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TP chart/TA Dasa

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Tithi Pravesh-1

Appeared in Jyotish Digest May 2002 (Rao & Rath)

Annual Horoscopy

The Tajika System of annual horoscopy employs a chart cast for every year of

life based on the solar return (i.e. sun’s return to its natal sidereal

position). Many scholars of history and Vedic Studies have held a view that

this system is primarily not ‘Vedic Astrology’ and might be a borrowed feature

from Yavanas or Tajikas, who interacted with Indian scholars. Notwithstanding

the peculiar yoga’s like I÷÷as˜la, Easar˜pha etc nor divisional charts like

Aÿ÷˜msa (D-8) etc, which are not a part of Parasara’s available teachings,

outstanding scholars like Neelakantha and Dr. Raman set a precedent by

accepting the Tajaka system as a branch of Vedic astrology.

However, the solar calendar has been widely followed in India only since

Varahamihira started Vikrama Saka. India had been following the Vedic

luni-solar calendar for millennia. When Maharshis like Valmiki and Vyasa

mentioned the timing of events in epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata, they

identified events only by the tithis. It maybe interesting to note that

traditional Hindu’s celebrate their birth days (called Jayanti or Janma tithi)

on the Vedic date (Tithi) of the luni-solar calendar instead of the date of

Sun’s return. All festivals (except for Sankrantis) commemorating the birthdays

of deities, Gurus etc are also based on the luni-solar calendar of Tithi. For

example, Hindus celebrate Lord Rama’s birthday on the Sukla Navami Tithi of

Chaitra month every year and Lord Krishna’s birthday on the Krishna Ashtami

Tithi of Sravana month. If birthday as per the luni-solar calendar is more

important than birthday as per the solar calendar, why do we cast a chart for

Varsha pravesha (commencement of a new year) based on birthday as per the solar

calendar? Does it not make sense to cast a chart for the commencement of a new

year based on birthday as per the luni-solar calendar of tithis?

In fact, not only does it make sense, but the technique of annual horoscopy

using the luni-solar calendar is one of the most reliable techniques – and

hence a guarded secret – taught by tradition for fine predictions.


Tithi is the Vedic date of the luni-solar calendar and is a measure of the

angular displacement of Moon from Sun. It is known that the period between two

consecutive full moon’s (i.e. exact 1800 displacement of the Moon from the Sun)

is about 29.5 civil days. The total movement of 3600 of the angle between the

Luminaries in transit in a month was divided by 30 to obtain a measure of 120

called ‘Tithi’ (luni-solar day). Tithi is the period in which the angular

displacement of Moon from Sun increases by exactly 12º. There are fifteen

tithis (15 x 120 =1800) in the waxing phase (Sukla paksha) and fifteen tithis

is the waning phase (Krishna paksha). The displacement angle = Longitude of

Moon – longitude of sun. When this angle is divided by 12º, we get an index to

the tithi, starting from Sukla Pratipat.

The Luminaries

A child is a product of both parents and the importance of the Moon, even over

the Sun in the determination of fortune is a well established aspect of Vedic

Astrology. The tripod of life is the ascendant (body), Sun (soul) and Moon

(mind). In another sense, these are self (Lagna), Father (Sun) and Mother

(Moon). It is but natural that a better definition of the moment of birth would

be the angular displacement of the Moon from Sun, instead of just the natal Sun

position. This is the Janma Tithi.

We should be equally careful to ensure that such a definition does not dilute

the importance of the sun as it is the representative of the real self/the

soul. For this purpose Maharshis have defined the twelve sunsigns (or simply

signs of the zodiac) called Dwadasa Aditya. These define the boundaries within

which the Sun’s placement causes it to have the specific form of a ‘deva’ and a

‘Jyotirlinga’. Thus the longitude of Sun in a sign is not as relevant as its

placement in the very sign itself and this fact is taken as an ‘anchor’ for

drawing the annual charts. As the soul is the anchor of our existence, Sun’s

transit in its natal sign signifies the figurative re-establishment of this

anchor, i.e. a new beginning (In fact, it is because of this re-establishment

of anchor that marriage is prohibited in the solar month of birth).

Such an anchorage would be meaningless without a consideration of the ‘Mind’ –

the emotions, sustenance and fruits of existence. Thus including the Moon’s

‘angular return’ along with the annual solar natal sign anchorage defines the

astrological Janma Tithi return.

Though birthday as per the luni-solar calendar is traditionally celebrated when

janma tithi returns in the same lunar month (which is identified based on the

signs occupied by Sun and Moon at the beginning of the month), this definition

was probably adopted for ease in civil usage. The most astrologically

acceptable definition is based on janma tithi and sunsign (sunsign at janma

tithi return and not sunsign at the beginning of the month). This is the most

perfect method for defining the moment that is the closest in emulating the

moment of birth. Hence, this is the ‘truest astrological birthday’ or rather

‘birth moment’.

Tithi Pravesha Chakra

As outlined above, the definition of the annual birth moment is the moment when

Sun transits its natal sign and the Moon is at the exact displacement angle

from Sun (degrees, minutes & seconds) as at birth.

