalatra bhava, which causes a


> in marriage (badhakesh of the 7th). Its joined Mangal, causing


> health of the spouse, or many fights. You will also dominate


> your spouse.

> >

> > Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena, showing many

> undiagnosable diseases and troubles to the spouse.

> >

> > Shukra is in yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst Shani


> the Dhanesh of the Upapada, showing problems of the wife in


> children. However as Putrapada is in the vyaaya from the Pada


> you may not be interested in children at all.

> >

> > Be warned that you should not ignore the first ill-health


> of your spouse, as then it may be too late. This danger is there


> the dhanesh from Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada Lagna.

> >

> > Lagna is vargottama, and Shukra is in yuti with Rahu in the

> Ashtaamsa (8th house), and this can pose a problem, as Mangal


> has graha dristi on Shukra.

> >

> > The remedy is abit tricky gem-wise, as

> > 1) Your newly engaged, hence Emerald should not be worn.

> > 2) Wearing silver will cause you many expenses.

> > 3) Lessening the power of Rahu - using Gomedh might work, but

> should be avoided amongst Jyotishis.

> >

> > So to begin with, i will advise you to fast on days of your

> Upapada, so you don't miss the symptoms.

> >

> > Best wishes

> > Visti





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>Karveji gives local time only (in my case IST).


By IST, I meant Indian Standard Time, which is LMT in my case.


Sorry for the confusion.





, "schinnas <schinnas>"

<schinnas> wrote:

> Dear Vistiji,

> I will send a mail to your personal email regarding my D-60 and

> birth details of my financee.


> Karveji gives local time only (in my case IST). I read it from KN

> Rao's article.


> Reg gems, I will heed your advise and hold off buying the yellow

> sapphire. In any case, I intended to wear it only after marriage

> and not before it. But I hope you will concur with Ramdas Raoji's

> recommendation of red coral for my fiancee.


> Later today, I will post the nadi readings regarding my education

> and how amazingly accurate it proved to be. Visti or any gurus can

> try to corroborate it from my chart. Might be a good case study


> the amount of details one can get.


> Reg Guru Sanjayji's previous rectification of my birth time, the

> fault is on me. I should have given him my nadi readings but


> I gave him what I thought were my strong personality traits (many


> which may be environmental or due to free will - my devotion to


> Shiva and Karthikeya/Muruga), and I now realize I left out some

> other info, which I then thought unimportant, but now realize my

> mistake. It might have led him to fix my navams lagna as Sc.


> This actually points out to the importance of fixing birth time

> based on solid events such as marriage, children, birth/death of

> relatives, etc. Unfortunately, I gave no solid dates/events for

> Sanjayji to work with. I humbly suggest fellow list members to


> some hard factual info (rather than what we assume to be our

> personality traits) to jyotishis for birth time rectification.


> Thanks.

> -Siva.


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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Jay,

In Ireland as well as other countries, a popular techinique used in doctoral

professions, called 'Body-Talk', has arised. The technical name escapes me.

This technique, puts the body in a relaxed state, prefereably lying down, and

the practitioner, then asks the native some questions, whilst holding vital

positions in the body and waiting for a bodily reaction, which would correspond

to either a Yes or a No.


In the begining this technique was used to help in diagnosing medicine for

patients, to ensure the patient didn't suffer alergic reactions, but some

practitioners have used extended this to finding the birthtime of people.


Now Ireland, has not had a tradition of giving out the hospital records wherein

the birthtime is recorded, and hence many of the querrists, needing a

birthtime, would visit such practitioners.


Now coming back to our trip to Ireland, many of the querrists brought their

'body-talk' birthtimes with them, and upon reading we simply could not make

sense of them.


After some testing and playing around with the birthtime, we found that

adjusting the timezone to Local Mean Time, which is approximately 25 minutes

different from the GMT used in Ireland, the birth chart became acurate!!


To further prove this, Sanjay himself asked to try this technique, through which

he got his birthtime confirmed, twice.


This confirmed that when asking the body questions, the body would answer in

Local Mean Time, and this knowledge of the birthtime comes from the SOUL.


