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[SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

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Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran,


"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost" Zoran:

Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well as take the

first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th house

Actually the Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause

miscarriages. The reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to

sustain childbirths, cause dryness or excess heat, which results in

miscarriages, similar to the effects of planets being in Gandanta.


Similarly Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding.


As for blessings from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this.


Best wishesVisti---Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.orgBrihat

Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zipiTRANS 99 Font:



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Visti and other members, I shall try to explain why

these influences as given to Parashara: Dear Sarajit,The results of the Lagna

lord in the 5th house are repeated as follows: "Progenic bliss is not assured,

and the first child could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly,

short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but tends to serve others." Best

wishes Visti-

"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost" Zoran:

Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well as take the

first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th house " The native is

honorable" Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha Lagna

would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while Lagnesh

would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna. " The native is

friendly" This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards

human... "short tempered" Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord

in Kal Purush. Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered " Favourite of the

rulers, but tends to serve others" Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to

Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving

others can be spiritually comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we

observe this as an ordinary matter such as business/service, the 5th house

gives status and power, and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we

treat this as a govermental service, and status through the same, then this is

ok Best wishes Zoran ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath

Vedic Centre email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu [Om Kleem

Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

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Dear Jyotishas,


Just my thought so if you dont like it just ignore it. The tone of

this recent discussion/argument doesn't sound very mature. We live in

a very complex world and it is not possible for we mortal humans to

understand its complexities inspite of whatever sources of knowledge

are available to us physically. Since we live in a physical world we

should also pay attention to people who have made an effort to

understand it and I feel Einstein deserves some say although Edison

has most of the inventions which make our living today as comfortable

as it is (over a thousand inventions is no easy task).


Einstein never could accept the randomness of quantum theory: "God

does not play dice." Reality does not lie within our grasp; our

senses and our mathematical knowledge gives us a grasp of only some

parts of reality.


And most importantly he said "Physical concepts are free creations of

the human mind, and are not, however it may seem, uniquely determined

by the external world. In our endeavour to understand reality we are

somewhat like a man trying to understand the mechanism of a closed

watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even hears it ticking,

but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he may form

some picture of the mechanism which could be responsible for all the

things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the

only one which could explain his observations. He will never be able

to compare his picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even

imagine the possibility of the meaning of such a comparison."


Please dont read the above para just like that.. there is something

profound in it... each and every word in it means..


So I feel is that whatever we have at hand today in any form to

understand the "Reality" is again one of the endeavors... There have

been various people with various reach to "reality" in this world and

have tried to leave some knowledge behind for us mortals to

understand, although that in no way will ever give us access to "The

Knowledge" ... what the bodhi vriksh gave to bhagwaan bhudhha or lord

krishna gave to arjuna..


We do have a mathematical model to understand human life and probably

in its sanskrit actuality it may explain everything we want to

understand, but with translations and interpretations the meanings

can change, linguistics is like that.. and this thing is actually

beyond linguistics too.


I am just a beginner and I think I have said a lot.. so Gurus please

pardon me.. It was just the tone of the discussion which prompted me



Always looking forward to learn from all of you..


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Dear Chandrakeshar,

That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give the children under

the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st child..

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar wrote:


Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If

I may intervene,Jataka Parijat says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th

Bhava shloka17"One shall certainly beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord

of Ascendant) is in 5th, lord of the 5th is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.



Visti Larsen


Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house



Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th houseActually the Sun

is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause miscarriages. The

reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to sustain childbirths,

cause dryness or excess heat, which results in miscarriages, similar to

the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding. As

for blessings from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this. Best




Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zip

iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Visti and other members,

I shall try to explain why these influences as given to Parashara:


Sarajit,The results of the Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as

follows: "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is

honourable, friendly, short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but

tends to serve others." Best wishes


"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th house

" The native is honorable"

Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha

Lagna would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while

Lagnesh would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna.

" The native is friendly"

This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards


"short tempered"

Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord in Kal Purush.

Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered

" Favourite of the rulers, but tends to serve others"

Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha

Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving others can be spiritually

comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we observe this as an ordinary

matter such as business/service, the 5th house gives status and power,

and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we treat this as a govermental

service, and status through the same, then this is ok

Best wishes




Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu


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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

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Talking about "The Knowledge", one of the things my guru used to tell about my

childrens and me was about our past lives, just by touching a fingure (anamika)

with his fingure. He never told us how he did that. Now he has passed away, and

I wonder how one can achieve that ability.