Pravesha means entry or return and Tithi Pravesha Chakra is the chart drawn for

the birth moment of Tithi return every year. If the angle from Sun to Moon

matches that in the natal chart, it means that the Tithi running is the same as

birth Tithi and also the fraction of Tithi remaining is the same as at birth. If

someone was born with Sun in Aries on Chaitra Sukla Navami with 25% of the Tithi

remaining, the native’s astrological luni-solar new year will commence every

year when Sun is in Aries and Sukla Navami is running with 25% of the Tithi

remaining. A chart cast for this moment for the longitude and latitude of the

birthplace – irrespective of where the native is currently living – will throw

light on the events during the coming year. This chart is called "Tithi

Pravesha" (TP) chart.

Example of Casting

Example 1: Let us consider the chart of India’s Late Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi.

Birth data: 19th November 1917, 23:03:00 (IST), 81 E 52', 25 N 28'

It may be noticed that natal Sun is in Scorpio. At the time of her birth,

Kartika Sukla Shashthi Tithi was running and 88.15% of the Tithi was left. Let

us consider the annual TP chart of 1976-77. Her luni-solar birthday came on

26th November 1976. Sun was in Scorpio on that day and Kartika Sukla Shashthi

Tithi was running. At 9:34:07 am, 88.15% of the Tithi was left.

In other words, the displacement angle from Sun to Moon at that time matched

that at Mrs. Gandhi’s birth. In her natal chart, Sun was at 4° 7' 39.45'’ in

Scorpio and Moon was at 5° 32' 57.86'’ in Capricorn. The displacement angle

from Sun to Moon was 61° 25' 18.41'’.

At the time of Tithi pravesha in 1976, Sun was at 10° 30' 11.58'’ in Scorpio and

Moon was at 11° 55' 29.99'’ in Capricorn. The displacement angle from Sun to

Moon was again 61° 25' 18.41'’. This matches the displacement angle at birth.

Annual TP Data: 26th November 1976, 9:34:07 (IST), 81 E 52', 25 N 28'

One can cast a chart for the above data and draw conclusions about the events in the year.

Use of Weekday, Lagna and Hora

The annual chart is interpreted just like the natal chart, but there are some

special considerations:

(1) Weekday: Take the ruler of the weekday running at the commencement of New

Year. If he is a benefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will be a favorable

year. If he is a malefic with respect to natal Lagna, it will be an unfavorable


(2) Lagna: Take the sign occupied by Lagna in the annual chart. If it is a

quadrant or a trine from natal Lagna, the year will bring the fruits of good

actions of the past, i.e. it will be a favorable year. If it is a Dusthana from

natal Lagna, the year will bring the results of evil actions of the past, i.e.

it will be a year of obstacles.

(3) Hora: Take the ruler of the Hora (hour) running at the commencement of New

Year. This planet will be the most important planet during the year, even more

important than Lagna lord. The houses owned and occupied by this planet will

set the tone for the main events of the year. The strength, placement and yogas

of this planet will have a tremendous impact on the main events of the year.

In addition, all the principles applicable in natal horoscopy will apply in annual horoscopy.

Example 2: Let us examine the 1976-77 annual chart found in Example 1 (Chart 1).

The weekday on 26th November 1976 was Friday. Its lord Venus is a functional

malefic for Mrs. Gandhi’s natal Lagna (Cancer). So it indicates an unfavorable


Lagna in the annual chart is in Sagittarius, which is a Dusthana from natal

Lagna. It shows struggle during the year.

Saturn Hora was running at 9:34:06 am on 26th November 1976. So Saturn is the

most important planet during the year. He is a functional malefic with respect

to Sagittarius Lagna and occupies the 8th house. This shows that the main theme

of the year will be disappointments and fall (8th). Mrs. Gandhi indeed

experienced misfortune during the year and her party was ousted from power in

the General Elections of 1977.

In addition to the above points, one may note that

• Lagna lord is in a Dusthana.

• A functional malefic afflicts Lagna.

• The 9th and 10th lords are in the 12th house of losses, showing a loss of fortune.

One may contrast this annual chart with the annual charts of 1966-67 and

1970-71, when her party won elections emphatically.

Example 3: Annual chart of 1966-67, when Mrs. Gandhi won an election

The weekday was Thursday. Jupiter owns 6th and 9th from natal Cancer Lagna and

is considered a functional benefic. Lagna of the annual chart is in the 11th

house from natal Lagna and shows gains during the year.

Lagna lord, 4th lord and 5th lord form unblemished raja yoga within a 2-degree

arc in the 7th house and aspect Lagna together. This excellent raja yoga

promises much success during the year. Mercury is a functional benefic; he owns

the 5th house of power; and, he takes part in this raja yoga. His Hora was

running at 17:08:21 on 17th November 1966. Thus the year is likely to bring

power and authority (5th, 7th and raja yoga).

