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purpose of arudha lagna/s/

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Dear Vivek,


Karma really cannot be dissociated with the events in such a manner, but prima

facie, you are right in your thinking. I will give an illustration of my point.

Take the sixth house: Natural good (what people call benefic, but actually Subha

like Jupiter, Ketu, Vemus, Mercury and Moon) planets placed there indicate one

who shall be freed from the troubles of the sixth house by the deity indicated

by the planet. All 'Agantuka drista' roga/satru shall vanish at the smile of

such a strong and good planet.

However, an exactly similar situation occuring from AL is the most terrible. If

the planet in the sixth from AL or its lord is a natural benefic and is strong,

then the native is tormented by enemies.

Here, both the situations are karmic as they indicate the manifestation of karma

but the analysis of the result is exactly the opposite.


Another example: Chandra kala nadi says that for Libra lagna native, the great

blessing is the strength of exalted Jupiter as the enemies will flee like

elephants running from a battlefield. Now, if Libra is the Arudha Lagna, then

the exactly opposite situation would arise if the sixth lord were exalted. This

may seem easy to understand, but in application, this is the key to Raj-jyotish.



Take the chart of K N Rao for example. He has Libra Lagna with Venus in it and

Jupiter in the 10th house in exaltation and Mercury in the 12th house in

exaltation. From the Lagna, the sixth lord Jupiter is exalted and this may seem

fantastic, but look at it from Arudha Lagna. The AL is in Cancer with the sixth

lord Jupiter in exaltation. Thus, Jupiter has the power to destroy all enemies

(as lord of Pisces) or to destroy him and promote enemies (as lord of

Sagittarius)....how would you decide what Jupiter is going to do? Mercury is

going to teach him the spiritual way and in exaltation in third from AL gives

pravrajya in the positive sense and defeat in the battle of sansara in the

material sense. His differences with B V Raman started in Mercury dasa. The end

result was a forgone conclusion as during the dasa of a natural benefic (subha,

good) planet exalted in the 3rd or 6th from AL, it is foolish to fight with

anyone as the native is surely defeated.


With best wishes,

Sanjay Rath


H-5 B.J.B Nagar, Bhubaneswar 751014, India


Webpages:http://srath.com http://.org




Dear sanjay,I agree with you.My understanding is that Natal chart being karmic

position at birth,it shows the KARMIC side --- that is a house in the chart

will show things from a karmic angle,the matters of that house.Whereas the

arudha pada of that house will show it from the EVENT angle.Perceptions differ

to such an extent that the same event can cause either joy or suffering.For

example:- Death of a spouse.Externally it may be seen that the person is

mourning but the person may actually be rejoicing!If rejoicing is the case,it

could be the result of good past karma.So it is basically KARMIC ANGLE V/S

EVENT ANGLE.Am I right?Best regards,vivek.On Sun, 20 Apr 2003 Sanjay Rath wrote

:>>>~OM~>Dear Vivek>I remember a famous quote>"Cowards die many times but the

brave taste of death but >once"...so you will>agree that the perception of

death (mrityu) or near death >(apa-mrityu) will>vary from one chart to another.

So even in death, perception and >reality>differ.>For how many years have we

speculated whether the great Subhash >Chandra Bose>is actually dead? For how

many years do we wonder on how >Chaitanya>Mahaprabhu left this world. He just

walked into the idol of >Jagannath!! can>you perceive or imagine this.>Even in

death, an event, perceptions differ. When someone dies, >most lament,>some

enemies delight, and most don't care. The reality is the >same for all>yet the

perception is different.>This is not an easy topic and most people avoid it.

But it is >worth thinking>as no one can give a perfect answer...after all who

knows Satya >or the>perfect truth, what we all understand is half truths.>With

best wishes,>Sanjay

Rath>------------------------>H-5 B.J.B Nagar,

Bhubaneswar 751014, India>+91-674-2436871;>Webpages:http://srath.com


Message------->> gjlist>Sunday, April 20, 2003

12:15:41 PM>gjlist>Re: Re: [GJ] purpose of arudha

lagna/s/>>Hello Robert and Anna,>Perception and reality cannot be different in

some cases.Length >of>life for example.>I wish I could get an exact definition

of AL.>I recollect a statement I saw while searching on the net for>Arudha

lagna:- "When ketu transits the trines of arudha >lagna,he>gives

moksha-gati">So what is the significance of the trines of AL?>>On Sun, 20 Apr

2003 N. wrote :> >Dear Robert,> >> >I understand your questions- I have lots of

them, too: re ALs >and> >D charts, length of year /360 vs. 365/, numerous Dasa

>systems,> >let alone various ayanamsas, etc.> >As you know there is no answer

to these questions. Lots of> >Jyotish concepts, from various schools, and from

'integrative> >approach' of SJC as well /that you also represent/, or due to>

>the fact that it is 'eclectic' in nature even more so, do not> >provide firm

theoretical frame. And in most jyotish concepts >we> >depend on /justified/

trust in Parashara and Jaimini- even if >we> >are unable to formulate 'logical'

explanation /at least at >the> >moment, at least in theory/ for some of their

statements.> >> >So, why do you think that I am supposed to provide

>theoretical> >framework for Arudha Lagnas - or any other- concept /in this>

>particular case/ when, as far as I know, neither you nor >others,> >who use

them, haven't done so far? In fact in my attempt to> >explain ALs to Vivek I

did make some guesses, as they appeared >to> >me. How long/if I will use them

in the future, depends on >results> >I'd have with them. You obviously use

them, and that means >that> >you've found them 'workable'- I've seen your and

Narsimha> >discussion on predicting the death from AL analysis- so you> >should

be better able to give the answer to the question >bellow-> >if it's not only

rhetorical, as, sorry Robert, it appears to> >me.> >> >Plese read my post

again- and you'll find an attempt to >formulate> >what ALs stand for, and

therefore meaning of 'real' 'reality'> >truth' are more descriptive that

defining- Failure to notice >that> >leads to argument for the sake of argument,

and is not worth> >attention/time.> >If you have better explanation, we all

would benefit from >your> >sharing, and I would appreciate that very much,

too.> >> >In other words, I am itching to hear from you 'how real is >real'>

>and get well rounded definition of ALs- that would contribute >to> >our

knowledge a lot.> >> >Thanks,> >Anna> >> >> > > >>

>> > Robert A. Koch> > gjlist> > Saturday,

April 19, 2003 9:08 PM> > Re: [GJ] purpose of arudha lagna/s/> >> >> >

Dear Ann and Vivek,> >> > Interesting discussion re: Arudha lagna. May I pose a>

>question here? Anna, you state that the lagna and AL both >stand> >for real

things, and your position re: AL in that regard is> >well-taken. Accepting

this, then, the next most logical >question> >would be:> >> > 1. The karaka for

the lagna (i.e. truth/reality) is the Sun.> >There are no controversies here.> >

2. If that is the case, then what would be the karaka for> >the Arudha lagna if,

as you say, it also stands for >truth/reality> >(in your opinion)?> >> >> > Best

wishes,> > Robert> >> >> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~> > Robert A. Koch,

Vedic Astrologer> > Faculty Member, SJC and ACVA> > visit

<http://www.robertkoch.com> and,> > http://www.jyotishdiscovery.com or> > Ph:

541.318.0248> >> >> >> > Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare Krishna; Om Tat

Sat> > :> >gjlist-> >

http://www.goravani.com>'>http://www.goravani.com> >> >> > Your use of is subject to the

Terms of> >Service.> >>>>>>>>>>Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya; Hare

Krishna; Om Tat Sat>:


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