"shivkulhari <shivkulhari >" <shivkulhari > wrote:

Dear Jyotishas,Just my thought so if you dont like it just ignore it. The tone

of this recent discussion/argument doesn't sound very mature. We live in a very

complex world and it is not possible for we mortal humans to understand its

complexities inspite of whatever sources of knowledge are available to us

physically. Since we live in a physical world we should also pay attention to

people who have made an effort to understand it and I feel Einstein deserves

some say although Edison has most of the inventions which make our living today

as comfortable as it is (over a thousand inventions is no easy task).Einstein

never could accept the randomness of quantum theory: "God does not play dice."

Reality does not lie within our grasp; our senses and our mathematical

knowledge gives us a grasp of only some parts of reality. And most importantly

he said "Physical concepts are free creations of the human mind, and are not,

however it may seem, uniquely determined by the external world. In our

endeavour to understand reality we are somewhat like a man trying to understand

the mechanism of a closed watch. He sees the face and the moving hands, even

hears it ticking, but he has no way of opening the case. If he is ingenious he

may form some picture of the mechanism which could be responsible for all the

things he observes, but he may never be quite sure his picture is the only one

which could explain his observations. He will never be able to compare his

picture with the real mechanism and he cannot even imagine the possibility of

the meaning of such a comparison."Please dont read the above para just like

that.. there is something profound in it... each and every word in it means..So

I feel is that whatever we have at hand today in any form to understand the

"Reality" is again one of the endeavors... There have been various people with

various reach to "reality" in this world and have tried to leave some knowledge

behind for us mortals to understand, although that in no way will ever give us

access to "The Knowledge" ... what the bodhi vriksh gave to bhagwaan bhudhha or

lord krishna gave to arjuna.. We do have a mathematical model to understand

human life and probably in its sanskrit actuality it may explain everything we

want to understand, but with translations and interpretations the meanings can

change, linguistics is like that.. and this thing is actually beyond

linguistics too.I am just a beginner and I think I have said a lot.. so Gurus

please pardon me.. It was just the tone of the discussion which prompted me

too.. Always looking forward to learn from all of you..Shiv[Om Kleem Krishnaaya

Jagannathaaya namah]Send a blank mailTo :

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Dear Zoran,

Would not Sun in 5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify

for the shloka I have cited?

As for the original topic,there is a line o thought which calculates the first

born amongst relatives from the designated Bhava from Ascendant the next born

from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava from designated bhava and so on. So first

born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the second born by 9th house(5th from 5th)

and so on. This could be the key to the riddle that is being sought.

My poser was just to illustrate the fact that yogas in shlokas are not to be

taken verbatim but the principle behind the yogas should be understood in order

to arrive at correct import of the sages.




Zoran Radosavljevic


Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38 AM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Dear Chandrakeshar, That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give the

children under the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st

child.. Best wishes Zoran Chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka Parijat

says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall certainly

beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in 5th, lord of the 5th

is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.


Visti Larsen


Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal

Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well

as take the first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th

houseActually the Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause

miscarriages. The reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to

sustain childbirths, cause dryness or excess heat, which results in

miscarriages, similar to the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding. As for blessings

from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this. Best wishes Visti ---

Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zip iTRANS 99 Font:



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Visti and other members, I shall try to explain

why these influences as given to Parashara: Dear Sarajit,The results of the

Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as follows: "Progenic bliss is not

assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly,

short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but tends to serve others." Best

wishes Visti-

"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost" Zoran:

Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well as take the

first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th house " The native is

honorable" Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha Lagna

would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while Lagnesh

would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna. " The native is

friendly" This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards

human... "short tempered" Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord

in Kal Purush. Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered " Favourite of the

rulers, but tends to serve others" Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to

Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving

others can be spiritually comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we

observe this as an ordinary matter such as business/service, the 5th house

gives status and power, and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we

treat this as a govermental service, and status through the same, then this is

ok Best wishes Zoran ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath

Vedic Centre email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu [Om Kleem

Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah] Send a blank mail To :

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-- ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre email:

ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,

We have discused lagnesh position in 5th as unfavourable position for

the first child, not lagnesh in 9th house as you stated.

As for counting a child, this is not correct. Jaimini uses Mandhuki

Ghati or frog jump to illustrate the counting of both children/siblings.

So the 1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising) or in 9th house (even

sign rising). The second child is in 7th house etc.

See Guruji's book. This holds true in Saptamsa chart particularly.I

am in a research process with Naskahtramsa Chart and Children/marriage,

since Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9), yet until I find

consistent results and consult with Guruji, this is off the topic...

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Zoran,Would

not Sun in 5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify

for the shloka I have cited?As

for the original topic,there is a line o thought which calculates the first

born amongst relatives from the designated Bhava from Ascendant the next

born from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava from designated bhava and so on.

So first born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the second born by 9th house(5th

from 5th) and so on. This could be the key to the riddle that is being

sought.My poser was just

to illustrate the fact that yogas in shlokas are not to be taken verbatim

but the principle behind the yogas should be understood in order to arrive

at correct import of the sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.