Example 4: Annual chart of 1970-71, when Mrs. Gandhi won another election

The weekday was Thursday again. Lagna in the annual chart is the same as in

natal Lagna. This shows favorable developments and a fresh and powerful new

beginning. Hora at the commencement of the New Year belonged to Mars. He is a

Yogakaraka for Cancer Lagna and takes part in a raja yoga that involves 4th,

5th, 9th and 10th lords. Again, the strength and Yogas of the most important

planet of the year suggests power and authority in the New Year. As Mars owns

5th and 10th, power and career are the main theme of the year. Moon’s aspect on

Lagna indicates mass support.

Example 5: Annual chart of 2001-02 for the nation of Pakistan ; Birth data: 14th

August 1947, 0:00:01 (IST), 67 E 3', 24 N 52'

Annual TP Data: 16th August 2001, 15:27:00 (IST), 67 E 3', 24 N 52'

Scorpio rises in the annual chart and it is the 8th house from Pakistan’s natal

Lagna (Aries). This shows that results of the evil actions of the past will

have to be experienced, i.e. it shows a year of obstacles. In addition, one may

note that that the 8th house of the annual chart is occupied by 4 planets,

including two key marakas – 2nd and 7th lords. Moon and Rahu are also in the

8th house. This also confirms a year of obstacles, tension, frustration, sudden

changes and reversals.

However, Lagna lord Mars is in Lagna and hence Lagna is powerful. Moreover, Mars

Hora was running at the time of the chart and hence Mars is the most important

planet of the chart. He sets the theme of the year. As Mars owns and occupies

Lagna, this is a year of a fresh and bold new beginning. Overall, this is a

year in which Pakistan has to go through the pain of paying for past mistakes

and make a fresh and bold new beginning amid turmoil and frustration.

During this year, the nation of Pakistan had to desert their friends in

Afghanistan and unwillingly support the international war against terrorism, in

the backdrop of unrest and revolt within the militant religious circles of

Pakistan. Pakistan’s laudable attempts to curb extremism and return to the

mainstream international polity as a progressive society are taking shape very

slowly. Because of the strength of Mars, General Musharraf’s position has only

improved despite speculations about challenges to his leadership. While the

strength of lagna and hora lord shows an auspicious new beginning, the strength

of the 8th house and the placement of TP lagna from natal lagna clearly show

that this happens in the backdrop of past mistakes that bring immense


Example 6: A native who stood first in his state (AP) in intermediate (higher

secondary school) examinations with a record score in May 1987; Birth data: 4th

April 1970, 17:47 (IST), 81 E 8', 16 N 10'

Annual TP Data (1987-88): 28th March 1987, 0:31:15 (IST), 81 E 8', 16 N 10'

Weekday was Friday (note: weekday of Jyotish changes at sunrise and not at

midnight). Venus is a functional benefic with respect to the natal Lagna

(Virgo). This shows favorable events. Sagittarius rises in the annual chart and

it is the 4th house from natal Lagna. This being a quadrant, favorable results

are indicated. The fruits of the native’s past learning (4th) will be

experienced in the year.

Lagna lord Jupiter also happens to be the Hora lord. Thus Jupiter is the most

important planet during the year and he sets the tone and tenor for the year.

As he owns Lagna and 4th and occupies 4th, good results related to education

are to be expected. As Jupiter conjoins 9th lord Sun within 35 arc-min, there

is a powerful raja yoga between Jupiter and Sun. This raja yoga brings fortune

in education and explains why academic success was the main theme of the year.

Usually, whenever the Hora lord or the Lagna lord is involved in a good yoga in

a Tithi Pravesha chart, very favorable results related to the houses involved

will be experienced in the year. On the contrary, whenever the Hora lord or the

Lagna lord is badly placed in a Tithi Pravesha chart, the year will be


A Fine System

As these examples may have demonstrated, Tithi Pravesha is a very sophisticated,

and yet simple, technique of Jyotish that enables us to quickly see the main

events of a year without much ado. One can get an accurate big picture without

hairsplitting with complicated techniques. It is simply an amazing technique.

However, Tithi Pravesha is not just about getting the big picture easily. There

is much more to it than what has been seen so far. As mentioned earlier, all

the techniques applicable in natal horoscopy are applicable in Tithi Pravesha.

Several techniques like divisional charts and Ashtakavarga can be considered

for finer readings of Tithi Pravesha charts. For fine timing of events within a

given year, we even have a special dasa that goes together with Tithi Pravesha

charts. With the blessings of Maharshi’s, more aspects of the Tithi Pravesha

system taught by our tradition are planned to be covered in the coming few

issues of Jyotish Digest.


Sanjay Rath

H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India

Webpages: http://srath.com



Dear Friends, Can anybody kindly explain how a TP chart is erected & TA dasa

calculated. How does one find the time for the annual return of the birth

Tithi. I have read the TA dasa tutorial by PVR Narasimha Rao & the related TP

article in Jyotish Digest, but i still need some guidance regarding erection of

TP chart & calculation of TA dasa for a given year. Is there a software

available which does these calculations? Regards, Fayyaz Archives:

vedic astrologyGroup info:

vedic astrology/info.htmlTo UNSUBSCRIBE: Blank

mail to vedic astrology-........ May Jupiter's light

shine on us .......



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