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[SJC: Achyuta Gurukul] Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and prediction by yogi Karve

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Dear Zoranji,

My birth data: 1.29 pm (local mean time),

+5.30 hrs (time zone - India)


78 E 03

10 N 58



I think the technical name for body-talk is hypnotism/mesmerism

(not sure of the difference between the two).


Thanks for that info. KN Rao says yogis give LMT only, just like the





, Zoran Radosavljevic

<ahimsa@N...> wrote:

> Dear Shiva,

> Can you send your birthdata?

> Best wishes

> Zoran


> "schinnas " wrote:


> > Dear Vistiji,

> > I will send a mail to your personal email regarding my D-60 and

> > birth details of my financee.

> >

> > Karveji gives local time only (in my case IST). I read it from KN

> > Rao's article.

> >

> > Reg gems, I will heed your advise and hold off buying the yellow

> > sapphire. In any case, I intended to wear it only after marriage

> > and not before it. But I hope you will concur with Ramdas Raoji's

> > recommendation of red coral for my fiancee.

> >

> > Later today, I will post the nadi readings regarding my education

> > and how amazingly accurate it proved to be. Visti or any gurus


> > try to corroborate it from my chart. Might be a good case study


> > the amount of details one can get.

> >

> > Reg Guru Sanjayji's previous rectification of my birth time, the

> > fault is on me. I should have given him my nadi readings but


> > I gave him what I thought were my strong personality traits

(many of

> > which may be environmental or due to free will - my devotion to


> > Shiva and Karthikeya/Muruga), and I now realize I left out some

> > other info, which I then thought unimportant, but now realize my

> > mistake. It might have led him to fix my navams lagna as Sc.

> >

> > This actually points out to the importance of fixing birth time

> > based on solid events such as marriage, children, birth/death of

> > relatives, etc. Unfortunately, I gave no solid dates/events for

> > Sanjayji to work with. I humbly suggest fellow list members to


> > some hard factual info (rather than what we assume to be our

> > personality traits) to jyotishis for birth time rectification.

> >

> > Thanks.

> > -Siva.

> >

> > , "Visti Larsen" <vishnu@l...>

> > wrote:

> > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > >

> > > ------------------------------


> > -------------

> > >

> > > Dear Siva,

> > > Comments to your long mail bellow.

> > > Best wishes

> > > Visti

> > > ---

> > > Bhagavad Purana: http://www.srimadbhagavatam.org

> > > Brihat Parasara Hora Shastra:


> > astrologybphs.zip

> > > iTRANS 99 Font: http://www.omkarananda-

> > ashram.org/Sanskrit/Itranslt.html

> > > -

> > > schinnas <schinnas>

> > >

> > > Sunday, January 05, 2003 11:03 AM

> > > [sJC: Achyuta Gurukul] To Visti: Lagnesh in 7th and

> > prediction by yogi Karve

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear Vistiji,

> > >

> > > Thank you very much for your analysis. I intend to write a


> > mail

> > > and hope it makes sense as I am typing it at 3am.

> > >

> > > I am typing this post, about half a day after I met Yogi

> > Karve.

> > > For the uninitiated, Yogi Karve is a phenomenon in the world


> > > jyotish. He can tell the accurate birth time of a person (and

> > events

> > > past, present and future) using only his spiritual powers.


> > is

> > > more info about his US tour in gjlist.

> > >

> > > Visti: Thx

> > >

> > > Karveji gave my birth time as 1.29pm and gave one or two

> > personal

> > > predictions which fully agree with ancient Vashista nadi


> > > readings (on palm leaves) that I had for me. Since he gives


> > > birth time & predictions by yogic power, I have full faith

in it.

> > >

> > > Visti: LMT or IST? The soul only knows Local Time, we


> > this in some experiments in Ireland.

> > >

> > > I specifically raised the issue of lagnesh in 7 and concerns

> > about

> > > health of my future spouse and marriage life, which he


> > and

> > > just said there is nothing to worry about (the nadi granthas

> > said I

> > > will be happily married with children till old age). The nadi

> > > readings have given details to an amazing extent and so far


> > are

> > > 100% accurate in my education, career and now marriage.

> > >

> > > Here is what I think:

> > > 1. If we take 1.29pm/1.32pm as the birth time, (27-09-1977,

10 N

> > 58,

> > > 78 E 03), some of the malefic aaspects get cancelled in


> > > (since namamsa langa changes to Sc). BTW, only deva-dutta

> > ayanamsa

> > > gives results for -60 that agree with Nadi grantha readings.

> > > Otherwise 1.32 needs to be used for Lahiri. (Narasimhaji has

> > > sometime back corroborated nadi readings from my D-60 for


> > time

> > > 1.32 pm with lahiri ayanamsa).