Zoran Radosavljevic


Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Dear Chandrakeshar,

That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give the children under

the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st child..

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar wrote:


Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka

Parijat says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall

certainly beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in 5th,

lord of the 5th is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.



Visti Larsen


Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house


Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th houseActually the Sun

is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause miscarriages. The

reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to sustain childbirths,

cause dryness or excess heat, which results in miscarriages, similar to

the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding.

As for blessings from elders, Arudha

Lagna in the 9th is enough for this. Best wishes



Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zip

iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Visti and other members,

I shall try to explain why these influences as given to Parashara:


Sarajit,The results of the Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as

follows: "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is

honourable, friendly, short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but

tends to serve others." Best wishes


"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th house

" The native is honorable"

Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha

Lagna would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while

Lagnesh would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna.

" The native is friendly"

This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards


"short tempered"

Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord in Kal Purush.

Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered

" Favourite of the rulers, but tends to serve others"

Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha

Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving others can be spiritually

comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we observe this as an ordinary

matter such as business/service, the 5th house gives status and power,

and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we treat this as a govermental

service, and status through the same, then this is ok

Best wishes




Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu


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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu


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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu


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//Om Namobhagawate Vasudevaya//

Dear Zoran Guruji,

Sorry I attached the wrong chart before. The chart attached below has

Lagnesh in 5th. The native is male and has two children, first child is

female 27 years old today and the 2nd child is male 23 years old. Could you

please analyse this chart for discussion?


With Best Regards,

Sadashiv. <<Lagnesh in 5th.jhd>>



> Zoran Radosavljevic [sMTP:ahimsa]

> Tuesday, January 07, 2003 12:07 PM


> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna

> lord in 5th house


> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Chandrakeshar,

> We have discused lagnesh position in 5th as unfavourable position for

> the first child, not lagnesh in 9th house as you stated.

> As for counting a child, this is not correct. Jaimini uses Mandhuki

> Ghati or frog jump to illustrate the counting of both children/siblings.

> So the 1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising) or in 9th house (even

> sign rising). The second child is in 7th house etc.

> See Guruji's book. This holds true in Saptamsa chart particularly.I am

> in a research process with Naskahtramsa Chart and Children/marriage,

> since Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9), yet until I find

> consistent results and consult with Guruji, this is off the topic...

> Best wishes

> Zoran

> Chandrashekhar wrote:


> > Dear Zoran,Would not Sun in 5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for

> > Aires ascendant qualify for the shloka I have cited?As for the

> > original topic,there is a line o thought which calculates the first

> > born amongst relatives from the designated Bhava from Ascendant the

> > next born from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava from designated bhava

> > and so on. So first born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the second

> > born by 9th house(5th from 5th) and so on. This could be the key to

> > the riddle that is being sought.My poser was just to illustrate the

> > fact that yogas in shlokas are not to be taken verbatim but the

> > principle behind the yogas should be understood in order to arrive at

> > correct import of the sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.

> >

> > -

> > Zoran Radosavljevic

> >

> > Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38 AM

> > Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul]

> > RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

> > Dear Chandrakeshar,

> > That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give the

> > children under the circumstances below. Yet the question was

> > about the 1st child..

> > Best wishes

> > Zoran

> >

> > Chandrashekhar wrote:

> >

> > > Dear Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may

> > > intervene,Jataka Parijat says in the chapter of

> > > Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall certainly

> > > beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in

> > > 5th, lord of the 5th is strong and Jupiter is

> > > Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.

> > >

> > > -

> > > Visti Larsen

> > >

> > > Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18 PM

> > > Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta

> > > Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

> > >

> > >

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > > ----------------

> > > Dear Zoran, "Progenic bliss is not assured, and

> > > the first child could be lost"

> > > Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh

> > > is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so his

> > > influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

> > > bliss, as well as take the first child which is

> > > particulalry signified by the 5th houseActually

> > > the Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th

> > > house can cause miscarriages. The reason is that

> > > the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to

> > > sustain childbirths, cause dryness or excess

> > > heat, which results in miscarriages, similar to

> > > the effects of planets being in Gandanta.

