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RE: [SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Corroborating nadi readings with birth chart

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Hi all!

Iam a new entrant to this group. n im more thtn glad to be apart of this

noble mission..I don hjave any formail traning in astrology, but im pursuing

it alone ..now when ivr got all yr noble compani , i think i camn make more

outa it...I have one query look at this horoscopei was going..the native

asked me bout thr occupation and where it shoud go..:

Predictions..:As dhankaraka and vidyakaraka JUPITER is veri strong and

aspecting 10th house in a strong aspect, along with mars aspecting its own

house along with the shady palnets rahu and ketu,I insistet JUP as a primari

determinant,JUP is also aspecting Shani (Lagnesh and vyayesh)moreover in

dasamsa jup is aspecting lagna along with shukra to lagna(aquarius) merc in

lagna..This all make me to predict the native to be a MAnagemt carrer and

tht too very specific carrer in financial segement :Role as financial

advisor ar finnacial analyst.Please try to cross chech my finding .

Yrs Sincerly,

Prashant <<MONU>>



Siva Chinnasamy [schinnas]

Monday, January 06, 2003 4:30 AM

; vedic astrology

[sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Corroborating nadi readings with birth




Aum NamaShivaya.


Vysam Vyasa-devaya Namah.


Dear list,

I promised in list that I will post nadi

predictions regarding my eduction which were very

accurate. I grant permission for anyone to use this

info in their materials.


Birth info: 1.29 pm, 27-sept -1977. 78 E 03, 10 N 58.


Nadi readings are in quotes and my comments are

indicated with my name: (Be warned that this is a

length mail and I give some commentary based on my

experience on the mysterious nadi granthas).



When I was in college, I was confused about my

future plans (take up a job and try civil services

exams in India, or go for higher studies to US or

write CAT and try for MBA in India). As I had belief

in astrology, my friend suggested I get Vashista Nadi

readings done from Vaitheeshwaran Koil in Tamil Nadu,

India. I am glad I did. The nadi predictions were

written in palm leaves in cryptic poetry format. There

are two kinds of nadis from what I learnt.


Type 1. Full predictions are in leaves and there are

hundreds of thousands of palm leafs written by rishis

for those that will seek those nadis in future. These

are highly accurate and rarely fail. This is what I

got. The original nadis were written in Sanskrit and

tamil (another ancient Indian language with very

strong spiritual tradition). Originally they were

written on animal skin, palm leaves, on cloth, etc.

They were collected and preserved for centuries by the

famous Chola dynasty. During the rule of Marathi king

Saraboji in Tanjore, he appointed many pundits to

rewrite all the old nadis in palm leaves as tamil or

sanskrit poems. The British govt auctioned these nadis

in 1800s or early 1900s (I am not sure) and it was

bought by few families in Vaitheeswaran Koil (a

village which houses the famous Vaitheeswaran Temple)

in Tamil Nadu. This is the place where Danwantri is

supposed to have attained samadhi and is near to

Chitambaram temple - which has the samadhi of Sage

Patanjali (who gave Yoga Sutras).


The nadies I went for, - Vashista Nadi are in

possession of C.Poosamuthu family, who claim they

bought the nadis from British auction. They showed me

some of the old original copies - which are very

easily centuries old. Some of the original works are

in Tanjore library and scientific experiements have

found they are atleast many centuries old (It must be

noted that once every some centuries, they were copied

on new palm leaves or animal skin to preserve them, so

I believe the original manuscripts must be lost in

passage of time).


2. Use of mantra shastra - this I found hard to

believe. BVR mentions about these nadis. The nadi

reader chants certain mantra and invokes a devata. The

devata makes predictions visible on the nadi. However,

the predictions about past are accurate and about

future are sometimes way off. BVR recommends nadis

that use mahamantras rather than ksudra mantras.


Be warned that there are lots of charlatans and quacks

under the guise of nadi readers who try to milk money

from any gullible source. Even the C.Poosamuth family

where I got my nadi readings (so far 100% accurate)

charge a king's ransom for readings (may be cheaper

for NRIs and foreigners but definitely expensive for

middle class Indian) and some of their readers are

unable to intelligently decipher those cryptic tamil

poems written in ancient tamil which sometimes use

riddles and/or symbolisms.


Kalvi Kandam (Chapter on Education):

I got these readings at the age 19 when I was doing

3rd yr of my engineering degree in India. I have

recorded these on audio tapes and am reproducing what

I heard with my comments whereever appropriate.


"NADI: Vashista prays to Ishwar and gives this section

of the predition: If you remove the past sins, your

future will be bright. You are currently studying. It

(your studies) is related to technical field."

(SIVA: I was doing BE Computer Science and



"NADI: It is a study of a new technical subject. You

will finish it before age 22. You will get oppurunity

for higher studies soon."

(SIVA: I finished it when I was 21, and got admit with

scholarship from couple of reputed US univs).


"NADI: That oppurtunity will arise out of someones

help, your academic merit and may take you to a

foreign country. You will do higher studies in the

same field you are studying now. However if it doesnt

happen before 23 yrs of age, it will happen only after

you reach 26. Not inbetween.