> > >

> > > Visti: Can u confirm the Shastyamsa Lagna?

> > >

> > > Moreover, this is where Sanjayji probably went wrong in

> > ascertaining

> > > my birth time. To be fair to him, he worked on partial list


> > data

> > > provided by me and I dont have many hard data (children,

> > marriage,

> > > etc., for him to rectify). So he mostly used what I reported


> > my

> > > characteristics for fixing my navams lagna. He said if I

have Sc

> > as

> > > navamsa lagna, I could have never come to SJC for learning

> > jyotish

> > > due to aspect of Rahu & Venus. Though all astrologers say


> > > need to be seen from moon aswell, they rarely apply this


> > in

> > > reading varga charts. Since my moon is very strong - is full

> > mooon,

> > > has digbala, has NO kashta pala/highest ista bala and has 8

> > planets

> > > in kendras to it in navams which makes it very strong


> > with

> > > navamsa lagna, moon lagna might speak more in navams than


> > in

> > > my case.

> > >

> > > Visti: The Chandra Lagna is used for different purposes,

> > Gurudevas approach is right. I might add that Cancer tends to


> > the blemmish of Rahu, and is the reason we worship Durga to


> > problems of Rahu. So in this case i don't see the problem of

Rahu in

> > the 9th, as its also with the Istha Devata Graha - Venus.

> > >

> > > 2. Your logic is fully correct regarding lagnesh in 7th. It

> > creates

> > > hurdles in attaining the 7th house main objective (life

> > partner).

> > > Moreover you said 7th house is house of desires and it will

> > cause

> > > ups and downs. Your reasoning is fully correct, but the

> > predictions

> > > about mieries in life are a bit off (so far).

> > >

> > > It is true that I had trouble before getting engaged. Even


> > nadi

> > > reading mentioned it and specified some parihara which I did


> > I

> > > assume they worked, since the hurdles are removed now.

> > > I am a big day dreamer (I dream of being master of everything

> > and as

> > > a result have some emotional disappointment due to non-

> > achievement

> > > in many, but it didnt create ups and downs in real life). In

> > > academics, I did fairly well (was topper in schools, went to


> > good

> > > engineering program, got masters from highly reputed Univ


> > many

> > > research publications, and doing ok (sofar) in a tough


> > > industry in US. While, this may not be much of an "up"

events, I

> > > dont see much "down" events so far. However, mentally, I was

> > rarely

> > > satisfied in anything, till I took umbrage in spirituality.

> > > Nowadays, I nip in the bud any desire and as a result dont

> > suffer

> > > any dissatisfaction. Spirituality can cure lots of bad


> > > indicated by grahas.

> > >

> > > BTW, this is what KS Charak gives as effect of lagnesh in 7th

> > house:

> > > (Pg 230. Elements of Vedic astrology).

> > >

> > > "If lagnesh is natural benefic:

> > > brilliant native. good looking and good natured wife.

> > > If lagnesh is natural malefic:

> > > bereft of wife, poor or king. wanderer in jungles"

> > >

> > > While, I dont want to call myself brilliant, I can vouch for


> > > second prediction above (about good looking and good natured

> > wife).

> > >

> > > 3. Reg Kuja in 7, its yuti with Jupiter in 7 totally cancels


> > > Kuja dosha. (Kuja dosha gets cancelled with association with

> > Jupiter

> > > or aspected by Jupiter). Jupiter may be neecha in navams


> > NBRY

> > > though), but it has the highest shadbala of all planets in my

> > chart.

> > >

> > > Visti: Do have a special note here. There is no Kuja


> > but Lagna lord is in the 7th and is joined Mars. so 1) Lagna

lord in

> > the 7th makes one dominate over the spouse, or attempt to control

> > her, especially if malefics are there. 2) Your attitude towards


> > spouse is colored by martian energy.

> > >

> > > Moreover, the effect given for Guru in 7 is that the native


> > > surrender fully be dominated by wife, especially if Guru is

> > lagnesh.

> > > (which is direct opposite of what happens if Kuja is in

7th). So

> > > they get nullified. We have the best of communication


> > and

> > > I dont see any evidence of Mars playing spoilsport - Jupiter

> > must

> > > have totally cancelled out its effects. Here I find, Charak's

> > dictum

> > > very useful. ("If two mutually opposite indications are

> > received,

> > > they get cancelled.") As a result, Kuja and Guru cancel out


> > the

> > > success of our communication is determined by strength of

> > mercury

> > > (natural karaka for communication) and its mutual placement


> > our

> > > charts, which is good. Kuja in 7 is supposed to indicate


> > > poor, quarrelsome native, and death of wife. I havent been

to a

> > > doctor in last 1.5 yrs and have a huge circle of friends and

> > dont

> > > remember being called quarrelsome (due to mercury effect?).