> > > Similarly Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages

> > > due to excess bleeding. As for blessings from

> > > elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for

> > > this. Best wishes

> > > Visti

> > > ---

> > > Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> > >

> > > Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:

> > > vedic astrologybphs.zip

> > >

> > > iTRANS 99 Font:

> > > http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html

> > >

> > > -

> > > Zoran Radosavljevic

> > >

> > > Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11

> > > PM

> > > Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

> > > Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in

> > > 5th house

> > > Om Namo Narayanaya,

> > > Dear Visti and other members,

> > > I shall try to explain why these

> > > influences as given to Parashara:

> > >

> > > > Dear Sarajit,The results of the

> > > > Lagna lord in the 5th house are

> > > > repeated as follows: "Progenic bliss

> > > > is not assured, and the first child

> > > > could be lost. The native is

> > > > honourable, friendly, short-tempered

> > > > and a favorite of the rulers, but

> > > > tends to serve others." Best wishes

> > > > Visti-

> > >

> > >

> > > "Progenic bliss is not assured, and

> > > the first child could be lost"

> > > Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of

> > > Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal

> > > Purush), so his influence as a Mangal

> > > could lessen the progenic bliss, as

> > > well as take the first child which is

> > > particulalry signified by the 5th

> > > house

> > > " The native is honorable"

> > > Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac

> > > belongs to Surya while Karaka is Guru.

> > > So the person would be blessed by

> > > Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha Lagna

> > > would fall into the 9th house of

> > > honour and divine blessings, while

> > > Lagnesh would at the same time fall in

> > > the 9th house from arudha Lagna.

> > > " The native is friendly"

> > > This comes from Guru which is karaka

> > > for 5th house and above mentioned

> > > Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri

> > > Mahavishnu, who is always friendly

> > > towards human...

> > > "short tempered"

> > > Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya

> > > as the 5th lord in Kal Purush. Surya

> > > is Pitta Graha and is short tempered

> > > " Favourite of the rulers, but tends

> > > to serve others"

> > > Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due

> > > to Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha

> > > Lagna in 9th house. The question about

> > > serving others can be spiritually

> > > comprehended due to the above

> > > infleunces. If we observe this as an

> > > ordinary matter such as

> > > business/service, the 5th house gives

> > > status and power, and never service

> > > unless graha is afflicted. If we treat

> > > this as a govermental service, and

> > > status through the same, then this is

> > > ok

> > > Best wishes

> > > Zoran

> > >

> > >


> > > Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath

> > > Vedic Centre

> > > email: ahimsa

> > > web: www.sjvc.co.yu

> > >

> > >

> > > [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya

> > > namah]

> > > Send a blank mail

> > > To :

> > > -

> > >

> > > To :

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject

> > > to the

> > >

> > > [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

> > > Send a blank mail

> > > To :

> > > -

> > > To :

> > >

> > >

> > > Your use of is subject to the

> > >

> > >

> > > [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

> > > Send a blank mail

> > > To : -

> > > To :

> > >

> > > Terms

> > > of Service.

> >

> > --


> > Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

> > email: ahimsa

> > web: www.sjvc.co.yu

> >

> >

> >

> > Sponsor




> >

> > [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

> > Send a blank mail

> > To : -

> > To :

> >

> >


> --


> Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

> email: ahimsa

> web: www.sjvc.co.yu

> << Message: Untitled Attachment >>

Attachment: (application/octet-stream) Lagnesh in 5th.jhd [not stored]

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Dear Zoran,

I think I was not able to communicate properly.I wanted to state that one line

of thought is that First born is to be taken from the 5th house and this may be

the reason of predicting loss of the first born.

I also ponited out other line of thinking prevalent, not necessarily acceptable to me.

If you see the posts Sanjay Prabhakar sugested that in females chart 9th is to

be taken as Putra sthana and apparently Visti's mail suggests that he supports

this view. I do not think this could be right as by extention of this logic

Ascendant would become Jayasthana and 7th Tanusthana for a female, which would

be fetching things too far.


Personally I prefer reading about progeny by assessing strength of the 5th house

its lord the planet placed in 5th and strength of navamshesh of both the huse

lord and planet posited in the house.I add the individual traits of concerned

planets before attempting to predict about the progeny.I also like to base my

predictions about progeny after taking into consideration horoscopes of both

Husband and Wife and do not to the practice of predicting child birth

on the bassis of one chart only. But then I am an old fashioned student of

astrology. Current interpretations might be different.



I personally


Zoran Radosavljevic


Tuesday, January 07, 2003 10:37 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Chandrakeshar, We have discused lagnesh position in 5th

as unfavourable position for the first child, not lagnesh in 9th house as you

stated. As for counting a child, this is not correct. Jaimini uses Mandhuki

Ghati or frog jump to illustrate the counting of both children/siblings. So the

1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising) or in 9th house (even sign rising).

The second child is in 7th house etc. See Guruji's book. This holds true in

Saptamsa chart particularly.I am in a research process with Naskahtramsa Chart

and Children/marriage, since Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9),

yet until I find consistent results and consult with Guruji, this is off the

topic... Best wishes Zoran Chandrashekhar wrote: Dear Zoran,Would not Sun in

5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify for the shloka I

have cited?As for the original topic,there is a line o thought which calculates

the first born amongst relatives from the designated Bhava from Ascendant the

next born from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava from designated bhava and so on.