So astrologically, why does this work? The Sun is karaka for the body, hence

also the Lagna, and is vital in understanding the natives constitution and

health. The Sun is also the Naisargika Karaka for the Soul, so go ahead and ask



Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



Jay Weiss


Sunday, January 05, 2003 7:14 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Dear Visti,

You wrote: Visti: LMT or IST? The soul only knows Local Time, we proved this

in some experiments in Ireland.


Do you care to elabotare on the above statement (we proved) ?


Kind regards

Jay Weiss[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

-To :

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Jay,


1. What(in your opinion) knowledge of birth time did the soul have BEFORE the

"time/watch/Zone age" was implemented (only a few hundred years ago ...) ?


Visti: This you will have to ask MahaKaal. Why is the Hora calculated from 6



2. This issue is of a very sensitive nature and much beyond everyday stuff -

nothing one should take easily nor draw hasty conclusions.

Is this an attempt to imply that the soul has means to communicate on the human

level using the physical body as a tool or is it just that the human (as

often)'perceives' he is interpreting something (a living body is always active)



Visti: I can only comment factually on what we have recieved from

experiments. Not even DharmaRaja dared to touch the subject of the Atma!..


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



Jay Weiss


Monday, January 06, 2003 8:31 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Dear Visti (and other learned),

You wrote: "This confirmed that when asking the body questions, the body would

answer in Local Mean Time, and this knowledge of the birthtime comes from the



1. What(in your opinion) knowledge of birth time did the soul have BEFORE the

"time/watch/Zone age" was implemented (only a few hundred years ago ...) ?


2. This issue is of a very sensitive nature and much beyond everyday stuff -

nothing one should take easily nor draw hasty conclusions.

Is this an attempt to imply that the soul has means to communicate on the human

level using the physical body as a tool or is it just that the human (as

often)'perceives' he is interpreting something (a living body is always active)




Kind regards

Jay Weiss




Visti Larsen


Monday, January 06, 2003 7:56 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] Re:

Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Phyl,

Hospitals do not note down LMT times, so if you are using that given time, then

don't change the timezone to suit Local Mean Time.


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



Phyl Chubb MA


Monday, January 06, 2003 7:27 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] To

Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Dear Visti,


Based on the experiment in Ireland then we should alter all birthtimes to LMT. Has this been tried?




Visti Larsen


Monday, January 06, 2003 6:13 AM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th

and prediction by yogi Karve

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Jay,

In Ireland as well as other countries, a popular techinique used in doctoral

professions, called 'Body-Talk', has arised. The technical name escapes me.

This technique, puts the body in a relaxed state, prefereably lying down, and

the practitioner, then asks the native some questions, whilst holding vital

positions in the body and waiting for a bodily reaction, which would correspond

to either a Yes or a No.


In the begining this technique was used to help in diagnosing medicine for

patients, to ensure the patient didn't suffer alergic reactions, but some

practitioners have used extended this to finding the birthtime of people.


Now Ireland, has not had a tradition of giving out the hospital records wherein

the birthtime is recorded, and hence many of the querrists, needing a

birthtime, would visit such practitioners.


Now coming back to our trip to Ireland, many of the querrists brought their

'body-talk' birthtimes with them, and upon reading we simply could not make

sense of them.


After some testing and playing around with the birthtime, we found that

adjusting the timezone to Local Mean Time, which is approximately 25 minutes

different from the GMT used in Ireland, the birth chart became acurate!!


To further prove this, Sanjay himself asked to try this technique, through which

he got his birthtime confirmed, twice.


This confirmed that when asking the body questions, the body would answer in

Local Mean Time, and this knowledge of the birthtime comes from the SOUL.


So astrologically, why does this work? The Sun is karaka for the body, hence

also the Lagna, and is vital in understanding the natives constitution and

health. The Sun is also the Naisargika Karaka for the Soul, so go ahead and ask



Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



Jay Weiss


Sunday, January 05, 2003 7:14 PM

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

Dear Visti,

You wrote: Visti: LMT or IST? The soul only knows Local Time, we proved this

in some experiments in Ireland.


Do you care to elabotare on the above statement (we proved) ?


Kind regards

Jay Weiss[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

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