> > the

> > > indications on health and character gets nullified due to


> > > Jupiter and favourbale Mercury, wouldnt the other effects of

> > Kuja

> > > also wont get modified due to yuti with Jupiter and rasi


> > > from moon and sun (9th lord)?

> > >

> > > Visti: Regarding your relations with your wife, we are

yet to

> > see the effects, as your not married yet.

> > >

> > > 4. My financee's chart has many factors which even out some


> > the

> > > problems in mine. She has exalted Jupiter, and most other

> > planets in

> > > their own sign or in vargottama position and almost all


> > in

> > > friendly navams. She has vargottama dhanus lagna and has


> > > indicators for longivity (many yogas for longivity and I


> > she

> > > will outlive me). I am reluctant to give her birth details


> > a

> > > public list for reasons of privacy. If you are interested in

> > taking

> > > a look and more details about my nadi readings, I can send to

> > you

> > > personal mail.

> > >

> > > Visti: PLEASE DO!

> > >

> > > 5. Another factor is that both the nadi granthas and Karveji


> > > just hinted - he does go into too much details unless very

> > > necessary) are of the opinion that only after marriage, I


> > have

> > > prosperity and stability in life. (may be karaka for marriage

> > and

> > > happiness - Venus is in 9th and in friendly navams? Venus is


> > 9th

> > > in navamsa too and it is lord of 7 and 12 in navams).

> > >

> > > Visti: You will have alot of Raja Yoga, due to Mercury


> > associated with the 7th house, 7th from Hora Lagna and 7th from

> > Ghati Lagna. Hence after the event of marriage it brings Raja


> > >

> > > 6. BTW, one of my close relatives has lagnesh (Sani) in 5th,

> > joined

> > > by Ketu!! The karaka for children (2nd and 11th lord) is


> > and

> > > retrograde in 12th house. While most astrologers said she


> > never

> > > have children, nadi granthas said she will have but only


> > > certain remedies and some medical help. She had her child


> > > difficulties, minor medical healph, and after performing all

> > > remedies prescribed in nadi readings. The nadi said the child

> > will

> > > have a long life and be healthy. I checked her case with


> > > (especially after the lagnesh in 5th discussion) and he

> > confirmed

> > > the nadis that the child will have a long healthy life (but


> > > have minor health issues till age 3).

> > >

> > > Just like most raj yogas dont materialize fully, (otherwise


> > will

> > > have millions of kings around), most malefic combinations


> > dont

> > > give the literal effect as suggested in classics. Grahas,

> > lagnas,

> > > etc are symbolisms devised by rishis to show the karmic


> > on a

> > > person. It is very difficult for humans without divine/yogic

> > powers

> > > to fully grasp what these karmic symbolisms exactly convey


> > to

> > > what extent free-will, effort, modern science play a role.


> > > taking gloom and doom thumb rules written for an aduience in


> > > scientific era (lack of medical help for progeny, for


> > may

> > > not work in all cases. I would like to quote Dr. K.S. Charak

> > here:

> > > "Astrology texts use a strong language to describe effects of

> > yogas.

> > > If they are applied literally to individual charts, the

> > predictions

> > > often go wrong".

> > >

> > > Since SJC encourages heavy use of varga charts, special


> > > etc., which are very very sensitive to birth time changes.


> > > time rectification, etc are full of pitfalls and even legends

> > like

> > > BV Raman have made mistakes (BVR's infamous prediction that

> > Clinton

> > > would loose the 1992 election by wrong birth time

> > rectification). My

> > > case proved that even our Guruji is not immune to human


> > You

> > > made clever diagnosis using my

> > >

> > > Another thing is to avoid literal use of thumb rules given in

> > > classics. Some thumb rules (with respect to marriage ages are

> > > outright ridiculous. For eg, classics say if Mercury is in


> > > house, the native marriage at age 11 !!!!).

> > >

> > > Visti: We need to understand them first, otherwise why


> > the rishis write such things? the Naisargika Dasa for Venus is

> > between 12-32 years, so the 11th year is prior to the marital


> > and ages of sexual maturity. Its well known that a weak Mercury


> > give sexual experiences at a very young age.

> > >

> > > > Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena, showing many

> > > >undiagnosable diseases and troubles to the spouse.

> > >

> > > Doesnt Parasara say luminaries are unafflicted due to 8th


> > > lordship? I am so far healthy. The only problem due to Ketu


> > skin

> > > problems (i get easily infected from public pools, etc and


> > when

> > > I was in teens and mild dandruf now!).

> > >

> > > Visti: I was referring to your spouse.