So first born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the second born by 9th house(5th

from 5th) and so on. This could be the key to the riddle that is being

sought.My poser was just to illustrate the fact that yogas in shlokas are not

to be taken verbatim but the principle behind the yogas should be understood in

order to arrive at correct import of the sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.


Zoran Radosavljevic


Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38 AM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Dear Chandrakeshar, That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give

the children under the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st

child.. Best wishes Zoran Chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka Parijat

says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall certainly

beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in 5th, lord of the 5th

is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.


Visti Larsen


Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal

Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well

as take the first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th

houseActually the Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause

miscarriages. The reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to

sustain childbirths, cause dryness or excess heat, which results in

miscarriages, similar to the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding. As for blessings

from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this. Best wishes Visti ---

Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zip iTRANS 99 Font:



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Visti and other members, I shall try to explain

why these influences as given to Parashara: Dear Sarajit,The results of the

Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as follows: "Progenic bliss is not

assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly,

short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but tends to serve others." Best

wishes Visti-

"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost" Zoran:

Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well as take the

first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th house " The native is

honorable" Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha Lagna

would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while Lagnesh

would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna. " The native is

friendly" This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards

human... "short tempered" Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord

in Kal Purush. Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered " Favourite of the

rulers, but tends to serve others" Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to

Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving

others can be spiritually comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we

observe this as an ordinary matter such as business/service, the 5th house

gives status and power, and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we

treat this as a govermental service, and status through the same, then this is

ok Best wishes Zoran ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath

Vedic Centre email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu [Om Kleem

Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah] Send a blank mail To :

- To :

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[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah] Send a blank mail To :

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Your use of is subject

to the -- ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree

Jagannath Vedic Centre email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu

[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah] Send a blank mail To :

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-- ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre email:

ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net web: www.sjvc.co.yu

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Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,


Dear Zoran,I

think I was not able to communicate properly.I wanted to state that one

line of thought is that First born is to be taken from the 5th house and

this may be the reason of predicting loss of the first born.I also ponited

out other line of thinking prevalent, not necessarily acceptable to me.If

you see the posts Sanjay Prabhakar sugested that in females chart 9th is

to be taken as Putra sthana and apparently Visti's mail suggests that he

supports this view. I do not think this could be right as by extention

of this logic Ascendant would become Jayasthana and 7th Tanusthana for

a female, which would be fetching things too far.

ZORAN: THERE are classical supports which state that in Stri jatak

controlling house for children birth is 9th house. It doesn't mean that

5th house is ignored, nor that the houses oreder is to be reveresed.

Personally I prefer reading

about progeny by assessing strength of the 5th house its lord the planet

placed in 5th and strength of navamshesh of both the huse lord and planet

posited in the house.I add the individual traits of concerned planets before

attempting to predict about the progeny.I also like to base my predictions

about progeny after taking into consideration horoscopes of both Husband

and Wife and do not to the practice of predicting child birth

on the bassis of one chart only. But then I am an old fashioned student

of astrology. Current interpretations might be different.Regards,Chandrashekhar.I






Tuesday, January 07, 2003 10:37


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Chandrakeshar,

We have discused lagnesh position in 5th as unfavourable position for

the first child, not lagnesh in 9th house as you stated.

As for counting a child, this is not correct. Jaimini uses Mandhuki

Ghati or frog jump to illustrate the counting of both children/siblings.

So the 1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising) or in 9th house (even

sign rising). The second child is in 7th house etc.

See Guruji's book. This holds true in Saptamsa chart particularly.I

am in a research process with Naskahtramsa Chart and Children/marriage,

since Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9), yet until I find

consistent results and consult with Guruji, this is off the topic...

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Zoran,Would

not Sun in 5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify

for the shloka I have cited?As for the original topic,there is a line o

thought which calculates the first born amongst relatives from the designated

Bhava from Ascendant the next born from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava

from designated bhava and so on. So first born will be indicated by 5th

Bhava the second born by 9th house(5th from 5th) and so on. This could

be the key to the riddle that is being sought.My poser was just to illustrate

the fact that yogas in shlokas are not to be taken verbatim but the principle

behind the yogas should be understood in order to arrive at correct import

of the sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.





Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Dear Chandrakeshar,

That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give the children under

the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st child..

Best wishes


Chandrashekhar wrote:


Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka

Parijat says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall

certainly beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in 5th,

lord of the 5th is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.





Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house


Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th houseActually the Sun

is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause miscarriages. The

reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to sustain childbirths,

cause dryness or excess heat, which results in miscarriages, similar to

the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding.As for blessings

from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this.