If you take that oppurtunity, you will finish your

higher studies in a timely manner with achievements.

You will have a chance to be meritorious in higher

studies and get due recognition."


(SIVA: While I took it easy on my undergraduate

studies, and was just average in class, I did well on

my masters. I finished my MS in computer science and

was awarded for "Outstanding Gratudate Research" by

Purdue School of Science and received School of

Science fellowship during my second year. I also had

co-authored a book chapter on High Performance

Computing, published by Addison Wesley and published a

few conerence papers and a journal paper in ACM SIGAPP

(a very prestigious computer science publication) -

all before finishing my masters).


"NADI: However, you must come back and ask this nadi

after you get that oppurtunity. I will tell you some

additional details."


(SIVA: After I got admit from some univs, I went back

to get the nadi clarification when I was running

(didnt complete) 21 yrs of age. I was still undecided

to go to US as I didnt get the admit in a area I was

interested in).


Santheka Kalvi Kandam (Clarfication of Nadi Chapter on



"NADI: After praying to Lord Muruga (Karthikeya) and

Ishwar, Vashista gives the clarification to the

previous nadi reading your education: Currenlty you

are running age 21. It is karmically good for you to

get out of the country. your higher studies will

happen with the help of a guru (aasan), your merit and

support from family. You also must strive for it."


(SIVA: The prediction about guru was amazing. When I

was in college at Chennai, an international conference

on advanced computing was organized by IIT-Madras and

Anna univeristy-Guindy College of Engineering (where I

was doing my BE). A Professor from Purdue University,

Indianapolis came there. It was my task as a student

volunteer to receive him and another professor and

take care of them at the conference. Due to whatever

reasons, he was very interested in my projects (I did

some work on distribtued object computing at hewlett

packard as a studennt intern). He had brought

application package to Purdue and he gave it to me and

asked me to apply. He took my completed application

with him and soon I was notifed that I have both admit

and a full research assistantship covering my tuition

and living expenses and oppurtunity to do thesis in

the same area I was interested in. This happened

shortly after I had this nadi and it was a miracle as

the deadline for applying to Purdue was already over.

Only after it happened, I fully understood what the

nadi meant by "help of Guru").


"NADI: Under the supervision of guru you will show

good performance. Your graduation will happen with

awards and recognition".

(SIVA: I have mentioned the awards, fellowship and

publications. At that time, I hardly believed it as I

was not a motivated student at my undergraduate level.

However, I found myself becoming very motivated during

my masters program and saw some amazingly lucky

chances (like the oppurtunity to co-author book

chapters when I was at school).


"NADI: Even after you complete your higher study

successfully, you will still get one more chance to

pursue advanced studies in the same area. You will

maintain and benefit due to good relation with your

guru. It will be a fully research oriented study. It

will come to you, even if you dont look for it. You

have the chance to get 3 or even 4 degrees in life. At

the very minimum you will get 2 degrees. However, all

of your education will be completed before you turn

30. After 30 yrs of age, you will have NO chance for

further education."


(SIVA: Though I did not do a PhD and wanted to enjoy

the fruits of the boom economy at that time, I did get

offers for PhD programs from my Professors. Even one

year after I joined my job, and had no inclination of

doing PhD, my professor voluntarily offered me a full

research assistantship if I was willing to do PhD. I

still maintain my contact with my Professor who was

also my research guide. ).



While jyotishis were able to say I will have a decent

education, etc., nobody could predict the level of

details as shown by nadi. (1. about help from guru -

it was repeated thrice and which *miraculously* came

true - there are thousands of students from India that

come to US, but not everyone gets admission in such a

sudden, unexpected manner 2. my unexpected successes

while doing MS, 3. the very strong relationship with

my Professor (guru) even after I finished school, 4.

the offer for PhD, etc) are both amazing and have

proved true.)


<b> What has interested me is the scope for free will

shown in the nadi. </b> The nadi gave me advise that I

should leave the country for higher studies (when I

was mentally inclined to try for one of the IIMs in

India). Reg higher studies, it just mentioned that I

will have a chance to do upto 3 or 4 degrees (free

will) but will definitely get atleast 2 (fixed by

karma). The nadi also advised me to do the remedies

before I left for US, which I ignored. May be I would

have joined a PhD program if I did the pariharams

(remedies) then instead of doing it last year.


Since events indicated in nadi are strong karmic

indictions, they should be evident from the charts

aswell and it might serve as a good educational tool.

Also by collecting more proven nadi predictions, we

can see where the nadis give scope for free will,

remedies and where they deem certain things will

definitely happen. Another point I noticed is that we

can change our destiny by free will within the

limitations of karmic bond. Refer to the part of

predictions that say if I dont do higher studies

before age 23, I will do it only after age 26.


Most of the example charts we have are of people like

Bill Gates, Clinton, etc., In real life, we read the

charts of ordinary folks and not Clinton. I am giving

these details with the hope that this will provide a a

"guy next door" type of chart with detailed events and

what can be astrologically predicted with the level of

scope for free will. Any jyotish guru can use the

above info and my chart (please keep my

name/email/school info anonymous) in his/her materials

or discussions.







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[Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

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