> > >

> > > > Shukra is in yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst


> > is

> > > >the Dhanesh of the Upapada, showing problems of the wife in

> > having

> > > >children. However as Putrapada is in the vyaaya from the


> > > >Lagna, you may not be interested in children at all.

> > >

> > > I am interested in children and my fiancee has 5th lord


> > in

> > > 5th house. Nadi readings say I will have more than one


> > and

> > > they will be more successful in life than myself. Actually,


> > chart

> > > has one of the yogas mentioned in BPHS for multiple children


> > am

> > > supposed to get 7/9 children as per that yoga! I forgot the


> > > definition, will dig it up when I get time).

> > >

> > > > Be warned that you should not ignore the first ill-health

> > symptoms

> > > >of your spouse, as then it may be too late. This danger is

> > there as

> > > >the dhanesh from Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada


> > >

> > > While the logic is very correct, and I very much appreciate


> > > frankness and concern in cautioning me, these observations


> > not

> > > corroborated in her chart or in nadi readings or by Karveji.


> > > idea why? May be use of dispositors and nakshatra lords might

> > throw

> > > more light! Btw, I take heart that my fiancee is a doctor

and is

> > > health conscious.

> > >

> > > Reg gems, as you recommended, reducing effect of rahu is a


> > > point. Ramdas Raoji suggested that i wear yellow sapphire (to

> > > strengthen Jupiter). A strong langesh nullifies many effects


> > > langesh in 7th and also strong Guru cancells kuja's effect in

> > 7th

> > > and reduces the power of Rahu. He also suggested Red coral


> > my

> > > fiancee, as Kuja is her 5th lord (aries). We intend to follow

> > his

> > > advise. Vedic Remedies by Guruji says about use of Saptaratna

> > for

> > > progeny and increase of life force. In the future, if there

is a

> > > need for it, I might suggest her to wear one.

> > >

> > > Visti: I didn't recommend Yellow Saffire as Jupiter is

> > Badhakesh for the 7th house. Could delay the marriage further, as

> > this is the reason for the delay in marriage.

> > >

> > > thanks and regards,

> > > -Siva.

> > >

> > > , "Visti Larsen"

> > <vishnu@l...>

> > > wrote:

> > > > Hare Rama Krishna

> > > >

> > > > --------------------------


> > ----

> > > -------------

> > > >

> > > > Dear Siva,

> > > > "If Lagna Lord is in the 2nd house, the native is


> > > wealthy, happy, religious, honourable and passionate.


> > bliss

> > > will be hard to obtain."

> > > >

> > > > Judge for yourself. It seems to apply very well with the


> > > bhava, or maybe we're missing something here?

> > > >

> > > > You have Lagnesh Guru in the Kalatra bhava, which causes a

> > delay

> > > in marriage (badhakesh of the 7th). Its joined Mangal,


> > ill

> > > health of the spouse, or many fights. You will also dominate

> > over

> > > your spouse.

> > > >

> > > > Astamesh is Moon, who is joined Ketu in Meena, showing many

> > > undiagnosable diseases and troubles to the spouse.

> > > >

> > > > Shukra is in yuti with Shani and Buddha in Rasi, whilst


> > is

> > > the Dhanesh of the Upapada, showing problems of the wife in

> > having

> > > children. However as Putrapada is in the vyaaya from the Pada

> > Lagna,

> > > you may not be interested in children at all.

> > > >

> > > > Be warned that you should not ignore the first ill-health

> > symptoms

> > > of your spouse, as then it may be too late. This danger is


> > as

> > > the dhanesh from Upapada(cap) is in the vyaaya from Pada


> > > >

> > > > Lagna is vargottama, and Shukra is in yuti with Rahu in the

> > > Ashtaamsa (8th house), and this can pose a problem, as Mangal

> > also

> > > has graha dristi on Shukra.

> > > >

> > > > The remedy is abit tricky gem-wise, as

> > > > 1) Your newly engaged, hence Emerald should not be worn.

> > > > 2) Wearing silver will cause you many expenses.

> > > > 3) Lessening the power of Rahu - using Gomedh might work,


> > > should be avoided amongst Jyotishis.

> > > >

> > > > So to begin with, i will advise you to fast on days of your

> > > Upapada, so you don't miss the symptoms.

> > > >

> > > > Best wishes

> > > > Visti

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Sponsor

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > [Om Kleem Krishnaaya Jagannathaaya namah]

> > > Send a blank mail

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> > >

> > > Terms of

> > Service.

> >

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> > Send a blank mail

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> >

> > Your use of is subject to



> --


> Jyotish Teacher of Shree Jagannath Vedic Centre

> email: ahimsa@N...

> web: www.sjvc.co.yu

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