Best wishes



Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra: vedic astrologybphs.zip

iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html





Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11


Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya,

Dear Visti and other members,

I shall try to explain why these influences as given to Parashara:


Sarajit,The results of the Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as

follows: "Progenic

bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is

honourable, friendly, short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but

tends to serve others." Best wishes


"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi

of Kal Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

bliss, as well as take the first child which is particulalry signified

by the 5th house

" The native is honorable"

Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha

Lagna would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while

Lagnesh would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna.

" The native is friendly"

This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards


"short tempered"

Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord in Kal Purush.

Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered

" Favourite of the rulers, but tends to serve others"

Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha

Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving others can be spiritually

comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we observe this as an ordinary

matter such as business/service, the 5th house gives status and power,

and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we treat this as a govermental

service, and status through the same, then this is ok

Best wishes




Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu


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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu

[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

web: www.sjvc.co.yu

[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

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Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

email: ahimsa (AT) NSpoint (DOT) net

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Dear Zoran,

If I remember right it is count in regular direction in case of odd sign when

putra sthana is 5th and count in reverse order when an Even sign, in saptamsha.



Zoran Radosavljevic


Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:16 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Chandrakeshar, Dear Zoran,I think I was not able to

communicate properly.I wanted to state that one line of thought is that First

born is to be taken from the 5th house and this may be the reason of predicting

loss of the first born.I also ponited out other line of thinking prevalent, not

necessarily acceptable to me.If you see the posts Sanjay Prabhakar sugested

that in females chart 9th is to be taken as Putra sthana and apparently Visti's

mail suggests that he supports this view. I do not think this could be right as

by extention of this logic Ascendant would become Jayasthana and 7th Tanusthana

for a female, which would be fetching things too far. ZORAN: THERE are classical

supports which state that in Stri jatak controlling house for children birth is

9th house. It doesn't mean that 5th house is ignored, nor that the houses

oreder is to be reveresed. Personally I prefer reading about progeny by

assessing strength of the 5th house its lord the planet placed in 5th and

strength of navamshesh of both the huse lord and planet posited in the house.I

add the individual traits of concerned planets before attempting to predict

about the progeny.I also like to base my predictions about progeny after taking

into consideration horoscopes of both Husband and Wife and do not to

the practice of predicting child birth on the bassis of one chart only. But

then I am an old fashioned student of astrology. Current interpretations might

be different.Regards,Chandrashekhar.I personally


Zoran Radosavljevic


Tuesday, January 07, 2003 10:37 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Chandrakeshar, We have discused lagnesh position

in 5th as unfavourable position for the first child, not lagnesh in 9th house as

you stated. As for counting a child, this is not correct. Jaimini uses Mandhuki

Ghati or frog jump to illustrate the counting of both children/siblings. So the

1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising) or in 9th house (even sign rising).

The second child is in 7th house etc. See Guruji's book. This holds true in

Saptamsa chart particularly.I am in a research process with Naskahtramsa Chart

and Children/marriage, since Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9),

yet until I find consistent results and consult with Guruji, this is off the

topic... Best wishes Zoran Chandrashekhar wrote: Dear Zoran,Would not Sun in

5th with Mars and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify for the shloka I

have cited?As for the original topic,there is a line o thought which calculates

the first born amongst relatives from the designated Bhava from Ascendant the

next born from the Bhava at same no. of Bhava from designated bhava and so on.

So first born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the second born by 9th house(5th

from 5th) and so on. This could be the key to the riddle that is being

sought.My poser was just to illustrate the fact that yogas in shlokas are not

to be taken verbatim but the principle behind the yogas should be understood in

order to arrive at correct import of the sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.


Zoran Radosavljevic


Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38 AM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Dear Chandrakeshar, That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can surely give

the children under the circumstances below. Yet the question was about the 1st

child.. Best wishes Zoran Chandrashekhar wrote:

Dear Visti,Zoran and other Learned Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka Parijat

says in the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One shall certainly

beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord of Ascendant) is in 5th, lord of the 5th

is strong and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.


Visti Larsen


Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

Hare Rama Krishna

Dear Zoran, "Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost"

Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal

Purush), so his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well

as take the first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th

houseActually the Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house can cause

miscarriages. The reason is that the Agni of the Sun and the water needed to

sustain childbirths, cause dryness or excess heat, which results in

miscarriages, similar to the effects of planets being in Gandanta. Similarly

Mars in the 5th can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding.As for blessings

from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is enough for this. Best wishes Visti ---

Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:

vedic astrologybphs.zip iTRANS 99 Font:



Zoran Radosavljevic


Saturday, January 04, 2003 3:11 PM

Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th

house Om Namo Narayanaya, Dear Visti and other members, I shall try to explain

why these influences as given to Parashara: Dear Sarajit,The results of the

Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as follows: "Progenic bliss is not

assured, and the first child could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly,

short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but tends to serve others." Best

wishes Visti-

"Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child could be lost" Zoran:

Lagnesh carry the energy of Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic bliss, as well as take the

first child which is particulalry signified by the 5th house " The native is

honorable" Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac belongs to Surya while Karaka is

Guru. So the person would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha Lagna

would fall into the 9th house of honour and divine blessings, while Lagnesh

would at the same time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna. " The native is

friendly" This comes from Guru which is karaka for 5th house and above mentioned

Arudha. Why Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always friendly towards

human... "short tempered" Zoran: This is the infleunce of Surya as the 5th lord

in Kal Purush. Surya is Pitta Graha and is short tempered " Favourite of the

rulers, but tends to serve others" Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is due to

Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha Lagna in 9th house. The question about serving

others can be spiritually comprehended due to the above infleunces. If we

observe this as an ordinary matter such as business/service, the 5th house

gives status and power, and never service unless graha is afflicted. If we

treat this as a govermental service, and status through the same, then this is

ok Best wishes Zoran ZORAN RADOSAVLJEVIC Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath

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Namasthe Zoran, Chandrasekhar,Visti and other Gurus


I have with me one of Guruji's excerpts on Saptamsa.


4.1 For a male nativity, the first child is determined

by the lord of the 5th house from Saptamsa Lagna,

whereas for a female nativity, the first child is

determined from the lord of the 9th house from

Saptamsa Lagna.

4.2 For a male nativity, subsequent children are

determined from the lords of every 3rd house from the

fifth, in direct order, i.e. the second child 7th

house lord third child from 9th house lord and fourth

child from 11th house lord and so on whereas, for a

female nativity, subsequent children are determined

from the lords of every 3rd house from the ninth, in

reverse order. i.e. the second child from 7th house

lord, third child from 5th lord and fourth child from

3rd lord and so on."


I have couple of doubts here from my understanding of

the above lesson by Guruji. Please clarify which of

these conditions are correct and which are wrong:


1.For a male if the Saptamsa Lagna is odd then his

children are represented by 5th,7th,9th and so on

2.For a male if the Saptamsa Lagna is even then his

children are represented by 5th,3rd, and so on

3.For a female if Saptamsa Lagna is odd then her

children are represented by 9th,7th,5th and so on

4.For a female if Saptamsa Lagna is even then her

children are represented by 9th,11th and so on.


One last question


What if the house that determines the first child has

a node(Rahu/Ketu). Does that mean that the native will

be childless?




--- Chandrashekhar <boxdel wrote:

> Dear Zoran,

> If I remember right it is count in regular direction

> in case of odd sign when putra sthana is 5th and

> count in reverse order when an Even sign, in

> saptamsha.

> Chandrashekhar.

> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic


> Wednesday, January 08, 2003 8:16 PM

> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re: Achyuta

> Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house



> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Chandrakeshar,


> Dear Zoran,I think I was not able to

> communicate properly.I wanted to state that one line

> of thought is that First born is to be taken from

> the 5th house and this may be the reason of

> predicting loss of the first born.I also ponited out

> other line of thinking prevalent, not necessarily

> acceptable to me.If you see the posts Sanjay

> Prabhakar sugested that in females chart 9th is to

> be taken as Putra sthana and apparently Visti's mail

> suggests that he supports this view. I do not think

> this could be right as by extention of this logic

> Ascendant would become Jayasthana and 7th Tanusthana

> for a female, which would be fetching things too

> far.

> ZORAN: THERE are classical supports which state

> that in Stri jatak controlling house for children

> birth is 9th house. It doesn't mean that 5th house

> is ignored, nor that the houses oreder is to be

> reveresed.

> Personally I prefer reading about progeny by

> assessing strength of the 5th house its lord the

> planet placed in 5th and strength of navamshesh of

> both the huse lord and planet posited in the house.I

> add the individual traits of concerned planets

> before attempting to predict about the progeny.I

> also like to base my predictions about progeny after

> taking into consideration horoscopes of both Husband

> and Wife and do not to the practice of

> predicting child birth on the bassis of one chart

> only. But then I am an old fashioned student of

> astrology. Current interpretations might be

> different.Regards,Chandrashekhar.I personally

> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic


> Tuesday, January 07, 2003 10:37 PM

> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re:

> Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Chandrakeshar,

> We have discused lagnesh position in 5th as

> unfavourable position for the first child, not

> lagnesh in 9th house as you stated.

> As for counting a child, this is not correct.

> Jaimini uses Mandhuki Ghati or frog jump to

> illustrate the counting of both children/siblings.

> So the 1st child is in 5th house (odd sign rising)

> or in 9th house (even sign rising). The second child

> is in 7th house etc.

> See Guruji's book. This holds true in Saptamsa

> chart particularly.I am in a research process with

> Naskahtramsa Chart and Children/marriage, since

> Nakshatramsa is subtle division of Navamsa (3x9),

> yet until I find consistent results and consult with

> Guruji, this is off the topic...

> Best wishes

> Zoran

> Chandrashekhar wrote:

> Dear Zoran,Would not Sun in 5th with Mars

> and Jupiter in 9th for Aires ascendant qualify for

> the shloka I have cited?As for the original

> topic,there is a line o thought which calculates the

> first born amongst relatives from the designated

> Bhava from Ascendant the next born from the Bhava at

> same no. of Bhava from designated bhava and so on.

> So first born will be indicated by 5th Bhava the

> second born by 9th house(5th from 5th) and so on.

> This could be the key to the riddle that is being

> sought.My poser was just to illustrate the fact that

> yogas in shlokas are not to be taken verbatim but

> the principle behind the yogas should be understood

> in order to arrive at correct import of the

> sages.Regards,Chandrashekhar.

> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic


> Monday, January 06, 2003 5:38 AM

> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Re:

> Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

> Dear Chandrakeshar,

> That is correct. Lagnesh in the 5th can

> surely give the children under the circumstances

> below. Yet the question was about the 1st child..

> Best wishes

> Zoran

> Chandrashekhar wrote:


> Dear Visti,Zoran and other Learned

> Jyotishis,If I may intervene,Jataka Parijat says in

> the chapter of Bhavaphala-5th-6th Bhava shloka17"One

> shall certainly beget a Son(Progeny) if Lagnesh(Lord

> of Ascendant) is in 5th, lord of the 5th is strong

> and Jupiter is Bali(Strong).Chandrashekhar.

> -

> Visti Larsen


> Saturday, January 04, 2003 9:18

> PM

> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

> Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house


> Hare Rama Krishna





> Dear Zoran, "Progenic bliss is not

> assured, and the first child could be lost"

> Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of

> Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

> his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

> bliss, as well as take the first child which is

> particulalry signified by the 5th houseActually the

> Sun is Karaka for Lagna, and Sun in the 5th house

> can cause miscarriages. The reason is that the Agni

> of the Sun and the water needed to sustain

> childbirths, cause dryness or excess heat, which

> results in miscarriages, similar to the effects of

> planets being in Gandanta. Similarly Mars in the 5th

> can cause miscarriages due to excess bleeding.As for

> blessings from elders, Arudha Lagna in the 9th is

> enough for this. Best wishes

> Visti

> ---

> Bhagavad Purana:

> http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:


vedic astrologybphs.zip


> iTRANS 99 Font:




> -

> Zoran Radosavljevic


> Saturday, January 04, 2003

> 3:11 PM

> Re: [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul]

> Re: Achyuta Gurukul] RE:Lagna lord in 5th house

> Om Namo Narayanaya,

> Dear Visti and other members,

> I shall try to explain why these

> influences as given to Parashara:

> Dear Sarajit,The results of the

> Lagna lord in the 5th house are repeated as follows:

> "Progenic bliss is not assured, and the first child

> could be lost. The native is honourable, friendly,

> short-tempered and a favorite of the rulers, but

> tends to serve others." Best wishes

> Visti-


> "Progenic bliss is not assured, and

> the first child could be lost"

> Zoran: Lagnesh carry the energy of

> Mangal (mesh is the first rashi of Kal Purush), so

> his influence as a Mangal could lessen the progenic

> bliss, as well as take the first child which is

> particulalry signified by the 5th house

> " The native is honorable"

> Zoran: 5th lord in a natural zodiac

> belongs to Surya while Karaka is Guru. So the person

> would be blessed by Surya and Guru. Further, Arudha

> Lagna would fall into the 9th house of honour and

> divine blessings, while Lagnesh would at the same

> time fall in the 9th house from arudha Lagna.

> " The native is friendly"

> This comes from Guru which is karaka

> for 5th house and above mentioned Arudha. Why

> Friendly? Like Shri Mahavishnu, who is always

> friendly towards human...

> "short tempered"

> Zoran: This is the infleunce of

> Surya as the 5th lord in Kal Purush. Surya is Pitta

> Graha and is short tempered

> " Favourite of the rulers, but tends

> to serve others"

> Zoran: Favourite of the rulers is

> due to Surya, karaka Guru, and Arudha Lagna in 9th

> house. The question about serving others can be

> spiritually comprehended due to the above

> infleunces. If we observe this as an ordinary matter

> such as business/service, the 5th house gives status

> and power, and never service unless graha is

> afflicted. If we treat this as a govermental

> service, and status through the same, then this is

> ok

=== message truncated ===





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